blob: b0ea1563f7c2dcadcb5d42eb57124fa7ec4e1548 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "interceptor.h"
// Header only C++ wrapper interface around the basic extren "C" interface for
// convinince. The interface simplifies the usecase when linking agains the
// interceptor-lib with automated resource management and with adding a list
// of templatized functions for type safety and for intercepting multiple
// symbols with a single target function.
class Interceptor {
Interceptor() { interceptor_ = ::InitializeInterceptor(); }
~Interceptor() { ::TerminateInterceptor(interceptor_); }
void *FindFunctionByName(const char *symbol_name) {
return ::FindFunctionByName(interceptor_, symbol_name);
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
bool InterceptFunction(Ret (*old_function)(Args...),
Ret (*new_function)(Args...),
Ret (**callback_function)(Args...),
std::string *error_message = nullptr);
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
bool InterceptFunction(const char *symbol_name, Ret (*new_function)(Args...),
Ret (**callback_function)(Args...),
std::string *error_message = nullptr);
// Template class to define the type of the replacement function for
// intercepting a function with the given signature. The replacement function
// needs the same arguments as the original function with an additional
// argument what is a function poinetr with the type of the intercepted
// functions (C++ member functions are treated as free functions with this as
// the first argument).
template <typename DATA, typename FUN_TYPE>
struct CallbackSignature;
template <typename DATA, typename RET, typename... ARGS>
struct CallbackSignature<DATA, RET(ARGS...)> {
using type = RET (*)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...);
template <typename DATA, typename FUN_TYPE,
typename CallbackSignature<DATA, FUN_TYPE>::type FUN,
size_t FUN_COUNT>
bool InterceptMultipleFunction(
const std::array<std::pair<DATA, std::string>, FUN_COUNT> &functions,
std::string *error_message = nullptr);
void *interceptor_;
// Helper method for collecting the error messages into a string stream
static void ErrorCollector(void *baton, const char *message) {
std::ostringstream *oss = static_cast<std::ostringstream *>(baton);
(*oss) << message << '\n';
// The following helper classes are used for implementing
// InterceptMultipleFunction using heavy template metaprogramming. The goal
// of the metaprogramming is to generate a unique function stub for every
// symbol passed in to InterceptMultiple function so we have a unique jump
// target for each intercepted function what can add the information required
// to execute the callback (address of the compensation function) to the
// actual intercepting function. Without the unique jump targets it would be
// impossible to call the original function from the replacement function
// what would mean thet replacement functions couldn't be shared between
// intercepted symbols.
template <typename DATA, size_t N, typename RET, typename... ARGS>
struct SignleFunctionInterceptor {
template <RET (*FUN)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...)>
static bool Impl(Interceptor &inteptor, const char *symbol_name, DATA data,
std::string *error_message);
template <RET (*FUN)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...)>
static RET TrampolineFunction(ARGS... args);
static DATA s_data;
static RET (*s_callback)(ARGS...);
template <typename DATA, typename FUN_TYPE,
typename CallbackSignature<DATA, FUN_TYPE>::type FUN,
size_t FUN_COUNT, size_t N>
struct MultiFunctionInterceptor;
template <typename DATA, typename RET, typename... ARGS,
RET (*FUN)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...), size_t FUN_COUNT,
size_t N>
struct MultiFunctionInterceptor<DATA, RET(ARGS...), FUN, FUN_COUNT, N> {
static bool Impl(
Interceptor &interceptor,
const std::array<std::pair<DATA, std::string>, FUN_COUNT> &functions,
std::string *error_message);
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
bool Interceptor::InterceptFunction(Ret (*old_function)(Args...),
Ret (*new_function)(Args...),
Ret (**callback_function)(Args...),
std::string *error_message) {
std::ostringstream error_oss;
void *error_callback_baton = &error_oss;
void (*error_callback)(void *, const char *) =
error_message ? &ErrorCollector : nullptr;
bool res =
::InterceptFunction(interceptor_, reinterpret_cast<void *>(old_function),
reinterpret_cast<void *>(new_function),
reinterpret_cast<void **>(callback_function),
error_callback, error_callback_baton);
if (error_message) *error_message = error_oss.str();
return res;
template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
bool Interceptor::InterceptFunction(const char *symbol_name,
Ret (*new_function)(Args...),
Ret (**callback_function)(Args...),
std::string *error_message) {
std::ostringstream error_oss;
void *error_callback_baton = &error_oss;
void (*error_callback)(void *, const char *) =
error_message ? &ErrorCollector : nullptr;
bool res = ::InterceptSymbol(interceptor_, symbol_name,
reinterpret_cast<void *>(new_function),
reinterpret_cast<void **>(callback_function),
error_callback, error_callback_baton);
if (error_message) *error_message = error_oss.str();
return res;
template <typename DATA, typename FUN_TYPE,
typename Interceptor::CallbackSignature<DATA, FUN_TYPE>::type FUN,
size_t FUN_COUNT>
bool Interceptor::InterceptMultipleFunction(
const std::array<std::pair<DATA, std::string>, FUN_COUNT> &functions,
std::string *error_message) {
if (error_message) error_message->clear();
return MultiFunctionInterceptor<DATA, FUN_TYPE, FUN, FUN_COUNT,
FUN_COUNT>::Impl(*this, functions,
template <typename DATA, size_t N, typename RET, typename... ARGS>
template <RET (*FUN)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...)>
RET Interceptor::SignleFunctionInterceptor<
DATA, N, RET, ARGS...>::TrampolineFunction(ARGS... args) {
return FUN(s_data, s_callback, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
template <typename DATA, size_t N, typename RET, typename... ARGS>
template <RET (*FUN)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...)>
bool Interceptor::SignleFunctionInterceptor<DATA, N, RET, ARGS...>::Impl(
Interceptor &interceptor, const char *symbol_name, DATA data,
std::string *error_message) {
s_data = data;
return interceptor.InterceptFunction(symbol_name, &TrampolineFunction<FUN>,
&s_callback, error_message);
template <typename DATA, typename RET, typename... ARGS,
RET (*FUN)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...), size_t FUN_COUNT,
size_t N>
bool Interceptor::
MultiFunctionInterceptor<DATA, RET(ARGS...), FUN, FUN_COUNT, N>::Impl(
Interceptor &interceptor,
const std::array<std::pair<DATA, std::string>, FUN_COUNT> &functions,
std::string *error_message) {
bool res =
MultiFunctionInterceptor<DATA, RET(ARGS...), FUN, FUN_COUNT, N - 1>::Impl(
interceptor, functions, error_message);
if (!functions[N - 1].second.empty()) {
std::string temp_str;
res &= SignleFunctionInterceptor<DATA, N - 1, RET, ARGS...>::template Impl<
FUN>(interceptor, functions[N - 1].second.c_str(),
functions[N - 1].first, error_message ? &temp_str : nullptr);
if (error_message && !temp_str.empty()) error_message->append(temp_str);
return res;
template <typename DATA, typename RET, typename... ARGS,
RET (*FUN)(DATA, RET (*)(ARGS...), ARGS...), size_t FUN_COUNT>
struct Interceptor::MultiFunctionInterceptor<DATA, RET(ARGS...), FUN, FUN_COUNT,
0> {
static bool Impl(
Interceptor &interceptor,
const std::array<std::pair<DATA, std::string>, FUN_COUNT> &functions,
std::string *error_message) {
return true;
template <typename DATA, size_t N, typename RET, typename... ARGS>
RET (*Interceptor::SignleFunctionInterceptor<
DATA, N, RET, ARGS...>::s_callback)(ARGS...) = nullptr;
template <typename DATA, size_t N, typename RET, typename... ARGS>
DATA Interceptor::SignleFunctionInterceptor<DATA, N, RET, ARGS...>::s_data;