blob: b828980a5cd5c4d03d0033ffbb334d66f11c0fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "slice.h"
#include <gapic/coder/memory.h>
#include <gapic/scratch_allocator.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace gapii {
template<typename Out, typename In, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter {};
// Passthrough: T -> T
template<typename T, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter<T, T, Allocator> {
static inline T convert(const T& in, Allocator& alloc) { return in; }
// Passthrough: T* -> T*
template<typename T, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter<T*, T*, Allocator> {
static inline T* convert(const T* in, Allocator& alloc) { return in; }
// Passthrough: void* -> coder::T__P
template<typename Out, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter<Out, void*, Allocator> {
static inline Out convert(void* in, Allocator& alloc) {
uint32_t poolID = 0; // TODO: Support non-application pools?
uint64_t address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(in);
return Out(address, poolID);
// T* -> coder::T__P
template<typename Out, typename T, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter<Out, T*, Allocator> {
static inline Out convert(T* in, Allocator& alloc) {
return EncoderConverter<Out, void*, Allocator>::convert(in, alloc);
// std::string -> const char*
template<typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter<const char*, std::string, Allocator> {
static inline const char* convert(const std::string& in, Allocator& alloc) {
char* buf = alloc.template create<char>(in.size() + 1);
strncpy(buf, in.c_str(), in.size() + 1);
return buf;
// std::shared_ptr<T> -> coder::T*
template<typename T, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter<typename T::CoderType*, std::shared_ptr<T>, Allocator> {
typedef typename T::CoderType* Out;
static inline Out convert(const std::shared_ptr<T>& in, Allocator& alloc) {
return alloc.template make<typename T::CoderType>(in->encodeable(alloc));
// T -> coder::T
template<typename T, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter<typename T::CoderType, T, Allocator> {
static inline typename T::CoderType convert(const T& in, Allocator& alloc) {
return in.encodeable(alloc);
// gapii::Slice<T> -> coder::T__S
template<typename Out, typename T, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter< Out, gapii::Slice<T>, Allocator> {
static inline Out convert(const gapii::Slice<T>& in, Allocator& alloc) {
uint32_t poolID = 0; // TODO: Support non-application pools?
uint64_t base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(in.begin());
uint64_t root = base; // TODO: Track root.
return Out(gapic::coder::memory::SliceInfo(root, base, in.count(), poolID));
// gapic::StaticArray<T, N> -> coder::T
template<typename Out, typename T, int N, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter< Out, gapic::StaticArray<T, N>, Allocator> {
static inline Out convert(const gapic::StaticArray<T, N>& in, Allocator& alloc) {
return Out(in);
// gapic::StaticArray<T, N> -> gapic::StaticArray<T, N> (resolves ambiguous case)
template<typename T, int N, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter< gapic::StaticArray<T, N>, gapic::StaticArray<T, N>, Allocator> {
static inline gapic::StaticArray<T, N> convert(const gapic::StaticArray<T, N>& in, Allocator& alloc) {
return in;
// std::unordered_map<KeyIn, ValueIn> -> gapic::Map<KeyOut, ValueOut>
template<typename KeyOut, typename ValueOut, typename KeyIn, typename ValueIn, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter< gapic::Map<KeyOut, ValueOut>, std::unordered_map<KeyIn, ValueIn>, Allocator> {
typedef gapic::Map<KeyOut, ValueOut> Out;
typedef std::unordered_map<KeyIn, ValueIn> In;
static inline Out convert(const In& in, Allocator& alloc) {
Out out = alloc.template map<KeyOut, ValueOut>(in.size());
for (auto it : in) {
KeyOut key = EncoderConverter<KeyOut, KeyIn, Allocator>::convert(it.first, alloc);
ValueOut value = EncoderConverter<ValueOut, ValueIn, Allocator>::convert(it.second, alloc);
out.set(key, value);
return out;
// gapic::StaticArray<ElIn, N> -> gapic::StaticArray<ElOut, N>
template<typename ElOut, typename ElIn, int N, typename Allocator>
struct EncoderConverter< gapic::StaticArray<ElOut, N>, gapic::StaticArray<ElIn, N>, Allocator> {
static inline gapic::StaticArray<ElOut, N> convert(const gapic::StaticArray<ElIn, N>& in, Allocator& alloc) {
gapic::StaticArray<ElOut, N> out;
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
out[i] = EncoderConverter<ElOut, ElIn, Allocator>::convert(in[i], alloc);
return out;
template <typename Out, typename In, typename Allocator>
inline Out toEncoder(const In& in, Allocator& alloc) {
return EncoderConverter<Out, In, Allocator>::convert(in, alloc);
} // namespace gapii