blob: 6b79011f9a376e4f45b200e8eb04a4c7af44facb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gapic/target.h>
#include <gapic/timer.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace gapir {
class GlesRenderer;
class Interpreter;
class MemoryManager;
class PostBuffer;
class Renderer;
class ReplayRequest;
class ResourceInMemoryCache;
class ResourceProvider;
class ServerConnection;
class Stack;
class VulkanRenderer;
// Context object for the replay containing the Gl context, the memory manager and the replay
// specific functions to handle network communication of the interpreter
class Context {
// Creates a new Context object and initialize it with loading the replay request, setting up
// the memory manager, setting up the caches and prefetching the resources
static std::unique_ptr<Context> create(const ServerConnection& gazer,
ResourceProvider* resourceProvider,
MemoryManager* memoryManager);
void prefetch(ResourceInMemoryCache* cache) const;
// Run the interpreter over the opcode stream of the replay request and returns true if the
// interpretation was successful false otherwise
bool interpret();
enum {
POST_BUFFER_SIZE = 2*1024*1024,
Context(const ServerConnection& gazer, ResourceProvider* resourceProvider,
MemoryManager* memoryManager);
// Initialize the context object with loading the replay request, setting up the memory manager,
// setting up the caches and prefetching the resources
bool initialize();
// Register the callbacks for the interpreter (Gl functions, load resource, post resource)
void registerCallbacks(Interpreter* interpreter);
// Post a chunk of data where the number of bytes is on the top of the stack (uint32_t) and the
// address for the data is the second element on the stack (void*)
bool postData(Stack* stack);
// Load a resource from the resource provider where the index of the resource is at the top of
// the stack (uint32_t) and the target address is at the second element of the stack (void*)
bool loadResource(Stack* stack);
// Starts the timer identified by u8 index.
bool startTimer(Stack* stack);
// Stops the timer identified by u8 index and returns u64 elapsed nanoseconds since its start.
bool stopTimer(Stack* stack, bool pushReturn);
// Flushes any pending post data buffered from calling postData.
bool flushPostBuffer(Stack *stack);
// Server connection object to fetch and post resources back to the server
const ServerConnection& mServer;
// Resource provider (possibly with caching) to fetch the resources required by the replay. It
// is owned by the creator of the Context object.
ResourceProvider* mResourceProvider;
// Memory manager to manage the memory used by the replay and by the interpreter. Is is owned by
// the creator of the Context object.
MemoryManager* mMemoryManager;
// The data of the request for this context belongs to
std::unique_ptr<ReplayRequest> mReplayRequest;
// An array of timers.
gapic::Timer mTimers[MAX_TIMERS];
// The constructed GLES renderers.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, GlesRenderer*> mGlesRenderers;
// The currently bound GLES renderer.
GlesRenderer* mBoundGlesRenderer;
// The currently bound Vulkan renderer.
VulkanRenderer* mBoundVulkanRenderer;
// A buffer for data to be sent back to the server.
std::unique_ptr<PostBuffer> mPostBuffer;
} // namespace gapir