blob: 56b7fd6440b0032c35672edb9863a713ad93c84c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package database
import (
type testResource struct {
Int int
String string
Array []bool
var testResourceA = &testResource{
Int: 50,
String: "fifty",
Array: []bool{true, true, false, false, true, false},
type testRequest struct {
Id int
func decodeTestRequest(d binary.Decoder) (binary.Object, error) {
o := &testRequest{}
e := d.Value(o)
return o, e
type testStoreEntry struct {
resource binary.Object
data []byte
type testStore struct {
entries map[binary.ID]testStoreEntry
func (s testStore) Store(id binary.ID, r binary.Object, d []byte, _ log.Logger) error {
s.entries[id] = testStoreEntry{r, d}
return nil
func (s testStore) Load(id binary.ID, _ log.Logger, out binary.Object) (size int, err error) {
if e, found := s.entries[id]; found {
store.CopyResource(out, e.resource)
return len(, nil
} else {
return -1, os.ErrNotExist
func (s testStore) Contains(id binary.ID) bool {
_, found := s.entries[id]
return found
func (s testStore) Close() {
type testBuilder struct {
buildResource func(req interface{}, logger log.Logger, out binary.Object) error
func (b testBuilder) BuildResource(req interface{}, _ Database, logger log.Logger, out binary.Object) error {
return b.buildResource(req, logger, out)
func (b testBuilder) Version() uint32 {
return 0
func create(builder builder) (db *database, ds, vs, ms *testStore) {
if builder == nil {
builder = &testBuilder{}
ds = &testStore{make(map[binary.ID]testStoreEntry)}
vs = &testStore{make(map[binary.ID]testStoreEntry)}
ms = &testStore{make(map[binary.ID]testStoreEntry)}
db = &database{
dataStore: ds,
derivedStore: vs,
metaStore: ms,
pending: make(map[binary.ID]*pending),
builder: builder,
func verifyCounts(t *testing.T, ds, vs, ms *testStore, ed, ev, em int) {
if len(ds.entries) != ed {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 entries in data store, got %v", len(ds.entries))
if len(vs.entries) != ev {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 entries in derived store, got %v", len(vs.entries))
if len(ms.entries) != em {
t.Fatalf("expected 0 entries in meta store, got %v", len(ms.entries))
func verifyResource(t *testing.T, expected, got *testResource) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, got) {
t.Fatalf("resource does not match, expected %v, got %v", expected, got)
func TestStoreLink(t *testing.T) {
fromId, toId := binary.NewID([]byte("123")), binary.NewID([]byte("345"))
db, ds, vs, ms := create(nil)
err := db.StoreLink(toId, fromId, log.Nop{})
if err != nil {
verifyCounts(t, ds, vs, ms, 0, 0, 1)
// Assert the single metadata entry is as expected
metadata := ms.entries[fromId].resource.(*metadata)
if metadata.Type != metaTypeLink {
t.Errorf("Incorrect meta type, expected link got %v", metadata.Type)
if metadata.LinkTo != toId {
t.Errorf("Incorrect link id, expected %v got %v", toId, metadata.LinkTo)
func TestStoreDataRequest(t *testing.T) {
db, ds, vs, ms := create(nil)
id, err := db.StoreRequest(&testRequest{Id: 123}, log.Nop{})
if err != nil {
verifyCounts(t, ds, vs, ms, 0, 0, 1)
// Assert the single metadata entry is of lazy type
metadata := ms.entries[id].resource.(*metadata)
if metadata.Type != metaTypeLazy {
t.Errorf("Incorrect meta type, expected lazy got %v", metadata.Type)
func TestStore(t *testing.T) {
db, ds, vs, ms := create(nil)
id, err := db.Store(testResourceA, log.Nop{})
if err != nil {
verifyCounts(t, ds, vs, ms, 1, 0, 1)
// Assert the single meta entry is as expected
metadata := ms.entries[id].resource.(*metadata)
if metadata.Type != metaTypeData {
t.Errorf("Incorrect meta type, expected data got %v", metadata.Type)
// Assert the single data entry resource is as expected
data := ds.entries[id].resource.(*testResource)
verifyResource(t, testResourceA, data)
// Assert the single data entry binary data is as expected
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
enc := cyclic.Encoder(vle.Writer(buf))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(buf.Bytes(), ds.entries[id].data) {
t.Fatalf("encoded data did not match")
func TestLoadData(t *testing.T) {
db, _, _, _ := create(nil)
id, _ := db.Store(testResourceA, log.Nop{})
data := &testResource{}
err := db.Load(id, log.Nop{}, data)
if err != nil {
// Assert loaded data was as expected
verifyResource(t, testResourceA, data)
func TestLoadDataViaSingleLink(t *testing.T) {
db, _, _, _ := create(nil)
dataId, _ := db.Store(testResourceA, log.Nop{})
linkId := binary.NewID([]byte("123"))
db.StoreLink(dataId, linkId, log.Nop{})
data := &testResource{}
err := db.Load(linkId, log.Nop{}, data)
if err != nil {
// Assert loaded data was as expected
verifyResource(t, testResourceA, data)
func TestLoadDataViaChainedLink(t *testing.T) {
db, _, _, _ := create(nil)
dataId, _ := db.Store(testResourceA, log.Nop{})
linkAId := binary.NewID([]byte("123"))
linkBId := binary.NewID([]byte("456"))
linkCId := binary.NewID([]byte("678"))
db.StoreLink(dataId, linkAId, log.Nop{})
db.StoreLink(linkAId, linkBId, log.Nop{})
db.StoreLink(linkBId, linkCId, log.Nop{})
data := &testResource{}
err := db.Load(linkCId, log.Nop{}, data)
if err != nil {
// Assert loaded data was as expected
verifyResource(t, testResourceA, data)
func TestLoadDataRequest(t *testing.T) {
syncBegin := make(chan bool)
syncEnd := make(chan bool)
builder := &testBuilder{}
request := &testRequest{Id: 123}
db, ds, vs, ms := create(builder)
id, _ := db.StoreRequest(request, log.Nop{})
builder.buildResource = func(actualRequest interface{}, _ log.Logger, p binary.Object) error {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(request, actualRequest) {
t.Fatalf("request did not match")
store.CopyResource(p, testResourceA)
syncEnd <- true
return nil
data := &testResource{}
// Assert no entries were created in the derived store before "Load"
verifyCounts(t, ds, vs, ms, 0, 0, 1)
loadErr := make(chan error, 1)
go func() { loadErr <- db.Load(id, log.Nop{}, data) }()
// Assert that the resource hasn't been set until the builder has processed
verifyResource(t, &testResource{}, data)
// Let the builder do its thing
syncBegin <- true
// Sync and get the returned error
err := <-loadErr
// Assert that the error was as expected
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error %s", err)
verifyCounts(t, ds, vs, ms, 0, 1, 2)
// Assert loaded data was as expected
verifyResource(t, testResourceA, data)