blob: 377bcc520e276e9559a87c93bb604dc1803c2082 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.openapi.progress;
import com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.ThrowableComputable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.swing.*;
public abstract class ProgressManager extends ProgressIndicatorProvider {
public ProgressManager() {
ProgressIndicatorProvider.ourInstance = this;
private static class ProgressManagerHolder {
private static final ProgressManager ourInstance = ServiceManager.getService(ProgressManager.class);
public static ProgressManager getInstance() {
return ProgressManagerHolder.ourInstance;
public abstract boolean hasProgressIndicator();
public abstract boolean hasModalProgressIndicator();
public abstract boolean hasUnsafeProgressIndicator();
public abstract void runProcess(@NotNull Runnable process, ProgressIndicator progress) throws ProcessCanceledException;
public abstract <T> T runProcess(@NotNull Computable<T> process, ProgressIndicator progress) throws ProcessCanceledException;
public ProgressIndicator getProgressIndicator() {
return myThreadIndicator.get();
public static void checkCanceled() throws ProcessCanceledException {
public static void progress(@NotNull String text) throws ProcessCanceledException {
progress(text, "");
public static void progress2(@NotNull final String text) throws ProcessCanceledException {
final ProgressIndicator pi = getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
if (pi != null) {
public static void progress(@NotNull String text, @Nullable String text2) throws ProcessCanceledException {
final ProgressIndicator pi = getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
if (pi != null) {
pi.setText2(text2 == null ? "" : text2);
public abstract void executeNonCancelableSection(@NotNull Runnable runnable);
public abstract void setCancelButtonText(String cancelButtonText);
* Runs the specified operation in a background thread and shows a modal progress dialog in the
* main thread while the operation is executing.
* @param process the operation to execute.
* @param progressTitle the title of the progress window.
* @param canBeCanceled whether "Cancel" button is shown on the progress window.
* @param project the project in the context of which the operation is executed.
* @return true if the operation completed successfully, false if it was cancelled.
public abstract boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(@NotNull Runnable process,
@NotNull @Nls String progressTitle,
boolean canBeCanceled,
@Nullable Project project);
* Runs the specified operation in a background thread and shows a modal progress dialog in the
* main thread while the operation is executing.
* @param process the operation to execute.
* @param progressTitle the title of the progress window.
* @param canBeCanceled whether "Cancel" button is shown on the progress window.
* @param project the project in the context of which the operation is executed.
* @return true result of operation
* @throws E exception thrown by process
public abstract <T, E extends Exception> T runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(@NotNull ThrowableComputable<T, E> process,
@NotNull @Nls String progressTitle,
boolean canBeCanceled,
@Nullable Project project) throws E;
* Runs the specified operation in a background thread and shows a modal progress dialog in the
* main thread while the operation is executing.
* @param process the operation to execute.
* @param progressTitle the title of the progress window.
* @param canBeCanceled whether "Cancel" button is shown on the progress window.
* @param project the project in the context of which the operation is executed.
* @param parentComponent the component which will be used to calculate the progress window ancestor
* @return true if the operation completed successfully, false if it was cancelled.
public abstract boolean runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(@NotNull Runnable process,
@NotNull @Nls String progressTitle,
boolean canBeCanceled,
@Nullable Project project,
@Nullable JComponent parentComponent);
* Runs a specified <code>process</code> in a background thread and shows a progress dialog, which can be made non-modal by pressing
* background button. Upon successful termination of the process a <code>successRunnable</code> will be called in Swing UI thread and
* <code>canceledRunnable</code> will be called if terminated on behalf of the user by pressing either cancel button, while running in
* a modal state or stop button if running in background.
* @param project the project in the context of which the operation is executed.
* @param progressTitle the title of the progress window.
* @param process the operation to execute.
* @param successRunnable a callback to be called in Swing UI thread upon normal termination of the process.
* @param canceledRunnable a callback to be called in Swing UI thread if the process have been canceled by the user.
* @deprecated use {@link #run(com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task)}
public abstract void runProcessWithProgressAsynchronously(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull @Nls String progressTitle,
@NotNull Runnable process,
@Nullable Runnable successRunnable,
@Nullable Runnable canceledRunnable);
* Runs a specified <code>process</code> in a background thread and shows a progress dialog, which can be made non-modal by pressing
* background button. Upon successful termination of the process a <code>successRunnable</code> will be called in Swing UI thread and
* <code>canceledRunnable</code> will be called if terminated on behalf of the user by pressing either cancel button, while running in
* a modal state or stop button if running in background.
* @param project the project in the context of which the operation is executed.
* @param progressTitle the title of the progress window.
* @param process the operation to execute.
* @param successRunnable a callback to be called in Swing UI thread upon normal termination of the process.
* @param canceledRunnable a callback to be called in Swing UI thread if the process have been canceled by the user.
* @param option progress indicator behavior controller.
* @deprecated use {@link #run(com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task)}
public abstract void runProcessWithProgressAsynchronously(@NotNull Project project,
@NotNull @Nls String progressTitle,
@NotNull Runnable process,
@Nullable Runnable successRunnable,
@Nullable Runnable canceledRunnable,
@NotNull PerformInBackgroundOption option);
* Runs a specified <code>task</code> in either background/foreground thread and shows a progress dialog.
* @param task task to run (either {@link com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task.Modal}
* or {@link com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task.Backgroundable}).
public abstract void run(@NotNull Task task);
public abstract void runProcessWithProgressAsynchronously(@NotNull Task.Backgroundable task, @NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator);
protected static final ThreadLocal<ProgressIndicator> myThreadIndicator = new ThreadLocal<ProgressIndicator>();
public void executeProcessUnderProgress(@NotNull Runnable process,
@Nullable("null means reuse current progress") ProgressIndicator progress)
throws ProcessCanceledException {
ProgressIndicator oldIndicator = null;
boolean set = progress != null && progress != (oldIndicator = getProgressIndicator());
if (set) {
try {;
finally {
if (set) {