blob: a63e4382498667a074aef48dde47f2a8d44ee30d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o.
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package com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.graphInference;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiType;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.graphInference.constraints.ConstraintFormula;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.graphInference.constraints.SubtypingConstraint;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.graphInference.constraints.TypeEqualityConstraint;
import java.util.List;
* User: anna
public class InferenceIncorporationPhase {
private InferenceSession mySession;
public InferenceIncorporationPhase(InferenceSession session) {
mySession = session;
public void incorporate() {
for (InferenceVariable inferenceVariable : mySession.getInferenceVariables()) {
if (inferenceVariable.getInstantiation() != PsiType.NULL) continue;
final List<PsiType> eqBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ);
final List<PsiType> upperBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER);
final List<PsiType> lowerBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER);
todo inference errors
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type e : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
if (e.containsAny(inferenceContext.inferenceVars())) continue;
for (Type u : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
if (!isSubtype(e, inferenceContext.asFree(u), warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_EQ_UPPER);
for (Type l : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
if (!isSubtype(inferenceContext.asFree(l), e, warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_EQ_LOWER);
upperLower(upperBounds, lowerBounds);
upDown(eqBounds, upperBounds);
upDown(lowerBounds, eqBounds);
boolean isFullyIncorporated() {
boolean needFurtherIncorporation = false;
for (InferenceVariable inferenceVariable : mySession.getInferenceVariables()) {
if (inferenceVariable.getInstantiation() != PsiType.NULL) continue;
final List<PsiType> eqBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ);
final List<PsiType> upperBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER);
final List<PsiType> lowerBounds = inferenceVariable.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER);
needFurtherIncorporation |= crossVariables(inferenceVariable, upperBounds, lowerBounds, InferenceBound.LOWER);
needFurtherIncorporation |= crossVariables(inferenceVariable, lowerBounds, upperBounds, InferenceBound.UPPER);
needFurtherIncorporation |= eqCrossVariables(inferenceVariable, eqBounds);
return !needFurtherIncorporation;
* a = b imply every bound of a matches a bound of b and vice versa
private boolean eqCrossVariables(InferenceVariable inferenceVariable, List<PsiType> eqBounds) {
boolean needFurtherIncorporation = false;
for (PsiType eqBound : eqBounds) {
final InferenceVariable inferenceVar = mySession.getInferenceVariable(eqBound);
if (inferenceVar != null) {
if (inferenceVar.isCaptured()) continue;
//inferenceVar.addBound(inferenceVariable.qType, InferenceVariable.InferenceBound.EQ);
for (InferenceBound inferenceBound : InferenceBound.values()) {
for (PsiType bound : inferenceVariable.getBounds(inferenceBound)) {
if (mySession.getInferenceVariable(bound) != inferenceVar) {
needFurtherIncorporation |= inferenceVar.addBound(bound, inferenceBound);
for (PsiType bound : inferenceVar.getBounds(inferenceBound)) {
if (mySession.getInferenceVariable(bound) != inferenceVariable) {
needFurtherIncorporation |= inferenceVariable.addBound(bound, inferenceBound);
return needFurtherIncorporation;
* a < b & S <: a & b <: T imply S <: b & a <: T
private boolean crossVariables(InferenceVariable inferenceVariable,
List<PsiType> upperBounds,
List<PsiType> lowerBounds,
InferenceBound inferenceBound) {
final InferenceBound oppositeBound = inferenceBound == InferenceBound.LOWER
? InferenceBound.UPPER
: InferenceBound.LOWER;
boolean result = false;
for (PsiType upperBound : upperBounds) {
final InferenceVariable inferenceVar = mySession.getInferenceVariable(upperBound);
if (inferenceVar != null) {
if (inferenceVar.isCaptured()) continue;
//todo inferenceVar.addBound(inferenceVariable.qType, inferenceBound);
for (PsiType lowerBound : lowerBounds) {
result |= inferenceVar.addBound(lowerBound, inferenceBound);
for (PsiType varUpperBound : inferenceVar.getBounds(oppositeBound)) {
result |= inferenceVariable.addBound(varUpperBound, oppositeBound);
return result;
* a = S & a <: T imply S <: T
* or
* a = S & T <: a imply T <: S
private void upDown(List<PsiType> eqBounds, List<PsiType> upperBounds) {
for (PsiType upperBound : upperBounds) {
final boolean properType = mySession.isProperType(upperBound);
for (PsiType eqBound : eqBounds) {
if (properType && mySession.isProperType(eqBound)) continue;
if (!upperBound.equals(eqBound)) {
addConstraint(new SubtypingConstraint(upperBound, eqBound, true));
* S <: a & a <: T imply S <: T
private void upperLower(List<PsiType> upperBounds, List<PsiType> lowerBounds) {
for (PsiType upperBound : upperBounds) {
final boolean properType = mySession.isProperType(upperBound);
for (PsiType lowerBound : lowerBounds) {
if (properType && mySession.isProperType(lowerBound)) continue;
if (!upperBound.equals(lowerBound)) {
addConstraint(new SubtypingConstraint(upperBound, lowerBound, true));
* a = S & a = T imply S = T
private void eqEq(List<PsiType> eqBounds) {
for (int i = 0; i < eqBounds.size(); i++) {
PsiType sBound= eqBounds.get(i);
for (int j = i + 1; j < eqBounds.size(); j++) {
final PsiType tBound = eqBounds.get(j);
addConstraint(new TypeEqualityConstraint(tBound, sBound));
private void addConstraint(ConstraintFormula constraint) {