blob: eb1a7e8077510d71ef10c530e9156d4584ebabfc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.util.indexing;
import com.intellij.AppTopics;
import com.intellij.history.LocalHistory;
import com.intellij.ide.caches.CacheUpdater;
import com.intellij.ide.util.DelegatingProgressIndicator;
import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode;
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationDisplayType;
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationGroup;
import com.intellij.notification.NotificationType;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationAdapter;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.PathManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.highlighter.EditorHighlighter;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.EditorHighlighterCache;
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileDocumentManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileDocumentManagerAdapter;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.impl.FileTypeManagerImpl;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.BackgroundableProcessIndicator;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.registry.Registry;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.*;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.impl.BulkVirtualFileListenerAdapter;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.BulkFileListener;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.ManagingFS;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.NewVirtualFile;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.VirtualFileSystemEntry;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.persistent.FlushingDaemon;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.persistent.PersistentFS;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiDocumentTransactionListener;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.PsiFileImpl;
import com.intellij.psi.stubs.SerializationManager;
import com.intellij.psi.stubs.SerializationManagerEx;
import com.intellij.util.*;
import com.intellij.util.concurrency.Semaphore;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ConcurrentHashSet;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBus;
import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBusConnection;
import gnu.trove.*;
import jsr166e.SequenceLock;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
* @author Eugene Zhuravlev
* @since Dec 20, 2007
public class FileBasedIndexImpl extends FileBasedIndex {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.util.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl");
private static final String CORRUPTION_MARKER_NAME = "corruption.marker";
private final Map<ID<?, ?>, Pair<UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent>, InputFilter>> myIndices =
new THashMap<ID<?, ?>, Pair<UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent>, InputFilter>>();
private final List<ID<?, ?>> myIndicesWithoutFileTypeInfo = new ArrayList<ID<?, ?>>();
private final Map<FileType, List<ID<?, ?>>> myFileType2IndicesWithFileTypeInfoMap = new THashMap<FileType, List<ID<?, ?>>>();
private final List<ID<?, ?>> myIndicesForDirectories = new SmartList<ID<?, ?>>();
private final Map<ID<?, ?>, Semaphore> myUnsavedDataIndexingSemaphores = new THashMap<ID<?, ?>, Semaphore>();
private final TObjectIntHashMap<ID<?, ?>> myIndexIdToVersionMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<ID<?, ?>>();
private final Set<ID<?, ?>> myNotRequiringContentIndices = new THashSet<ID<?, ?>>();
private final Set<ID<?, ?>> myRequiringContentIndices = new THashSet<ID<?, ?>>();
private final Set<FileType> myNoLimitCheckTypes = new THashSet<FileType>();
private final PerIndexDocumentVersionMap myLastIndexedDocStamps = new PerIndexDocumentVersionMap();
@NotNull private final ChangedFilesCollector myChangedFilesCollector;
private final List<IndexableFileSet> myIndexableSets = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList();
private final Map<IndexableFileSet, Project> myIndexableSetToProjectMap = new THashMap<IndexableFileSet, Project>();
private static final int OK = 1;
private static final int REQUIRES_REBUILD = 2;
private static final int REBUILD_IN_PROGRESS = 3;
private static final Map<ID<?, ?>, AtomicInteger> ourRebuildStatus = new THashMap<ID<?, ?>, AtomicInteger>();
private final MessageBusConnection myConnection;
private final FileDocumentManager myFileDocumentManager;
private final FileTypeManager myFileTypeManager;
private final ConcurrentHashSet<ID<?, ?>> myUpToDateIndices = new ConcurrentHashSet<ID<?, ?>>();
private final Map<Document, PsiFile> myTransactionMap = new THashMap<Document, PsiFile>();
@Nullable private final String myConfigPath;
@Nullable private final String myLogPath;
private final boolean myIsUnitTestMode;
@Nullable private ScheduledFuture<?> myFlushingFuture;
private volatile int myLocalModCount;
private volatile int myFilesModCount;
private final AtomicInteger myUpdatingFiles = new AtomicInteger();
private final ConcurrentHashSet<Project> myProjectsBeingUpdated = new ConcurrentHashSet<Project>();
@SuppressWarnings({"FieldCanBeLocal", "UnusedDeclaration"}) private volatile boolean myInitialized;
// need this variable for memory barrier
public FileBasedIndexImpl(@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") VirtualFileManager vfManager,
FileDocumentManager fdm,
FileTypeManager fileTypeManager,
@NotNull MessageBus bus,
@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") SerializationManager sm /*needed to ensure dependency*/) {
myFileDocumentManager = fdm;
myFileTypeManager = fileTypeManager;
myIsUnitTestMode = ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode();
myConfigPath = calcConfigPath(PathManager.getConfigPath());
myLogPath = calcConfigPath(PathManager.getLogPath());
final MessageBusConnection connection = bus.connect();
connection.subscribe(PsiDocumentTransactionListener.TOPIC, new PsiDocumentTransactionListener() {
public void transactionStarted(final Document doc, final PsiFile file) {
if (file != null) {
synchronized (myTransactionMap) {
myTransactionMap.put(doc, file);
public void transactionCompleted(final Document doc, final PsiFile file) {
synchronized (myTransactionMap) {
connection.subscribe(FileTypeManager.TOPIC, new FileTypeListener() {
@Nullable private Map<FileType, Set<String>> myTypeToExtensionMap;
public void beforeFileTypesChanged(final FileTypeEvent event) {
myTypeToExtensionMap = new THashMap<FileType, Set<String>>();
for (FileType type : myFileTypeManager.getRegisteredFileTypes()) {
myTypeToExtensionMap.put(type, getExtensions(type));
public void fileTypesChanged(final FileTypeEvent event) {
final Map<FileType, Set<String>> oldExtensions = myTypeToExtensionMap;
myTypeToExtensionMap = null;
if (oldExtensions != null) {
final Map<FileType, Set<String>> newExtensions = new THashMap<FileType, Set<String>>();
for (FileType type : myFileTypeManager.getRegisteredFileTypes()) {
newExtensions.put(type, getExtensions(type));
// we are interested only in extension changes or removals.
// addition of an extension is handled separately by RootsChanged event
if (!newExtensions.keySet().containsAll(oldExtensions.keySet())) {
for (Map.Entry<FileType, Set<String>> entry : oldExtensions.entrySet()) {
FileType fileType = entry.getKey();
Set<String> strings = entry.getValue();
if (!newExtensions.get(fileType).containsAll(strings)) {
private Set<String> getExtensions(@NotNull FileType type) {
final Set<String> set = new THashSet<String>();
for (FileNameMatcher matcher : myFileTypeManager.getAssociations(type)) {
return set;
private void rebuildAllIndices() {
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : myIndices.keySet()) {
try {
catch (StorageException e) {;
connection.subscribe(AppTopics.FILE_DOCUMENT_SYNC, new FileDocumentManagerAdapter() {
public void fileContentReloaded(VirtualFile file, @NotNull Document document) {
public void unsavedDocumentsDropped() {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().addApplicationListener(new ApplicationAdapter() {
public void writeActionStarted(Object action) {
myChangedFilesCollector = new ChangedFilesCollector();
myConnection = connection;
public static boolean isProjectOrWorkspaceFile(final VirtualFile file,
final @Nullable FileType fileType) {
if (fileType instanceof InternalFileType) return true;
VirtualFile parent = file.isDirectory() ? file: file.getParent();
while(parent instanceof VirtualFileSystemEntry) {
if (((VirtualFileSystemEntry)parent).compareNameTo(ProjectCoreUtil.DIRECTORY_BASED_PROJECT_DIR, !SystemInfoRt.isFileSystemCaseSensitive) == 0) return true;
parent = parent.getParent();
return false;
public void requestReindex(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) {
myChangedFilesCollector.invalidateIndices(file, true);
public void requestReindexExcluded(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) {
myChangedFilesCollector.invalidateIndices(file, false);
private void initExtensions() {
try {
final FileBasedIndexExtension[] extensions = Extensions.getExtensions(FileBasedIndexExtension.EXTENSION_POINT_NAME);
for (FileBasedIndexExtension<?, ?> extension : extensions) {
ourRebuildStatus.put(extension.getName(), new AtomicInteger(OK));
final File corruptionMarker = new File(PathManager.getIndexRoot(), CORRUPTION_MARKER_NAME);
final boolean currentVersionCorrupted = corruptionMarker.exists();
boolean versionChanged = false;
for (FileBasedIndexExtension<?, ?> extension : extensions) {
versionChanged |= registerIndexer(extension, currentVersionCorrupted);
for(List<ID<?, ?>> value: myFileType2IndicesWithFileTypeInfoMap.values()) {
String rebuildNotification = null;
if (currentVersionCorrupted) {
rebuildNotification = "Index files on disk are corrupted. Indices will be rebuilt.";
else if (versionChanged) {
rebuildNotification = "Index file format has changed for some indices. These indices will be rebuilt.";
if (rebuildNotification != null
&& !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isHeadlessEnvironment()
&&"ide.showIndexRebuildMessage")) {
new NotificationGroup("Indexing", NotificationDisplayType.BALLOON, false)
.createNotification("Index Rebuild", rebuildNotification, NotificationType.INFORMATION, null).notify(null);
// check if rebuild was requested for any index during registration
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : myIndices.keySet()) {
if (ourRebuildStatus.get(indexId).compareAndSet(REQUIRES_REBUILD, OK)) {
try {
catch (StorageException e) {
myConnection.subscribe(VirtualFileManager.VFS_CHANGES, myChangedFilesCollector);
registerIndexableSet(new AdditionalIndexableFileSet(), null);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
finally {
ShutDownTracker.getInstance().registerShutdownTask(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
myFlushingFuture = FlushingDaemon.everyFiveSeconds(new Runnable() {
private int lastModCount = 0;
public void run() {
if (lastModCount == myLocalModCount) {
lastModCount = myLocalModCount;
myInitialized = true; // this will ensure that all changes to component's state will be visible to other threads
public void initComponent() {
private static String calcConfigPath(@NotNull String path) {
try {
final String _path = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(new File(path).getCanonicalPath());
return _path.endsWith("/") ? _path : _path + "/";
catch (IOException e) {;
return null;
* @param extension
* @param isCurrentVersionCorrupted
* @return true if registered index requires full rebuild for some reason, e.g. is just created or corrupted
private <K, V> boolean registerIndexer(@NotNull final FileBasedIndexExtension<K, V> extension, final boolean isCurrentVersionCorrupted)
throws IOException {
final ID<K, V> name = extension.getName();
final int version = extension.getVersion();
final File versionFile = IndexInfrastructure.getVersionFile(name);
final boolean versionFileExisted = versionFile.exists();
boolean versionChanged = false;
if (isCurrentVersionCorrupted || IndexInfrastructure.versionDiffers(versionFile, version)) {
if (!isCurrentVersionCorrupted && versionFileExisted) {
versionChanged = true;"Version has changed for index " + name + ". The index will be rebuilt.");
IndexInfrastructure.rewriteVersion(versionFile, version);
initIndexStorage(extension, version, versionFile);
// save versions at last, they must be saved after initIndexVersion as it also can rewrite version
Map<FileType, Integer> versionMap = extension.getVersionMap();
for (Map.Entry<FileType, Integer> entry : versionMap.entrySet()) {
ID stubId = IndexInfrastructure.getStubId(name, entry.getKey());
File file = IndexInfrastructure.getVersionFile(stubId);
Integer stubVersion = entry.getValue();
if (!file.exists() || IndexInfrastructure.versionDiffers(file, stubVersion)) {"Version has changed for index " + stubId + ". The index will be rebuilt.");
IndexInfrastructure.rewriteVersion(file, stubVersion);
return versionChanged;
private <K, V> void initIndexStorage(final FileBasedIndexExtension<K, V> extension, int version, File versionFile)
throws IOException {
MapIndexStorage<K, V> storage = null;
final ID<K, V> name = extension.getName();
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; attempt++) {
try {
storage = new MapIndexStorage<K, V>(
final MemoryIndexStorage<K, V> memStorage = new MemoryIndexStorage<K, V>(storage);
final UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> index = createIndex(name, extension, memStorage);
final InputFilter inputFilter = extension.getInputFilter();
assert inputFilter != null : "Index extension " + name + " must provide non-null input filter";
myIndices.put(name, new Pair<UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent>, InputFilter>(index, new IndexableFilesFilter(inputFilter)));
if (inputFilter instanceof FileTypeSpecificInputFilter) {
((FileTypeSpecificInputFilter)inputFilter).registerFileTypesUsedForIndexing(new Consumer<FileType>() {
final Set<FileType> addedTypes = new THashSet<FileType>();
public void consume(FileType type) {
if (type == null || !addedTypes.add(type)) {
List<ID<?, ?>> ids = myFileType2IndicesWithFileTypeInfoMap.get(type);
if (ids == null) myFileType2IndicesWithFileTypeInfoMap.put(type, ids = new ArrayList<ID<?, ?>>(5));
} else {
myUnsavedDataIndexingSemaphores.put(name, new Semaphore());
myIndexIdToVersionMap.put(name, version);
if (!extension.dependsOnFileContent()) {
if (extension.indexDirectories()) myIndicesForDirectories.add(name);
else {
catch (Exception e) {;
try {
if (storage != null) storage.close();
storage = null;
catch (Exception ignored) {
IndexInfrastructure.rewriteVersion(versionFile, version);
private static void saveRegisteredIndices(@NotNull Collection<ID<?, ?>> ids) {
final File file = getRegisteredIndicesFile();
try {
final DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)));
try {
for (ID<?, ?> id : ids) {
IOUtil.writeString(id.toString(), os);
finally {
catch (IOException ignored) {
private static Set<String> readRegisteredIndexNames() {
final Set<String> result = new THashSet<String>();
try {
final DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(getRegisteredIndicesFile())));
try {
final int size = in.readInt();
for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
finally {
catch (IOException ignored) {
return result;
private static File getRegisteredIndicesFile() {
return new File(PathManager.getIndexRoot(), "registered");
private <K, V> UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> createIndex(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId,
@NotNull final FileBasedIndexExtension<K, V> extension,
@NotNull final MemoryIndexStorage<K, V> storage)
throws StorageException, IOException {
final MapReduceIndex<K, V, FileContent> index;
if (extension instanceof CustomImplementationFileBasedIndexExtension) {
final UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> custom =
((CustomImplementationFileBasedIndexExtension<K, V, FileContent>)extension).createIndexImplementation(indexId, this, storage);
if (!(custom instanceof MapReduceIndex)) {
return custom;
index = (MapReduceIndex<K, V, FileContent>)custom;
else {
index = new MapReduceIndex<K, V, FileContent>(indexId, extension.getIndexer(), storage);
final KeyDescriptor<K> keyDescriptor = extension.getKeyDescriptor();
index.setInputIdToDataKeysIndex(new Factory<PersistentHashMap<Integer, Collection<K>>>() {
public PersistentHashMap<Integer, Collection<K>> create() {
try {
return createIdToDataKeysIndex(indexId, keyDescriptor, storage);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return index;
public static <K> PersistentHashMap<Integer, Collection<K>> createIdToDataKeysIndex(@NotNull final ID<K, ?> indexId,
@NotNull final KeyDescriptor<K> keyDescriptor,
@NotNull MemoryIndexStorage<K, ?> storage)
throws IOException {
final File indexStorageFile = IndexInfrastructure.getInputIndexStorageFile(indexId);
final Ref<Boolean> isBufferingMode = new Ref<Boolean>(false);
final TIntObjectHashMap<Collection<K>> tempMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<Collection<K>>();
final DataExternalizer<Collection<K>> dataExternalizer = new DataExternalizer<Collection<K>>() {
public void save(DataOutput out, @NotNull Collection<K> value) throws IOException {
try {
DataInputOutputUtil.writeINT(out, value.size());
for (K key : value) {, key);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IOException("Error saving data for index " + indexId, e);
public Collection<K> read(DataInput in) throws IOException {
try {
final int size = DataInputOutputUtil.readINT(in);
final List<K> list = new ArrayList<K>(size);
for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
return list;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IOException("Error reading data for index " + indexId, e);
// Important! Update IdToDataKeysIndex depending on the sate of "buffering" flag from the MemoryStorage.
// If buffering is on, all changes should be done in memory (similar to the way it is done in memory storage).
// Otherwise data in IdToDataKeysIndex will not be in sync with the 'main' data in the index on disk and index updates will be based on the
// wrong sets of keys for the given file. This will lead to unpredictable results in main index because it will not be
// cleared properly before updating (removed data will still be present on disk). See IDEA-52223 for illustration of possible effects.
final PersistentHashMap<Integer, Collection<K>> map = new PersistentHashMap<Integer, Collection<K>>(
indexStorageFile, EnumeratorIntegerDescriptor.INSTANCE, dataExternalizer
) {
protected Collection<K> doGet(Integer integer) throws IOException {
if (isBufferingMode.get()) {
final Collection<K> collection = tempMap.get(integer);
if (collection != null) {
return collection;
return super.doGet(integer);
protected void doPut(Integer integer, @Nullable Collection<K> ks) throws IOException {
if (isBufferingMode.get()) {
tempMap.put(integer, ks == null ? Collections.<K>emptySet() : ks);
else {
super.doPut(integer, ks);
protected void doRemove(Integer integer) throws IOException {
if (isBufferingMode.get()) {
tempMap.put(integer, Collections.<K>emptySet());
else {
storage.addBufferingStateListsner(new MemoryIndexStorage.BufferingStateListener() {
public void bufferingStateChanged(boolean newState) {
synchronized (map) {
public void memoryStorageCleared() {
synchronized (map) {
return map;
public void disposeComponent() {
private final AtomicBoolean myShutdownPerformed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private void performShutdown() {
if (!myShutdownPerformed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
return; // already shut down
try {
if (myFlushingFuture != null) {
myFlushingFuture = null;
//myFileDocumentManager.saveAllDocuments(); // rev=Eugene Juravlev
try {
myChangedFilesCollector.forceUpdate(null, null, null, true);
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : myIndices.keySet()) {
final UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent> index = getIndex(indexId);
assert index != null;
checkRebuild(indexId, true); // if the index was scheduled for rebuild, only clean it
catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Problems during index shutdown", e);
private void flushAllIndices(final long modCount) {
if (HeavyProcessLatch.INSTANCE.isRunning()) {
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : new ArrayList<ID<?, ?>>(myIndices.keySet())) {
if (HeavyProcessLatch.INSTANCE.isRunning() || modCount != myLocalModCount) {
return; // do not interfere with 'main' jobs
try {
final UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent> index = getIndex(indexId);
if (index != null) {
catch (StorageException e) {;
if (!HeavyProcessLatch.INSTANCE.isRunning() && modCount == myLocalModCount) { // do not interfere with 'main' jobs
public <K> Collection<K> getAllKeys(@NotNull final ID<K, ?> indexId, @NotNull Project project) {
Set<K> allKeys = new THashSet<K>();
processAllKeys(indexId, new CommonProcessors.CollectProcessor<K>(allKeys), project);
return allKeys;
public <K> boolean processAllKeys(@NotNull final ID<K, ?> indexId, Processor<K> processor, @Nullable Project project) {
return processAllKeys(indexId, processor, project != null ? GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project) : new EverythingGlobalScope(), null);
public <K> boolean processAllKeys(@NotNull ID<K, ?> indexId, Processor<K> processor, @NotNull GlobalSearchScope scope, @Nullable IdFilter idFilter) {
try {
final UpdatableIndex<K, ?, FileContent> index = getIndex(indexId);
if (index == null) {
return true;
ensureUpToDate(indexId, scope.getProject(), scope);
return index.processAllKeys(processor, idFilter);
catch (StorageException e) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, e);
catch (RuntimeException e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof StorageException || cause instanceof IOException) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, cause);
else {
throw e;
return false;
private static final ThreadLocal<Integer> myUpToDateCheckState = new ThreadLocal<Integer>();
public static void disableUpToDateCheckForCurrentThread() {
final Integer currentValue = myUpToDateCheckState.get();
myUpToDateCheckState.set(currentValue == null ? 1 : currentValue.intValue() + 1);
public static void enableUpToDateCheckForCurrentThread() {
final Integer currentValue = myUpToDateCheckState.get();
if (currentValue != null) {
final int newValue = currentValue.intValue() - 1;
if (newValue != 0) {
else {
private static boolean isUpToDateCheckEnabled() {
final Integer value = myUpToDateCheckState.get();
return value == null || value.intValue() == 0;
private final ThreadLocal<Boolean> myReentrancyGuard = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
protected Boolean initialValue() {
return Boolean.FALSE;
* The method is internal to indexing engine end is called internally. The method is public due to implementation details
public <K> void ensureUpToDate(@NotNull final ID<K, ?> indexId, @Nullable Project project, @Nullable GlobalSearchScope filter) {
ensureUpToDate(indexId, project, filter, null);
protected <K> void ensureUpToDate(@NotNull final ID<K, ?> indexId,
@Nullable Project project,
@Nullable GlobalSearchScope filter,
@Nullable VirtualFile restrictedFile) {
myContentlessIndicesUpdateQueue.ensureUpToDate(); // some content full indices depends on contentless ones
if (!needsFileContentLoading(indexId)) {
return; //indexed eagerly in foreground while building unindexed file list
if (filter == GlobalSearchScope.EMPTY_SCOPE) {
if (isDumb(project)) {
if (myReentrancyGuard.get().booleanValue()) {
//assert false : "ensureUpToDate() is not reentrant!";
try {
if (isUpToDateCheckEnabled()) {
try {
checkRebuild(indexId, false);
myChangedFilesCollector.forceUpdate(project, filter, restrictedFile, false);
indexUnsavedDocuments(indexId, project, filter, restrictedFile);
catch (StorageException e) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, e);
catch (RuntimeException e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof StorageException || cause instanceof IOException) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, e);
else {
throw e;
finally {
private static void handleDumbMode(@Nullable Project project) {
ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); // DumbModeAction.CANCEL
if (project != null) {
final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
if (progressIndicator instanceof BackgroundableProcessIndicator) {
final BackgroundableProcessIndicator indicator = (BackgroundableProcessIndicator)progressIndicator;
if (indicator.getDumbModeAction() == DumbModeAction.WAIT) {
assert !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread();
throw new IndexNotReadyException();
private static boolean isDumb(@Nullable Project project) {
if (project != null) {
return DumbServiceImpl.getInstance(project).isDumb();
for (Project proj : ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects()) {
if (DumbServiceImpl.getInstance(proj).isDumb()) {
return true;
return false;
public <K, V> List<V> getValues(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId, @NotNull K dataKey, @NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter) {
final List<V> values = new SmartList<V>();
processValuesImpl(indexId, dataKey, true, null, new ValueProcessor<V>() {
public boolean process(final VirtualFile file, final V value) {
return true;
}, filter);
return values;
public <K, V> Collection<VirtualFile> getContainingFiles(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId,
@NotNull K dataKey,
@NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter) {
final Set<VirtualFile> files = new THashSet<VirtualFile>();
processValuesImpl(indexId, dataKey, false, null, new ValueProcessor<V>() {
public boolean process(final VirtualFile file, final V value) {
return true;
}, filter);
return files;
public <K, V> boolean processValues(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId, @NotNull final K dataKey, @Nullable final VirtualFile inFile,
@NotNull ValueProcessor<V> processor, @NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter) {
return processValuesImpl(indexId, dataKey, false, inFile, processor, filter);
private <K, V, R> R processExceptions(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId,
@Nullable final VirtualFile restrictToFile,
@NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter,
@NotNull ThrowableConvertor<UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent>, R, StorageException> computable) {
try {
final UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> index = getIndex(indexId);
if (index == null) {
return null;
final Project project = filter.getProject();
//assert project != null : "GlobalSearchScope#getProject() should be not-null for all index queries";
ensureUpToDate(indexId, project, filter, restrictToFile);
try {
return computable.convert(index);
finally {
catch (StorageException e) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, e);
catch (RuntimeException e) {
final Throwable cause = getCauseToRebuildIndex(e);
if (cause != null) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, cause);
else {
throw e;
return null;
private <K, V> boolean processValuesImpl(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId, final K dataKey, final boolean ensureValueProcessedOnce,
@Nullable final VirtualFile restrictToFile, @NotNull final ValueProcessor<V> processor,
@NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter) {
ThrowableConvertor<UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent>, Boolean, StorageException> keyProcessor =
new ThrowableConvertor<UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent>, Boolean, StorageException>() {
public Boolean convert(@NotNull UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> index) throws StorageException {
final ValueContainer<V> container = index.getData(dataKey);
boolean shouldContinue = true;
if (restrictToFile != null) {
if (restrictToFile instanceof VirtualFileWithId) {
final int restrictedFileId = getFileId(restrictToFile);
for (final Iterator<V> valueIt = container.getValueIterator(); valueIt.hasNext(); ) {
final V value =;
if (container.isAssociated(value, restrictedFileId)) {
shouldContinue = processor.process(restrictToFile, value);
if (!shouldContinue) {
else {
final PersistentFS fs = (PersistentFS)ManagingFS.getInstance();
ProjectIndexableFilesFilter projectFilesSet = projectIndexableFiles(filter.getProject());
for (final Iterator<V> valueIt = container.getValueIterator(); valueIt.hasNext(); ) {
final V value =;
for (final ValueContainer.IntIterator inputIdsIterator = container.getInputIdsIterator(value); inputIdsIterator.hasNext(); ) {
final int id =;
if (projectFilesSet != null && !projectFilesSet.contains(id)) continue;
VirtualFile file = IndexInfrastructure.findFileByIdIfCached(fs, id);
if (file != null && filter.accept(file)) {
shouldContinue = processor.process(file, value);
if (!shouldContinue) {
if (ensureValueProcessedOnce) {
break; // continue with the next value
return shouldContinue;
final Boolean result = processExceptions(indexId, restrictToFile, filter, keyProcessor);
return result == null || result.booleanValue();
public <K, V> boolean processFilesContainingAllKeys(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId,
@NotNull final Collection<K> dataKeys,
@NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter,
@Nullable Condition<V> valueChecker,
@NotNull final Processor<VirtualFile> processor) {
ProjectIndexableFilesFilter filesSet = projectIndexableFiles(filter.getProject());
final TIntHashSet set = collectFileIdsContainingAllKeys(indexId, dataKeys, filter, valueChecker, filesSet);
return set != null && processVirtualFiles(set, filter, processor);
private static final Key<SoftReference<ProjectIndexableFilesFilter>> ourProjectFilesSetKey = Key.create("projectFiles");
public void filesUpdateEnumerationFinished() {
public static final class ProjectIndexableFilesFilter extends IdFilter {
private static final int SHIFT = 6;
private static final int MASK = (1 << SHIFT) - 1;
private final long[] myBitMask;
private final int myModificationCount;
private final int myMinId;
private final int myMaxId;
private ProjectIndexableFilesFilter(@NotNull TIntArrayList set, int modificationCount) {
myModificationCount = modificationCount;
final int[] minMax = new int[2];
if (!set.isEmpty()) {
minMax[0] = minMax[1] = set.get(0);
set.forEach(new TIntProcedure() {
public boolean execute(int value) {
minMax[0] = Math.min(minMax[0], value);
minMax[1] = Math.max(minMax[1], value);
return true;
myMaxId = minMax[1];
myMinId = minMax[0];
myBitMask = new long[((myMaxId - myMinId) >> SHIFT) + 1];
set.forEach(new TIntProcedure() {
public boolean execute(int value) {
value -= myMinId;
myBitMask[value >> SHIFT] |= (1L << (value & MASK));
return true;
public boolean contains(int id) {
if (id < myMinId) return false;
if (id > myMaxId) return false;
id -= myMinId;
return (myBitMask[id >> SHIFT] & (1L << (id & MASK))) != 0;
void filesUpdateStarted(Project project) {
void filesUpdateFinished(@NotNull Project project) {
private final Lock myCalcIndexableFilesLock = new SequenceLock();
public ProjectIndexableFilesFilter projectIndexableFiles(@Nullable Project project) {
if (project == null || myUpdatingFiles.get() > 0) return null;
if (myProjectsBeingUpdated.contains(project)) return null;
SoftReference<ProjectIndexableFilesFilter> reference = project.getUserData(ourProjectFilesSetKey);
ProjectIndexableFilesFilter data = reference != null ? reference.get() : null;
if (data != null && data.myModificationCount == myFilesModCount) return data;
if (myCalcIndexableFilesLock.tryLock()) { // make best effort for calculating filter
try {
reference = project.getUserData(ourProjectFilesSetKey);
data = reference != null ? reference.get() : null;
if (data != null && data.myModificationCount == myFilesModCount) {
return data;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final TIntArrayList filesSet = new TIntArrayList();
iterateIndexableFiles(new ContentIterator() {
public boolean processFile(@NotNull VirtualFile fileOrDir) {
return true;
}, project, SilentProgressIndicator.create());
ProjectIndexableFilesFilter filter = new ProjectIndexableFilesFilter(filesSet, myFilesModCount);
project.putUserData(ourProjectFilesSetKey, new SoftReference<ProjectIndexableFilesFilter>(filter));
long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOG.debug(filesSet.size() + " files iterated in " + (finish - start) + " ms");
return filter;
finally {
return null; // ok, no filtering
private <K, V> TIntHashSet collectFileIdsContainingAllKeys(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId,
@NotNull final Collection<K> dataKeys,
@NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter,
@Nullable final Condition<V> valueChecker,
@Nullable final ProjectIndexableFilesFilter projectFilesFilter) {
final ThrowableConvertor<UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent>, TIntHashSet, StorageException> convertor =
new ThrowableConvertor<UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent>, TIntHashSet, StorageException>() {
public TIntHashSet convert(@NotNull UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> index) throws StorageException {
TIntHashSet mainIntersection = null;
for (K dataKey : dataKeys) {
final TIntHashSet copy = new TIntHashSet();
final ValueContainer<V> container = index.getData(dataKey);
for (final Iterator<V> valueIt = container.getValueIterator(); valueIt.hasNext(); ) {
final V value =;
if (valueChecker != null && !valueChecker.value(value)) {
ValueContainer.IntIterator iterator = container.getInputIdsIterator(value);
if (mainIntersection == null || iterator.size() < mainIntersection.size()) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final int id =;
if (mainIntersection == null && (projectFilesFilter == null || projectFilesFilter.contains(id)) ||
mainIntersection != null && mainIntersection.contains(id)
) {
else {
mainIntersection.forEach(new TIntProcedure() {
final ValueContainer.IntPredicate predicate = container.getValueAssociationPredicate(value);
public boolean execute(int id) {
if (predicate.contains(id)) copy.add(id);
return true;
mainIntersection = copy;
if (mainIntersection.isEmpty()) {
return new TIntHashSet();
return mainIntersection;
return processExceptions(indexId, null, filter, convertor);
private static boolean processVirtualFiles(@NotNull TIntHashSet ids,
@NotNull final GlobalSearchScope filter,
@NotNull final Processor<VirtualFile> processor) {
final PersistentFS fs = (PersistentFS)ManagingFS.getInstance();
return ids.forEach(new TIntProcedure() {
public boolean execute(int id) {
VirtualFile file = IndexInfrastructure.findFileByIdIfCached(fs, id);
if (file != null && filter.accept(file)) {
return processor.process(file);
return true;
public static Throwable getCauseToRebuildIndex(@NotNull RuntimeException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof StorageException || cause instanceof IOException ||
cause instanceof IllegalArgumentException) return cause;
return null;
public <K, V> boolean getFilesWithKey(@NotNull final ID<K, V> indexId,
@NotNull final Set<K> dataKeys,
@NotNull Processor<VirtualFile> processor,
@NotNull GlobalSearchScope filter) {
try {
final UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> index = getIndex(indexId);
if (index == null) {
return true;
final Project project = filter.getProject();
//assert project != null : "GlobalSearchScope#getProject() should be not-null for all index queries";
ensureUpToDate(indexId, project, filter);
try {
final List<TIntHashSet> locals = new ArrayList<TIntHashSet>();
for (K dataKey : dataKeys) {
TIntHashSet local = new TIntHashSet();
final ValueContainer<V> container = index.getData(dataKey);
for (final Iterator<V> valueIt = container.getValueIterator(); valueIt.hasNext(); ) {
final V value =;
for (final ValueContainer.IntIterator inputIdsIterator = container.getInputIdsIterator(value); inputIdsIterator.hasNext(); ) {
final int id =;
if (locals.isEmpty()) {
return true;
Collections.sort(locals, new Comparator<TIntHashSet>() {
public int compare(TIntHashSet o1, TIntHashSet o2) {
return o1.size() - o2.size();
final PersistentFS fs = (PersistentFS)ManagingFS.getInstance();
TIntIterator ids = join(locals).iterator();
ProjectIndexableFilesFilter projectIndexableFilesFilter = projectIndexableFiles(project);
while (ids.hasNext()) {
int id =;
if (projectIndexableFilesFilter != null && !projectIndexableFilesFilter.contains(id)) continue;
//VirtualFile file = IndexInfrastructure.findFileById(fs, id);
VirtualFile file = IndexInfrastructure.findFileByIdIfCached(fs, id);
if (file != null && filter.accept(file)) {
if (!processor.process(file)) {
return false;
finally {
catch (StorageException e) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, e);
catch (RuntimeException e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof StorageException || cause instanceof IOException) {
scheduleRebuild(indexId, cause);
else {
throw e;
return true;
private static TIntHashSet join(@NotNull List<TIntHashSet> locals) {
TIntHashSet result = locals.get(0);
if (locals.size() > 1) {
TIntIterator it = result.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int id =;
for (int i = 1; i < locals.size(); i++) {
if (!locals.get(i).contains(id)) {
return result;
public <K> void scheduleRebuild(@NotNull final ID<K, ?> indexId, @NotNull final Throwable e) {
requestRebuild(indexId, new Throwable(e));
try {
checkRebuild(indexId, false);
catch (ProcessCanceledException ignored) {
private void checkRebuild(@NotNull final ID<?, ?> indexId, final boolean cleanupOnly) {
final AtomicInteger status = ourRebuildStatus.get(indexId);
if (status.get() == OK) {
try {
} catch (StorageException ex) {
requestRebuild(indexId, new Throwable(ex));
final Runnable rebuildRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
if (!cleanupOnly) {
finally {
status.compareAndSet(REBUILD_IN_PROGRESS, OK);
if (cleanupOnly || myIsUnitTestMode) {;
else {
//noinspection SSBasedInspection
ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new Task.Modal(null, "Updating index", false) {
public void run(@NotNull final ProgressIndicator indicator) {
}, ModalityState.NON_MODAL);
if (status.get() == REBUILD_IN_PROGRESS) {
throw new ProcessCanceledException();
private void scheduleIndexRebuild(boolean forceDumbMode) {
for (Project project : ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects()) {
final Set<CacheUpdater> updatersToRun = Collections.<CacheUpdater>singleton(new UnindexedFilesUpdater(project, this));
final DumbServiceImpl service = DumbServiceImpl.getInstance(project);
if (forceDumbMode) {
else {
private void clearIndex(@NotNull final ID<?, ?> indexId) throws StorageException {
final UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent> index = getIndex(indexId);
assert index != null : "Index with key " + indexId + " not found or not registered properly";
try {
IndexInfrastructure.rewriteVersion(IndexInfrastructure.getVersionFile(indexId), myIndexIdToVersionMap.get(indexId));
catch (IOException e) {
private Set<Document> getUnsavedOrTransactedDocuments() {
final Set<Document> docs = new THashSet<Document>(Arrays.asList(myFileDocumentManager.getUnsavedDocuments()));
synchronized (myTransactionMap) {
return docs;
private void indexUnsavedDocuments(@NotNull ID<?, ?> indexId,
@Nullable Project project,
GlobalSearchScope filter,
VirtualFile restrictedFile) throws StorageException {
if (myUpToDateIndices.contains(indexId)) {
return; // no need to index unsaved docs
final Set<Document> documents = getUnsavedOrTransactedDocuments();
if (!documents.isEmpty()) {
// now index unsaved data
final StorageGuard.Holder guard = setDataBufferingEnabled(true);
try {
final Semaphore semaphore = myUnsavedDataIndexingSemaphores.get(indexId);
assert semaphore != null : "Semaphore for unsaved data indexing was not initialized for index " + indexId;
boolean allDocsProcessed = true;
try {
for (Document document : documents) {
allDocsProcessed &= indexUnsavedDocument(document, indexId, project, filter, restrictedFile);
finally {
while (!semaphore.waitFor(500)) { // may need to wait until another thread is done with indexing
if (Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK)) {
break; // hack. Most probably that other indexing threads is waiting for PsiLock, which we're are holding.
if (allDocsProcessed && !hasActiveTransactions()) {
// assume all tasks were finished or cancelled in the same time
myUpToDateIndices.add(indexId); // safe to set the flag here, because it will be cleared under the WriteAction
finally {
private boolean hasActiveTransactions() {
synchronized (myTransactionMap) {
return !myTransactionMap.isEmpty();
private interface DocumentContent {
String getText();
long getModificationStamp();
private static class AuthenticContent implements DocumentContent {
private final Document myDocument;
private AuthenticContent(final Document document) {
myDocument = document;
public String getText() {
return myDocument.getText();
public long getModificationStamp() {
return myDocument.getModificationStamp();
private static class PsiContent implements DocumentContent {
private final Document myDocument;
private final PsiFile myFile;
private PsiContent(final Document document, final PsiFile file) {
myDocument = document;
myFile = file;
public String getText() {
if (myFile.getViewProvider().getModificationStamp() != myDocument.getModificationStamp()) {
final ASTNode node = myFile.getNode();
assert node != null;
return node.getText();
return myDocument.getText();
public long getModificationStamp() {
return myFile.getViewProvider().getModificationStamp();
private static final Key<WeakReference<FileContentImpl>> ourFileContentKey = Key.create("unsaved.document.index.content");
// returns false if doc was not indexed because the file does not fit in scope
private boolean indexUnsavedDocument(@NotNull final Document document, @NotNull final ID<?, ?> requestedIndexId, final Project project,
@Nullable GlobalSearchScope filter, @Nullable VirtualFile restrictedFile) {
final VirtualFile vFile = myFileDocumentManager.getFile(document);
if (!(vFile instanceof VirtualFileWithId) || !vFile.isValid()) {
return true;
if (restrictedFile != null) {
if (!Comparing.equal(vFile, restrictedFile)) {
return false;
else if (filter != null && !filter.accept(vFile)) {
return false;
final PsiFile dominantContentFile = findDominantPsiForDocument(document, project);
final DocumentContent content;
if (dominantContentFile != null && dominantContentFile.getViewProvider().getModificationStamp() != document.getModificationStamp()) {
content = new PsiContent(document, dominantContentFile);
else {
content = new AuthenticContent(document);
final long currentDocStamp = content.getModificationStamp();
final long previousDocStamp = myLastIndexedDocStamps.getAndSet(document, requestedIndexId, currentDocStamp);
if (currentDocStamp != previousDocStamp) {
final String contentText = content.getText();
if (!isTooLarge(vFile, contentText.length()) && getInputFilter(requestedIndexId).acceptInput(vFile)) {
// Reasonably attempt to use same file content when calculating indices as we can evaluate them several at once and store in file content
WeakReference<FileContentImpl> previousContentRef = document.getUserData(ourFileContentKey);
FileContentImpl previousContent = previousContentRef != null ? previousContentRef.get() : null;
final FileContentImpl newFc;
if (previousContent != null && previousContent.getStamp() == currentDocStamp) {
newFc = previousContent;
else {
newFc = new FileContentImpl(vFile, contentText, vFile.getCharset(), currentDocStamp);
document.putUserData(ourFileContentKey, new WeakReference<FileContentImpl>(newFc));
initFileContent(newFc, project, dominantContentFile);
if (content instanceof AuthenticContent) {
newFc.putUserData(EDITOR_HIGHLIGHTER, EditorHighlighterCache.getEditorHighlighterForCachesBuilding(document));
final int inputId = Math.abs(getFileId(vFile));
try {
getIndex(requestedIndexId).update(inputId, newFc).compute();
} catch (ProcessCanceledException pce) {
myLastIndexedDocStamps.getAndSet(document, requestedIndexId, previousDocStamp);
throw pce;
finally {
cleanFileContent(newFc, dominantContentFile);
return true;
private final TaskQueue myContentlessIndicesUpdateQueue = new TaskQueue(10000);
public static final Key<EditorHighlighter> EDITOR_HIGHLIGHTER = new Key<EditorHighlighter>("Editor");
private PsiFile findDominantPsiForDocument(@NotNull Document document, @Nullable Project project) {
synchronized (myTransactionMap) {
PsiFile psiFile = myTransactionMap.get(document);
if (psiFile != null) return psiFile;
return project == null ? null : findLatestKnownPsiForUncomittedDocument(document, project);
private final StorageGuard myStorageLock = new StorageGuard();
private StorageGuard.Holder setDataBufferingEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
final StorageGuard.Holder holder = myStorageLock.enter(enabled);
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : myIndices.keySet()) {
final MapReduceIndex index = (MapReduceIndex)getIndex(indexId);
assert index != null;
final IndexStorage indexStorage = index.getStorage();
return holder;
private void cleanupMemoryStorage() {
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : myIndices.keySet()) {
final MapReduceIndex index = (MapReduceIndex)getIndex(indexId);
assert index != null;
final MemoryIndexStorage memStorage = (MemoryIndexStorage)index.getStorage();
try {
finally {
private void dropUnregisteredIndices() {
final Set<String> indicesToDrop = readRegisteredIndexNames();
for (ID<?, ?> key : myIndices.keySet()) {
for (String s : indicesToDrop) {
public void requestRebuild(ID<?, ?> indexId, Throwable throwable) {
boolean requiresRebuildWasSet = ourRebuildStatus.get(indexId).compareAndSet(OK, REQUIRES_REBUILD);
if (requiresRebuildWasSet)"Rebuild requested for index " + indexId, throwable);
private <K, V> UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent> getIndex(ID<K, V> indexId) {
final Pair<UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent>, InputFilter> pair = myIndices.get(indexId);
assert pair != null : "Index data is absent for index " + indexId;
//noinspection unchecked
return (UpdatableIndex<K, V, FileContent>)pair.getFirst();
private InputFilter getInputFilter(ID<?, ?> indexId) {
final Pair<UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent>, InputFilter> pair = myIndices.get(indexId);
assert pair != null : "Index data is absent for index " + indexId;
return pair.getSecond();
public int getNumberOfPendingInvalidations() {
return myChangedFilesCollector.getNumberOfPendingInvalidations();
public Collection<VirtualFile> getFilesToUpdate(final Project project) {
return ContainerUtil.findAll(myChangedFilesCollector.getAllFilesToUpdate(), new Condition<VirtualFile>() {
public boolean value(VirtualFile virtualFile) {
for (IndexableFileSet set : myIndexableSets) {
final Project proj = myIndexableSetToProjectMap.get(set);
if (proj != null && !proj.equals(project)) {
continue; // skip this set as associated with a different project
if (set.isInSet(virtualFile)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isFileUpToDate(VirtualFile file) {
return !myChangedFilesCollector.myFilesToUpdate.contains(file);
void processRefreshedFile(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull final com.intellij.ide.caches.FileContent fileContent) {
myChangedFilesCollector.processFileImpl(project, fileContent, false); // ProcessCanceledException will cause re-adding the file to processing list
public void indexFileContent(@Nullable Project project, @NotNull com.intellij.ide.caches.FileContent content) {
final VirtualFile file = content.getVirtualFile();
FileTypeManagerImpl.cacheFileType(file, file.getFileType());
try {
PsiFile psiFile = null;
FileContentImpl fc = null;
final List<ID<?, ?>> affectedIndexCandidates = getAffectedIndexCandidates(file);
//noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
for (int i = 0, size = affectedIndexCandidates.size(); i < size; ++i) {
final ID<?, ?> indexId = affectedIndexCandidates.get(i);
if (shouldIndexFile(file, indexId)) {
if (fc == null) {
byte[] currentBytes;
try {
currentBytes = content.getBytes();
catch (IOException e) {
currentBytes = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
fc = new FileContentImpl(file, currentBytes);
if (project == null) {
project = ProjectUtil.guessProjectForFile(file);
psiFile = content.getUserData(IndexingDataKeys.PSI_FILE);
initFileContent(fc, project, psiFile);
try {
updateSingleIndex(indexId, file, fc);
catch (ProcessCanceledException e) {
cleanFileContent(fc, psiFile);
throw e;
catch (StorageException e) {
if (psiFile != null) {
psiFile.putUserData(PsiFileImpl.BUILDING_STUB, null);
finally {
FileTypeManagerImpl.cacheFileType(file, null);
private List<ID<?, ?>> getAffectedIndexCandidates(VirtualFile file) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
return isProjectOrWorkspaceFile(file, null) ? Collections.<ID<?,?>>emptyList() : myIndicesForDirectories;
FileType fileType = file.getFileType();
if(isProjectOrWorkspaceFile(file, fileType)) return Collections.emptyList();
if (fileType == StdFileTypes.HTML || fileType == StdFileTypes.XML) {
int a = 1;
List<ID<?, ?>> ids = myFileType2IndicesWithFileTypeInfoMap.get(fileType);
if (ids == null) ids = myIndicesWithoutFileTypeInfo;
return ids;
private static void cleanFileContent(FileContentImpl fc, PsiFile psiFile) {
if (psiFile != null) psiFile.putUserData(PsiFileImpl.BUILDING_STUB, false);
fc.putUserData(IndexingDataKeys.PSI_FILE, null);
private static void initFileContent(FileContentImpl fc, Project project, PsiFile psiFile) {
if (psiFile != null) {
psiFile.putUserData(PsiFileImpl.BUILDING_STUB, true);
fc.putUserData(IndexingDataKeys.PSI_FILE, psiFile);
fc.putUserData(IndexingDataKeys.PROJECT, project);
private void updateSingleIndex(final ID<?, ?> indexId, @NotNull final VirtualFile file, @Nullable final FileContent currentFC)
throws StorageException {
if (ourRebuildStatus.get(indexId).get() == REQUIRES_REBUILD) {
return; // the index is scheduled for rebuild, no need to update
final int inputId = Math.abs(getFileId(file));
final UpdatableIndex<?, ?, FileContent> index = getIndex(indexId);
assert index != null;
final Computable<Boolean> update = index.update(inputId, currentFC);
final FileType fileType = file.getFileType();
new Computable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean compute() {
Boolean result;
final StorageGuard.Holder lock = setDataBufferingEnabled(false);
try {
result = update.compute();
finally {
return result;
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (file.isValid()) {
ID stubId = IndexInfrastructure.getStubId(indexId, fileType);
if (currentFC != null) {
IndexingStamp.update(file, stubId, getIndexCreationStamp(stubId, fileType));
else {
// mark the file as unindexed
IndexingStamp.update(file, stubId, IndexInfrastructure.INVALID_STAMP);
if (myNotRequiringContentIndices.contains(indexId)) IndexingStamp.flushCache(file);
private void scheduleUpdate(ID<?, ?> indexId, final Computable<Boolean> update, final Runnable successRunnable) {
if (myNotRequiringContentIndices.contains(indexId)) {
myContentlessIndicesUpdateQueue.submit(update, successRunnable);
} else {
Boolean result = update.compute();
if (result == Boolean.TRUE) ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(successRunnable);
private boolean needsFileContentLoading(ID<?, ?> indexId) {
return !myNotRequiringContentIndices.contains(indexId);
private abstract static class InvalidationTask implements Runnable {
private final VirtualFile mySubj;
protected InvalidationTask(final VirtualFile subj) {
mySubj = subj;
public VirtualFile getSubj() {
return mySubj;
private static class SilentProgressIndicator extends DelegatingProgressIndicator {
// suppress verbose messages
private SilentProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator indicator) {
private static SilentProgressIndicator create() {
final ProgressIndicator indicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
return indicator != null ? new SilentProgressIndicator(indicator) : null;
public void setText(String text) {
public String getText() {
return "";
public void setText2(String text) {
public String getText2() {
return "";
private final class ChangedFilesCollector extends VirtualFileAdapter implements BulkFileListener {
private final Set<VirtualFile> myFilesToUpdate = new ConcurrentHashSet<VirtualFile>();
private final Queue<InvalidationTask> myFutureInvalidations = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<InvalidationTask>();
private final ManagingFS myManagingFS = ManagingFS.getInstance();
public void fileMoved(VirtualFileMoveEvent event) {
markDirty(event, false);
public void fileCreated(@NotNull final VirtualFileEvent event) {
markDirty(event, false);
public void fileDeleted(@NotNull final VirtualFileEvent event) {
myFilesToUpdate.remove(event.getFile()); // no need to update it anymore
public void fileCopied(@NotNull final VirtualFileCopyEvent event) {
markDirty(event, false);
public void beforeFileDeletion(@NotNull final VirtualFileEvent event) {
invalidateIndices(event.getFile(), false);
public void beforeContentsChange(@NotNull final VirtualFileEvent event) {
invalidateIndices(event.getFile(), true);
public void contentsChanged(@NotNull final VirtualFileEvent event) {
markDirty(event, true);
public void beforePropertyChange(@NotNull final VirtualFilePropertyEvent event) {
if (event.getPropertyName().equals(VirtualFile.PROP_NAME)) {
// indexes may depend on file name
final VirtualFile file = event.getFile();
// name change may lead to filetype change so the file might become not indexable
// in general case have to 'unindex' the file and index it again if needed after the name has been changed
invalidateIndices(file, false);
public void propertyChanged(@NotNull final VirtualFilePropertyEvent event) {
if (event.getPropertyName().equals(VirtualFile.PROP_NAME)) {
// indexes may depend on file name
markDirty(event, false);
private void markDirty(@NotNull final VirtualFileEvent event, final boolean contentChange) {
final VirtualFile eventFile = event.getFile();
if (!contentChange) {
iterateIndexableFiles(eventFile, new Processor<VirtualFile>() {
public boolean process(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) {
FileContent fileContent = null;
// handle 'content-less' indices separately
boolean fileIsDirectory = file.isDirectory();
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : fileIsDirectory ? myIndicesForDirectories : myNotRequiringContentIndices) {
if (getInputFilter(indexId).acceptInput(file)) {
try {
if (fileContent == null) {
fileContent = new FileContentImpl(file);
updateSingleIndex(indexId, file, fileContent);
catch (StorageException e) {;
// For 'normal indices' schedule the file for update and reset stamps for all affected indices (there
// can be client that used indices between before and after events, in such case indices are up to date due to force update
// with old content)
if (!fileIsDirectory && !isTooLarge(file)) {
final List<ID<?, ?>> candidates = getAffectedIndexCandidates(file);
//noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
FileType fileType = file.getFileType();
boolean scheduleForUpdate = false;
boolean resetStamp = false;
//noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
for (int i = 0, size = candidates.size(); i < size; ++i) {
final ID<?, ?> indexId = candidates.get(i);
if (needsFileContentLoading(indexId) && getInputFilter(indexId).acceptInput(file)) {
ID id = IndexInfrastructure.getStubId(indexId, fileType);
if (IndexingStamp.isFileIndexed(file, id, IndexInfrastructure.getIndexCreationStamp(id))) {
IndexingStamp.update(file, id, IndexInfrastructure.INVALID_STAMP2);
resetStamp = true;
scheduleForUpdate = true;
if (scheduleForUpdate) {
if (resetStamp) IndexingStamp.flushCache(file);
return true;
if (!contentChange) {
if (myUpdatingFiles.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
private void scheduleForUpdate(VirtualFile file) {
private void invalidateIndices(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, final boolean markForReindex) {
VfsUtilCore.visitChildrenRecursively(file, new VirtualFileVisitor() {
public boolean visitFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file) {
if (isUnderConfigOrSystem(file)) {
return false;
if (file.isDirectory()) {
invalidateIndicesForFile(file, markForReindex);
if (!isMock(file) && !myManagingFS.wereChildrenAccessed(file)) {
return false;
else {
invalidateIndicesForFile(file, markForReindex);
return true;
public Iterable<VirtualFile> getChildrenIterable(@NotNull VirtualFile file) {
return file instanceof NewVirtualFile ? ((NewVirtualFile)file).iterInDbChildren() : null;
private void invalidateIndicesForFile(final VirtualFile file, boolean markForReindex) {
final List<ID<?, ?>> affectedIndexCandidates = getAffectedIndexCandidates(file);
final List<ID<?, ?>> affectedIndices = new ArrayList<ID<?, ?>>(affectedIndexCandidates.size());
//noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
for (int i = 0, size = affectedIndexCandidates.size(); i < size; ++i) {
final ID<?, ?> indexId = affectedIndexCandidates.get(i);
try {
if (!needsFileContentLoading(indexId)) {
if (shouldUpdateIndex(file, indexId)) {
updateSingleIndex(indexId, file, null);
else { // the index requires file content
if (shouldUpdateIndex(file, indexId)) {
catch (StorageException e) {;
if (!affectedIndices.isEmpty()) {
if (markForReindex && !isTooLarge(file)) {
// only mark the file as unindexed, reindex will be done lazily
ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
FileType fileType = file.getFileType();
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : affectedIndices) {
ID id = IndexInfrastructure.getStubId(indexId, fileType);
IndexingStamp.update(file, id, IndexInfrastructure.INVALID_STAMP2);
// the file is for sure not a dir and it was previously indexed by at least one index
else {
myFutureInvalidations.offer(new InvalidationTask(file) {
public void run() {
removeFileDataFromIndices(affectedIndices, file);
if (!markForReindex) {
final boolean removedFromUpdateQueue = myFilesToUpdate.remove(file);// no need to update it anymore
if (removedFromUpdateQueue && affectedIndices.isEmpty()) {
// Currently the file is about to be deleted and previously it was scheduled for update and not processed up to now.
// Because the file was scheduled for update, at the moment of scheduling it was marked as unindexed,
// so, to be on the safe side, we have to schedule data invalidation from all content-requiring indices for this file
myFutureInvalidations.offer(new InvalidationTask(file) {
public void run() {
List<ID<?, ?>> candidates = new ArrayList<ID<?, ?>>(affectedIndexCandidates);
removeFileDataFromIndices(candidates, file);
private void removeFileDataFromIndices(@NotNull Collection<ID<?, ?>> affectedIndices, @NotNull VirtualFile file) {
Throwable unexpectedError = null;
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : affectedIndices) {
try {
updateSingleIndex(indexId, file, null);
catch (StorageException e) {;
catch (ProcessCanceledException ignored) {
catch (Throwable e) {;
if (unexpectedError == null) {
unexpectedError = e;
if (unexpectedError != null) {
public int getNumberOfPendingInvalidations() {
return myFutureInvalidations.size();
public void ensureAllInvalidateTasksCompleted() {
final int size = getNumberOfPendingInvalidations();
if (size == 0) {
final ProgressIndicator current = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator();
final ProgressIndicator indicator = current != null ? current : new EmptyProgressIndicator();
int count = 0;
while (true) {
InvalidationTask task = myFutureInvalidations.poll();
if (task == null) {
indicator.setFraction((double)count++ / size);
private void iterateIndexableFiles(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, @NotNull final Processor<VirtualFile> processor) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
final ContentIterator iterator = new ContentIterator() {
public boolean processFile(@NotNull final VirtualFile fileOrDir) {
return true;
for (IndexableFileSet set : myIndexableSets) {
if (set.isInSet(file)) {
set.iterateIndexableFilesIn(file, iterator);
else {
for (IndexableFileSet set : myIndexableSets) {
if (set.isInSet(file)) {
public Collection<VirtualFile> getAllFilesToUpdate() {
if (myFilesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(myFilesToUpdate);
private final AtomicReference<UpdateSemaphore> myUpdateSemaphoreRef = new AtomicReference<UpdateSemaphore>(null);
private UpdateSemaphore obtainForceUpdateSemaphore() {
UpdateSemaphore newValue = null;
while (true) {
final UpdateSemaphore currentValue = myUpdateSemaphoreRef.get();
if (currentValue != null) {
return currentValue;
if (newValue == null) { // lazy init
newValue = new UpdateSemaphore();
if (myUpdateSemaphoreRef.compareAndSet(null, newValue)) {
return newValue;
private void releaseForceUpdateSemaphore(UpdateSemaphore semaphore) {
myUpdateSemaphoreRef.compareAndSet(semaphore, null);
private void forceUpdate(@Nullable Project project, @Nullable GlobalSearchScope filter, @Nullable VirtualFile restrictedTo, boolean onlyRemoveOutdatedData) {
ProjectIndexableFilesFilter indexableFilesFilter = projectIndexableFiles(project);
UpdateSemaphore updateSemaphore;
updateSemaphore = obtainForceUpdateSemaphore();
try {
for (VirtualFile file : getAllFilesToUpdate()) {
if (indexableFilesFilter != null && file instanceof VirtualFileWithId && !indexableFilesFilter.contains(((VirtualFileWithId)file).getId())) {
if (filter == null || filter.accept(file) || Comparing.equal(file, restrictedTo)) {
try {
// process only files that can affect result
processFileImpl(project, new com.intellij.ide.caches.FileContent(file), onlyRemoveOutdatedData);
catch (ProcessCanceledException e) {
throw e;
finally {
// If several threads entered the method at the same time and there were files to update,
// all the threads should leave the method synchronously after all the files scheduled for update are reindexed,
// no matter which thread will do reindexing job.
// Thus we ensure that all the threads that entered the method will get the most recent data
while (!updateSemaphore.waitFor(500)) { // may need to wait until another thread is done with indexing
if (Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK)) {
break; // hack. Most probably that other indexing threads is waiting for PsiLock, which we're are holding.
finally {
// if some other thread was unable to complete indexing because of PCE,
// we should try again and ensure the file is indexed before proceeding further
while (updateSemaphore.isUpdateCanceled());
private void processFileImpl(Project project, @NotNull final com.intellij.ide.caches.FileContent fileContent, boolean onlyRemoveOutdatedData) {
final VirtualFile file = fileContent.getVirtualFile();
final boolean reallyRemoved = myFilesToUpdate.remove(file);
if (reallyRemoved && file.isValid()) {
try {
if (onlyRemoveOutdatedData || isTooLarge(file)) {
// on shutdown there is no need to re-index the file, just remove outdated data from indices
final List<ID<?, ?>> affected = new ArrayList<ID<?, ?>>();
for (final ID<?, ?> indexId : getAffectedIndexCandidates(file)) { // non requiring content indices should be flushed
if (needsFileContentLoading(indexId) && getInputFilter(indexId).acceptInput(file)) {
removeFileDataFromIndices(affected, file);
else {
indexFileContent(project, fileContent);
finally {
public void before(@NotNull List<? extends VFileEvent> events) {
for (VFileEvent event : events) {
Object requestor = event.getRequestor();
if (requestor instanceof FileDocumentManager ||
requestor instanceof PsiManager ||
requestor == LocalHistory.VFS_EVENT_REQUESTOR) {
for (VFileEvent event : events) {
BulkVirtualFileListenerAdapter.fireBefore(this, event);
public void after(@NotNull List<? extends VFileEvent> events) {
for (VFileEvent event : events) {
BulkVirtualFileListenerAdapter.fireAfter(this, event);
private class UnindexedFilesFinder implements CollectingContentIterator {
private final List<VirtualFile> myFiles = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>();
private final ProgressIndicator myProgressIndicator;
private UnindexedFilesFinder(@Nullable ProgressIndicator indicator) {
myProgressIndicator = indicator;
public List<VirtualFile> getFiles() {
return myFiles;
public boolean processFile(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) {
if (!file.isValid()) {
return true;
if (file instanceof VirtualFileSystemEntry && ((VirtualFileSystemEntry)file).isFileIndexed()) {
return true;
if (file instanceof VirtualFileWithId) {
try {
FileTypeManagerImpl.cacheFileType(file, file.getFileType());
boolean oldStuff = true;
if (file.isDirectory() || !isTooLarge(file)) {
final List<ID<?, ?>> affectedIndexCandidates = getAffectedIndexCandidates(file);
//noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
for (int i = 0, size = affectedIndexCandidates.size(); i < size; ++i) {
final ID<?, ?> indexId = affectedIndexCandidates.get(i);
try {
if (needsFileContentLoading(indexId) && shouldIndexFile(file, indexId)) {
oldStuff = false;
catch (RuntimeException e) {
final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof IOException || cause instanceof StorageException) {;
else {
throw e;
FileContent fileContent = null;
for (ID<?, ?> indexId : myNotRequiringContentIndices) {
if (shouldIndexFile(file, indexId)) {
oldStuff = false;
try {
if (fileContent == null) {
fileContent = new FileContentImpl(file);
updateSingleIndex(indexId, file, fileContent);
catch (StorageException e) {;
if (oldStuff && file instanceof VirtualFileSystemEntry) {
finally {
FileTypeManagerImpl.cacheFileType(file, null);
if (myProgressIndicator != null && file.isDirectory()) { // once for dir is cheap enough
myProgressIndicator.setText("Scanning files to index");
return true;
private boolean shouldUpdateIndex(final VirtualFile file, final ID<?, ?> indexId) {
return getInputFilter(indexId).acceptInput(file) &&
(isMock(file) || isFileIndexed(file, indexId));
private boolean shouldIndexFile(final VirtualFile file, final ID<?, ?> indexId) {
return getInputFilter(indexId).acceptInput(file) &&
(isMock(file) || !isFileIndexed(file, indexId));
private static boolean isFileIndexed(VirtualFile file, ID<?, ?> indexId) {
ID id = IndexInfrastructure.getStubId(indexId, file.getFileType());
return IndexingStamp.isFileIndexed(file, id, IndexInfrastructure.getIndexCreationStamp(id));
private static long getIndexCreationStamp(ID<?, ?> indexId, FileType fileType) {
return IndexInfrastructure.getIndexCreationStamp(indexId, fileType);
private boolean isUnderConfigOrSystem(@NotNull VirtualFile file) {
final String filePath = file.getPath();
return myConfigPath != null && FileUtil.startsWith(filePath, myConfigPath) ||
myLogPath != null && FileUtil.startsWith(filePath, myLogPath);
private static boolean isMock(final VirtualFile file) {
return !(file instanceof NewVirtualFile);
private boolean isTooLarge(@NotNull VirtualFile file) {
if (SingleRootFileViewProvider.isTooLargeForIntelligence(file)) {
final FileType type = file.getFileType();
return !myNoLimitCheckTypes.contains(type);
return false;
private boolean isTooLarge(@NotNull VirtualFile file, long contentSize) {
if (SingleRootFileViewProvider.isTooLargeForIntelligence(file, contentSize)) {
final FileType type = file.getFileType();
return !myNoLimitCheckTypes.contains(type);
return false;
public CollectingContentIterator createContentIterator(@Nullable ProgressIndicator indicator) {
return new UnindexedFilesFinder(indicator);
public void registerIndexableSet(@NotNull IndexableFileSet set, @Nullable Project project) {
myIndexableSetToProjectMap.put(set, project);
public void removeIndexableSet(@NotNull IndexableFileSet set) {
myChangedFilesCollector.forceUpdate(null, null, null, true);
public VirtualFile findFileById(Project project, int id) {
return IndexInfrastructure.findFileById((PersistentFS) ManagingFS.getInstance(), id);
private static PsiFile findLatestKnownPsiForUncomittedDocument(@NotNull Document doc, @NotNull Project project) {
return PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getCachedPsiFile(doc);
private static class IndexableFilesFilter implements InputFilter {
private final InputFilter myDelegate;
private IndexableFilesFilter(InputFilter delegate) {
myDelegate = delegate;
public boolean acceptInput(final VirtualFile file) {
return file instanceof VirtualFileWithId && myDelegate.acceptInput(file);
private static void cleanupProcessedFlag() {
final VirtualFile[] roots = ManagingFS.getInstance().getRoots();
for (VirtualFile root : roots) {
private static void cleanProcessedFlag(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) {
if (!(file instanceof VirtualFileSystemEntry)) return;
final VirtualFileSystemEntry nvf = (VirtualFileSystemEntry)file;
if (file.isDirectory()) {
for (VirtualFile child : nvf.getCachedChildren()) {
else {
public void iterateIndexableFiles(@NotNull final ContentIterator processor, @NotNull Project project, ProgressIndicator indicator) {
if (project.isDisposed()) {
final ProjectFileIndex projectFileIndex = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex();
// iterate project content
if (project.isDisposed()) {
Set<VirtualFile> visitedRoots = new THashSet<VirtualFile>();
for (IndexedRootsProvider provider : Extensions.getExtensions(IndexedRootsProvider.EP_NAME)) {
//important not to depend on project here, to support per-project background reindex
// each client gives a project to FileBasedIndex
if (project.isDisposed()) {
for (VirtualFile root : IndexableSetContributor.getRootsToIndex(provider)) {
if (visitedRoots.add(root)) {
iterateRecursively(root, processor, indicator);
for (VirtualFile root : IndexableSetContributor.getProjectRootsToIndex(provider, project)) {
if (visitedRoots.add(root)) {
iterateRecursively(root, processor, indicator);
if (project.isDisposed()) {
// iterate associated libraries
for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).getModules()) {
if (module.isDisposed()) {
OrderEntry[] orderEntries = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getOrderEntries();
for (OrderEntry orderEntry : orderEntries) {
if (orderEntry instanceof LibraryOrSdkOrderEntry) {
if (orderEntry.isValid()) {
final LibraryOrSdkOrderEntry entry = (LibraryOrSdkOrderEntry)orderEntry;
final VirtualFile[] libSources = entry.getRootFiles(OrderRootType.SOURCES);
final VirtualFile[] libClasses = entry.getRootFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES);
for (VirtualFile[] roots : new VirtualFile[][]{libSources, libClasses}) {
for (VirtualFile root : roots) {
if (visitedRoots.add(root)) {
iterateRecursively(root, processor, indicator);
private static void iterateRecursively(@Nullable final VirtualFile root,
@NotNull final ContentIterator processor,
@Nullable final ProgressIndicator indicator) {
if (root == null) {
VfsUtilCore.visitChildrenRecursively(root, new VirtualFileVisitor() {
public boolean visitFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file) {
if (indicator != null) indicator.checkCanceled();
if (indicator != null && file.isDirectory()) {
// once for directory should be cheap enough
return true;
@SuppressWarnings({"WhileLoopSpinsOnField", "SynchronizeOnThis"})
private static class StorageGuard {
private int myHolds = 0;
public interface Holder {
void leave();
private final Holder myTrueHolder = new Holder() {
public void leave() {
private final Holder myFalseHolder = new Holder() {
public void leave() {
public synchronized Holder enter(boolean mode) {
if (mode) {
while (myHolds < 0) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
return myTrueHolder;
else {
while (myHolds > 0) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
return myFalseHolder;
private synchronized void leave(boolean mode) {
myHolds += mode ? -1 : 1;
if (myHolds == 0) {