blob: a83f224cb71cb78a128d30f292162a6c17e7ddd8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "archive.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "target.h" // ftruncate
#ifdef _MSC_VER // MSVC
# include <io.h>
#else // not MSVC
# include <unistd.h>
namespace gapic {
Archive::Archive(const std::string& archiveName) {
// Open or create the archive data file in binary read/write mode.
const std::string dataFilename(archiveName + ".data");
if (!(mDataFile = fopen(dataFilename.c_str(), "ab+"))) {
GAPID_FATAL("Unable to open archive data file %s", dataFilename.c_str());
// Open or create the archive index file in binary read/write mode.
const std::string indexFilename(archiveName + ".index");
if (!(mIndexFile = fopen(indexFilename.c_str(), "ab+"))) {
GAPID_FATAL("Unable to open archive index file %s", indexFilename.c_str());
// Load the archive index in memory.
for (;;) {
uint32_t idSize;
if (!fread(&idSize, sizeof(idSize), 1, mIndexFile)) break;
std::string id(idSize, 0);
uint64_t offset;
uint32_t size;
if (!fread(&id.front(), idSize, 1, mIndexFile) ||
!fread(&offset, sizeof(offset), 1, mIndexFile) ||
!fread(&size, sizeof(size), 1, mIndexFile)) {
mRecords.emplace(id, ArchiveRecord{ offset, size });
// Make sure we're at the end of the index file, likely a no-op.
fseek(mIndexFile, 0, SEEK_END);
Archive::~Archive() {
if (mDataFile) fclose(mDataFile);
if (mIndexFile) fclose(mIndexFile);
bool Archive::contains(const std::string& id) const {
return mRecords.find(id) != mRecords.end();
bool Archive::read(const std::string& id, void* buffer, uint32_t size) {
const auto r = mRecords.find(id);
if (r == mRecords.end() || r->second.size != size) return false;
fseek(mDataFile, r->second.offset, SEEK_SET);
return fread(buffer, size, 1, mDataFile) == 1;
bool Archive::write(const std::string& id, const void* buffer, uint32_t size) {
// Skip if we already have a record by this id.
if (mRecords.find(id) != mRecords.end()) {
return true;
// Update the archive data file.
fseek(mDataFile, 0, SEEK_END);
const uint64_t dataOffset = ftell(mDataFile);
if (!fwrite(buffer, size, 1, mDataFile)) {
GAPID_WARNING("Couldn't write '%s' to the archive data file, dropping it.", id.c_str());
ftruncate(fileno(mDataFile), dataOffset);
return false;
// Update the archive index file.
const uint32_t idSize = id.size();
const uint64_t indexOffset = ftell(mIndexFile);
if (!fwrite(&idSize, sizeof(idSize), 1, mIndexFile) ||
!fwrite(&id.front(), id.size(), 1, mIndexFile) ||
!fwrite(&dataOffset, sizeof(dataOffset), 1, mIndexFile) ||
!fwrite(&size, sizeof(size), 1, mIndexFile)) {
GAPID_WARNING("Couldn't write '%s' to the archive index file, dropping it.", id.c_str());
ftruncate(fileno(mDataFile), dataOffset);
ftruncate(fileno(mIndexFile), indexOffset);
fseek(mIndexFile, 0, SEEK_END);
return false;
// Update the memory index.
mRecords.emplace(id, ArchiveRecord{ dataOffset, size });
return true;
} // end of namespace gapic