blob: 21e749e12b296905bc3881a9d890414b69e7836c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o.
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package com.intellij.codeInspection.bytecodeAnalysis;
import com.intellij.util.ArrayFactory;
import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.*;
final class ELattice<T extends Enum<T>> {
final T bot;
final T top;
ELattice(T bot, T top) { = bot; = top;
final T join(T x, T y) {
if (x == bot) return y;
if (y == bot) return x;
if (x == y) return x;
return top;
final T meet(T x, T y) {
if (x == top) return y;
if (y == top) return x;
if (x == y) return x;
return bot;
class ResultUtil<Id, T extends Enum<T>> {
private final ELattice<T> lattice;
final T top;
ResultUtil(ELattice<T> lattice) {
this.lattice = lattice;
top =;
Result<Id, T> join(Result<Id, T> r1, Result<Id, T> r2) throws AnalyzerException {
if (r1 instanceof Final && ((Final) r1).value == top) {
return r1;
if (r2 instanceof Final && ((Final) r2).value == top) {
return r2;
if (r1 instanceof Final && r2 instanceof Final) {
return new Final<Id, T>(lattice.join(((Final<?, T>) r1).value, ((Final<?, T>) r2).value));
if (r1 instanceof Final && r2 instanceof Pending) {
Final<?, T> f1 = (Final<?, T>)r1;
Pending<Id, T> pending = (Pending<Id, T>) r2;
Set<Product<Id, T>> sum1 = new HashSet<Product<Id, T>>(pending.sum);
sum1.add(new Product<Id, T>(f1.value, Collections.<Id>emptySet()));
return new Pending<Id, T>(sum1);
if (r1 instanceof Pending && r2 instanceof Final) {
Final<?, T> f2 = (Final<?, T>)r2;
Pending<Id, T> pending = (Pending<Id, T>) r1;
Set<Product<Id, T>> sum1 = new HashSet<Product<Id, T>>(pending.sum);
sum1.add(new Product<Id, T>(f2.value, Collections.<Id>emptySet()));
return new Pending<Id, T>(sum1);
Pending<Id, T> pending1 = (Pending<Id, T>) r1;
Pending<Id, T> pending2 = (Pending<Id, T>) r2;
Set<Product<Id, T>> sum = new HashSet<Product<Id, T>>();
return new Pending<Id, T>(sum);
private void checkLimit(Set<Product<Id, T>> sum) throws AnalyzerException {
int size = 0;
for (Product<Id, T> prod : sum) {
size += prod.ids.size();
if (size > Analysis.EQUATION_SIZE_LIMIT) {
throw new AnalyzerException(null, "Equation size is too big");
class HResultUtil {
private static final HKey[] EMPTY_PRODUCT = new HKey[0];
private static final ArrayFactory<HComponent> HCOMPONENT_ARRAY_FACTORY = new ArrayFactory<HComponent>() {
public HComponent[] create(int count) {
return new HComponent[count];
private final ELattice<Value> lattice;
final Value top;
HResultUtil(ELattice<Value> lattice) {
this.lattice = lattice;
top =;
HResult join(HResult r1, HResult r2) {
if (r1 instanceof HFinal && ((HFinal) r1).value == top) {
return r1;
if (r2 instanceof HFinal && ((HFinal) r2).value == top) {
return r2;
if (r1 instanceof HFinal && r2 instanceof HFinal) {
return new HFinal(lattice.join(((HFinal) r1).value, ((HFinal) r2).value));
if (r1 instanceof HFinal && r2 instanceof HPending) {
HFinal f1 = (HFinal)r1;
HPending pending = (HPending) r2;
HComponent[] delta = new HComponent[ + 1];
delta[0] = new HComponent(f1.value, EMPTY_PRODUCT);
System.arraycopy(, 0, delta, 1,;
return new HPending(delta);
if (r1 instanceof HPending && r2 instanceof HFinal) {
HFinal f2 = (HFinal)r2;
HPending pending = (HPending) r1;
HComponent[] delta = new HComponent[ + 1];
delta[0] = new HComponent(f2.value, EMPTY_PRODUCT);
System.arraycopy(, 0, delta, 1,;
return new HPending(delta);
HPending pending1 = (HPending) r1;
HPending pending2 = (HPending) r2;
return new HPending(ArrayUtil.mergeArrays(,, HCOMPONENT_ARRAY_FACTORY));
final class Product<K, V> {
@NotNull final V value;
@NotNull final Set<K> ids;
Product(@NotNull V value, @NotNull Set<K> ids) {
this.value = value;
this.ids = ids;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Product product = (Product)o;
if (!ids.equals(product.ids)) return false;
if (!value.equals(product.value)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = value.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + ids.hashCode();
return result;
interface Result<Id, T> {}
final class Final<Id, T> implements Result<Id, T> {
final T value;
Final(T value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return "Final{" + "value=" + value + '}';
final class Pending<Id, T> implements Result<Id, T> {
final Set<Product<Id, T>> sum;
Pending(Set<Product<Id, T>> sum) {
this.sum = sum;
final class Solution<Id, Val> {
final Id id;
final Val value;
Solution(Id id, Val value) { = id;
this.value = value;
final class Equation<Id, T> {
final Id id;
final Result<Id, T> rhs;
Equation(Id id, Result<Id, T> rhs) { = id;
this.rhs = rhs;
public String toString() {
return "Equation{" + "id=" + id + ", rhs=" + rhs + '}';
final class CoreHKey {
final byte[] key;
final int dirKey;
CoreHKey(@NotNull byte[] key, int dirKey) {
this.key = key;
this.dirKey = dirKey;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
CoreHKey coreHKey = (CoreHKey)o;
if (dirKey != coreHKey.dirKey) return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(key, coreHKey.key)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = Arrays.hashCode(key);
result = 31 * result + dirKey;
return result;
final class Solver {
private final ELattice<Value> lattice;
private final HashMap<HKey, HashSet<HKey>> dependencies = new HashMap<HKey, HashSet<HKey>>();
private final HashMap<HKey, HPending> pending = new HashMap<HKey, HPending>();
private final HashMap<HKey, Value> solved = new HashMap<HKey, Value>();
private final Stack<HKey> moving = new Stack<HKey>();
private final HResultUtil resultUtil;
private final HashMap<CoreHKey, HEquation> equations = new HashMap<CoreHKey, HEquation>();
Solver(ELattice<Value> lattice) {
this.lattice = lattice;
resultUtil = new HResultUtil(lattice);
void addEquation(HEquation equation) {
HKey key = equation.key;
CoreHKey coreKey = new CoreHKey(key.key, key.dirKey);
HEquation previousEquation = equations.get(coreKey);
if (previousEquation == null) {
equations.put(coreKey, equation);
} else {
HKey joinKey = new HKey(coreKey.key, coreKey.dirKey, equation.key.stable && previousEquation.key.stable);
HResult joinResult = resultUtil.join(equation.result, previousEquation.result);
HEquation joinEquation = new HEquation(joinKey, joinResult);
equations.put(coreKey, joinEquation);
void queueEquation(HEquation equation) {
HResult rhs = equation.result;
if (rhs instanceof HFinal) {
solved.put(equation.key, ((HFinal) rhs).value);
} else if (rhs instanceof HPending) {
HPending pendResult = ((HPending)rhs).copy();
HResult norm = normalize(;
if (norm instanceof HFinal) {
solved.put(equation.key, ((HFinal) norm).value);
else {
HPending pendResult1 = ((HPending)rhs).copy();
for (HComponent component : {
for (HKey trigger : component.ids) {
HashSet<HKey> set = dependencies.get(trigger);
if (set == null) {
set = new HashSet<HKey>();
dependencies.put(trigger, set);
pending.put(equation.key, pendResult1);
HashMap<HKey, Value> solve() {
for (HEquation hEquation : equations.values()) {
while (!moving.empty()) {
HKey id = moving.pop();
Value value = solved.get(id);
HKey[] pIds = id.stable ? new HKey[]{id, id.negate()} : new HKey[]{id.negate(), id};
Value[] pVals = id.stable ? new Value[]{value, value} : new Value[]{value,};
for (int i = 0; i < pIds.length; i++) {
HKey pId = pIds[i];
Value pVal = pVals[i];
HashSet<HKey> dIds = dependencies.get(pId);
if (dIds == null) {
for (HKey dId : dIds) {
HPending pend = pending.remove(dId);
if (pend != null) {
HResult pend1 = substitute(pend, pId, pVal);
if (pend1 instanceof HFinal) {
HFinal fi = (HFinal)pend1;
solved.put(dId, fi.value);
else {
pending.put(dId, (HPending)pend1);
return solved;
// substitute id -> value into pending
HResult substitute(@NotNull HPending pending, @NotNull HKey id, @NotNull Value value) {
HComponent[] sum =;
for (HComponent intIdComponent : sum) {
if (intIdComponent.remove(id)) {
intIdComponent.value =, value);
return normalize(sum);
@NotNull HResult normalize(@NotNull HComponent[] sum) {
Value acc =;
boolean computableNow = true;
for (HComponent prod : sum) {
if (prod.isEmpty() || prod.value == {
acc = lattice.join(acc, prod.value);
} else {
computableNow = false;
return (acc == || computableNow) ? new HFinal(acc) : new HPending(sum);