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<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "">
<chapter id="chUserGuide">
<title>User Guide</title>
<?dbhtml filename="userguide.html"?>
<para>The User Guide provides an in-depth guide to working with Polarion. This "book" is mainly oriented to the tasks and operations that you perform while using Polarion.
The first section introduces the major components of the user interface. This is followed by a section that covers the most common things most people need to do when
working with projects. Later you will find "specialized" sections oriented toward the common tasks of specific types of users: Project Managers and Developers, for
example. You can browse through the Table of Contents to see the organization of the various topics covered in the guide.</para>
<sect1 id="ug_tour">
<title>Quick Tour</title>
<?dbhtml filename="ug_quicktour.html"?>
<para>This section of the User Guide provides a quick overview of the Polarion user interface.</para>
<figure id="gs-ui_project_dashbd">
<title>Polarion User Interface</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/ui_projects_dashboard.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>The Polarion application (running in MS Internet Explorer)</phrase>
<para>Polarion User Interface (Projects perspective, Dashboard topic)</para>
<para>Please refer to the above figure for the following sections.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_tour_main_navpanel">
<title>Main Navigation Panel</title>
<para>This panel occupies the left side of the Polarion application. It provides the first
level of navigation of the Polarion system. The panel has main types of components:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para><emphasis role="bold">Navigation Portlets</emphasis>: Subsections of a panel or screen, portlets prevent some formatted view of data or information.
In the case of the Main Navigation Panel, navigation portlets provide clickable links that help you access specific information in the system.
The actual portlets that appear in the panel vary according to which perspective is current.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Perspective Selectors</emphasis>: Polarion uses the concept of <emphasis>perspectives</emphasis>,
similar to Microsoft Outlook. One or more perspectives are visible to you depending on permissions granted by the system administrator. For
example, if you do not have Administrator rights (either global or project level), there will be no selector for the <guilabel>Administration</guilabel>
perspective and that perspective will not be accessible for you.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_tour_work_area">
<title>The Working Area</title>
<para>As the name implies, this is the area where you will do most of your work in Polarion. The
content of this area depends of a number of factors, including current perspective and selections in the
<link linkend="ug_tour_main_navpanel">Main Navigation Panel</link> such as Project and Topic, and the view tab selection.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_tour_work_area_views">
<title>View tabs</title>
<para>The Working Area provides several Views which are accessed by clicking one of the tabs that appear at the top.</para>
<figure id="ug_tour_work_area_views_shot1">
<title>View Tabs</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/wi_view_tabs.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the selector tabs for Working Area Views</phrase>
<para>Working Area View tabs</para>
<sect3 id="ug_tour_work_area_views_search">
<title>Search Bar</title>
<para>What you see in the Working Area is the result of some system query, whether predefined and automated, or manually
defined and executed by you. Each of the View tabs displays the Search bar (see figure above). This bar displays the search query criteria
that provide the view you are currently seeing. There are controls in the bar for changing the various criteria and executing
the revised query, thus obtaining different information in the View.</para>
<para>Depending on the View that is current, the Search Bar may contain other controls such as a button or action list.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_tour_work_area_views_sel_det">
<title>Work Item Selection and Detail panes</title>
<para>Please refer to the following figure for the next sections:</para>
<figure id="ug_tour_work_area_views_sel_det_shot1">
<title>Work Item Selections</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/wi_sel_detail.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the Work Item selection pane and the Work Item detail pane of the Working Area.</phrase>
<para>Work Item Selection and Detail panes in the Working Area of the Polarion application</para>
<sect4 id="ug_tour_work_area_views_sel_det_wisel">
<title>Work Item Selection pane</title>
<para>This pane enables you to select a Work Item for reading, editing or some other applicable operation (Print, for example).
Depending on the current View, you may be able to select multiple Work Items (as in Bulk Edit, for example). The
layout of this area (Table, Tree, <inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> Matrix, ect.) varies according to the current View tab. </para>
<sect4 id="ug_tour_work_area_views_sel_det_widet">
<title>Work Item Detail pane</title>
<para>Here you have access to all information about the selected Work Item(s). You need to scroll the pane to browse all
available information. The pane provides a summary of the Work Item at the top. Scrolling down reveals a number of portlets
that provide specific kinds of information and data.</para>
<para>The toolbar for this pane provides buttons for a number of common operations you can perform on the selected item(s)
Edit or Watch, for example. Other buttons provide quick jumps to commonly needed detail portlets such as Comments, Links,
and Attachments.</para>
<title>A note about editing</title>
<para>The Detail pane is where you can edit the selected item. (<inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/>
In Polarion Enterprise Edition you can edit multiple items in Multi-edit view). Your ability to edit Work Items depends
on the role and access rights assigned you by the system administrator. If you do not have write access privileges, the buttons
and links that trigger edit mode do not appear, or are disabled in the interface.</para>
<sect1 id="ug_getstart_projects">
<title>Getting Started with Projects</title> <!-- TODO Check for redundancy with Admin Guide. Maybe move content and just link from here. -->
<?dbhtml filename="ug_getstart_projects.html"?>
<para>This section will give you the basics about creating and accessing Projects in Polarion.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_gsproject_creating">
<title>Creating Projects</title>
<para>To create a new project you must have global Administrator rights. The information in this section assumes that you already have
a Subversion repository in which you can create a new folder for the new Project.</para>
<para>There are 2 basic scenarios for creating a Project:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Create a new empty Project from a Project Template. This creates a new folder in your repository.</para>
<para>Mark an existing repository folder as a Project. </para>
<sect3 id="ug_gsproject_creating_new_empty">
<title>Creating a new Project from a template</title>
<para>Polarion comes with a default Project Template <systemitem>Empty Project</systemitem>. You can
create copies of this template and customize them to create new projects templates, but for now let's concentrate on the
default a new project based on the <systemitem>Empty Project</systemitem> template. <!-- NEED THE LOCATION OF XML FILE --></para>
<para><emphasis>To create a new Empty Project:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Log into Polarion and click <guilabel>Administration</guilabel> in the perspective selector (bottom of
the left navigation).</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet, click <guilabel>Repository</guilabel>.</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet, expand the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> node and click the
<guilabel>Projects</guilabel>sub-node. A table of currently defined Projects loads in the Working Area.</para>
<para>Go to the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> table displayed in the Working Area and click the <guibutton>Create New Project</guibutton> button.</para>
<para>The following controls appear in the Working Area:</para>
<figure id="ug_gsproject_creating_new_empty_shot1">
<title>New Project</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/new_project_spec.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>View of the new project wizard screen for a new empty project</phrase>
<para>New empty project specification</para>
<para>Fill in the fields as follows:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para><guilabel>Project ID</guilabel>: Enter a unique identifier for the project. This value identifies the new Project
in the Polarion project database. <!-- TO DO: acceptable characters --></para>
<para><guilabel>Template</guilabel>: Select the desired template in the drop-down list. By default, there will be only
the <guilabel>Empty Project</guilabel> template available. If your administrator has added other project templates
to the system, these will appear in the drop-down list.</para>
<para><guilabel>Path</guilabel>: Enter a name for the root folder of the new project. <!-- TODO: What means project ID will be attached? --></para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Next</guibutton> button. The following appears in the Working Area:</para>
<figure id="ug_gsproject_creating_new_empty_shot2">
<title>New Project</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/new_project_go.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>View of the new project wizard screen for a new empty project</phrase>
<para>Final project creation step</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Project Name</guilabel> field, enter a name for the new Project. This is the name that will appear
in the list of projects in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel></para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Create</guibutton> button to finish the operation and create the new Project and empty project folder in the repository.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_gsproject_creating_new_mark">
<title>Creating a new project by marking an existing repository folder</title>
<para>You many not always want to create a new Project in Polarion &quot;from scratch&quot;.
For example, you may have an existing folder structure in your Subversion repository that you want to start managing
with Polarion. In this case, you need to specify the root folder and tell Polarion
to &quot;mark&quot; it as a project folder.</para>
<para><emphasis>To create a new Project from an existing repository folder tree:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Log into Polarion and click <guilabel>Administration</guilabel> in the perspective selector (bottom of
the left navigation. Recall that you must have global Administrator rights to access the Administration perspective.)</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet, click <guilabel>Repository</guilabel>.</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet, expand the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> node and click the
<guilabel>Projects</guilabel>sub-node. A table of currently defined Projects loads in the Working Area.</para>
<para>Go to the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> table displayed in the Working Area and click the <guibutton>Mark Folder as Project</guibutton> button.</para>
<para>The following controls appear in the Working Area:</para>
<figure id="ug_gsproject_creating_new_mark_shot1">
<title>New Project</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/new_project_mark.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>View of the new project wizard screen for a new project based on an existing folder</phrase>
<para>New project specification: specify the existing folder to mark as Project</para>
<para>The repository root path appears to the left of an edit box. In the edit box, type the repository path to the folder you want to
mark as being a Project folder. Use forward slashes (/) to separate subfolders.</para>
<title>Repository Root Path</title>
<para>Given a repository root path of <filename></filename>, and an existing subfolder
<filename>projects/java/someproject</filename>, your entry would look something like:</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Mark</guibutton> button to create the project based on the specified root folder.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_gsproject_accessing">
<title>Accessing Projects</title>
<para>All users have read access to Projects in Polarion. You may have write (change) as
well depending on your role on your team.</para>
<para><emphasis>To access a Project</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Log in to Polarion.</para>
<para>If you are not already in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> perspective, click the <guimenuitem>Projects</guimenuitem>
perspective selector.</para>
<para>Select the Project you want to access in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet.</para>
<para>If you have just logged in, you will be taken to the <guilabel>Dashboard</guilabel> Topic and the Project's Dashboards will load
in the Working Area. If you change Projects, the newly selected Project opens with the same Topic (e.g. Dashboard). </para>
<sect3 id="ug_gsproject_accessing_docs">
<title>Accessing Project documents</title>
<para>To access documents of the current project, expand the relevant Project node in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel>
portlet and select the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder. The repository URL to the documents folder appears in the
Working Area. You can use this URL with the SVN command line or a SVN client to checkout the documents folder. If
documents exist in the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder, a table listing them appears beneath the URL in the
Working Area.</para>
<figure id="shot_project_docs">
<title>Documents Overview</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/proj_documents_oview.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Project documents overview</phrase>
<para>Project documents overview</para>
<title>Enterprise Edition Note</title>
<para><inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> While you can store documents in the project
repository in all Polarion editions, you can only edit them "live" in Polarion Enterprise Edition. For more information see
<link linkend="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedocs">Working with Live Documents</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_gsproject_accessing_wis">
<title>Accessing Project Work Items</title>
<para>"Work Item" is a general term applied to anything that needs to be worked on. Work Items include Requirements, Tasks,
Change Requests, Tests, and Defects.</para>
<para>For basic access to Work Items, click the <guilabel>Work Items</guilabel> topic in the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet
when the relevant Project is selected in the <guibutton>Projects</guibutton> portlet.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_gsproject_accessing-wis_views">
<title>Work Item Views</title>
<para>The Working Area presents several views on Work Items. These appear as a tab set:</para>
<figure id="gs-projects-access-wi_views_shot1">
<title>Work Items</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/wi_view_tabs.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the Work Item view tabs in the Working Area</phrase>
<para>Work Item view tabs in the Working Area</para>
<para>The names of the tabs describe the format or functionality of the views.</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para><emphasis role="bold">Table</emphasis>: Displays a table of Work Items accessed by the current navigation selection and/pr query.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Tree</emphasis>: Displays a table of Work Items accessed by the current navigation selection and/or Search query in a tree
structure that shows related Work Items up to 10 levels deep.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Live Plan</emphasis>: Presents a Live Plan of just the Work Items accessed by the current navigation selection and/or search query.
You can select a Work Item in the chart and edit it in the detail area.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Road Map</emphasis>: Presents a table of Work Items selected by the current navigation and/or search query. You can
further filter the selection according to Time Point.</para>
<para><inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> <emphasis role="bold">Matrix</emphasis>: Enables you to trace links between Work Items. You create two system queries:
one for Rows and one for Columns of the matrix. With the search results you can specify the relationship you want to see
in the results: dependency, duplication, relativity, etc.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Multi Edit</emphasis>: Places all Work Items in the current navigation or query selection into edit mode in which
the main data fields can be edited.</para> <!-- TO DO: Link -->
<para><emphasis role="bold">Bulk Edit</emphasis>: Presents a single editor pane in which you can edit Work Item fields and apply your changes
to all the work items currently selected by the current navigation or search query.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_gsproject_accessing_wis_filter">
<title>Using queries and shortcuts</title>
<para>You can use queries and Shortcuts to filter the list of Work Items.</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>You can filter the Work Item view for a particular type of Work Item by clicking on the one of the sub-topics
of the <guilabel>Work Items</guilabel> topic ( in the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet).</para>
<para>You can use certain Shortcuts in the <guilabel>Shortcuts</guilabel> portlet to filter the list of Work Items. For
example, the <guilabel>My Work Items</guilabel> shortcut limits the display to only Work Items assigned to you.</para>
<para>You can further refine any view with a query. The parameters of the current query are always shown beneath the
view tabs. You can use any of the controls to customize the current query to further filter the Work Items shown.</para>
<para>You can save the results of any query and the current state of a view as a Shortcut by clicking the <guiicon>Save As Shortcut</guiicon>
icon in the Search bar of the Working Area.</para>
<para>Saving a shortct stores the selected view tab, all query parts, table columns, and table sorting.</para>
<para>You can customize existing shortcuts with the <guiicon>Customize</guiicon> icon located on the title bar of the
<guilabel>Shortcuts</guilabel> portlet.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_gsproject_export">
<title>Exporting to MS Project</title>
<para><inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> Microsoft Project Export is a feature of Polarion Enterprise Edition only.</para>
<para>You can export an entire Project, or any subset of the Work Items comprising it, to various Microsoft formats, including
MS Office Word, MS Office Excel, and Microsoft Project.</para>
<figure id="ug_gsproject_export_shot1">
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/ms_project_export.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the interaction and result of export to MS Project.</phrase>
<para>Exporting a Project to Microsoft Project</para>
<para><emphasis>To export a Project:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Be sure you are working in the Project you want to export it should be selected in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet
in the left Main Navigation panel.</para>
<para>If you want to export the entire Project, select the <guilabel>Work Items</guilabel> node in the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet.
If you want to export a subset of the Project, select an appropriate Shortcut in the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet or execute an appropriate
saved query or custom query built with the Query Builder (accessed in the Working Area's Search bar).</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Operations</guibutton> action button and select <guimenuitem>Export</guimenuitem> in the action menu.
A browser popup window appears.</para>
<para>Select the desired target format, character set, and use the checkboxes in the data columnns list to choose which data you want to export.</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Download</guibutton> button and choose the location to save the data file on your local system.
The selected data is saved in an appropriate XML format which you can subsequently open in the relevant Microsoft application.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_gsproject_export_opening_exported">
<title>Opening the exported file in MS Project</title>
<para>The xml file that is created as a result of the <guimenuitem>Export to MS Project</guimenuitem> action should <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> be renamed
with a .mpp extension before opening it in MS Project.</para>
<para>There are 2 ways to open the exported file in MS Project:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Using Windows Explorer context menu</para>
<para>Using MS Project File menu</para>
<para><emphasis>To open the exported file using Windows Explorer:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Selecting the exported file in Windows Explorer</para>
<para>Right-click on the file and choose <guimenuitem>Open in</guimenuitem> on the context menu, followed by <guimenuitem>MS Project</guimenuitem> on the submenu;</para>
<para>To open the exported file from MS Project:</para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Open MS Project.</para>
<para>Open the Open File dialog.</para>
<para>Choose <guimenuitem>xml format</guimenuitem>, select the xml file, and click <guibutton>Open</guibutton>.</para>
<para>Choose the <guilabel>As new project</guilabel> option.</para>
<sect1 id="ug_wi_basics">
<title>Work Item Basics</title>
<?dbhtml filename="ug_workitem_basics.html"?>
<para>This section provides and introduction to the basics of handling Work Items in Polarion.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_wibasics_witypes">
<title>Work Item Types</title>
<para>A Work Item is the Polarion term for an artifact of the development process that is waiting to be implemented, is
in progress, or has been implemented.
The default types of Work Items are:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Change Request</para>
<para>Work Item types are user defined. The default types can be changed and/or new types can be defined by an Administrator.
For more information, see Configuring Enumerations in the
Administrator's Guide.</para>
<para>Using the respective data fields for the purpose, a Work Item can be assigned to someone, and incorporated into Project planning and tracking..</para>
<sect2 id="ug_wibasics_browse_search">
<title>Browsing and Searching Work Items</title>
<para>Every Work Item is part of a Project, and is planned and tracked with the Project. If a Work Item has dependencies with another project, it is possible
to show this using the Link feature.</para>
<para>You can browse the Work Items in any project in different Views (tabs) in the Working Area: Table, Tree, Live Plan, <inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> Matrix, etc.
Some Views are mainly just listings while others show relationships to time (Live Plan) or other items (Tree, <inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> Matrix).</para>
<para>To browse Work Items, select the Project in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> list of the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel>
perspective, the select the tab for the desired view in the Working Area.</para>
<para>When you select a Work Item, its detail appears in the lower half of the Working Area and different portlets in that
pane display information about the Work Item such as priority, status, who it's assigned to, when it is (or was) started, when it will be (or was)
completed, etc.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_browse_search_searching">
<para>Polarion provides robust query-based searching. Every View and every data display is actually the result of some
underlying query. There are a number of predefined queries that you can use to quickly locate and isolate a subset of all the Work Items in a
Project. These are saved as <link linkend="ug_gsproject_accessing_wis_filter"><emphasis>Shortcuts</emphasis></link>, which appear in the <guilabel>Shortcuts</guilabel>
portlet (main Navigation panel). Shortcuts are unique in that they are a combination of a View and a query. For example, a Shortcut
might access a set up Work Items and show them in the Tree view. You can create your own Search queries and
<link linkend="ug_gsproject_accessing_wis_filter">save them as Shortcuts</link>.</para>
<para>Each View tab in the Working displays a <guilabel>Search</guilabel> bar that you can use to create Search queries to locate the
Work Items you want to see. An example is shown in the following figure:</para>
<figure id="ug_wibasics_browse_search_shot1">
<title>Search Bar</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/wi_view_tabs.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the Search bar in the Tree view of the Working Area.</phrase>
<para>Search bar (as it appears in the Tree view)</para>
<sect4 id="ug_wibasics_browse_search_querybuilder">
<title>Using the Query Builder</title>
<para>Search queries can range from simple to complex depending on what subset of Work Items you want to find. If you
need something that is not provided by the default Views and Shortcuts, you can create a custom Search query using the Query Builder
feature which enables you to build complex queries visually.</para><!-- TO DO Section on Query Builder + screenshot -->
<para>You can access the Query Builder from the <guilabel>and</guilabel> field of the Search bar. Drop down the list and select
the <guimenuitem>Query Builder</guimenuitem> item in the list.</para>
<figure id="ug_wibasics_browse_search_querybuilder_shot1">
<title>Query Builder</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/query_builder_access.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows how to access the Query Builder.</phrase>
<para>How to access the Query Builder</para>
<sect3 id="gs-workitems_ops_stored_queries">
<title>Stored and shared queries</title>
<para>Queries are what fetches the Work Items that display in the Work Item tables and other views. Useful queries can be saved
and reused in several ways. As mentioned in <link linkend="ug_gsproject_accessing_wis_filter">Shortcuts</link>, your
most commonly reused queries can be saved as Shortcuts to make them accessible from the <guilabel>Shortcuts</guilabel>
portlet. But you can store and share other queries which are accessible from the Search bar's <guilabel>and</guilabel> field.
Queries can be global in scope or limited to the scope of one Project or even just yourself as a user.</para>
<sect4 id="gs-workitems_ops_stored_queries_access">
<title>Accessing stored/shared queries</title>
<para>The drop-down list in the Search bar's <guilabel>and</guilabel> field provides access to all currently saved/shared queries.</para>
<figure id="gs-workitems-stored-queries_ss">
<title>Stored Queeries</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/queries_saved_shared.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the access to stored/shared queries for all scopes.</phrase>
<para>Accessing stored/shared queries</para>
<sect2 id="ug_wibasics_create_edit">
<title>Creating and Editing Work Items</title>
<para>This section provides a quick overview on how to create a new Work Item and how to edit an existing Work Item.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_create_edit_creating">
<title>Creating New Work Items</title>
<para>Work Items can be created in the system in two ways:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Using Live Documents</para>
<para>This section discusses manual creation. For information about Live Documents see <link linkend="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedoc_new">Working with Live Documents</link>.</para>
<para><emphasis>To create a new Work Item</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Make sure you are working in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> perspective, and have selected the Project the new Work Item
should belong to in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet.</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet, click the <userinput>Work Items</userinput> node.</para>
<para>In the Working Area, select the <guilabel>Table</guilabel> view. A table of the currently existing Work Items in this Project
appears in the upper half of the Working Area.</para>
<para>In the Working Area, click the <guilabel>Create</guilabel> action button, and select the type of Work Item you want to create from
the drop-down menu. <!-- TO DO: Check this interaction for accuracy --></para>
<para>Follow the next sequence of screens (similar to a "wizard") to create the new Work Item.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_create_edit_editing">
<title>Editing Work Items</title>
<para>You can edit existing Work Items either singly or several at a time (Bulk Edit). The latter is useful for such tasks as assigning
multiple Work Items to the same person, or setting the same status, priority, or start/end date for several items. </para>
<sect4 id="ug_wibasics_create_edit_editing_bulk">
<title>Editing multiple Work Items at once</title>
<para>The <guilabel>Bulk Edit</guilabel> view tab in the Working Area enables you to select multiple Work Items and
edit them as a unit. When you save the changes, the field values are applied to all selected Work Items.</para>
<para>The Work Items that appear in the Bulk Edit view vary according to the current system query. You can use Shortcuts,
saved or custom Search queries to isolate or narrow the subset of Work Items you want to edit all at once.</para>
<para><emphasis>To selected and edit multiple Work Items:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Make sure you are working in the correct Project, and in the <guilabel>Work Items</guilabel> topic in that project.</para>
<para>Select the <guilabel>Bulk Edit</guilabel> view tab in the Work Area. A table of Work Items appears in the upper pane. The list
of Work Items Depends on the current system query.</para>
<para>Use shortcuts or the Search feature (including the Query Builder if needed) so that the results contain all the Work Items you
want to edit.</para>
<para>The leftmost columnn of Work Items table now contains a checkbox. Check this box for
each Work Item you want to edit.</para>
<para>You can select or deselect all the items in the table by checking or clearing the checkbox in the header
of this columnn.</para>
<para>Go to the Work Item detail pane (lower half of the Working Area). Check the box next to each field you
want to edit, then change the field value as desired. If the field is not available for Bulk Edit, the checkbox next
to the field is disabled and you will not be able to change the field value.</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Submit</guibutton> button to save your changes and apply them to all the selected Work Items.</para>
<figure id="ug_wibasics_create_edit_editing_bulk_shot1">
<title>Bulk Edit</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/wi_bulk_edit.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the Work Item selection for Bulk Edit, and the single editor for all selected items.</phrase>
<para>Bulk Editing multiple Work Items</para>
<para>Linked Work Items do not appear in the list of items in Bulk Edit, but you still can use Bulk Edit to remove linked
Work Items by entering the ID of a linked Work Item in the input field of the <guilabel>Linked Work Items</guilabel> portlet
and clicking on the <guiicon>-</guiicon> (minus) icon. You can use the "Workitem Picker" (by pressing [select]) to find the
Work Item if you don't remember its ID.</para>
<sect4 id="gs-workitems_editing_multiedit">
<title>Using Multi Edit View</title>
<para>The <guilabel>Multi Edit</guilabel> view also enable you to edit multiple work items, but it differs from <guilabel>Bulk Edit</guilabel>.
With <guilabel>Bulk Edit</guilabel>, you have a single editor pane and changes are applied to multiple Work Items. With Multi Edit,
all Work Items accessed by the current system query are editable in a single editor space in the Work Area. You edit a single Work Item at
a time, but all items are editable and changes to multiple items can be saved all at once. You can edit the
main data fields in this view, but not everything. For example, you can't create links or edit watchers.</para>
<para><inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> Multi Edit is a feature of
Polarion for Subversion Enterprise Edition.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_wibasics_common_ops">
<title>Common Operations with Work Items</title>
<para>This section covers several common things that people need to do with Work Items.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_assign">
<title>Assigning a Work Item</title>
<para>You assign a Work Item to a person using the <guilabel>Assignee</guilabel> field in the Work Item detail. This field
presents a drop-down list of all Polarion users. You assign the selected Work Item (or Items, if
working in Bulk Edit view) by selecting the user's name from the list. Note that the assignee must have an account on your
Polarion system in order to appear in the <guilabel>Assignee</guilabel> list. (It can be easy to omit setting up accounts
for e.g. a domain expert who is not on the engineering team but who needs to be assigned a Requirement.)</para>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_status">
<title>Changing a Work Item's status</title>
<para>You can initiate a change of status for a selected Work Item directly in the detail pane without entering Edit mode. The
<guilabel>Status</guilabel> field has a drop-down list that displays a choice of <systemitem>Workflow Actions</systemitem>.
These are configured by the Polarion administrator and are what actually changes the status value of the item according to the
configured status and status transition definitions. (See Administrator's Guide: Workflow)
for more information.</para>
<para>Selecting a new Workflow Action (<guimenuitem>Resolve and Close</guimenuitem>, for example), triggers Edit mode, where you
can add a comment, set a value for <guilabel>Resolution</guilabel>, edit linked Work Items, etc. When you click the
<guibutton>Update</guibutton>, the Workflow Action sets the appropriate status value which subsequently appears in the user interface. </para>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_commenting">
<title>Adding Comments to a Work Item</title>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_attach">
<title>Attaching files to a Work Item</title>
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_vote">
<!-- TODO Check if this is OK here or needs to move to Project Manager section -->
<!-- This appears at this point in 2.0 docs that's why it's here for now. -->
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_plan_constraints">
<title>Setting Planning Constraints</title>
<para>The <guilabel>Planning constraint</guilabel> field enables you to fix the planned start or end date for a Work Item. The
date you specify is reflected in the Live Plan.</para> <!-- TODO Check if need a link to Live Plan info -->
<figure id="ug_wibasics_commonops_plan_constraints_shot1">
<title>Setting Planning Constraints</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/wi_planning_const.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the Planning Constraint field and popup date picker</phrase>
<para>Planning constraint field and popup date picker</para>
<para>You will not see relevant planning results for unassigned and unestimated Work Items.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_plan_constraints_liveplan">
<title>Planned items in the Live Plan</title>
<para>When the <guilabel role="label">Planning Constraint</guilabel> and <guilabel role="label">Due Date</guilabel> fields are
set, the Work Item spans the defined time period in the Live Plan view. The popup detail (when you click on the Work Item in the
Live Plan view) includes Planned Start Date and Planned End Date and Remaining Information.</para>
<!-- PRINTING -->
<sect3 id="ug_wibasics_commonops_printing">
<title>Printing a Work Item</title>
<para>You can print one or multiple selected Work Items to any printer to which your computer has access. You can select a single Work Item
for printing in the Table, Tree, Live Plan, or Road Map views. You can select multiple Work Items for print in the Bulk Edit view.</para>
<para><emphasis>To print Work Items:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Select the Work Item(s) you want to print in the appropriate view.</para>
<para>Locate the action button labeled <guilabel>Operations</guilabel> and click it to drop down a menu of actions.</para>
<para>Choose <guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem> in the <guilabel>Operations</guilabel> action list.</para>
<para>Your system print dialog appears. Choose the target printer in this dialog, set desired print job properties if your
print dialog provides this functionality, and launch the print job.</para>
<!-- LINKING -->
<sect2 id="ug_wibasics_linking">
<title>Linking Work Items</title>
<para>Linking Work Items is the key to being able to take advantage of <inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/>
Polarion Enterprise Edition's Traceability and Impact Analysis features. Your team should plan and follow a process of linking Work Items from the outset.</para>
<para>Generally speaking, you want to create links from Requirements to the Tasks and/or Change Requests that fulfill them,
and also links from Tasks/Change Requests to the repository revision in which they are implemented. By doing this, your
team will have several key advantages with Polarion:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Possibility to trace from Requirements to the Work Items and code that fulfill them</para>
<para>Possibility to backtrace from e.g. defective code (in a repository revision) to the Tasks/Change Requests that implemented
the defective code, and from those to the Requirement that called for the functionality.</para>
<para>Possibility to assess the impact (and by extension, the cost) of a changed Requirement by seeing all the artifacts
that would be affected by the change.</para>
<para>Possibility to view and analyze various relationships between Work Items such as dependency, relatedness, parent-child,
duplication, and follow-up.</para>
<para>This section describes the basic techniques for creating Links. There are basically 3 ways to do it:</para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="compact">
<para>Create links while editing an <link linkend="gs-workitems_linking_indiv">individual Work Item</link>.</para>
<para>Create links for <link linkend="gs-workitems_linking_bulk">multiple Work Items</link> at once using Bulk Edit.</para>
<para>Create links using the <inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> <link linkend="gs-workitems_linking_matrix">Matrix View</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="gs-workitems_linking_indiv">
<title>Linking individual Work Items</title>
<para>In the Work Item detail pane you can click the <guibutton>Links</guibutton> button to auto-scroll the view to the
link portlets: <guilabel>Linked Repository Revisions</guilabel> and <guilabel>Linked Work Items</guilabel>. Use the
small <guibutton>Add</guibutton> in either or these portlets to open the link editor in which you can select the revision
or Work Item you want to link to the current Work Item.</para>
<figure id="shot1">
<title>Link Portlets</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/getstart/wi_link_create.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the portlets for link creation in read and edit modes</phrase>
<para>Link portlets in read mode and edit mode.</para>
<sect3 id="gs-workitems_linking_bulk">
<title>Linking multiple Work Items at once</title>
<para>The technique in Bulk Edit is the same as for single Work Items (see previous screenshot). The same portlets exist in the
bulk editor. The difference is that you can create the same link(s) to multiple selected Work Items in a single operation.</para>
<sect3 id="gs-workitems_linking_matrix">
<title>Using the Matrix view to create and browse links</title>
<para><inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> Traceability Analysis is a feature of Polarion Enterprise Edition only.</para>
<para>The Matrix view provides a robust way to both create and browse links. The matrix is populated with 2 subsets of
Work Items, one for matrix rows, and one for columnns. Each subset is built with a query in the special dual version of
the Search bar. Each query can access either Work Items or repository revisions, so the matrix can show links between
Work Items only, or between Work Items and repository revisions. Work Item queries can also filter for link Role-
"depends on" or "related to", for example.</para>
<para>When the matrix has been populated, the intersection of each row and columnn shows if there is an existing link
between the items in that row/column, and provides the possibility to create one if none currently exists. Existing
links show and arrow in the intersection indicating the direction of the link. Clicking on the intersection pops up
details about the link.</para>
<figure id="gs-workitems_linking_matrix_shot1">
<title>Matrix View Search</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/matrix_queries_link_details.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the Matrix view with dual Search queries and link details.</phrase>
<para>Matrix view showing dual Search queries and popup link details</para>
<para>Refer to the screenshot below when following the procedure to create a link using the Matrix view:</para>
<figure id="gs-workitems_linking_matrix_shot2">
<title>Matrix View Toolbar</title>
<imagedata fileref="help_home/screenshots/matrix_create_link.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>Shows the toolbar and matrix in mode for link creation</phrase>
<para>Matrix toolbar in link creation mode</para>
<para><emphasis>To create a link in the Matrix view:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Populate the rows and columnns of the matrix by building queries that will display the source and target Work Items
(or Work Items and repository revisions) in the matrix rows and columnns.</para>
<para>Toggle Link mode by clicking the Link Mode button in the toolbar (see screenshot).</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Role</guilabel> combobox, select a role for the link.</para>
<para>Select the directionality of the link using the <guilabel>Direction</guilabel> buttons.</para>
<para>You can do this step either before or after creating the link in the matrix (see next step).</para>
<para>Locate the intersection of the Work Items you want to link (or the Work Item and the repository revision you want to
link, and click on that cell. A green arrow appears in the cell showing the directionality of the link. The actual link is not yet created.</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Submit</guibutton> to create the link. The green arrow in the cell changes to black.</para>
<sect3 id="wi_planning_links">
<title>How Links are handled in Live Plan</title>
<para>There are 2 kinds of links recognized by the Live Plan feature: <systemitem>depends</systemitem> and <systemitem>parent</systemitem>. The <filename>planning.xml</filename>
file in Administration assigns existing Work Item link roles to these two categories. (Links with roles which are of neither the <systemitem>depends</systemitem> nor the
<systemitem>parent</systemitem> kind are ignored by Live Plan).</para>
<sect4 id="wi_planning_depend">
<para>The dependent Work Item always links to the one it depends on. For example, if A depends on B, then A holds the link: B &lt;-- A. This kind of link ensures
that A does not start before B ends. However, this does not influence the planning of B. Consider the situation when High priority task A depends on Low priority task B.
Task A will be planned after task B.</para>
<sect4 id="wi_planning_parent">
<para>Children always link to the parent. Therefore the 'contains' link role should not be used; the 'parent' role with the opposite direction should be used instead.
The Live Plan always shows only the leaf nodes of the containment hierarchy. for example, if Requirement has child Tasks, then just the Tasks are shown, not the
Requirement. The parent's planned start/end are calculated as the minimum/maximum of its children's planned starts/ends values. The Remaining/Initial Estimate value
of the parent are not taken into account in this case.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_wibasics_export">
<title>Exporting Work Items</title>
<para>You can export one or multiple selected Work Items to an office document (MS Word or MS Excel). You can select a single Work Item
for export in the Table, Tree, Live Plan, or Road Map views. You can select multiple Work Items for export in the Bulk Edit view.</para>
<para><emphasis>To export Work Items to a document:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>Select the Work Item(s) you want to export in the appropriate view.</para>
<para>Locate the action button labeled <guilabel>Operations</guilabel> and click it to drop down a menu of actions.</para>
<para>Choose <guimenuitem>Export</guimenuitem> in the <guilabel>Operations</guilabel> action list.</para>
<para>Specify the type of document and the local path for saving it</para>
<title>Note about exported documents</title>
<para>Documents created by export are not <link linkend="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedocs">Live Documents</link>, nor are they automatically added to
the repository- they are just documents stored on your local system. You cannot edit exported documents in Polarion
or track and manage them in Polarion unless you explicitly add them to a Subversion repository managed with Polarion.</para>
<sect1 id="ug_reqts_mgmt">
<title>Managing Requirements</title>
<?dbhtml filename="ug_reqts_mgmt.html"?>
<para>This chapter covers Polarion's Requirements Management features and functionality, including the exclusive
<emphasis>Live Documents</emphasis> feature.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_reqts_mgmt_overview">
<title>Overview of Capabilities</title>
<para>Polarion supports the 3 typical phases of the Requirements engineering process:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Typically, managers and domain experts who define requirements prefer to work from the basis of office documents
such as <trademark>Microsoft Word</trademark> documents or <trademark>Microsoft Excel</trademark> worksheets. However,
the Engineering side needs a database-driven solution to be able to manage the complexity of their work. Traditionally,
one or the other, or both of these equally essential team components were forced to compromise for a less-than-optional
solution. Either domain experts were forced to learn an unfamiliar software system which did not support their mental
model in order to write up Requirements, or engineers were forced to deal with document-based requirements and the
resulting inefficiencies (for them).</para>
<para>Polarion provides a workable compromise for both sets of stakeholders through its
unique <emphasis>Live Document</emphasis> technology. Managers and other domain experts can, at their option, work
with familiar office documents to author requirements. Using special Live Document templates provided with
Polarion, authors' Requirements are automatically recognized by Polarion,
and relevant Work Items are created in the system. The Engineering side can use all the features of Polarion
to track and manage the Work Items. Any changes made to the Work Items are automatically reflected in the relevant
Live Document. This facilitates the review/approval process, as the Requirements authors, managers, domain experts, etc.
can review the Live Document (which they can download and read locally). If they in turn make changes to the Requirements,
by checking the Live Document in to Polarion, new Work Items are created, and existing Work
Items are updated automatically. In this way, all stakeholders in the Requirements Engineering and Management process
can work with the tools and in the environments that make them most productive.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_inception">
<title>Inception Phase</title>
<para>This phase will typically involve 2 main activities:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Creating a new Requirement in the system</para>
<para>Creating and editing Live Documents</para>
<sect3 id="ug_reqmgmt_inception_newReq">
<title>Creating a New Requirement in the System</title>
<para>The starting point of the Requirement process is to create a new Requirement in the relevant Project of
your Polarion syste. Once defines, you can creae Work Items either manually in the system, or by updloading
a Live Document based on a Live Document template.</para>
<para>To create and edit Requirements, you need to be working in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> perspective.
Select the relevant Project in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet. </para>
<para><emphasis>To create a new Requirement:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="normal">
<para>If necessary, select the tab for the <guilabel>Table</guilabel> view in the work area.</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Create</guibutton> and select <guimenuitem>Requirement</guimenuitem> in the
drop-down menu.</para> <!-- SCREENSHOT -->
<para>The work item editor opens in the lower part of the work area with the fields for a new Requirement.</para>
<para>Enter relevant information in the fields. Note that only <guilabel>Title</guilabel>,
<guilabel>Priority</guilabel>, and <guilabel>Severity</guilabel> are required. <guilabel>Description</guilabel>
is recommended for clarity.</para>
<tip><para>Your system configuration may have other required fields. Required fields are marked with a
red asterisk (*) next to the field label.
<para>In the work item editor Toolbar, click the <guibutton>Create</guibutton> button to </para> <!-- SCREENSHOT -->
<sect4 id="ug_reqmgmt_inception_newReq_wis">
<title>Creating Work Items for a New Requirement</title>
<para>After creating a new Requirement, there are 2 ways to create Work Items that relate to it.</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para>Work Items can be created individually in the Polarion system. Link new Work Items to the relevant Requirement either singly,
or all at once using the Bulk Edit feature.</para> <!-- TODO: Link to Bulk Edit -->
<para>Work Items can be created automatically from a Live Document attached to the Requirement. Working with Live Documents is covered in the next section.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedocs">
<title>Working with Live Documents</title>
<para><inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> Live Document is a feature of
Polarion Enterprise Edition only.</para>
<para><productname>Polarion's</productname> <emphasis>Live Document</emphasis> technology enables those team members
who prefer to work with office documents to define requirements using <productname>MS Word</productname> and/or
<productname>MS Excel</productname> with special Live Document templates provided with Polarion.
When attached to a Requirement in the Polarion system, Work Items are automatically
created from the Live Document(s). Revisions to Work Items automatically propagate back to the relevant Live
Document, and revisions to a Live Document automatically create new Work Items or update existing ones.</para>
<para>Live Document templates are provided in the Polarion system installation on
the server. There is one template for MS Word and one for MS Excel. This section explains the basic process for
creating, editing, and saving Live Documents built with Live Document templates.</para>
<title>Required Version of Microsoft Office</title>
<para>The Live Documents feature works only with Microsoft Office 2003 <emphasis>Professional</emphasis>.
Earlier versions of Microsoft Office, and MS Office 2003 <emphasis>Basic</emphasis> do NOT work with
<productname>Polarion's</productname> Live Documents feature.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedoc_new">
<title>Creating a New Live Document</title>
<para>In order to create a Live Document, a folder named <guilabel>documents</guilabel> must exist in the Project.
This folder should be created by the user who has administration permissions for creating Projects. Once you
have a Project containing the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder, it is simple to create a new Live Document.</para>
<para><emphasis>To create a new Live Document:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="normal">
<para>Select the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet. The
work area displays the repository URL of the folder and a list of existing documents, if any.</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>New Document</guibutton> button in the work area. The work area displays headers
for two options:</para>
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<para><guilabel>Create new document from template</guilabel></para>
<para><guilabel>Or upload new document</guilabel></para>
<para>To create a new document from a template, enter a name in the <guilabel>Document Name</guilabel> field,
and choose a template in the <guilabel>Template</guilabel> list.</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Submit</guibutton> button to create the new document. in the system (i.e.
<emphasis>not</emphasis> locally.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedoc_view">
<title>Viewing the New Live Document</title>
<para>After creating a new Live Document, you can select it in the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder. (Click
the Refresh icon in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet's title bar if you don't immediately see the
new Live Document.)</para>
<para>When selected, two topics in the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet: <guilabel>Overview</guilabel>, and
<guilabel>Work Items</guilabel>. The <guilabel>Overview</guilabel> topic is selected automatically by default.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedoc_edit">
<title>Opening a New Live Document for Editing</title>
<para>You can either edit the new Live Document directly from the repository, or download a copy to your local
repository and edit locally. If you are constantly connected, the direct method is simplest.</para>
<para><emphasis>To open and edit a Live Document directly:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="normal">
<para>Select the document in the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder.</para>
<para>Select the <guilabel>Overview</guilabel> topic in the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet.</para>
<para>In the work area, click the <guibutton>Edit in Word</guibutton> or <guibutton>Edit in Excel</guibutton>
button, depending on which type of document the selected Live Document is. You will be prompted for your
login details to authorize opening of the document.</para>
<para>The Live Document opens in the relevant MS Office application in a new instance of your browser. You can
edit the document and save changes just as if you were editing a local copy. Changes will be reflected in the
Polarion system after you close the document.</para>
<para><emphasis>To edit a New Live document locally:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="normal">
<para>Select the document in the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder.</para>
<para>Select the <guilabel>Overview</guilabel> topic in the <guilabel>Topics</guilabel> portlet.</para>
<para>In the work area, the document's repository URL displays in the <guilabel>URL</guilabel> field.</para>
<para>Use your Subversion client program, or the Subversion command line interface to checkout the document
at the displayed URL. This will obtain a local copy of the document.</para>
<para>Open the local copy in the relevant MS Office application and edit as you would any document.</para>
<sect2 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_revision">
<title>Revision Phase</title>
<para>Once Requirements have been defined and relevant Work Items created initially, there is typically a phase of
review, discussion, and revision of Requirements with stakeholders from both domain experts and engineering involved.
Polarion supports this process with its Live Document technology. As in the initial definition
phase, stakeholders can modify requirements in their preferred environment: an office document, or the Polarion
repository. This section explains how to modify existing Requirements in both ways.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_reqmgmt_revision_revise_livedocs">
<title>Revising requirements using Live Documents</title>
<para>To modify Requirements using an office document, it is necessary to locate the relevant Live Document in
the Polarion system, check it out of the repository, change the document, and
check the changed document in to the repository. On check-in, any new Work Items defined in the document are
automatically created in Polarion, and existing Work Items are updated with any
changes in the document.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_reqmgmt_revision_livedoc_locating">
<title>Locating the Live Document</title>
<para><emphasis>To locate a Live Document to be modified:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="normal">
<para>In the Polarion web interface, make sure you are working in the
<guilabel>Projects</guilabel> perspective. Switch to this perspective if necessary.</para>
<para>Using the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet, locate the Project for which the desired Live
Document contains Requirements.</para>
<para>Expand the Project node (click <guilabel>[+]</guilabel> and select the <guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder.
A list of documents for this Project loads in the work area. The list should contain the Live Document
with the Requirements you want to modify. Nodes for each document appear as children of the
<guilabel>documents</guilabel> folder in the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet.</para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Projects</guilabel> portlet, select the Live Document you want to modify. Details
for the document appear in the work area.</para>
<para>You can compare document versions by clicking on the Revisions table in the document Overview page.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_reqmgmt_revision_livedoc_checkout">
<title>Checking out a Live Document for Editing</title>
<para>If you are working on line, the checkout process is as simple as clicking the <guibutton>Edit in Word</guibutton>
or the <guibutton>Edit in Excel</guibutton> button in the work area above the details of the selected Live
Document. Polarion Polarion automatically handles the repository checkout process
and displays the document in the relevant office application running in a new instance of your web browser.
You can work on the document normally.</para>
<para>In order for this feature to work, you must set your <productname>Internet Explorer</productname> browser
settings to initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe (more below).</para>
<para><emphasis>To set this option in Internet Explorer:</emphasis></para>
<para>On the Internet Explorer main menu, choose <guimenuitem>Tools</guimenuitem> | <guimenuitem>Internet Options</guimenuitem>. </para>
<para>Click the <guilabel>Security</guilabel> tab.</para>
<para>Click the <guiicon>Trusted Sites</guiicon> icon. The <guibutton>Sites</guibutton> button is enabled.</para>
<para>Click the <guibutton>Sites</guibutton> button. In the field <guilabel>Add this Web site to the Zone</guilabel>,
enter the URL of the root of your Polarion system. For example, the root of the Polarion
hosted version is: <ulink url=""></ulink>.
<para>Click the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> to add the URL to the list of Trusted Sites.</para>
<para>If you do not access your Polarion system with <code>https:</code> protocol,
and if the checkbox <option>Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone</option> is checked,
uncheck it. If you have other sites in this zone and you want to require https: for all sites, click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>,
skip the rest of these steps and see the Note below.</para>
<para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to close the <guibutton>Trusted Sites dialog.</guibutton></para>
<para>In the <guilabel>Internet Options</guilabel> dialog, click <guibutton>Custom Level</guibutton>.</para>
<para>Scroll down the list of options until you locate <option>Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe</option>.</para>
<para>If you are setting this option for the Trusted Sites zone, you can choose the <option>Enable</option> option if you
don't want to be prompted whenever you edit a Live Document, or the <option>Prompt</option> option if you prefer a prompt. </para>
<para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to close the <guilabel>Security Settings</guilabel> dialog, and again in
the <guilabel>Internet Options</guilabel> dialog.</para>
<title>If you require https: in your Trusted Zone</title>
<para>If you require https: for all sites in your Trusted Zone, and you do not access your Polarion
system via the internet using https: protocol, then you can locate the option in the <guilabel>Security Settings</guilabel>
dialog and choose the <option>Prompt</option> option. You will then get a prompt whenever you edit Live Documents from the
Polarion web interface, in which case you should allow the initialization and scripting of the ActiveX.</para>
<para>If you need to work on the document off line, you need to checkout the document from the Subversion
repository. Use a Subversion client such as TortoiseSVN, or the Subversion command line interface according
to your preference or your organization's established procedure. The URL of the Live Document is shown in the
work area in the <guilabel>URL</guilabel> field when the Live Document is selected in the <guilabel>documents</guilabel>
<sect4 id="ug_reqmgmt_revision_livedoc_checkin">
<title>Checking In an Edited Live Document</title>
<para>If editing the document on line in the office application running in your browser, simply save your
changes and close the document. <!-- TODO VERIFY! --> Polarion takes care of the repository
checkin process.</para>
<para>If you have edited a checked out local copy of the Live Document, use your Subversion client or the
Subversion command line interface to check the document in to the repository.</para>
<para>In both cases, Polarion will create Work Items in the system if the checked in
document defines new Requirements, and it will update existing Work Items if the relevant Requirement has been
modified in the Live Document.</para>
<para>if you change only one Work Item in a Live Document, all Work Items from that document will have their
Last Update field changed to the date of the update of the single item.</para>
<!-- TODO What else is needed to mention? Creating IDs or smth like that? -->
<sect2 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_approval">
<title>Approval Phase</title>
<para>Polarion supports a process of approval for Requirements. Work Itemspertaining to Requirements are approved/disapproved using Polarion (i.e. not in
a Live Document). Each Work Item can be marked as Awaiting Approval, Approved, or Disapproved (either singly, or in aggregate using the Bulk Edit feature),
and assigned one or more "approver(s)" - user(s) having responsibility for reviewing and approving or disapproving the Work Item(s). Approvers can quickly
access all the Work Items assigned to them for approval using a special pre-defined filter named <emphasis>Awaiting my approval</emphasis>.</para>
<para>Project managers should make sure that approvers who may not have user accounts in the Polarion system as a result of the Requirements
definition/modification process are set up with accounts for the approval phase so they can access the Work Items they must review.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_approval_assign">
<title>Assigning Approver(s) to Work Items</title>
<para>One or more approvers can be assigned to each Work Item of a Requirement any time after the Work Item is
created in the Polarion system. Be sure that everyone in the organization who must review/approve requirements
has a user account before assigning approvers to Work Items.</para>
<para><emphasis>To assign approver(s) to a Work Item:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="normal">
<para>Select a Work Item in the Work Items table in the upper part of the work area. The Work Item detail
editor loads in the lower part of the work area.</para>
<para>Scroll the detail pane until you locate the <guilabel>Approvers</guilabel> section. Initially there
is one approver line present in the section which has no assignment attributes set.</para>
<para>In the first <guilabel>Approvers</guilabel> line, select <guimenuitem>Awaiting Approval</guimenuitem>
in the <guilabel>Status</guilabel> drop-down list. This marks the start of the approval process for this
Work Item.</para>
<para>Assign the item to an approver by selecting a user name from the <guimenuitem>User</guimenuitem>
drop-down list.</para>
<para>If you wish to assign another approver to this Work Item, click the green plus sign at the right side
of the current line. Another line is added to the <guilabel>Approvers</guilabel> section below the
previous line.</para>
<para>Repeat the foregoing steps for this and any more approvers you want to assign to the current Work Item.</para>
<para>Use the Bulk Edit feature to assign the same approver(s) to multiple Work Items at once. The steps
are essentially the same as just described, only the edit is applied to all selected Work Items.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_approval_marking">
<title>Approving or Disapproving Work Items</title>
<para>If you are assigned review/approval responsibility for Requirements, you need to use the Polarion
system to mark Work Items as approved or disapproved. You can review the Work Items in a
<link linkend="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedoc_new">Live Document</link> but you need to use Polarion to
mark Work Items as approved or disapproved.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_approval_marking_locate">
<title>Locating the Work Items You Must Review</title>
<para>Locating the Work Items for which you are assigned as an approver is quick and easy. There is a
pre-defined filter named <guilabel>Awaiting my approval</guilabel> that will aggregate all the relevant
Work Items for a selected Requirement.</para>
<para><emphasis>To locate Work Items awaiting your approval:</emphasis></para>
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="normal">
<para>Navigate to the Requirement item or document in the relevant Project and select it. A list of
all pertinent Work Items appears in the Work Items table at the top of the work area.</para>
<para>Select the Tree view (tab in the top part of the work area)</para>
<para>In the Search bar set the selection criteria as follows:</para>
<para><guilabel>Search</guilabel> <userinput>Open</userinput> <guilabel>and</guilabel> <userinput>Awaiting my Approval</userinput> <guilabel>in</guilabel> <userinput>Project</userinput></para>
<para>The list of Work Items updates to contain only those Work Items assigned to you for approval.</para>
<sect4 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_approval_marking_markit">
<title>Marking a Work Item as Approved or Disapproved</title>
<para>When a Work Item is selected in the Work Items table, the detail appears in the lower part
of the work area. Click the <guibutton>Edit</guibutton> button to enter Edit mode. You can now edit all fields in the Work Item detail.</para>
<para>Scroll the detail area until you find the <guilabel>Approvers</guilabel> section, which should contain at least one line displaying your
Polarion user name.</para>
<para>To mark this Work Item as approved or disapproved, select the relevant value in the <guilabel>Status</guilabel>
drop-down list. If there are multiple lines for different approvers, be sure you set the status on the
line containing your user name.</para>
<para><inlinegraphic fileref="help_home/images/enterprise_sm.gif" format="GIF" valign="middle" width="17"/> With Polarion Enterprise Edition you
can use the Multi Edit view to set the same status value for multiple Work Items assigned to a selected user all at the same time.</para>
</tip> <!-- TODO This maybe needs to be more detailed -->
<sect2 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_livedoc_templates">
<title>About Live Document Templates</title>
<para>Polarion comes with one pre-defined Requirements template for MS Word and one
for MS Excel. It is possible to customize these templates, or, probably better, create customized copies of the
original templates provided with by installation.</para>
<para> Templates are stored in the Subversion repository folder: <code>/.polarion/tracker/document_templates</code>.</para>
<para>To modify or create copies of the templates, you should checkout the repository folder to your local system.
Edit template files using the relevant MS Office application and commit new/changed files to the repository.
Any new templates will appear in the <guilabel>Template</guilabel> list during the process of
<link linkend="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedoc_new">creating a new Live Document</link>.</para>
<sect3 id="ug_reqtsmgmt_livedoc_templates_localfiles">
<title>Working with Local Files</title>
<para>It is possible to save local copies of Requirements templates and create new local Requirements documents
off line that are based on a local template file. Then, when <link linkend="ug_reqmgmt_inception_livedoc_new">creating a new Live Document</link> in Polarion,
instead of choosing the option to create a new live document from a template,you choose instead the option to upload a file. Use the
<guibutton>Browse</guibutton> button to locate the local file to be uploaded into the Polarion system. After uploading a new document created locally,
you will need to use the button <guibutton>Assign IDs</guibutton> to cause the Work Items in the document to be assigned system IDs in Polarion so that
they will be searchable, etc. in the system.</para>
<para>You can save documents either with the office application's file extension (<filename>.doc</filename> or <filename>.xls</filename>,
or the extension <filename>.xml</filename>.</para>
<para>As with documents created using the on line interface, Work Items are created from the document content after
upload. (In the case of modified documents, existing Work Items are updated.)</para>
<sect1 id="ug_project_mgmt">
<title>Polarion for Project Managers</title>
<?dbhtml filename="ug_project_mgmt.html"?>
<sect2 id="ug_projectmgmt_planning">
<title>Project Planning</title>
<sect2 id="ug_projectmgmt_dashboards">
<title>Using Project Dashboards</title>
<sect2 id="ug_projectmgmt_metrics">
<title>Reviewing Project Metrics</title>
<sect2 id="ug_projectmgmt_reports">
<title>Generating Reports</title>
<sect1 id="ug_developers">
<title>Polarion for Developers</title>
<?dbhtml filename="ug_developer_guidet.html"?>
<sect2 id="ug_devguide_proj_access">
<title>Accessing Projects</title>
<sect2 id="ug_devguide_find_wi">
<title>Locating your Work Items</title>
<sect2 id="ug_devguide_common_ops">
<title>Common Tasks and Operations</title>
<sect3 id="ug_devguide_ops_editing">
<title>Viewing and Editing a Work Item</title>
<sect3 id="ug_devguide_ops_estimate">
<title>Estimating Work Item Time</title>
<sect3 id="ug_devguide_ops_comments">
<title>Work Item Discussion and Comments</title>
<sect3 id="ug_devguide_ops_resolving">
<title>Resolving or Closing a Work Item</title>
<sect4 id="ug_devguide_ops_resolving_reposlnk">
<title>Linking a Resolved Item to a Repository Revision</title>
<sect3 id="ug_devguide_builds">
<title>Working with Builds</title>
<sect3 id="ug_devguide_tests">
<title>Working with Tests</title>
<sect3 id="ug_devguide_javadoc">
<title>Accessing documentation</title>