blob: 073a43baf6787075ea0a16dd96928a7f8888bfd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package builder implements builders for resources from requests
// typically stored in the database, optionally depending on replay outputs.
package builder
import (
// The root database ID to a captures object, storing the identifiers to all
// captures that are held in the database.
var captureIdsDatabaseID = binary.NewID([]byte("ALL CAPTURES VERSION 1.0"))
type builder struct {
ReplayManager *replay.Manager
// New creates a database.builder which can hold a replayManager, potentially required to build request outputs.
func New() *builder {
return &builder{}
// SetReplayManager assigns the given replayManager.
func (b *builder) SetReplayManager(replayManager *replay.Manager) {
b.ReplayManager = replayManager
type replayRequest interface {
build(*replay.Manager, database.Database, log.Logger, binary.Object) error
type standaloneRequest interface {
build(database.Database, log.Logger, binary.Object) error
// Compliance with the database.builder interface.
// BuildResource builds the output of the given request and writes it to the given out.
func (b *builder) BuildResource(request interface{}, db database.Database, logger log.Logger, out binary.Object) error {
if config.DebugDatabaseBuilds && logger != nil {
logger.Infof("Building resource: %T %v", request, request)
switch ty := request.(type) {
case replayRequest:
return, db, logger, out)
case standaloneRequest:
return, logger, out)
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown builder request type: %T", request)
// Version returns the builder's version number.
func (b *builder) Version() uint32 {
return 0
// extractResources returns a new atom list with all the resources extracted
// and placed into the database.
func extractResources(atoms atom.List, db database.Database, logger log.Logger) (atom.List, error) {
out := make(atom.List, 0, len(atoms))
idmap := map[binary.ID]binary.ID{}
for _, a := range atoms {
switch a := a.(type) {
case *atom.Resource:
blob := store.Blob{Data: a.Data}
if id, err := db.Store(&blob, logger); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
idmap[a.ID] = id
// Replace resource IDs from identifiers generated at capture time to
// direct database identifiers. This avoids a database link indirection.
observations := a.Observations()
for i, r := range observations.Reads {
if id, found := idmap[r.ID]; found {
observations.Reads[i].ID = id
for i, w := range observations.Writes {
if id, found := idmap[w.ID]; found {
observations.Writes[i].ID = id
out = append(out, a)
return out, nil
// ImportCapture builds a new capture containing atoms, stores it into db and
// returns the new capture identifier.
func ImportCapture(name string, atoms atom.List, db database.Database, logger log.Logger) (service.CaptureId, error) {
atoms, err := extractResources(atoms, db, logger)
if err != nil {
return service.CaptureId{}, err
stream, err := service.NewAtomStream(atoms)
if err != nil {
return service.CaptureId{}, err
streamID, err := db.Store(&stream, logger)
if err != nil {
return service.CaptureId{}, err
schema := schema.Schema()
schemaID, err := db.Store(&schema, logger)
if err != nil {
return service.CaptureId{}, err
// Gather all the APIs used by the capture
apis := map[gfxapi.API]struct{}{}
apiIDs := service.ApiIdArray{}
for _, a := range atoms {
if api := a.API(); api != nil {
if _, found := apis[api]; !found {
apis[api] = struct{}{}
apiIDs = append(apiIDs, service.ApiId{ID: binary.ID(api.ID())})
capture := service.Capture{
Apis: apiIDs,
Name: name,
Atoms: service.AtomStreamId{ID: streamID},
Schema: service.SchemaId{ID: schemaID},
id, err := db.Store(&capture, logger)
if err != nil {
return service.CaptureId{}, err
// TODO: This is a read-modify-write operation with no safty for concurrent
// writes! A mutex in this function would provided limited safety as the
// database could be modifying the captures list elsewhere. We really need
// atomic write support in the database. b/19889089.
// Load the list of captures stored in the database
ids, _ := Captures(db, logger)
for _, i := range ids {
if i.ID == id {
// Capture already imported
return service.CaptureId{ID: id}, nil
// Add the capture into the list of captures stored by the database.
c := captures{ids: ids}
c.ids = append(c.ids, service.CaptureId{ID: id})
record, err := db.Store(&c, logger)
if err != nil {
return service.CaptureId{}, err
if err := db.StoreLink(record, captureIdsDatabaseID, logger); err != nil {
return service.CaptureId{}, err
return service.CaptureId{ID: id}, nil
// Captures returns all the captures stored by the database.
func Captures(db database.Database, logger log.Logger) (service.CaptureIdArray, error) {
var c captures
err := db.Load(captureIdsDatabaseID, logger, &c)
return c.ids, err
func loadCapture(captureID service.CaptureId, db database.Database, logger log.Logger) (service.Capture, error) {
var capture service.Capture
if err := db.Load(captureID.ID, logger, &capture); err != nil {
return service.Capture{}, err
return capture, nil
func loadAtoms(streamID service.AtomStreamId, db database.Database, logger log.Logger) (atom.List, error) {
var stream service.AtomStream
if err := db.Load(streamID.ID, logger, &stream); err != nil {
return atom.List{}, err
atomList, err := stream.List()
if err != nil {
return atom.List{}, err
return atomList, nil
// getAtomFramebufferDimensions returns the framebuffer dimensions after a given atom in the given capture and context.
// The first call to getAtomFramebufferDimensions for a given capture/context will trigger a computation of the dimensions for
// all atoms of this capture/context, which will be cached to the database for subsequent calls, regardless of the given atom.
func getAtomFramebufferDimensions(captureID service.CaptureId, after atom.ID, db database.Database, logger log.Logger) (width, height uint32, err error) {
id, err := db.StoreRequest(&getCaptureFramebufferDimensions{Capture: captureID}, logger)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
var captureFbDims captureFramebufferDimensions
err = db.Load(id, logger, &captureFbDims)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
idx := sort.Search(len(captureFbDims.Dimensions), func(x int) bool {
return captureFbDims.Dimensions[x].From > after
}) - 1
if idx < 0 {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("No dimension records found after atom %d. FB dimension records = %d",
after, len(captureFbDims.Dimensions))
return captureFbDims.Dimensions[idx].Width, captureFbDims.Dimensions[idx].Height, nil
func uniformScale(width, height, maxWidth, maxHeight uint32) (w, h uint32) {
w, h = width, height
scaleX, scaleY := float32(w)/float32(maxWidth), float32(h)/float32(maxHeight)
if scaleX > 1.0 || scaleY > 1.0 {
if scaleX > scaleY {
w, h = uint32(float32(w)/scaleX), uint32(float32(h)/scaleX)
} else {
w, h = uint32(float32(w)/scaleY), uint32(float32(h)/scaleY)
return w, h
// build writes to out the captureFramebufferDimensions resource resulting from the given getCaptureFramebufferDimensions request.
func (request *getCaptureFramebufferDimensions) build(d database.Database, l log.Logger, out binary.Object) error {
var id atom.ID
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Panic at atom %d: %v", id, err))
capture, err := loadCapture(request.Capture, d, l)
if err != nil {
return err
atoms, err := loadAtoms(capture.Atoms, d, l)
if err != nil {
return err
var captureFbDims captureFramebufferDimensions
var currentDims *atomFramebufferDimensions
s := gfxapi.NewState()
for i, a := range atoms {
id = atom.ID(i)
if err := a.Mutate(s, d, l); err != nil {
l.Warningf("Atom %d %v: %v", i, a, err)
if currentDims == nil || a.Flags().IsDrawCall() || a.Flags().IsEndOfFrame() {
api := a.API()
width, height, err := api.GetFramebufferAttachmentSize(s, gfxapi.FramebufferAttachmentColor)
if err != nil {
l.Warningf("GetFramebufferAttachmentSize at atom %d %T gave error: %v", i, a, err)
if currentDims == nil || width != currentDims.Width || height != currentDims.Height {
currentDims = &atomFramebufferDimensions{From: id, Width: width, Height: height}
captureFbDims.Dimensions = append(captureFbDims.Dimensions, *currentDims)
store.CopyResource(out, &captureFbDims)
return nil