blob: 23c27ee1b0eedb3fbb39f9b3c942836bcbc07f79 [file] [log] [blame]
public class Main {
static class A {}
static class B extends A {}
static class X<T> { }
static class Y<T> extends X<T> { }
private void test1(X<B> x) {
Y<A> y = <error descr="Inconvertible types; cannot cast 'Main.X<Main.B>' to 'Main.Y<Main.A>'">(Y<A>) x</error>;
private void test2(X<A> x) {
Y<A> y = (Y<A>) x;
private void test3(Y<B> y1) {
Y<A> y2 = <error descr="Inconvertible types; cannot cast 'Main.Y<Main.B>' to 'Main.Y<Main.A>'">(Y<A>) y1</error>;