blob: f379e933d4283b59cd3d0f60e97de78d1919cc19 [file] [log] [blame]
enum Operation {
static int s = 0;
public static final String constS = "";
Operation() {
int i = <error descr="It is illegal to access static member 's' from enum constructor or instance initializer">Operation.s</error>;
i = <error descr="It is illegal to access static member 's' from enum constructor or instance initializer">s</error>;
<error descr="It is illegal to access static member 's' from enum constructor or instance initializer">s</error> = 0;
final int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String co = constS;
// TODO: unclear
//Operation o = X;
static {
int i = Operation.s;
i = s;
s = 0;
final int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String co = constS;
// TODO: unclear
//Operation o = X;
int i = <error descr="It is illegal to access static member 's' from enum constructor or instance initializer">Operation.s</error>;
i = <error descr="It is illegal to access static member 's' from enum constructor or instance initializer">s</error>;
<error descr="It is illegal to access static member 's' from enum constructor or instance initializer">s</error> = 0;
final int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
String co = constS;
// TODO: unclear
//Operation o = X;
Operation ooo = <error descr="Enum types cannot be instantiated">new Operation()</error>;
<error descr="'values()' is already defined in 'Operation'">void values()</error> {}
void values(int i) {}
void valueOf() {}
<error descr="'valueOf(String)' is already defined in 'Operation'">void valueOf(String s)</error> {}
class exte extends <error descr="Cannot inherit from final 'Operation'">Operation</error> {
class use {
void f(Operation op) {
switch(op) {
case <error descr="An enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant">Operation.X</error>: break;
switch(op) {
case X: break;
switch(op) {
case <error descr="Duplicate label 'X'">X</error>: break;
case <error descr="Duplicate label 'X'">X</error>: break;
enum pubCtr {
<error descr="Modifier 'public' not allowed here">public</error> pubCtr(int i) {}
enum protCtr {
<error descr="Modifier 'protected' not allowed here">protected</error> protCtr(int i) {}
<error descr="Modifier 'final' not allowed here">final</error> enum Fin { Y }
<error descr="Modifier 'abstract' not allowed here">abstract</error> enum Abstr { }
enum params<error descr="Enum may not have type parameters"><T></error> {
enum OurEnum {
A, B, C;
OurEnum() {
Enum<OurEnum> a = A;
OurEnum enumValue = B;
switch (enumValue) {
switch (enumValue) {
case A:
enum TestEnum
A(<error descr="Illegal forward reference">B</error>), B(A);
TestEnum(TestEnum other) {
<error descr="Call to super is not allowed in enum constructor">super(null, 0)</error>;
<error descr="Class 'abstr' must either be declared abstract or implement abstract method 'run()' in 'Runnable'">enum abstr implements Runnable</error> {
//this one is OK, enum constants are checked instead of enum itself
enum abstr1 implements Runnable {
A {
public void run() {}
class X extends <error descr="Classes cannot directly extend 'java.lang.Enum'">Enum</error> {
public X(String name, int ordinal) {
super(name, ordinal);
enum StaticInEnumConstantInitializer {
AN {
<error descr="Inner classes cannot have static declarations"><error descr="Modifier 'static' not allowed here">static</error></error> class s { }
private <error descr="Inner classes cannot have static declarations">static</error> final String t = String.valueOf(1);
interface Barz {
void baz();
enum Fooz implements Barz {
<error descr="Class 'Fooz' must implement abstract method 'baz()' in 'Barz'">FOO</error>;
class sss {
void f() {
<error descr="Enum must not be local">enum EEEE</error> { EE, YY };
//This code is OK
enum PowerOfTen {
HUNDRED(100) {
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(super.val);
private final int val;
PowerOfTen(int val) {
this.val = val;
public String toString() {
return name().toLowerCase();
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(ONE + " " + TEN + " " + HUNDRED);
enum MyEnum {
X1, X2;
private static MyEnum[] values = values();
public static void test() {
for (MyEnum e : values) { // values is colored red
//end of IDEADEV-8192
class EnumBugIDEADEV15333 {
public enum Type { one, to }
Type type =;
public void main() {
case one:
Object one = new Object();
class NestedEnums {
enum E1 { }
class C2 {
<error descr="Inner classes cannot have static declarations">enum E2</error> { }
static class C3 {
enum E3 { }
new C3() {
<error descr="Inner classes cannot have static declarations">enum E2</error> { }