blob: 973058fe3f1b00999b4c7ae6fd9c221606aba5cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.idea.svn.portable;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.*;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.*;
import java.util.Collection;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: Irina.Chernushina
* Date: 1/20/12
* Time: 6:54 PM
public interface SvnWcClientI extends SvnMarkerInterface {
void setAddParameters(ISVNAddParameters addParameters);
ISVNCommitHandler getCommitHandler();
void setCommitHandler(ISVNCommitHandler handler);
void doGetFileContents(File path, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean expandKeywords, OutputStream dst) throws SVNException;
void doGetFileContents(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean expandKeywords, OutputStream dst) throws SVNException;
void doCleanup(File path) throws SVNException;
void doCleanup(File path, boolean deleteWCProperties) throws SVNException;
void doSetProperty(File path, String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean skipChecks,
SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler, Collection changeLists) throws SVNException;
void doSetProperty(File path, ISVNPropertyValueProvider propertyValueProvider, boolean skipChecks,
SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler, Collection changeLists) throws SVNException;
SVNCommitInfo doSetProperty(SVNURL url, String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue,
SVNRevision baseRevision, String commitMessage, SVNProperties revisionProperties,
boolean skipChecks, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doSetRevisionProperty(File path, SVNRevision revision, String propName,
SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean force, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doSetRevisionProperty(SVNURL url, SVNRevision revision, String propName,
SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean force, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
SVNPropertyData doGetProperty( File path, String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision,
SVNRevision revision) throws SVNException;
SVNPropertyData doGetProperty( SVNURL url, String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision,
SVNRevision revision) throws SVNException;
void doGetProperty(File path, String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean recursive, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doGetProperty(File path, String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler, Collection changeLists) throws SVNException;
void doGetProperty(SVNURL url, String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
boolean recursive, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doGetProperty(SVNURL url, String propName, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision,
SVNDepth depth, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doGetRevisionProperty(File path, String propName, SVNRevision revision, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
long doGetRevisionProperty(SVNURL url, String propName, SVNRevision revision,
ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doDelete(File path, boolean force, boolean dryRun) throws SVNException;
void doDelete(File path, boolean force, boolean deleteFiles, boolean dryRun) throws SVNException;
void doAdd(File path, boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents,
boolean recursive) throws SVNException;
void doAdd(File path, boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents,
boolean recursive, boolean includeIgnored) throws SVNException;
void doAdd(File path, boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents,
SVNDepth depth, boolean includeIgnored, boolean makeParents) throws SVNException;
void doAdd(File[] paths, boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents,
SVNDepth depth, boolean depthIsSticky, boolean includeIgnored, boolean makeParents) throws SVNException;
void doAdd(File path, boolean force, boolean mkdir, boolean climbUnversionedParents,
SVNDepth depth, boolean depthIsSticky, boolean includeIgnored, boolean makeParents) throws SVNException;
void doMarkReplaced(File path) throws SVNException;
void doRevert(File path, boolean recursive) throws SVNException;
void doRevert(File[] paths, boolean recursive) throws SVNException;
void doRevert(File[] paths, SVNDepth depth, Collection changeLists) throws SVNException;
void doResolve(File path, boolean recursive) throws SVNException;
void doResolve(File path, SVNDepth depth, SVNConflictChoice conflictChoice) throws SVNException;
void doResolve(File path, SVNDepth depth, boolean resolveContents, boolean resolveProperties,
SVNConflictChoice conflictChoice) throws SVNException;
void doResolve(File path, SVNDepth depth, boolean resolveContents, boolean resolveProperties,
boolean resolveTree, SVNConflictChoice conflictChoice) throws SVNException;
void doLock(File[] paths, boolean stealLock, String lockMessage) throws SVNException;
void doLock(SVNURL[] urls, boolean stealLock, String lockMessage) throws SVNException;
void doUnlock(File[] paths, boolean breakLock) throws SVNException;
void doUnlock(SVNURL[] urls, boolean breakLock) throws SVNException;
void doInfo(File path, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doInfo(File path, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doInfo(File path, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, SVNDepth depth,
Collection changeLists, ISVNInfoHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doInfo(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive, ISVNInfoHandler handler) throws SVNException;
void doInfo(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, SVNDepth depth,
ISVNInfoHandler handler) throws SVNException;
String doGetWorkingCopyID( File path, String trailURL) throws SVNException;
String doGetWorkingCopyID( File path, String trailURL, boolean committed) throws SVNException;
SVNInfo doInfo(File path, SVNRevision revision) throws SVNException;
SVNInfo doInfo(SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision) throws SVNException;
void doCleanupWCProperties(File directory) throws SVNException;
void doSetWCFormat(File directory, int format) throws SVNException;
void doSetProperty(File path, String propName, SVNPropertyValue propValue, boolean force,
boolean recursive, ISVNPropertyHandler handler) throws SVNException;