blob: 239ea79d44f9b7fa6b6826c7d45a9386d5a72fed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
ls ""
const (
// Expected duration of analysis. If it does over this, warn.
analysisWarnDuration = 5 * time.Second
type analysis struct {
docs map[string]*docAnalysis
roots map[string]*docAnalysis // Root document path -> root document
mappings *resolver.Mappings // AST node to semantic node map
type docAnalysis struct {
doc *ls.Document
analysis *analysis
ast *ast.API
sem *semantic.API // Only assigned on the roots
errs []parse.Error
issues validate.Issues
func (da *docAnalysis) walkDown(offset int) []nodes {
out := []nodes{}
for n := ast.Node(da.ast); n != nil; n = astChildAt(da, n, offset) {
var sem semantic.Node
if sems := da.analysis.mappings.ASTToSemantic[n]; len(sems) > 0 {
sem = sems[0]
out = append(out, nodes{n, sem})
return out
func (da *docAnalysis) walkUp(offset int) []nodes {
out := da.walkDown(offset)
for i, c, m := 0, len(out), len(out)/2; i < m; i++ {
j := c - i - 1
out[i], out[j] = out[j], out[i]
return out
func (da *docAnalysis) contains(n ast.Node) bool {
return da.doc.Path() == da.analysis.mappings.CST(n).Token().Source.Filename
func (s *server) docAnalysis(ctx log.Context, doc *ls.Document) (*docAnalysis, error) {
analysis := s.analyzer.results(ctx, s)
if analysis == nil {
return nil, nil
da, ok :=[doc.Path()]
if !ok {
return nil, ctx.AsError("Document not found")
if da.ast == nil {
return nil, ctx.AsError("Parsing failed")
return da, nil
type dirList []string
func (l dirList) contains(path string) bool {
for _, d := range l {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, d) {
return true
return false
type importInfo struct {
node *ast.Import
importee *docAnalysis
// analyzer performs API file analysis on a separate goroutine.
// When using this type, none of the fields should be directly accessed. Only
// the following method should be called externally: results(), begin().
type analyzer struct {
cancel func() // Cancels any pending analysis.
done task.Signal // Signal for analysis to finish.
lastResults *analysis // Last analysis result.
diagnostics map[string]*ls.Document // Last diagnostics set on each document.
func newAnalyzer() *analyzer {
return &analyzer{
cancel: func() {},
done: task.FiredSignal,
diagnostics: map[string]*ls.Document{},
// results returns the last analysis results, starting a new analysis if there
// were no last results.
func (a *analyzer) results(ctx log.Context, s *server) *analysis {
if a.lastResults != nil {
return a.lastResults
a.begin(ctx, s)
return a.lastResults
// begin starts a new analysis of the API documents.
func (a *analyzer) begin(ctx log.Context, s *server) error {
if s.config == nil {
// We're still waiting for the configuration. Don't do anything yet,
// we'll restart analysis when this comes through.
return nil
// Ensure that any previous analysis is finished.
// Figure out what paths we should be ignoring
ignorePaths := make(dirList, 0, len(s.config.IgnorePaths))
for _, rel := range s.config.IgnorePaths {
if path, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(s.workspaceRoot, rel)); err == nil {
ignorePaths = append(ignorePaths, path)
// Copy the document map and flags - these may be mutated while we're processing.
docs := make(map[string]*ls.Document, len(
for path, doc := range {
if !ignorePaths.contains(path) {
docs[path] = doc
va := validate.Options{
CheckUnused: s.config.CheckUnused,
// Setup the new done signal and cancellation function.
ctx, cancel := task.WithCancel(ctx)
signal, done := task.NewSignal()
a.done = signal
a.cancel = func() {
a.lastResults = nil
// Start the go-routine to perform the analysis.
go a.doAnalysis(ctx, docs, va, done)
return nil
// doAnalysis is the internal analysis function.
// Must only be called from analyzer.begin().
func (a *analyzer) doAnalysis(
ctx log.Context,
docs map[string]*ls.Document,
va validate.Options,
done task.Task) {
defer handlePanic(ctx)
defer done(ctx)
ctx, start := ctx.Enter("analyse"), time.Now()
var parseDuration, resolveDuration time.Duration
res := &analysis{}
// Construct a docAnalysis for each document.
das := make(map[string]*docAnalysis, len(docs))
for path, doc := range docs {
das[path] = &docAnalysis{
doc: doc,
analysis: res,
// Build a processor that will 'load' from the in-memory docs, falling back
// to disk loads.
processor := api.Processor{
Mappings: resolver.NewMappings(),
Loader: func(path string) ([]byte, error) {
if doc, ok := docs[path]; ok {
return []byte(doc.Body().Text()), nil
return ioutil.ReadFile(path)
Parsed: map[string]api.ParseResult{},
Resolved: map[string]api.ResolveResult{},
ResolveOnParseError: true,
if task.Stopped(ctx) {
// Parse all files, append errors to analysis.
parseStart := time.Now()
pool, shutdown := task.Pool(len(docs), len(docs))
defer shutdown(ctx)
events := &task.Events{}
executor := task.Batch(pool, events)
for path, da := range das {
path, da, ctx := path, da, ctx.S("file", path)
executor(ctx, func(ctx log.Context) error {
defer handlePanic(ctx)
ast, errs := processor.Parse(path)
da.ast = ast
if errs != nil {
da.errs = append(da.errs, errs...)
return nil
return nil
parseDuration = time.Since(parseStart)
if task.Stopped(ctx) {
// Build import graph, find roots.
roots := map[string]*docAnalysis{}
for path, da := range das {
roots[path] = da
imports := map[*docAnalysis][]importInfo{}
for importerPath, importerDA := range das {
importerWD, _ := filepath.Split(importerPath)
if importerAST := importerDA.ast; importerAST != nil {
for _, i := range importerAST.Imports {
importeePath, _ := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(importerWD, i.Path.Value))
if importeeDA, ok := das[importeePath]; ok {
delete(roots, importeePath)
imports[importerDA] = append(imports[importerDA], importInfo{i, importeeDA})
if task.Stopped(ctx) {
// Resolve all the roots.
resolveStart := time.Now()
for rootPath, rootDA := range roots {
if task.Stopped(ctx) {
sem, errs := processor.Resolve(rootPath)
rootDA.sem = sem
for _, err := range errs {
if at := err.At; at != nil {
if source := at.Token().Source; source != nil {
if da, ok := das[source.Filename]; ok {
da.errs = append(da.errs, err)
if len(errs) == 0 {
issues := validate.Validate(sem, processor.Mappings, &va)
for _, issue := range issues {
if at := issue.At; at != nil {
if source := at.Token().Source; source != nil {
if da, ok := das[source.Filename]; ok {
da.issues = append(da.issues, issue)
resolveDuration = time.Since(resolveStart)
// depth-first traversal of di's imports
var traverseImports func(importer *docAnalysis, f func(importer, importee *docAnalysis, node *ast.Import))
traverseImports = func(importer *docAnalysis, f func(importer, importee *docAnalysis, node *ast.Import)) {
for _, i := range imports[importer] {
traverseImports(i.importee, f)
f(importer, i.importee, i.node)
// Mark imports with errors.
for _, rootDA := range roots {
traverseImports(rootDA, func(importer, importee *docAnalysis, node *ast.Import) {
if len(importee.errs) > 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Import contains %d errors", len(importee.errs))
err := parse.Error{At: processor.Mappings.CST(node), Message: msg}
importer.errs = append(importer.errs, err)
// Set all the diagnostics on the open docs.
for path, da := range das {
doc := docs[path]
diags := ls.Diagnostics{}
for _, err := range da.errs {
diags.Error(tokRange(doc, err.At.Token()), err.Message)
for _, issue := range da.issues {
diags.Warning(tokRange(doc, issue.At.Token()), issue.String())
delete(a.diagnostics, path)
// Clear any documents we had previously reported diagnostics for but didn't
// analyse this time.
for _, doc := range a.diagnostics {
// Add all document that have had analysis this pass so they can be
// cleared next analysis.
for path, da := range das {
if _, ok := docs[path]; ok {
a.diagnostics[path] = da.doc
// Check we didn't take too long.
if d := time.Since(start); d > analysisWarnDuration {
ctx.Warning().Logf("Full analysis took %v (parse: %v, resolve: %v)", d, parseDuration, resolveDuration)
} = das
res.roots = roots
res.mappings = processor.Mappings
a.lastResults = res
// stackdumpTimebomb prints the entire stack of all executing goroutines if it
// isn't defused within timeout duration.
func stackdumpTimebomb(ctx log.Context, timeout time.Duration) (defuse func()) {
stop := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-time.Tick(timeout):
buf := make([]byte, 64<<10)
buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf[:], true)]
ctx.Printf("Stack dump:\n%v", string(buf[:]))
case <-stop:
return func() { close(stop) }