blob: 9886ba2fd3264be51bb9e3d91576681ae8a8ab59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package shell
import (
// Cmd holds the configuration to run an external command.
// A Cmd can be run any number of times, and new commands may be derived from existing ones.
type Cmd struct {
// Name is the name of the command to run
Name string
// Args is the arguments handed to the command, it should not include the command itself.
Args []string
// Target is the target to execute the command on
// If left as nil, this will default to LocalTarget.
Target Target
// Verbosity makes the command echo it's stdout and stderr to the supplied logging context.
// It will also log the command itself as it starts.
Verbosity bool
// Dir sets the working directory for the command.
Dir string
// Stdout is the writer to which the command will write it's standard output if set.
Stdout io.Writer
// Stdout is the writer to which the command will write it's standard error if set.
Stderr io.Writer
// Stdin is the reader from which the command will read it's standard input if set.
Stdin io.Reader
// Environment is the set of NAME=value strings that declare the processes environment, if set.
Environment []string
// Command returns a Cmd with the specified command and arguments set.
func Command(name string, args ...string) Cmd {
return Cmd{Name: name, Args: args}
// On returns a copy of the Cmd with the Target set to target.
func (cmd Cmd) On(target Target) Cmd {
cmd.Target = target
return cmd
// Verbose returns a copy of the Cmd with the Verbosity flag set to true.
func (cmd Cmd) Verbose() Cmd {
cmd.Verbosity = true
return cmd
// In returns a copy of the Cmd with the Dir set to dir.
func (cmd Cmd) In(dir string) Cmd {
cmd.Dir = dir
return cmd
// Capture returns a copy of the Cmd with Stdout and Stderr set.
func (cmd Cmd) Capture(stdout, stderr io.Writer) Cmd {
cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
return cmd
// Read returns a copy of the Cmd with Stdin set.
func (cmd Cmd) Read(stdin io.Reader) Cmd {
cmd.Stdin = stdin
return cmd
// Env returns a copy of the Cmd with the Environment set to env.
func (cmd Cmd) Env(env ...string) Cmd {
cmd.Environment = env
return cmd
// With returns a copy of the Cmd with the args added to the end of Args.
func (cmd Cmd) With(args ...string) Cmd {
old := cmd.Args
cmd.Args = make([]string, len(cmd.Args)+len(args))
copy(cmd.Args, old)
copy(cmd.Args[len(old):], args)
return cmd
// Run executes the command, and blocks until it completes or the context is cancelled.
func (cmd Cmd) Run(ctx log.Context) error {
// Deliberately a value receiver so the cmd object can be updated prior to execution
ctx = ctx.V("Command", cmd)
if cmd.Target == nil {
cmd.Target = LocalTarget
} else if cmd.Target != LocalTarget {
ctx = ctx.V("On", cmd.Target)
if cmd.Dir != "" {
ctx = ctx.S("Dir", cmd.Dir)
// build our stdout and stderr handling
var logStdout, logStderr io.WriteCloser
if cmd.Verbosity {
logStdout = ctx.Raw("stdout").Writer()
defer logStdout.Close()
if cmd.Stdout != nil {
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(cmd.Stdout, logStdout)
} else {
cmd.Stdout = logStdout
logStderr = ctx.Raw("stderr").Writer()
defer logStderr.Close()
if cmd.Stderr != nil {
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(cmd.Stderr, logStderr)
} else {
cmd.Stderr = logStderr
// Ready to start
if cmd.Verbosity {
// We build a child context that we always cancel, so that the watchdog quits even on normal process exit
child, cancel := task.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
process, err := cmd.Target.Start(cmd)
if err != nil {
return ctx.WrapError(err, "Start")
// Run a goroutine that waits for context cancel and kills the process if it sees one
go func() {
err = process.Wait()
if err != nil {
return ctx.WrapError(err, "Wait")
return nil
// Call executes the command, capturing its output.
// This is a helper for the common case where you want to run a command, capture all its output into a string and
// see if it succeeded.
func (cmd Cmd) Call(ctx log.Context) (string, error) {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := cmd.Capture(buf, buf).Run(ctx)
output := strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())
return output, err
func (cmd Cmd) Format(f fmt.State, c rune) {
fmt.Fprint(f, cmd.Name)
for _, arg := range cmd.Args {
fmt.Fprint(f, " ")
if strings.ContainsRune(arg, ' ') {
fmt.Fprint(f, `"`, arg, `"`)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(f, arg)