blob: d313bb81657ee2b6f6070ef8c7270759043b2151 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resolver
import (
const (
RefSuffix = "ʳ"
SliceSuffix = "ˢ"
ConstSuffix = "ᶜ"
PointerSuffix = "ᵖ"
ArraySuffix = "ᵃ"
MapSuffix = "ᵐ"
TypeInfix = "ː"
func type_(ctx *context, in interface{}) semantic.Type {
switch in := in.(type) {
case *ast.Generic:
return genericType(ctx, in)
case *ast.IndexedType:
of := type_(ctx, in.ValueType)
if in.Index == nil {
return getSliceType(ctx, in, of)
size := uint32(0)
ctx.with(semantic.Uint32Type, func() {
e := expression(ctx, in.Index)
if n, ok := e.(semantic.Uint32Value); ok {
size = uint32(n)
} else {
ctx.errorf(in.Index, "Array dimension must be a constant number, got %T", e)
return getStaticArrayType(ctx, in, of, size)
case *ast.PointerType:
to := type_(ctx, in.To)
return getPointerType(ctx, in, to, in.Const)
case *ast.Imported:
return importedType(ctx, in)
case ast.Node:
ctx.errorf(in, "Unhandled typeref %T found", in)
return semantic.VoidType
ctx.icef(nil, "Non-node (%T) typeref found", in)
return semantic.VoidType
func genericType(ctx *context, in *ast.Generic) semantic.Type {
switch in.Name.Value {
case "map":
if len(in.Arguments) != 2 {
ctx.errorf(in, "Map requires 2 args, got %d", len(in.Arguments))
return semantic.VoidType
kt := type_(ctx, in.Arguments[0])
vt := type_(ctx, in.Arguments[1])
return getMapType(ctx, in, kt, vt)
case "ref":
if len(in.Arguments) != 1 {
ctx.errorf(in, "Ref requires 1 arg, got %d", len(in.Arguments))
return semantic.VoidType
vt := type_(ctx, in.Arguments[0])
return getRefType(ctx, in, vt)
if len(in.Arguments) != 0 {
ctx.errorf(in, "Type %s is not parameterised, got %d", in.Name, len(in.Arguments))
return semantic.VoidType
return getSimpleType(ctx, in.Name)
func getSimpleType(ctx *context, in *ast.Identifier) semantic.Type {
name := in.Value
out := ctx.findType(in, name)
if out == nil {
ctx.errorf(in, "Type %s not found", name)
return semantic.VoidType
ctx.mappings[in] = out
if a, ok := out.(*Alias); ok {
if a.To == nil {
a.To = type_(ctx, a.AST.To)
return a.To
return out
func getMapType(ctx *context, at ast.Node, kt, vt semantic.Type) *semantic.Map {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s", strings.Title(kt.Typename()), TypeInfix, vt.Typename(), MapSuffix)
for _, m := range ctx.api.Maps {
if m.Name == name {
if !equal(kt, m.KeyType) {
ctx.icef(at, "Map %s found with non matching key, got %s expected %s", name, typename(m.KeyType), typename(kt))
if !equal(vt, m.ValueType) {
ctx.icef(at, "Map %s found with non matching value, got %s expected %s", name, typename(m.ValueType), typename(vt))
ctx.mappings[at] = m
return m
out := &semantic.Map{
Name: name,
KeyType: kt,
ValueType: vt,
Members: semantic.Members{},
ctx.api.Maps = append(ctx.api.Maps, out)
ctx.mappings[at] = out
return out
func getStaticArrayType(ctx *context, at ast.Node, of semantic.Type, size uint32) *semantic.StaticArray {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%d%s", strings.Title(of.Typename()), TypeInfix, size, ArraySuffix)
for _, a := range ctx.api.StaticArrays {
if a.Name == name {
if !equal(a.ValueType, of) {
ctx.icef(at, "Static array %s found with non matching value, got %s expected %s",
a.Name, typename(a.ValueType), typename(of))
ctx.mappings[at] = a
return a
out := &semantic.StaticArray{
Name: name,
ValueType: of,
Size: size,
ctx.api.StaticArrays = append(ctx.api.StaticArrays, out)
ctx.mappings[at] = out
return out
func getRefType(ctx *context, at ast.Node, to semantic.Type) *semantic.Reference {
name := strings.Title(to.Typename()) + RefSuffix
for _, p := range ctx.api.References {
if p.Name == name {
if !equal(to, p.To) {
ctx.icef(at, "ref %s found with non matching value, got %s expected %s", name, typename(p.To), typename(to))
ctx.mappings[at] = p
return p
out := &semantic.Reference{
Name: name,
To: to,
ctx.api.References = append(ctx.api.References, out)
ctx.mappings[at] = out
return out
func getPointerType(ctx *context, at ast.Node, to semantic.Type, constant bool) *semantic.Pointer {
name := strings.Title(to.Typename())
if constant {
name += ConstSuffix
name += PointerSuffix
for _, p := range ctx.api.Pointers {
if p.Name == name {
if !equal(to, p.To) {
ctx.icef(at, "Pointer %s found with non matching value, got %s expected %s", name, typename(p.To), typename(to))
ctx.mappings[at] = p
return p
out := &semantic.Pointer{
Name: name,
To: to,
Const: constant,
ctx.api.Pointers = append(ctx.api.Pointers, out)
ctx.mappings[at] = out
out.Slice = getSliceType(ctx, at, to)
return out
func getSliceType(ctx *context, at ast.Node, to semantic.Type) *semantic.Slice {
name := strings.Title(to.Typename()) + SliceSuffix
for _, s := range ctx.api.Slices {
if s.Name == name {
if !equal(to, s.To) {
ctx.icef(at, "Slice %s found with non matching value, got %s expected %s", name, typename(s.To), typename(to))
ctx.mappings[at] = s
return s
out := &semantic.Slice{
Name: name,
To: to,
ctx.api.Slices = append(ctx.api.Slices, out)
ctx.mappings[at] = out
out.Pointer = getPointerType(ctx, at, to, false)
return out
func enum(ctx *context, out *semantic.Enum) {
if len(out.AllEntries) > 0 {
// Already resolved.
in := out.AST
out.Docs = findDocumentation(in.CST)
out.Annotations = annotations(ctx, in.Annotations)
out.IsBitfield = in.IsBitfield
for _, e := range in.Entries {
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(e.Value.Value, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
ctx.errorf(e, "could not parse %s as uint32", e.Value)
entry := &semantic.EnumEntry{
AST: e,
Enum: out,
Name: e.Name.Value,
Docs: findDocumentation(e.CST),
Value: uint32(v),
out.Entries = append(out.Entries, entry)
out.AllEntries = append(out.AllEntries, entry)
ctx.mappings[e] = entry
for _, extends := range in.Extends {
t := ctx.findType(extends, extends.Value)
if e, ok := t.(*semantic.Enum); !ok {
ctx.errorf(extends, "non enum entry %s in extension list", typename(t))
} else {
out.Extends = append(out.Extends, e)
enum(ctx, e)
for _, entry := range e.AllEntries {
copy := *entry
copy.Enum = out
out.AllEntries = append(out.AllEntries, &copy)
ctx.mappings[extends] = e
for _, entry := range out.AllEntries {
ctx.add(entry.Name, entry)
ctx.mappings[in] = out
func class(ctx *context, out *semantic.Class) {
in := out.AST
out.Docs = findDocumentation(in.CST)
out.Annotations = annotations(ctx, in.Annotations)
for _, extends := range in.Extends {
t := ctx.findType(extends, extends.Value)
if c, ok := t.(*semantic.Class); !ok {
ctx.errorf(extends, "non class entry %s in extension list", typename(t))
} else {
out.Extends = append(out.Extends, c)
c.ExtendedBy = append(c.ExtendedBy, out)
ctx.mappings[extends] = c
out.Fields = make([]*semantic.Field, len(in.Fields))
for i, f := range in.Fields {
field := field(ctx, f, out)
out.Fields[i] = field
out.Members[field.Name] = field
ctx.mappings[in] = out
func field(ctx *context, in *ast.Field, class *semantic.Class) *semantic.Field {
out := &semantic.Field{AST: in, Name: in.Name.Value, Class: class}
out.Docs = findDocumentation(in.CST)
out.Annotations = annotations(ctx, in.Annotations)
out.Type = type_(ctx, in.Type)
if isVoid(out.Type) {
ctx.errorf(in, "void typed field %s on class %s", out.Name, out.Class.Name)
if in.Default != nil {
ctx.with(out.Type, func() {
out.Default = expression(ctx, in.Default)
dt := out.Default.ExpressionType()
if !assignable(out.Type, dt) {
ctx.errorf(in, "cannot assign %s to %s", typename(dt), typename(out.Type))
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
func pseudonym(ctx *context, out *semantic.Pseudonym) {
in := out.AST
out.Docs = findDocumentation(in.CST)
out.Annotations = annotations(ctx, in.Annotations)
out.To = type_(ctx, in.To)
func importedType(ctx *context, in *ast.Imported) semantic.Type {
api, ok := ctx.get(in, in.From.Value).(*semantic.API)
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(in, "%s not an imported api", in.From.Value)
return semantic.VoidType
t, ok := api.Member(in.Name.Value).(semantic.Type)
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(in, "%s not a type in %s", in.Name.Value, in.From.Value)
return semantic.VoidType
return t
func typename(e semantic.Type) string {
if e == nil {
return "missing"
} else {
return e.Typename()