blob: fa11d6ed4d786cc28ea952cb8bf0bfc25dc1bb56 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException;
import com.intellij.util.LineSeparator;
import com.intellij.util.containers.hash.HashMap;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.api.BaseSvnClient;
import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.commandLine.CommandUtil;
import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.commandLine.SvnCommand;
import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.commandLine.SvnCommandName;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.ISVNLogEntryHandler;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLogEntry;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLogEntryPath;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc2.SvnTarget;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* @author Konstantin Kolosovsky.
public class CmdHistoryClient extends BaseSvnClient implements HistoryClient {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history.CmdHistoryClient");
public void doLog(@NotNull File path,
@NotNull SVNRevision startRevision,
@NotNull SVNRevision endRevision,
@Nullable SVNRevision pegRevision,
boolean stopOnCopy,
boolean discoverChangedPaths,
boolean includeMergedRevisions,
long limit,
@Nullable String[] revisionProperties,
@Nullable ISVNLogEntryHandler handler) throws VcsException {
// TODO: add revision properties parameter if necessary
// TODO: svn log command supports --xml option - could update parsing to use xml format
// TODO: after merge remove setting includeMergedRevisions to false and update parsing
includeMergedRevisions = false;
List<String> parameters =
prepareCommand(path, startRevision, endRevision, pegRevision, stopOnCopy, discoverChangedPaths, includeMergedRevisions, limit);
try {
SvnCommand command = CommandUtil.execute(myVcs, SvnTarget.fromFile(path, pegRevision), SvnCommandName.log, parameters, null);
// TODO: handler should be called in parallel with command execution, but this will be in other thread
// TODO: check if that is ok for current handler implementation
parseOutput(handler, command);
catch (SVNException e) {
throw new VcsException(e);
private static void parseOutput(@Nullable ISVNLogEntryHandler handler, @NotNull SvnCommand command)
throws VcsException, SVNException {
Parser parser = new Parser(handler);
for (String line : StringUtil.splitByLines(command.getOutput(), false)) {
private static List<String> prepareCommand(@NotNull File path,
@NotNull SVNRevision startRevision,
@NotNull SVNRevision endRevision,
@Nullable SVNRevision pegRevision,
boolean stopOnCopy, boolean discoverChangedPaths, boolean includeMergedRevisions, long limit) {
List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>();
CommandUtil.put(parameters, path, pegRevision);
parameters.add(startRevision + ":" + endRevision);
CommandUtil.put(parameters, stopOnCopy, "--stop-on-copy");
CommandUtil.put(parameters, discoverChangedPaths, "--verbose");
CommandUtil.put(parameters, includeMergedRevisions, "--use-merge-history");
if (limit > 0) {
return parameters;
private static class Parser {
private static final String REVISION = "\\s*r(\\d+)\\s*";
private static final String AUTHOR = "\\s*([^|]*)\\s*";
private static final String DATE = "\\s*([^|]*)\\s*";
private static final String MESSAGE_LINES = "\\s*(\\d+).*";
private static final Pattern ENTRY_START = Pattern.compile("-+");
private static final Pattern DETAILS = Pattern.compile(REVISION + "\\|" + AUTHOR + "\\|" + DATE + "\\|" + MESSAGE_LINES);
private static final String STATUS = "\\s*(\\w)";
private static final String PATH = "\\s*(.*?)\\s*";
private static final String COPY_FROM_PATH = "(/[^:]*)";
private static final String COPY_FROM_REVISION = "(\\d+)\\))\\s*";
private static final String COPY_FROM_INFO = "((\\(from " + COPY_FROM_PATH + ":" + COPY_FROM_REVISION + ")?";
private static final Pattern CHANGED_PATH = Pattern.compile(STATUS + PATH + COPY_FROM_INFO);
private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z");
ISVNLogEntryHandler handler;
Entry entry;
boolean waitDetails;
boolean waitChangedPath;
boolean waitMessage;
public Parser(@Nullable ISVNLogEntryHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
public void onLine(@NotNull String line) throws VcsException, SVNException {
if (ENTRY_START.matcher(line).matches()) {
else if (waitDetails) {
else if (waitMessage) {
else if (StringUtil.isEmpty(line.trim())) {
else if (line.startsWith("Changed paths:")) {
else if (waitChangedPath) {
else {
throw new VcsException("unknown state on line " + line);
private void processChangedPath(@NotNull String line) throws VcsException {
Matcher matcher = CHANGED_PATH.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new VcsException("changed path not found in " + line);
String path =;
char type = CommandUtil.getStatusChar(;
String copyPath =;
long copyRevision = !StringUtil.isEmpty( ? Long.valueOf( : 0;
entry.changedPaths.put(path, new SVNLogEntryPath(path, type, copyPath, copyRevision));
private void processChangedPathsStarted() {
waitChangedPath = true;
private void processChangedPathsFinished() {
waitChangedPath = false;
waitMessage = true;
private void processMessage(@NotNull String line) {
private void processDetails(@NotNull String line) throws VcsException {
Matcher matcher = DETAILS.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new VcsException("details not found in " + line);
entry.revision = Long.valueOf(; =; = tryGetDate(;
waitDetails = false;
private void processEntryStart() throws SVNException {
if (entry != null) {
entry = new Entry();
waitDetails = true;
waitMessage = false;
private static Date tryGetDate(@NotNull String value) {
Date result = null;
try {
result = DATE_FORMAT.parse(value);
catch (ParseException e) {
return result;
private static class Entry {
Map<String, SVNLogEntryPath> changedPaths = new HashMap<String, SVNLogEntryPath>();
long revision;
String author;
Date date;
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
private SVNLogEntry toLogEntry() {
return new SVNLogEntry(changedPaths, revision, author, date, message.toString());