blob: 7fb8167b7502e1c743c4d04c1b1499df5fa40972 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "abort_exception.h"
#include "call_observer.h"
#include "return_handler.h"
#include "slice.h"
#include <gapic/scratch_allocator.h>
#include <gapic/encoder.h>
#include <gapic/interval_list.h>
#include <gapic/mutex.h>
#include <gapic/thread_local.h>
#include <gapic/vector.h>
#include <gapic/coder/memory.h>
#include <gapic/coder/atom.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace gapii {
class SpyBase {
void init(CallObserver* observer, std::shared_ptr<gapic::Encoder> encoder);
// lock begins the interception of a single command. It must be called
// before invoking any command on the spy. Blocks if any other thread
// is has called lock and not yet called unlock.
void lock(CallObserver* observer, const char* name);
// unlock must be called after invoking any command.
// resets the buffers reused between atoms.
void unlock();
// Set whether to observe the application pool. If true, the default,
// then reads and writes to the application pools are observed, but
// writes do not change the memory contents. If false, then
// no-observations are made and writes change the application memory.
inline void setObserveApplicationPool(bool observeApplicationPool);
// Set whether to just pass forward the calls directly from the
// interceptor to the underlying driver. If false, the default, then
// API state logic is run and an atom is emitted to the trace stream.
// If true, the spy is just a trampoline.
inline void setPassthrough(bool passthrough);
// Set the handler to use when handle() is called with an abort
// exception. This allows different treatment for different
// aborts without requiring API specific knowledge.
typedef std::function<void(CallObserver* observer, const AbortException&)> AbortHandler;
inline void setHandler(AbortHandler handler);
// Returns true if the spy should compute the expected return value and
// call setExpectedReturn(v). Default is false.
inline bool shouldComputeExpectedReturn() const;
// Set the handler to use when setExpectedReturn(val) is called.
// By default the return value specified is ignored.
inline void setReturnHandler(std::shared_ptr<ReturnHandler> handler);
// Returns the set of resources ids.
// TODO(qining): To support multithreaded uses, mutex is required to manage
// the access to this set.
std::unordered_set<gapic::Id>& getResources() { return mResources; }
// Returns the transimission encoder.
// TODO(qining): To support multithreaded uses, mutex is required to manage
// the access to this encoder.
std::shared_ptr<gapic::Encoder> getEncoder() { return mEncoder; }
// Returns true if we should observe application pool.
bool shouldObserveApplicationPool() { return mObserveApplicationPool; }
// Tries to enter this function. If SpyBase has already been entered before
// by the same thread, this returns false. e.g. If the driver calls the
// function recursively.
bool try_to_enter();
// Leaves this function. Only valid to call whenever we have succeeded
// at a call of try_to_enter.
void exit();
static const size_t kMaxExtras = 16; // Per atom
typedef gapic::coder::atom::Observation Observation;
typedef std::unordered_set<gapic::Id> IdSet;
typedef std::shared_ptr<gapic::Encoder> EncoderSPtr;
// onThreadSwitched is invoked by enter() whenever the current thread changes.
virtual void onThreadSwitched(CallObserver* observer, uint64_t threadID) = 0;
// make constructs and returns a Slice backed by a new pool.
template<typename T>
inline Slice<T> make(uint64_t count) const;
// slice returns a slice wrapping the application-pool pointer src, starting at elements s
// ending at one element before e.
template<typename T>
inline Slice<T> slice(T* src, uint64_t s, uint64_t e) const;
// slice returns a slice wrapping the application-pool pointer src, starting at s bytes
// from src and ending at one byte before e.
inline Slice<uint8_t> slice(void* src, uint64_t s, uint64_t e) const;
// slice returns a Slice<char>, backed by a new pool, holding a copy of the string src.
// src is observed as a read operation.
inline Slice<char> slice(const std::string& src) const;
// slice returns a sub-slice of src, starting at elements s and ending at one element before e.
template<typename T>
inline Slice<T> slice(const Slice<T>& src, uint64_t s, uint64_t e) const;
// abort signals that the atom should stop execution immediately.
void abort();
// handle is called in the abort exception catch. Used to allow
// customization of abort handling.
inline void handleAbort(CallObserver* observer, const AbortException& e);
// onPostDrawCall is after any command annotated with @DrawCall
inline virtual void onPostDrawCall() {}
// onPreEndOfFrame is before any command annotated with @EndOfFrame
inline virtual void onPreEndOfFrame() {}
// onPostFence is called immediately after the driver call.
inline virtual void onPostFence(CallObserver* observer) {}
// Abort handler used when if no other handler has been specified
void defaultAbortHandler(CallObserver* observer, const AbortException& e);
// Returns true if the current thread is currently "in" the spy, where
// "in" is defined as "the time between a true return of try_to_enter and
// a matching call to exit".
bool has_entered() {
return mReentrantFlag.get() != 0;
// The output stream encoder.
EncoderSPtr mEncoder;
// If true the interceptor calls the underlying function directly.
bool mPassthrough;
// A counter that is incremented each time a graphics command starts or
// ends. The first command start gets a value of 0 for its starting command
// counter value.
uint64_t mCommandStartEndCounter;
// The expected counter value for the starting of the next command. This
// equals the counter value of the last command ending plus one. This value
// starts at 0 before any atoms have been sent.
uint64_t mExpectedNextCommandStartCounterValue;
// Stores the extra if the command aborted.
gapic::coder::atom::Aborted* mAborted;
// Used by the generated code to indicate that the API file compute t as the
// return for this call. The actual return value comes from the driver.
template <typename T> void setExpectedReturn(const T& t);
template <class T> bool shouldObserve(const Slice<T>& slice) const;
// The list of observations that have already been encoded.
IdSet mResources;
// The current thread ID.
uint64_t mCurrentThread;
// The mutex that should be locked for the duration of each of the intercepted commands.
gapic::Mutex mMutex;
// True if we should observe the application pool.
bool mObserveApplicationPool;
// If non-null this handler is used instead of defaultAbortHandler.
AbortHandler mAbortHandler;
// If non-null this is a class which can accept return values of arbitrary
// types (with a copy constructor and assignment operator).
std::shared_ptr<ReturnHandler> mReturnHandler;
// Initially set to zero for all threads. This is set to a non-zero value
// for every thread that calls try_to_enter with a true return value,
// and reset for that thread when the matching exit() function is called.
gapic::ThreadLocalValue mReentrantFlag;
// finds a key in the map and returns the value. If no value is present
// returns the zero for that type.
template<typename Map>
const typename Map::mapped_type& findOrZero(const Map& m, const typename Map::key_type& key) {
auto it = m.find(key);
if (it == m.end()) {
static auto zero = typename Map::mapped_type();
return zero;
return it->second;
inline bool SpyBase::shouldComputeExpectedReturn() const {
return !mObserveApplicationPool && mReturnHandler != nullptr;
inline void SpyBase::setReturnHandler(std::shared_ptr<ReturnHandler> handler) {
mReturnHandler = handler;
template <typename T>
void SpyBase::setExpectedReturn(const T& t) {
spyAssert(shouldComputeExpectedReturn(), "setExpectedReturn called, but shouldComputeExpectedReturn is false");
template <class T>
bool SpyBase::shouldObserve(const Slice<T>& slice) const {
return mObserveApplicationPool && slice.isApplicationPool();
inline void SpyBase::setObserveApplicationPool(bool observeApplicationPool) {
mObserveApplicationPool = observeApplicationPool;
inline void SpyBase::setPassthrough(bool passthrough) {
mPassthrough = passthrough;
inline void SpyBase::setHandler(AbortHandler handler) {
mAbortHandler = handler;
inline void SpyBase::handleAbort(CallObserver* observer, const AbortException& e) {
if (mAbortHandler == nullptr) {
defaultAbortHandler(observer, e);
} else {
mAbortHandler(observer, e);
template<typename T>
inline Slice<T> SpyBase::make(uint64_t count) const {
auto pool = Pool::create(count * sizeof(T));
return Slice<T>(reinterpret_cast<T*>(pool->base()), count, pool);
template<typename T>
inline Slice<T> SpyBase::slice(T* src, uint64_t s, uint64_t e) const {
// TODO: Find the pool containing src
return Slice<T>(src+s, e-s, std::shared_ptr<Pool>());
inline Slice<uint8_t> SpyBase::slice(void* src, uint64_t s, uint64_t e) const {
return slice(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(src), s, e);
inline Slice<char> SpyBase::slice(const std::string& src) const {
Slice<char> dst = make<char>(src.length());
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
return dst;
template<typename T>
inline Slice<T> SpyBase::slice(const Slice<T>& src, uint64_t s, uint64_t e) const {
return src(s, e);
} // namespace gapii
#endif // GAPII_SPY_BASE_H