blob: ad58b21e26f5fc61c52bf812f51185ad38c67aa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package preprocessor
import (
// ifEntry is a structure containing the data necessary for proper evaluation of #if*
// preprocessor directives.
type ifEntry struct {
WasTrue bool // Whether one of the #if expressions in this chain was true
HadElse bool // Whether we already encountered an #else block
Copying bool // Whether the current block should be output
type macroDefinition struct {
name string // macro name
function bool // Whether this is a function macro.
argCount int // The number of arguments of the macro.
definition []macroExpander // The macro definition as a list of macroExpanders.
// preprocessorImpl stores the internal state of a preprocessor instance.
type preprocessorImpl struct {
err ast.ErrorCollector
lexer *lexer
macros map[string]macroDefinition // All currently defined macros
ifStack []ifEntry // The stack of all encountered #if directives.
line int // The current line.
currentToken *tokenExpansion
evaluator ExpressionEvaluator
func (p *preprocessorImpl) GetErrors() []error {
return ast.ConcatErrors(p.lexer.err.GetErrors(), p.err.GetErrors())
// skipping returnes true if we should skip this token. We skip if any of the #if directives in
// the stack says we should skip.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) skipping() (skip bool) {
skip = false
for _, entry := range p.ifStack {
skip = skip || !entry.Copying
// tokenReader is an internal interface encapsulating a stream of tokens.
type tokenReader interface {
Next() tokenExpansion
Peek() tokenExpansion
// listReader is an implementation of tokenReader which reads tokens from a list. It is used to
// rescan a macro expansion to expand macros recursively. It contains a nested tokenReader, which
// is read from after the own token list. This happens in case of recursive function macros with
// unbalanced parenthesis.
type listReader struct {
list []tokenExpansion
next tokenReader
func (r *listReader) Next() (t tokenExpansion) {
if len(r.list) > 0 {
t = r.list[0]
r.list = r.list[1:]
} else if != nil {
t =
func (r *listReader) Peek() (t tokenExpansion) {
if len(r.list) > 0 {
t = r.list[0]
} else if != nil {
t =
// processList is a helper function for processMacro. It calls processMacro on all tokens in the
// list.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) processList(r *listReader) (result []tokenExpansion) {
for len(r.list) > 0 {
token := r.Next()
result = append(result, p.processMacro(token, r)...)
// readMacroArgs reads macro arguments. It returns the arguments as a list of lists of tokens.
// Failure is reported by the second return value.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) readMacroArgs(reader tokenReader) (args [][]tokenExpansion, ok bool) {
var arg []tokenExpansion // currently processed argument
level := 0 // number of nested parenthesis
for {
if reader.Peek().Info.Token == nil {
p.err.Errorf("Unexpected end of file while processing a macro.")
return args, false
if level == 0 {
switch reader.Peek().Info.Token {
case OpRParen:
args = append(args, arg)
return args, true
case OpLParen:
arg = append(arg, reader.Next())
case ast.BoComma:
args = append(args, arg)
arg = nil
switch reader.Peek().Info.Token {
case OpRParen:
arg = append(arg, reader.Next())
case OpLParen:
arg = append(arg, reader.Next())
arg = append(arg, reader.Next())
// parseMacroCallArgs reads arguments to a function macro, pre-expands them and computes the
// intersection of their hide sets. It reads the argument from the specified token reader. In
// case of errors the hide set is nil.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) parseMacroCallArgs(reader tokenReader, macro tokenExpansion,
argCount int) ([][]tokenExpansion, hideSet) {
if reader.Peek().Info.Token != OpLParen {
// Function macros are not expanded if the next token is not '('.
return nil, nil
args, ok := p.readMacroArgs(reader)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
lastTok := reader.Next()
if len(args) != argCount {
p.err.Errorf("Incorrect number of arguments to macro '%v': expected %d, got %d.",
macro.Info.Token, argCount, len(args))
// Try to recover by padding args
for len(args) < argCount {
args = append(args, nil)
// Macro argument pre-expansion
for i := range args {
args[i] = p.processList(&listReader{args[i], nil})
set := intersect(macro.HideSet, lastTok.HideSet)
return args, set
// processMacro checks t for macro definitions and fully expands it. reader is an interface to
// the following tokens, needed for processing function macro invocations.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) processMacro(t tokenExpansion, reader tokenReader) []tokenExpansion {
// eof pseudo-token
if t.Info.Token == nil {
return []tokenExpansion{t}
name := t.Info.Token.String()
def, present := p.macros[name]
if !present {
// no expansion needed
return []tokenExpansion{t}
set := t.HideSet
if _, present := set[name]; present {
// This macro should not be expanded.
return []tokenExpansion{t}
var args [][]tokenExpansion
if def.function {
args, set = p.parseMacroCallArgs(reader, t, def.argCount)
if set == nil {
return []tokenExpansion{t}
list := make([]tokenExpansion, 0, len(def.definition))
// Substitute arguments into macro definition
for _, expander := range def.definition {
list = append(list, expander(args)...)
// Extend the hide sets
for _, e := range list {
e.HideSet[name] = struct{}{}
// Expand macros in the definition recursively
return p.processList(&listReader{list, reader})
// getDirectiveArguments is a helper function used to read the arguments of a preprocessor
// directive. It consumes all tokens until the newline and returns them. If emptyOk is false, it
// will raise an error in the case of an empty argument list.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) getDirectiveArguments(info TokenInfo, emptyOk bool) []TokenInfo {
dir := info.Token
var ret []TokenInfo
for info = p.lexer.Peek(); info.Token != nil && !info.Newline; info = p.lexer.Peek() {
ret = append(ret, p.lexer.Next())
if len(ret) == 0 && !emptyOk {
p.err.Errorf("%s needs an argument.", dir)
return ret
func isIdentOrKeyword(t TokenInfo) bool {
switch t.Token.(type) {
case Identifier, Keyword, ast.BareType:
return true
return false
// Given a list of tokens following `#define FOO(`, consume the tokens that make up the macro
// argument list. Returns the list of unconsumed tokens and a `macro_name->position` map.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) parseDefMacroArgs(macro Token,
args []TokenInfo) (rest []TokenInfo, argMap map[string]int) {
argMap = make(map[string]int)
for {
if len(args) <= 1 {
p.err.Errorf("Macro definition ended unexpectedly.")
return nil, nil
if !isIdentOrKeyword(args[0]) {
p.err.Errorf("Invalid function macro definition. "+
"Expected an identifier, got '%s'.", args[0].Token)
name := args[0].Token.String()
if _, ok := argMap[name]; ok {
p.err.Errorf("Macro '%s' contains two arguments named '%s'.", macro, name)
argMap[name] = len(argMap)
switch args[1].Token {
case OpRParen:
return args[2:], argMap
case ast.BoComma:
args = args[2:]
p.err.Errorf("Invalid function macro definition. "+
"Expected ',', ')', got '%s'.", args[1].Token)
return nil, nil
// process a #define directive
func (p *preprocessorImpl) processDefine(args []TokenInfo) {
macro := args[0]
if _, ok := p.macros[macro.Token.String()]; ok {
p.err.Errorf("Macro '%s' already defined.", args[0].Token)
args = args[1:]
if len(args) == 0 || args[0].Whitespace || args[0].Token != OpLParen {
// Just an object macro, we're done.
expansion := make([]macroExpander, len(args))
for i := range args {
expansion[i] = args[i].expand
name := macro.Token.String()
p.macros[name] = macroDefinition{name, false, 0, expansion}
args, argMap := p.parseDefMacroArgs(macro.Token, args[1:])
if argMap == nil {
expansion := make([]macroExpander, len(args))
for i := range args {
if arg, ok := argMap[args[i].Token.String()]; ok {
expansion[i] = argumentExpander(arg).expand
} else {
expansion[i] = args[i].expand
name := macro.Token.String()
p.macros[name] = macroDefinition{name, true, len(argMap), expansion}
// processDirectives reads any preprocessor directives from the input stream and processes them.
func (p *preprocessorImpl) processDirectives() {
for {
if _, ok := p.lexer.Peek().Token.(ppKeyword); !ok {
func (p *preprocessorImpl) evaluateDefined(arg TokenInfo) tokenExpansion {
var ic ast.IntValue
if _, present := p.macros[arg.Token.String()]; present {
ic = ast.IntValue(1)
} else {
ic = ast.IntValue(0)
return newTokenExpansion(TokenInfo{Token: ic})
func (p *preprocessorImpl) evaluateIf(args []TokenInfo) bool {
// append fake EOF
lastToken := args[len(args)-1].Cst.Token()
eof := &parse.Leaf{}
eof.SetToken(parse.Token{Runes: lastToken.Runes, Start: lastToken.End, End: lastToken.End})
args = append(args, TokenInfo{Token: nil, Cst: eof})
var list []tokenExpansion
// convert args to tokenExpansions and evaluate defined(X)
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
if args[i].Token == Identifier("defined") {
if i+1 < len(args) && isIdentOrKeyword(args[i+1]) {
list = append(list, p.evaluateDefined(args[i+1]))
} else if i+3 < len(args) && args[i+1].Token == OpLParen &&
isIdentOrKeyword(args[i+2]) && args[i+3].Token == OpRParen {
list = append(list, p.evaluateDefined(args[i+2]))
i += 3
} else {
p.err.Errorf("Operator 'defined' used incorrectly.")
} else {
list = append(list, newTokenExpansion(args[i]))
reader := &listReader{list: list} // reader will read the arguments
worker := &listWorker{reader, p} // worker will expand them
pp := &Preprocessor{impl: worker} // pp will provide the lookahead
val, err := p.evaluator(pp) // and evaluator will evalate them
return val != 0
func (p *preprocessorImpl) processDirective(info TokenInfo) {
switch info.Token {
case ppDefine:
args := p.getDirectiveArguments(info, false)
if p.skipping() || args == nil {
case ppUndef:
args := p.getDirectiveArguments(info, false)
if p.skipping() || args == nil {
if _, ok := p.macros[args[0].Token.String()]; !ok {
p.err.Errorf("Macro '%s' not defined.", args[0].Token)
delete(p.macros, args[0].Token.String())
case ppIf:
args := p.getDirectiveArguments(info, false)
val := p.evaluateIf(args)
p.ifStack = append(p.ifStack, ifEntry{Copying: val, WasTrue: val})
case ppElif:
args := p.getDirectiveArguments(info, true)
if len(p.ifStack) == 0 {
p.err.Errorf("Unmatched #elif.")
entry := &p.ifStack[len(p.ifStack)-1]
if entry.HadElse {
p.err.Errorf("#elif after #else.")
entry.Copying = false
if !entry.Copying {
val := p.evaluateIf(args)
entry.Copying = val
if val {
entry.WasTrue = true
} else {
entry.Copying = false
case ppPragma, ppExtension:
_ = p.getDirectiveArguments(info, false)
p.err.Errorf("'%s' not supported.", info.Token)
case ppIfdef, ppIfndef:
args := p.getDirectiveArguments(info, false)
var defined bool
if args == nil {
defined = false
} else {
_, defined = p.macros[args[0].Token.String()]
copying := defined == (info.Token == ppIfdef)
p.ifStack = append(p.ifStack, ifEntry{Copying: copying, WasTrue: copying})
case ppElse:
_ = p.getDirectiveArguments(info, true)
if len(p.ifStack) == 0 {
p.err.Errorf("Unmatched #else.")
entry := &p.ifStack[len(p.ifStack)-1]
if entry.HadElse {
p.err.Errorf("#if directive has multiple #else directives.")
entry.Copying = false
entry.HadElse = true
entry.Copying = !entry.WasTrue
case ppEndif:
_ = p.getDirectiveArguments(info, true)
if len(p.ifStack) == 0 {
p.err.Errorf("Unmatched #endif.")
p.ifStack = p.ifStack[:len(p.ifStack)-1]
case ppError:
args := p.getDirectiveArguments(info, true)
if p.skipping() {
var msg bytes.Buffer
for _, i := range args {
func addBuiltinMacro(macros map[string]macroDefinition, name string, expander macroExpander) {
macros[name] = macroDefinition{
name: name,
definition: []macroExpander{expander},
func newPreprocessorImpl(data string, eval ExpressionEvaluator, file int) *preprocessorImpl {
p := &preprocessorImpl{
lexer: newLexer(data),
macros: make(map[string]macroDefinition),
evaluator: eval,
addBuiltinMacro(p.macros, "__LINE__", p.expandLine)
addBuiltinMacro(p.macros, "__FILE__", TokenInfo{Token: ast.IntValue(file)}.expand)
addBuiltinMacro(p.macros, "__VERSION__", TokenInfo{Token: ast.IntValue(300)}.expand)
addBuiltinMacro(p.macros, "GL_ES", TokenInfo{Token: ast.IntValue(1)}.expand)
return p
//////////////////////////// tokenReader interface /////////////////////////
func (p *preprocessorImpl) Peek() tokenExpansion {
for p.currentToken == nil {
// process any preprocessor directives
tok := newTokenExpansion(p.lexer.Next())
p.line, _ = tok.Info.Cst.Token().Cursor()
if tok.Info.Token == nil {
if len(p.ifStack) > 0 {
p.err.Errorf("Unterminated #if directive at the end of file.")
p.currentToken = &tok
} else if !p.skipping() {
p.currentToken = &tok
return *p.currentToken
func (p *preprocessorImpl) Next() tokenExpansion {
ret := p.Peek()
p.currentToken = nil
return ret
//////////////////////////// worker interface /////////////////////////
func (p *preprocessorImpl) Work() []tokenExpansion {
return p.processMacro(p.Next(), p)