blob: 199167c3150d425760da017db7249a3fea83b653 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validate_test
import (
const maxErrors = 10
func compile(ctx log.Context, source string) (*semantic.API, *resolver.Mappings, error) {
m := resolver.NewMappings()
parsed, errs := parser.Parse("no_unreachables_test.api", source, m)
if err := api.CheckErrors(source, errs, maxErrors); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
compiled, errs := resolver.Resolve([]*ast.API{parsed}, nil, m)
if err := api.CheckErrors(source, errs, maxErrors); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return compiled, m, nil
type test struct {
source string
expected string
func TestSimpleUnreachable(t *testing.T) {
ctx := assert.Context(t)
for _, test := range []test{
// Bool tests
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
if (true) { x = 1 }
}`, ""}, // Handled by resolver.removeDeadCode()
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
if (true) { x = 1 } else {}
}`, ""}, // Handled by resolver.removeDeadCode()
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
if (false) {} else { x = 2 }
}`, ""}, // Handled by resolver.removeDeadCode()
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := false
if (a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, ""}, // Handled by resolver.removeDeadCode()
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := true
if (a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, ""}, // Handled by resolver.removeDeadCode()
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := true == false
if (a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `no_unreachables_test.api:4:16 Unreachable block`},
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := true && false
if (a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `no_unreachables_test.api:4:16 Unreachable block`},
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := true || false
if (a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `no_unreachables_test.api:4:31 Unreachable block`},
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f(bool a) {
if (a) { if (!a) { x = 1 } }
if (!a) { if (a) { x = 1 } }
if (a) {} else if (a) { x = 1 }
if (!a) {} else if (!a) { x = 1 }
}`, `
no_unreachables_test.api:3:26 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:4:26 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:5:31 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:6:33 Unreachable block
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f(bool v) {
if (v) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `no_unreachables_test.api:4:31 Unreachable block`},
// Uint tests
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f(u32 a) {
if (a > 5) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, ""},
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := as!u32(5)
if (a > 4) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a > 5) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a > 6) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (4 > a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (5 > a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (6 > a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `
no_unreachables_test.api:4:35 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:5:20 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:6:20 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:7:20 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:8:20 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:9:35 Unreachable block
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := as!u32(5)
if (a >= 4) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a >= 5) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a >= 6) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (4 >= a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (5 >= a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (6 >= a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `
no_unreachables_test.api:4:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:5:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:6:21 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:7:21 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:8:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:9:36 Unreachable block
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := as!u32(5)
if (a < 4) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a < 5) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a < 6) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (4 < a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (5 < a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (6 < a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `
no_unreachables_test.api:4:20 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:5:20 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:6:35 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:7:35 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:8:20 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:9:20 Unreachable block
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := as!u32(5)
if (a <= 4) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a <= 5) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a <= 6) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (4 <= a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (5 <= a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (6 <= a) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `
no_unreachables_test.api:4:21 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:5:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:6:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:7:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:8:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:9:21 Unreachable block
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f() {
a := as!u32(5)
if (a == 4) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a == 5) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
if (a == 6) { x = 1 } else { x = 2 }
}`, `
no_unreachables_test.api:4:21 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:5:36 Unreachable block
no_unreachables_test.api:6:21 Unreachable block
// Abort tests
{`cmd void f() {
a := 1
b := 2
c := 3
}`, `no_unreachables_test.api:4:9 Unreachable statement`},
{`s32 x = 0
cmd void f(bool v) {
if v {
if v {
x = 1
}`, "no_unreachables_test.api:6:14 Unreachable block"},
// Subroutine tests
{`s32 x = 0
sub void S(u32 i) {
if i < 3 {
x = 1
cmd void f() {
`, `no_unreachables_test.api:3:18 Unreachable block`},
// Map indexing tests
/* TODO: Map tests.
`map!(u32, f32) M
f32 V
cmd void foo() {
if (5 in M) && true {
V = M[5]
}`, ``,
}, {
`map!(u32, f32) M
f32 V
cmd void foo() {
if !(5 in M) {
V = M[5]
}`, ``,
}, {
`map!(u32, f32) M
f32 V
cmd void foo() {
M[5] = 1
V = M[5]
}`, ``,
}, {
`map!(u32, f32) M
f32 V
cmd void foo() {
V = M[5]
}`, ``,
}, {
`map!(u32, f32) M
f32 V
cmd void foo() {
M[5] = 1
delete(M, 5)
V = M[5]
}`, ``,
} {
api, mappings, err := compile(ctx, test.source)
ok := true
ok = assert.With(ctx).ThatError(err).Succeeded() && ok
ok = assert.With(ctx).Critical().That(api).IsNotNil() && ok
got := fmt.Sprint(validate.Inspect(api, mappings))
expected := strings.TrimSpace(test.expected)
ok = assert.With(ctx).ThatString(got).Equals(expected) && ok
if !ok {
ctx.S("source", test.source).V("got", got).Error().Log("test failed")