blob: 9ce89c6368d63928197ce5a8a54777ea9d7c8a5e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.formatting;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiWhiteSpace;
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CommonCodeStyleSettings;
import com.intellij.psi.formatter.FormattingDocumentModelImpl;
import com.intellij.util.text.CharArrayUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Object-level representation of continuous white space at document. Either line feed or tabulation or space is considered to be <code>'white-space'</code>.
* I.e. document text fragment like {@code '\t \t\t\n\t \t'} may be considered as a continuous white space and may be represented as a {@link WhiteSpace} object.
* <p/>
* Provides number of properties that describe encapsulated continuous white space:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getLineFeeds() lineFeeds};</li>
* <li>{@link #getSpaces() spaces};</li>
* <li>{@link #getIndentSpaces()};</li>
* </ul>
* <p/>
* Provides ability to build string representation of the managed settings taking into consideration user settings for tabulation vs white space usage, tabulation
* size etc.
* <p/>
* Not thread-safe.
class WhiteSpace {
private static final char LINE_FEED = '\n';
private final int myStart;
private int myEnd;
private int mySpaces;
private int myIndentSpaces;
private int myInitialLastLinesSpaces;
private int myInitialLastLinesTabs;
private CharSequence myInitial;
private int myFlags;
private boolean myForceSkipTabulationsUsage;
private static final byte FIRST = 1;
private static final byte SAFE = 0x2;
private static final byte KEEP_FIRST_COLUMN = 0x4;
private static final byte LINE_FEEDS_ARE_READ_ONLY = 0x8;
private static final byte READ_ONLY = 0x10;
private static final byte CONTAINS_LF_INITIALLY = 0x20;
private static final byte CONTAINS_SPACES_INITIALLY = 0x40;
private static final int LF_COUNT_SHIFT = 7;
private static final int MAX_LF_COUNT = 1 << 24;
* Creates new <code>WhiteSpace</code> object with the given start offset and a flag that shows if current white space is
* the first white space.
* <p/>
* <b>Note:</b> {@link #getEndOffset() end offset} value is the same as the {@link #getStartOffset() start offset} for
* the newly constructed object. {@link #append(int, FormattingDocumentModel, CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions)} should be
* called in order to apply desired end offset.
* @param startOffset start offset to use
* @param isFirst flag that shows if current white space is the first
public WhiteSpace(int startOffset, boolean isFirst) {
myStart = startOffset;
myEnd = startOffset;
* Applies new end offset to the current object.
* <p/>
* Namely, performs the following:
* <ol>
* <li>Checks if new end offset can be applied, return in case of negative answer;</li>
* <li>
* Processes all new symbols introduced by the new end offset value, calculates number of line feeds,
* white spaces and tabulations between them and updates {@link #getLineFeeds() lineFeeds}, {@link #getSpaces() spaces},
* {@link #getIndentSpaces() indentSpaces} and {@link #getTotalSpaces() totalSpaces} properties accordingly;
* </li>
* </ol>
* @param newEndOffset new end offset value
* @param model formatting model that is used to access to the underlying document text
* @param options indent formatting options
public void append(int newEndOffset, FormattingDocumentModel model, CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions options) {
final int oldEndOffset = myEnd;
if (newEndOffset == oldEndOffset) return;
if (myStart >= newEndOffset) {
"some block intersects with whitespace"
myEnd = newEndOffset;
TextRange range = new TextRange(myStart, myEnd);
CharSequence oldText = myInitial;
myInitial = model.getText(range);
if (!coveredByBlock(model)) {
"nonempty text is not covered by block"
// There is a possible case that this method is called more than once on the same object. We want to
if (newEndOffset > oldEndOffset) {
refreshStateOnEndOffsetIncrease(newEndOffset, oldEndOffset, options.TAB_SIZE);
} else {
refreshStateOnEndOffsetDecrease(oldText, newEndOffset, oldEndOffset, options.TAB_SIZE);
IndentInside indent = IndentInside.getLastLineIndent(myInitial);
myInitialLastLinesSpaces = indent.whiteSpaces;
myInitialLastLinesTabs = indent.tabs;
if (getLineFeeds() > 0) myFlags |= CONTAINS_LF_INITIALLY;
final int totalSpaces = getTotalSpaces();
if (totalSpaces > 0) myFlags |= CONTAINS_SPACES_INITIALLY;
* Allows to check if <code>'myInitial'</code> property value stands for continuous white space text.
* <p/>
* The text is considered to be continuous <code>'white space'</code> at following cases:
* <ul>
* <li><code>'myInitial'</code> is empty string or string that contains white spaces only;</li>
* <li><code>'myInitial'</code> is a <code>CDATA</code> string which content is empty or consists from white spaces only;</li>
* <li><code>'myInitial'</code> string belongs to the same {@link PsiWhiteSpace} element;</li>
* </ul>
* @param model formatting model that is used to provide access to the <code>PSI API</code> if necessary
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>'myInitial'</code> property value stands for white space;
* <code>false</code> otherwise
private boolean coveredByBlock(final FormattingDocumentModel model) {
if (myInitial == null) return true;
if (model.containsWhiteSpaceSymbolsOnly(myStart, myEnd)) return true;
if (!(model instanceof FormattingDocumentModelImpl)) return false;
PsiFile psiFile = ((FormattingDocumentModelImpl)model).getFile();
if (psiFile == null) return false;
PsiElement start = psiFile.findElementAt(myStart);
PsiElement end = psiFile.findElementAt(myEnd-1);
return start == end && start instanceof PsiWhiteSpace; // there maybe non-white text inside CDATA-encoded injected elements
private void refreshStateOnEndOffsetIncrease(int newEndOffset, int oldEndOffset, int tabSize) {
assert newEndOffset > oldEndOffset;
WhiteSpaceInfo info = parse(myInitial, oldEndOffset - myStart, newEndOffset - myStart, mySpaces + myIndentSpaces, tabSize);
if (info.lineFeeds > 0) {
setLineFeeds(getLineFeeds() + info.lineFeeds);
mySpaces = 0;
myIndentSpaces = 0;
mySpaces += info.spaces;
myIndentSpaces += info.indentSpaces;
private void refreshStateOnEndOffsetDecrease(CharSequence oldText, int newEndOffset, int oldEndOffset, int tabSize) {
assert newEndOffset < oldEndOffset;
int lineFeedsNumberAtRemovedText = 0;
int spacesNumberAtRemovedText = 0;
int indentSpacesNumberAtRemovedText = 0;
int column = mySpaces + myIndentSpaces;
for (int i = oldEndOffset - 1; i >= newEndOffset; i--) {
switch (oldText.charAt(i)) {
case LINE_FEED: ++lineFeedsNumberAtRemovedText; column = 0; break;
case ' ': ++spacesNumberAtRemovedText; column--; break;
case '\t':
int change = column % tabSize;
if (change == 0) {
change = tabSize;
indentSpacesNumberAtRemovedText += change; column -= change; break;
// There are no line feeds at remained text, hence, we can just subtract number of spaces and indent spaces
// from removed text and finish.
if (getLineFeeds() - lineFeedsNumberAtRemovedText <= 0) {
mySpaces -= spacesNumberAtRemovedText;
myIndentSpaces -= indentSpacesNumberAtRemovedText;
// There are white spaces at remained text, hence, we need to calculate number of spaces and indent spaces between
// last line feed and new end offset.
int newLineFeedsNumber = getLineFeeds() - lineFeedsNumberAtRemovedText;
assert newLineFeedsNumber >= 0;
newLineFeedsNumber = newLineFeedsNumber < 0 ? 0 : newLineFeedsNumber; // Never expect the defense to be triggered.
int startOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForwardUntil(oldText, newEndOffset - 1, "\n") + 1;
WhiteSpaceInfo info = parse(oldText, startOffset, newEndOffset, 0, tabSize);
mySpaces = info.spaces;
myIndentSpaces = info.indentSpaces;
* Parses information about white space symbols at the target region of the given text.
* @param text target text
* @param startOffset target text range's start offset (inclusive)
* @param endOffset target text range's end offset (exclusive)
* @param startColumn given start offset's column. It affects how tab width is calculated, say, a tab symbol which
* occupies four columns, will occupy only three if located at the first column
* @param tabSize tab width in columns
* @return information about white space symbols at the target region of the given text
private static WhiteSpaceInfo parse(@NotNull CharSequence text, int startOffset, int endOffset, int startColumn, int tabSize) {
assert startOffset <= endOffset;
int spaces = 0;
int indentSpaces = 0;
int lineFeeds = 0;
int column = startColumn;
for (int i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i++) {
switch (text.charAt(i)) {
spaces = 0;
indentSpaces = 0;
column = 0;
case '\t':
int change = tabSize - (column % tabSize);
indentSpaces += change;
column += change;
default: spaces++; column++;
return new WhiteSpaceInfo(lineFeeds, indentSpaces, spaces);
* Builds string that contains line feeds, white spaces and tabulation symbols known to the current {@link WhiteSpace} object.
* @param options indentation formatting options
* @return string that contains line feeds, white spaces and tabulation symbols known to the current
* {@link WhiteSpace} object
public String generateWhiteSpace(CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions options) {
return new IndentInfo(getLineFeeds(), myIndentSpaces, mySpaces, myForceSkipTabulationsUsage).generateNewWhiteSpace(options);
* Tries to apply given values to {@link #getSpaces() spaces} and {@link #getIndentSpaces() indentSpaces} properties accordingly.
* <p/>
* The action is not guaranteed to be executed (i.e. the it's not guaranteed that target properties return given values after
* this method call - see {@link #performModification(Runnable)} for more details).
* <p/>
* Moreover, the action is guaranteed to be <b>not</b> executed if {@link #isKeepFirstColumn() keepFirstColumn} property
* is unset and target document string doesn't contain spaces.
* @param spaces new value for the {@link #getSpaces() spaces} property
* @param indent new value for the {@link #getIndentSpaces()} indentSpaces} property
public void setSpaces(final int spaces, final int indent) {
performModification(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!isKeepFirstColumn() || (myFlags & CONTAINS_SPACES_INITIALLY) != 0) {
mySpaces = spaces;
myIndentSpaces = indent;
private boolean doesNotContainAnySpaces() {
return getTotalSpaces() == 0 && getLineFeeds() == 0;
public int getStartOffset() {
return myStart;
public int getEndOffset() {
return myEnd;
* Execute given action in a safe manner.
* <p/>
* <code>'Safe manner'</code> here means the following:
* <ul>
* <li>don't execute the action if {@link #isIsReadOnly() isReadOnly} property value is set to <code>true</code>;</li>
* <li>
* ensure that number of line feeds after action execution is preserved if line feeds are
* {@link #isLineFeedsAreReadOnly() read only};
* </li>
* <li>
* ensure the following if {@link #isIsSafe() isSafe} property is set to <code>true</code>:
* <ul>
* <li>
* cut all white spaces and line feeds appeared after given action execution to single white space if there
* were no line feeds and white spaces before;
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param action action that should be performed in a safe manner
private void performModification(Runnable action) {
if (isIsReadOnly()) return;
final boolean before = doesNotContainAnySpaces();
final int lineFeedsBefore = getLineFeeds();;
if (isLineFeedsAreReadOnly()) {
if (isIsSafe()) {
final boolean after = doesNotContainAnySpaces();
if (before && !after) {
// Actions below seem to be useless if 'after' value is 'false'. Are kept as historical heritage.
mySpaces = 0;
myIndentSpaces = 0;
else if (!before && after) {
mySpaces = 1;
myIndentSpaces = 0;
* Tries to arrange {@link #getSpaces() spaces} property value to belong to
* [{@link SpacingImpl#getMinSpaces() min}; {@link SpacingImpl#getMaxSpaces()}] bounds defined by the given spacing object
* if {@link #getTotalSpaces() totalSpaces} property value lays out of the same bounds.
* <p/>
* The action is <b>not</b> performed if there are line feeds configured for the
* current {@link WhiteSpace} object ({@link #getSpaces()} != 0).
* @param spaceProperty spacing settings holder
public void arrangeSpaces(final SpacingImpl spaceProperty) {
performModification(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (spaceProperty != null) {
if (getLineFeeds() == 0) {
if (spaceProperty.getMinSpaces() >= 0 && getTotalSpaces() < spaceProperty.getMinSpaces()) {
setSpaces(spaceProperty.getMinSpaces(), 0);
if (spaceProperty.getMaxSpaces() >= 0 && getTotalSpaces() > spaceProperty.getMaxSpaces()) {
setSpaces(spaceProperty.getMaxSpaces(), 0);
* Tries to ensure that number of line feeds managed by the current {@link WhiteSpace} is consistent to the settings
* defined at the given spacing property.
* @param spaceProperty space settings holder
* @param formatProcessor format processor to use for space settings state refreshing
public void arrangeLineFeeds(final SpacingImpl spaceProperty, final FormatProcessor formatProcessor) {
performModification(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (spaceProperty != null) {
if (spaceProperty.getMinLineFeeds() >= 0 && getLineFeeds() < spaceProperty.getMinLineFeeds()) {
if (getLineFeeds() > 0) {
if (spaceProperty.getKeepBlankLines() > 0) {
if (getLineFeeds() >= spaceProperty.getKeepBlankLines() + 1) {
setLineFeeds(spaceProperty.getKeepBlankLines() + 1);
else {
if (getLineFeeds() > spaceProperty.getMinLineFeeds()) {
if (spaceProperty.shouldKeepLineFeeds()) {
setLineFeeds(Math.max(spaceProperty.getMinLineFeeds(), 1));
else {
if (getLineFeeds() == 0) mySpaces = 0;
if (getLineFeeds() == 1 && !spaceProperty.shouldKeepLineFeeds() && spaceProperty.getMinLineFeeds() == 0) {
mySpaces = 0;
if (getLineFeeds() > 0 && getLineFeeds() < spaceProperty.getPrefLineFeeds()) {
} else if (isFirst()) {
mySpaces = 0;
* There is a possible case that particular indent info is applied to the code block that is not the first block on a line.
* E.g. we may want to align field name during <code>'align fields in columns'</code> processing:
* <pre>
* public class Test {
* private Object o;
* private int {@code <white space to align>}i;
* }
* </pre>
* We may not want to use tabulation characters then even if user configured
* {@link CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions#USE_TAB_CHARACTER their usage} because we can't be sure how many visual columns
* will be used for tab representation if there are non-white space symbols before it (IJ editor may use different number of columns
* for single tabulation symbol representation).
* <p/>
* Hence, we can ask current white space object to avoid using tabulation symbols.
* @param skip indicates if tabulations symbols usage should be suppressed
public void setForceSkipTabulationsUsage(boolean skip) {
myForceSkipTabulationsUsage = skip;
* Allows to get information if target text document continuous 'white space' represented by the current object contained line feed
* symbol(s) initially or contains line feed(s) now.
* @return <code>true</code> if this object contained line feeds initially or contains them now; <code>false</code> otherwise
* @see #containsLineFeedsInitially()
public boolean containsLineFeeds() {
return isIsFirstWhiteSpace() || getLineFeeds() > 0;
public int getTotalSpaces() {
return mySpaces + myIndentSpaces;
* Tries to ensure that current {@link WhiteSpace} object contains at least one line feed.
public void ensureLineFeed() {
performModification(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!containsLineFeeds()) {
mySpaces = 0;
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return isIsReadOnly() || (isIsSafe() && doesNotContainAnySpaces());
* @param ws char sequence to check
* @return <code>true</code> if given char sequence is equal to the target document text identified by
* start/end offsets managed by the current {@link WhiteSpace} object; <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean equalsToString(CharSequence ws) {
if (myInitial == null) return ws.length() == 0;
return Comparing.equal(ws,myInitial,true);
public void setIsSafe(final boolean value) {
setFlag(SAFE, value);
private void setFlag(final int mask, final boolean value) {
if (value) {
myFlags |= mask;
else {
myFlags &= ~mask;
private boolean getFlag(final int mask) {
return (myFlags & mask) != 0;
private boolean isFirst() {
return isIsFirstWhiteSpace();
* Allows to get information if current object contained line feed(s) initially. It's considered to contain them if
* line feeds were found at the target text document fragment after
* new {@link #append(int, FormattingDocumentModel, CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions) end offset appliance}.
* @return <code>true</code> if current object contained line feeds initially; <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean containsLineFeedsInitially() {
if (myInitial == null) return false;
return (myFlags & CONTAINS_LF_INITIALLY) != 0;
* Tries to ensure that number of line feeds and white spaces managed by the given {@link WhiteSpace} object is the
* same as the one defined by the given <code>'spacing'</code> object.
* <p/>
* This method may be considered a shortcut for calling {@link #arrangeLineFeeds(SpacingImpl, FormatProcessor)} and
* {@link #arrangeSpaces(SpacingImpl)}.
* @param spacing spacing settings holder
* @param formatProcessor format processor to use to refresh state of the given <code>'spacing'</code> object
public void removeLineFeeds(final SpacingImpl spacing, final FormatProcessor formatProcessor) {
performModification(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mySpaces = 0;
myIndentSpaces = 0;
arrangeLineFeeds(spacing, formatProcessor);
public int getIndentOffset() {
return myIndentSpaces;
* Allows to get information about number of 'pure' white space symbols at the last line of continuous white space document
* text fragment represented by the current {@link WhiteSpace} object.
* <p/>
* <b>Note:</b> pay special attention to <code>'last line'</code> qualification here. Consider the following target continuous
* white space document fragment:
* <pre>
* ' ws<sub>11</sub>ws<sub>12</sub>
* 'ws<sub>21</sub>'
* </pre>
* <p/>
* Here <code>'ws<sub>nm</sub>'</code> is a m-th white space symbol at the n-th line. <code>'Spaces'</code> property of
* {@link WhiteSpace} object for such white-space text has a value not <b>2</b> or <b>3</b> but <b>1</b>.
* @return number of white spaces at the last line of target continuous white space text document fragment
public int getSpaces() {
return mySpaces;
public void setKeepFirstColumn(final boolean b) {
public void setLineFeedsAreReadOnly() {
public void setReadOnly(final boolean isReadOnly) {
public boolean isIsFirstWhiteSpace() {
return getFlag(FIRST);
public boolean isIsSafe() {
return getFlag(SAFE);
public boolean isKeepFirstColumn() {
return getFlag(KEEP_FIRST_COLUMN);
public boolean isLineFeedsAreReadOnly() {
public void setLineFeedsAreReadOnly(final boolean lineFeedsAreReadOnly) {
setFlag(LINE_FEEDS_ARE_READ_ONLY, lineFeedsAreReadOnly);
public boolean isIsReadOnly() {
return getFlag(READ_ONLY);
public void setIsReadOnly(final boolean isReadOnly) {
setFlag(READ_ONLY, isReadOnly);
public void setIsFirstWhiteSpace(final boolean isFirstWhiteSpace) {
setFlag(FIRST, isFirstWhiteSpace);
public StringBuilder generateWhiteSpace(final CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions indentOptions,
final int offset,
final IndentInfo indent) {
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
int currentOffset = getStartOffset();
CharSequence[] lines = getInitialLines();
int currentLine = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length - 1 && currentOffset + lines[i].length() <= offset; i++) {
currentOffset += lines[i].length();
if (currentOffset == offset) {
final String newIndentSpaces = indent.generateNewWhiteSpace(indentOptions);
appendNonWhitespaces(result, lines, currentLine);
if (currentLine + 1 < lines.length) {
for (int i = currentLine + 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
appendNonWhitespaces(result, lines, lines.length-1);
result.append(lines[lines.length - 1]);
return result;
public IndentInside getInitialLastLineIndent() {
return new IndentInside(myInitialLastLinesSpaces, myInitialLastLinesTabs);
private static void appendNonWhitespaces(StringBuilder result, CharSequence[] lines, int currentLine) {
// It looks like regexp usage is too heavy here.
if (currentLine != lines.length && !lines[currentLine].toString().matches("\\s*")) {
* Shows target document text fragment identified by start/end offsets as a sequence of strings.
* <p/>
* <b>Note:</b> arrays usage here is considered to be a historical heritage.
* @return target document text fragment as a sequence of strings
private CharSequence[] getInitialLines() {
if (myInitial == null) return new CharSequence[]{""};
final ArrayList<CharSequence> result = new ArrayList<CharSequence>();
StringBuilder currentLine = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < myInitial.length(); i++) {
final char c = myInitial.charAt(i);
if (c == LINE_FEED) {
currentLine = new StringBuilder();
else {
return result.toArray(new CharSequence[result.size()]);
* Provides access to the information about indent white spaces at last line of continuous white space text document
* fragment represented by the current {@link WhiteSpace} object.
* <p/>
* <code>'Indent white space'</code> here is a white space representation of tabulation symbol. User may define that
* he or she wants to use particular number of white spaces instead of tabulation
* ({@link CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions#TAB_SIZE}). So, {@link WhiteSpace} object uses corresponding
* number of 'indent white spaces' for each tabulation symbol encountered at target continuous white space text document fragment.
* <p/>
* <b>Note:</b> pay special attention to <code>'last line'</code> qualification here. Consider the following target
* continuous white space document fragment:
* <pre>
* ' \t\t
* '\t'
* </pre>
* <p/>
* Let's consider that <code>'tab size'</code> is defined as four white spaces (default setting).
* <code>'IndentSpaces'</code> property of {@link WhiteSpace} object for such white-space text has a value not
* <b>8</b> or <b>12</b> but <b>4</b>, i.e. tabulation symbols from last line
* only are counted.
* @return number of indent spaces at the last line of target continuous white space text document fragment
public int getIndentSpaces() {
return myIndentSpaces;
public int getLength() {
return myEnd - myStart;
* Provides access to the line feed symbols number at continuous white space text document fragment represented
* by the current {@link WhiteSpace} object.
* @return line feed symbols number
public final int getLineFeeds() {
return myFlags >>> LF_COUNT_SHIFT;
public void setLineFeeds(final int lineFeeds) {
assert lineFeeds < MAX_LF_COUNT;
final int flags = myFlags;
myFlags &= ~0xFFFFFF80; // keep only seven lower bits, i.e. drop all line feeds registered before if any
myFlags |= (lineFeeds << LF_COUNT_SHIFT);
assert getLineFeeds() == lineFeeds;
assert (flags & 0x7F) == (myFlags & 0x7F);
public TextRange getTextRange() {
return new TextRange(myStart, myEnd);
public String toString() {
return "WhiteSpace(" + myStart + "-" + myEnd + " spaces=" + mySpaces + " LFs=" + getLineFeeds() + ")";
private static class WhiteSpaceInfo {
public final int spaces;
public final int indentSpaces;
public final int lineFeeds;
WhiteSpaceInfo(int lineFeeds, int indentSpaces, int spaces) {
this.lineFeeds = lineFeeds;
this.indentSpaces = indentSpaces;
this.spaces = spaces;