blob: 273b0a20b7150d8578482d091b1b24d41fd7750d [file] [log] [blame]
from pycharm_generator_utils.constants import *
import inspect
except ImportError:
inspect = None
def create_named_tuple(): #TODO: user-skeleton
return """
class __namedtuple(tuple):
'''A mock base class for named tuples.'''
__slots__ = ()
_fields = ()
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
'Create a new instance of the named tuple.'
return tuple.__new__(cls, *args)
def _make(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len):
'Make a new named tuple object from a sequence or iterable.'
return new(cls, iterable)
def __repr__(self):
return ''
def _asdict(self):
'Return a new dict which maps field types to their values.'
return {}
def _replace(self, **kwargs):
'Return a new named tuple object replacing specified fields with new values.'
return self
def __getnewargs__(self):
return tuple(self)
def create_generator():
# Fake <type 'generator'>
if version[0] < 3:
next_name = "next"
next_name = "__next__"
txt = """
class __generator(object):
'''A mock class representing the generator function type.'''
def __init__(self):
self.gi_code = None
self.gi_frame = None
self.gi_running = 0
def __iter__(self):
'''Defined to support iteration over container.'''
def %s(self):
'''Return the next item from the container.'''
""" % (next_name,)
if version[0] >= 3 or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] >= 5):
txt += """
def close(self):
'''Raises new GeneratorExit exception inside the generator to terminate the iteration.'''
def send(self, value):
'''Resumes the generator and "sends" a value that becomes the result of the current yield-expression.'''
def throw(self, type, value=None, traceback=None):
'''Used to raise an exception inside the generator.'''
return txt
def create_function():
txt = """
class __function(object):
'''A mock class representing function type.'''
def __init__(self):
self.__name__ = ''
self.__doc__ = ''
self.__dict__ = ''
self.__module__ = ''
if version[0] == 2:
txt += """
self.func_defaults = {}
self.func_globals = {}
self.func_closure = None
self.func_code = None
self.func_name = ''
self.func_doc = ''
self.func_dict = ''
if version[0] >= 3 or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] >= 6):
txt += """
self.__defaults__ = {}
self.__globals__ = {}
self.__closure__ = None
self.__code__ = None
self.__name__ = ''
if version[0] >= 3:
txt += """
self.__annotations__ = {}
self.__kwdefaults__ = {}
if version[0] >= 3 and version[1] >= 3:
txt += """
self.__qualname__ = ''
return txt
def create_method():
txt = """
class __method(object):
'''A mock class representing method type.'''
def __init__(self):
if version[0] == 2:
txt += """
self.im_class = None
self.im_self = None
self.im_func = None
if version[0] >= 3 or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] >= 6):
txt += """
self.__func__ = None
self.__self__ = None
return txt
def _searchbases(cls, accum):
# logic copied from
if cls not in accum:
for x in cls.__bases__:
_searchbases(x, accum)
def get_mro(a_class):
# logic copied from
"""Returns a tuple of MRO classes."""
if hasattr(a_class, "__mro__"):
return a_class.__mro__
elif hasattr(a_class, "__bases__"):
bases = []
_searchbases(a_class, bases)
return tuple(bases)
return tuple()
def get_bases(a_class): # TODO: test for classes that don't fit this scheme
"""Returns a sequence of class's bases."""
if hasattr(a_class, "__bases__"):
return a_class.__bases__
return ()
def is_callable(x):
return hasattr(x, '__call__')
def sorted_no_case(p_array):
"""Sort an array case insensitevely, returns a sorted copy"""
p_array = list(p_array)
p_array = sorted(p_array, key=lambda x: x.upper())
return p_array
def cleanup(value):
result = []
prev = i = 0
length = len(value)
last_ascii = chr(127)
while i < length:
char = value[i]
replacement = None
if char == '\n':
replacement = '\\n'
elif char == '\r':
replacement = '\\r'
elif char < ' ' or char > last_ascii:
replacement = '?' # NOTE: such chars are rare; long swaths could be precessed differently
if replacement:
i += 1
return "".join(result)
_prop_types = [type(property())]
#noinspection PyBroadException
#noinspection PyBroadException
_prop_types = tuple(_prop_types)
def is_property(x):
return isinstance(x, _prop_types)
def sanitize_ident(x, is_clr=False):
"""Takes an identifier and returns it sanitized"""
if x in ("class", "object", "def", "list", "tuple", "int", "float", "str", "unicode" "None"):
return "p_" + x
if is_clr:
# it tends to have names like "int x", turn it to just x
xs = x.split(" ")
if len(xs) == 2:
return sanitize_ident(xs[1])
return x.replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "_") # for things like "list-or-tuple" or "list or tuple"
def reliable_repr(value):
# some subclasses of built-in types (see PyGtk) may provide invalid __repr__ implementations,
# so we need to sanitize the output
if type(bool) == type and isinstance(value, bool):
return repr(bool(value))
for num_type in NUM_TYPES:
if isinstance(value, num_type):
return repr(num_type(value))
return repr(value)
def sanitize_value(p_value):
"""Returns p_value or its part if it represents a sane simple value, else returns 'None'"""
if isinstance(p_value, STR_TYPES):
match = SIMPLE_VALUE_RE.match(p_value)
if match:
return match.groups()[match.lastindex - 1]
return 'None'
elif isinstance(p_value, NUM_TYPES):
return reliable_repr(p_value)
elif p_value is None:
return 'None'
if hasattr(p_value, "__name__") and hasattr(p_value, "__module__") and p_value.__module__ == BUILTIN_MOD_NAME:
return p_value.__name__ # float -> "float"
return repr(repr(p_value)) # function -> "<function ...>", etc
def extract_alpha_prefix(p_string, default_prefix="some"):
"""Returns 'foo' for things like 'foo1' or 'foo2'; if prefix cannot be found, the default is returned"""
match = NUM_IDENT_PATTERN.match(p_string)
prefix = match and match.groups()[match.lastindex - 1] or None
return prefix or default_prefix
def report(msg, *data):
"""Say something at error level (stderr)"""
sys.stderr.write(msg % data)
def say(msg, *data):
"""Say something at info level (stdout)"""
sys.stdout.write(msg % data)
def transform_seq(results, toplevel=True):
"""Transforms a tree of ParseResults into a param spec string."""
is_clr = sys.platform == "cli"
ret = [] # add here token to join
for token in results:
token_type = token[0]
if token_type is T_SIMPLE:
token_name = token[1]
if len(token) == 3: # name with value
if toplevel:
ret.append(sanitize_ident(token_name, is_clr) + "=" + sanitize_value(token[2]))
# smth like "a, (b1=1, b2=2)", make it "a, p_b"
return ["p_" + results[0][1]] # NOTE: for each item of tuple, return the same name of its 1st item.
elif token_name == TRIPLE_DOT:
if toplevel and not has_item_starting_with(ret, "*"):
# we're in a "foo, (bar1, bar2, ...)"; make it "foo, bar_tuple"
return extract_alpha_prefix(results[0][1]) + "_tuple"
else: # just name
ret.append(sanitize_ident(token_name, is_clr))
elif token_type is T_NESTED:
inner = transform_seq(token[1:], False)
if len(inner) != 1:
ret.append(inner[0]) # [foo] -> foo
elif token_type is T_OPTIONAL:
elif token_type is T_RETURN:
pass # this is handled elsewhere
raise Exception("This cannot be a token type: " + repr(token_type))
return ret
def transform_optional_seq(results):
Produces a string that describes the optional part of parameters.
@param results must start from T_OPTIONAL.
assert results[0] is T_OPTIONAL, "transform_optional_seq expects a T_OPTIONAL node, sees " + \
is_clr = sys.platform == "cli"
ret = []
for token in results[1:]:
token_type = token[0]
if token_type is T_SIMPLE:
token_name = token[1]
if len(token) == 3: # name with value; little sense, but can happen in a deeply nested optional
ret.append(sanitize_ident(token_name, is_clr) + "=" + sanitize_value(token[2]))
elif token_name == '...':
# we're in a "foo, [bar, ...]"; make it "foo, *bar"
return ["*" + extract_alpha_prefix(
results[1][1])] # we must return a seq; [1] is first simple, [1][1] is its name
else: # just name
ret.append(sanitize_ident(token_name, is_clr) + "=None")
elif token_type is T_OPTIONAL:
# maybe handle T_NESTED if such cases ever occur in real life
# it can't be nested in a sane case, really
return ret
def flatten(seq):
"""Transforms tree lists like ['a', ['b', 'c'], 'd'] to strings like '(a, (b, c), d)', enclosing each tree level in parens."""
ret = []
for one in seq:
if type(one) is list:
return "(" + ", ".join(ret) + ")"
def make_names_unique(seq, name_map=None):
Returns a copy of tree list seq where all clashing names are modified by numeric suffixes:
['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'] becomes ['a', 'b', 'a_1', 'b_1'].
Each repeating name has its own counter in the name_map.
ret = []
if not name_map:
name_map = {}
for one in seq:
if type(one) is list:
ret.append(make_names_unique(one, name_map))
one_key = lstrip(one, "*") # starred parameters are unique sans stars
if one_key in name_map:
old_one = one_key
one = one + "_" + str(name_map[old_one])
name_map[old_one] += 1
name_map[one_key] = 1
return ret
def has_item_starting_with(p_seq, p_start):
for item in p_seq:
if isinstance(item, STR_TYPES) and item.startswith(p_start):
return True
return False
def out_docstring(out_func, docstring, indent):
if not isinstance(docstring, str): return
lines = docstring.strip().split("\n")
if lines:
if len(lines) == 1:
out_func(indent, '""" ' + lines[0] + ' """')
out_func(indent, '"""')
for line in lines:
out_func(indent, line)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
out_func(indent, '"""')
def out_doc_attr(out_func, p_object, indent, p_class=None):
the_doc = getattr(p_object, "__doc__", None)
if the_doc:
if p_class and the_doc == object.__init__.__doc__ and p_object is not object.__init__ and p_class.__doc__:
the_doc = str(p_class.__doc__) # replace stock init's doc with class's; make it a certain string.
the_doc += "\n# (copied from class doc)"
out_docstring(out_func, the_doc, indent)
out_func(indent, "# no doc")
def is_skipped_in_module(p_module, p_value):
Returns True if p_value's value must be skipped for module p_module.
skip_list = SKIP_VALUE_IN_MODULE.get(p_module, [])
if p_value in skip_list:
return True
skip_list = SKIP_VALUE_IN_MODULE.get("*", [])
if p_value in skip_list:
return True
return False
def restore_predefined_builtin(class_name, func_name):
spec = func_name + PREDEFINED_BUILTIN_SIGS[(class_name, func_name)]
note = "known special case of " + (class_name and class_name + "." or "") + func_name
return (spec, note)
def restore_by_inspect(p_func):
Returns paramlist restored by inspect.
args, varg, kwarg, defaults = inspect.getargspec(p_func)
spec = []
if defaults:
dcnt = len(defaults) - 1
dcnt = -1
args = args or []
args.reverse() # backwards, for easier defaults handling
for arg in args:
if dcnt >= 0:
arg += "=" + sanitize_value(defaults[dcnt])
dcnt -= 1
spec.insert(0, arg)
if varg:
spec.append("*" + varg)
if kwarg:
spec.append("**" + kwarg)
return flatten(spec)
def restore_parameters_for_overloads(parameter_lists):
param_index = 0
star_args = False
optional = False
params = []
while True:
parameter_lists_copy = [pl for pl in parameter_lists]
for pl in parameter_lists_copy:
if param_index >= len(pl):
optional = True
if not parameter_lists:
name = parameter_lists[0][param_index]
for pl in parameter_lists[1:]:
if pl[param_index] != name:
star_args = True
if star_args: break
if optional and not '=' in name:
params.append(name + '=None')
param_index += 1
if star_args:
return params
def build_signature(p_name, params):
return p_name + '(' + ', '.join(params) + ')'
def propose_first_param(deco):
"""@return: name of missing first paramater, considering a decorator"""
if deco is None:
return "self"
if deco == "classmethod":
return "cls"
# if deco == "staticmethod":
return None
def qualifier_of(cls, qualifiers_to_skip):
m = getattr(cls, "__module__", None)
if m in qualifiers_to_skip:
return ""
return m
def handle_error_func(item_name, out):
exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
msg = "Error generating skeleton for function %s: %s"
args = item_name, value
report(msg, *args)
out(0, "# " + msg % args)
out(0, "")
def format_accessors(accessor_line, getter, setter, deleter):
"""Nicely format accessors, like 'getter, fdel=deleter'"""
ret = []
consecutive = True
for key, arg, par in (('r', 'fget', getter), ('w', 'fset', setter), ('d', 'fdel', deleter)):
if key in accessor_line:
if consecutive:
ret.append(arg + "=" + par)
consecutive = False
return ", ".join(ret)
def has_regular_python_ext(file_name):
"""Does name end with .py?"""
return file_name.endswith(".py")
# Note that the standard library on MacOS X 10.6 is shipped only as .pyc files, so we need to
# have them processed by the generator in order to have any code insight for the standard library.
def detect_constructor(p_class):
# try to inspect the thing
constr = getattr(p_class, "__init__")
if constr and inspect and inspect.isfunction(constr):
args, _, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(constr)
return ", ".join(args)
return None
############## notes, actions #################################################################
_is_verbose = False # controlled by -v
CURRENT_ACTION = "nothing yet"
def action(msg, *data):
CURRENT_ACTION = msg % data
note(msg, *data)
def note(msg, *data):
"""Say something at debug info level (stderr)"""
global _is_verbose
if _is_verbose:
sys.stderr.write(msg % data)
############## plaform-specific methods #######################################################
import sys
if sys.platform == 'cli':
#noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import clr
def print_profile():
data = []
data.sort(lambda x, y: -cmp(x.ExclusiveTime, y.ExclusiveTime))
for pd in data:
say('%s\t%d\t%d\t%d', pd.Name, pd.InclusiveTime, pd.ExclusiveTime, pd.Calls)
def is_clr_type(clr_type):
if not clr_type: return False
return True
except TypeError:
return False
def restore_clr(p_name, p_class):
Restore the function signature by the CLR type signature
:return (is_static, spec, sig_note)
clr_type = clr.GetClrType(p_class)
if p_name == '__new__':
methods = [c for c in clr_type.GetConstructors()]
if not methods:
return False, p_name + '(*args)', 'cannot find CLR constructor'
methods = [m for m in clr_type.GetMethods() if m.Name == p_name]
if not methods:
bases = p_class.__bases__
if len(bases) == 1 and p_name in dir(bases[0]):
# skip inherited methods
return False, None, None
return False, p_name + '(*args)', 'cannot find CLR method'
parameter_lists = []
for m in methods:
parameter_lists.append([p.Name for p in m.GetParameters()])
params = restore_parameters_for_overloads(parameter_lists)
is_static = False
if not methods[0].IsStatic:
params = ['self'] + params
is_static = True
return is_static, build_signature(p_name, params), None
def build_output_name(dirname, qualified_name):
qualifiers = qualified_name.split(".")
if dirname and not dirname.endswith("/") and not dirname.endswith("\\"):
dirname += os.path.sep # "a -> a/"
for pathindex in range(len(qualifiers) - 1): # create dirs for all qualifiers but last
subdirname = dirname + os.path.sep.join(qualifiers[0: pathindex + 1])
if not os.path.isdir(subdirname):
action("creating subdir %r", subdirname)
init_py = os.path.join(subdirname, "")
if os.path.isfile(subdirname + ".py"):
os.rename(subdirname + ".py", init_py)
elif not os.path.isfile(init_py):
init = fopen(init_py, "w")
target_name = dirname + os.path.sep.join(qualifiers)
if os.path.isdir(target_name):
fname = os.path.join(target_name, "")
fname = target_name + ".py"
dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
return fname