blob: c9ddceb8938651e29cfe3e122c51ecdf8c24c732 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resolver
import (
func apiNames(rv *resolver, in *ast.API) {
if in.Index != nil {
if n, e := strconv.ParseUint(in.Index.Value, 10, 4); e == nil {
rv.api.Index = new(semantic.Uint8Value)
*rv.api.Index = semantic.Uint8Value(n)
} else {
rv.errorf(in.Index, "cannot convert API index %q into 4-bit unsigned integer", in.Index.Value)
// Build and register the high level semantic objects
for _, e := range in.Enums {
n := &semantic.Enum{AST: e, Named: semantic.Named(e.Name.Value)}
rv.api.Enums = append(rv.api.Enums, n)
semantic.Add(rv.api, n)
for _, c := range in.Classes {
n := &semantic.Class{AST: c, Named: semantic.Named(c.Name.Value)}
rv.api.Classes = append(rv.api.Classes, n)
semantic.Add(rv.api, n)
for _, p := range in.Pseudonyms {
n := &semantic.Pseudonym{AST: p, Named: semantic.Named(p.Name.Value)}
rv.api.Pseudonyms = append(rv.api.Pseudonyms, n)
semantic.Add(rv.api, n)
for _, e := range in.Externs {
n := &semantic.Function{AST: e, Named: semantic.Named(e.Generic.Name.Value), Extern: true}
rv.api.Externs = append(rv.api.Externs, n)
semantic.Add(rv.api, n)
for _, m := range in.Commands {
f := &semantic.Function{AST: m, Named: semantic.Named(m.Generic.Name.Value)}
if !m.Parameters[0].This {
rv.api.Functions = append(rv.api.Functions, f)
semantic.Add(rv.api, f)
} else {
rv.api.Methods = append(rv.api.Methods, f)
for _, m := range in.Subroutines {
if m.Parameters[0].This {
rv.errorf(m.Parameters[0], "cannot use this on subroutines")
if len(m.Generic.Arguments) > 0 {
rv.genericSubroutines[m.Generic.Name.Value] = newGenericSubroutine(rv, m)
} else {
f := &semantic.Function{AST: m, Named: semantic.Named(m.Generic.Name.Value), Subroutine: true}
rv.api.Subroutines = append(rv.api.Subroutines, f)
semantic.Add(rv.api, f)
for _, f := range in.Fields {
n := &semantic.Global{AST: f, Named: semantic.Named(f.Name.Value)}
rv.api.Globals = append(rv.api.Globals, n)
semantic.Add(rv.api, n)
// Add all the alias remaps
for _, a := range in.Aliases {
rv.addType(&semantic.Alias{AST: a, Named: semantic.Named(a.Name.Value)})
for _, c := range in.Definitions {
n := &semantic.Definition{AST: c, Named: semantic.Named(c.Name.Value)}
rv.api.Definitions = append(rv.api.Definitions, n)
for _, e := range in.LabelGroups {
labeledTypeName := e.LabeledType.Value
for _, al := range e.Labels {
sl := &semantic.Label{
AST: al,
Named: semantic.Named(al.Name.Value),
lls, ok := rv.labels[labeledTypeName]
if !ok {
rv.labels[labeledTypeName] = []*semantic.Label{sl}
} else {
rv.labels[labeledTypeName] = append(lls, sl)
func resolve(rv *resolver) {
rv.globals = rv.scope
if rv.api.Imported != nil {
// First resolve enum entries
for _, e := range rv.api.Enums {
enum(rv, e)
// Now build collapsed enum lists
for _, e := range rv.api.Enums {
enumEntries(rv, e, e)
for _, p := range rv.api.Pseudonyms {
pseudonym(rv, p)
// Resolve and merge label entries
for _, c := range rv.api.Definitions {
definition(rv, c)
for _, g := range rv.api.Globals {
global(rv, g)
for _, e := range rv.api.Externs {
functionSignature(rv, e)
functionBody(rv, nil, e)
for _, c := range rv.api.Classes {
class(rv, c)
for _, s := range rv.api.Subroutines {
functionSignature(rv, s)
for _, p := range s.FullParameters {
if p.Type == semantic.AnyType {
rv.errorf(p, "cannot use any as parameter type on subroutines")
for _, s := range rv.api.Subroutines {
functionBody(rv, nil, s)
for _, f := range rv.api.Functions {
functionSignature(rv, f)
functionBody(rv, nil, f)
for _, f := range rv.api.Subroutines {
extractCalls(rv, f.Block)
removeDeadCode(rv, f.Block)
for _, f := range rv.api.Functions {
extractCalls(rv, f.Block)
removeDeadCode(rv, f.Block)
for _, f := range rv.api.Functions {
resolveFenceOrder(rv, f, visitedFuncs{})
for _, m := range rv.api.Methods {
method(rv, m)
func annotations(rv *resolver, in ast.Annotations) semantic.Annotations {
if len(in) == 0 {
return nil
out := semantic.Annotations{}
for _, a := range in {
entry := &semantic.Annotation{AST: a, Named: semantic.Named(a.Name.Value)}
for _, arg := range a.Arguments {
entry.Arguments = append(entry.Arguments, expression(rv, arg))
out = append(out, entry)
rv.mappings.add(a, entry)
return out
func global(rv *resolver, out *semantic.Global) {
if out.Type != nil {
return // already resolved.
// Begin by assigning a void type to the global.
// This is done to avoid a stack overflow if the global's type resolves to
// the same global (for example 'x.y x').
out.Type = semantic.VoidType
in := out.AST
out.Annotations = annotations(rv, in.Annotations)
out.Type = type_(rv, in.Type)
if isVoid(out.Type) {
rv.errorf(in, "void typed global variable %s", out.Name())
if in.Default != nil {
rv.with(out.Type, func() {
out.Default = expression(rv, in.Default)
dt := out.Default.ExpressionType()
if !assignable(out.Type, dt) {
rv.errorf(in, "cannot assign %s to %s", typename(dt), typename(out.Type))
rv.mappings.add(in, out)
// slicesByName is used to sort the slice list by name for generated code stability
type slicesByName []*semantic.Slice
func (a slicesByName) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a slicesByName) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a slicesByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name() < a[j].Name() }
// mapsByName is used to sort the map list by name for generated code stability
type mapsByName []*semantic.Map
func (a mapsByName) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a mapsByName) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a mapsByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name() < a[j].Name() }
// mapsByName is used to sort the map list by name for generated code stability
type functionsByName []*semantic.Function
func (a functionsByName) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a functionsByName) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a functionsByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name() < a[j].Name() }
// labelsByName is used to sort a slice of labels by their name
type labelsByName []*semantic.Label
func (a labelsByName) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a labelsByName) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a labelsByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Name() < a[j].Name() }