blob: 98f576f96e6ab030040474d0c7f85ebd577a5305 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resolver
import (
type invalid struct{}
func (invalid) ExpressionType() semantic.Type { return semantic.VoidType }
// expression translates the ast expression to a semantic expression.
func expression(ctx *context, in interface{}) semantic.Expression {
switch in := in.(type) {
case *ast.UnaryOp:
return unaryOp(ctx, in)
case *ast.BinaryOp:
return binaryOp(ctx, in)
case *ast.Call:
return call(ctx, in)
case *ast.Switch:
return select_(ctx, in)
case *ast.Member:
return member(ctx, in)
case *ast.Index:
return index(ctx, in)
case *ast.Identifier:
return identifier(ctx, in)
case *ast.ClassInitializer:
return classInitializer(ctx, in)
case *ast.New:
return new(ctx, in)
case *ast.Group:
return expression(ctx, in.Expression)
case *ast.Cast:
return cast(ctx, in)
case *ast.Length:
return length(ctx, in)
case *ast.Unknown:
return &semantic.Unknown{AST: in}
case *ast.Number:
return number(ctx, in)
case *ast.Bool:
return semantic.BoolValue(in.Value)
case *ast.String:
return semantic.StringValue(in.Value)
ctx.icef(in, "Unhandled expression type %T found", in)
return invalid{}
func call(ctx *context, in *ast.Call) semantic.Expression {
target := expression(ctx, in.Target)
switch target := target.(type) {
case *macroStub:
return macroCall(ctx, in, target)
case *semantic.Callable:
return functionCall(ctx, in, target)
ctx.errorf(in, "Invalid method call target %T found", target)
return invalid{}
func callArguments(ctx *context, in []interface{}, params []*semantic.Parameter, name string) []semantic.Expression {
out := []semantic.Expression{}
if len(params) != len(in) {
ctx.errorf(in, "wrong number of arguments to %s, expected %v got %v", name, len(params), len(in))
return out
for i, a := range in {
p := params[i]
ctx.with(p.Type, func() {
arg := expression(ctx, a)
at := arg.ExpressionType()
out = append(out, arg)
if !assignable(p.Type, at) {
ctx.errorf(a, "argument %d to %s is wrong type, expected %s got %s", i, name, typename(p.Type), typename(at))
return out
func functionCall(ctx *context, in *ast.Call, target *semantic.Callable) *semantic.Call {
out := &semantic.Call{AST: in, Target: target, Type: semantic.VoidType}
params := target.Function.FullParameters
if target.Object != nil {
if target.Function.This == nil {
ctx.errorf(in, "method call on non method %s of %T", target.Function.Name, target.Object)
return out
params = params[1:len(params)]
if target.Function.Return.Type != semantic.VoidType {
params = params[0 : len(params)-1]
out.Arguments = callArguments(ctx, in.Arguments, params, target.Function.Name)
out.Type = out.Target.Function.Return.Type
return out
func macroCall(ctx *context, in *ast.Call, stub *macroStub) semantic.Expression {
if ctx.scope.block == nil {
ctx.errorf(in, "macro call outside of block scope")
return invalid{}
// generate a globally unique naming prefix to prevent symbol collisions
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%v_", stub.function.Name, ctx.uid())
params := stub.function.CallParameters()
var result *semantic.DeclareLocal
args := callArguments(ctx, in.Arguments, params, stub.function.Name)
// switch scopes back to the one the macro was declared in to prevent symbol leak
callScope := ctx.scope
ctx.scope = stub.scope
defer func() { ctx.scope = callScope }()
ctx.with(semantic.VoidType, func() {
// put the block back so we inject directly in to it
ctx.scope.block = callScope.block
// replace parameters with a new uniquely named local variable
for i, p := range params {
l := addLocal(ctx, nil, p.Name, args[i])
// set the unique name after symbol table injection
// this means that the lookups inside the macro match the local correctly
// but the semantic graph as a globally unique name
l.Local.Name = prefix + l.Local.Name
// evaluate the macro body in place
r := body(ctx, stub.function.AST.Block.Statements, stub.function)
// substitute the return statement for a local assignment
if r != nil {
result = addLocal(ctx, nil, prefix+"result", r.Value)
if result == nil {
return invalid{}
return result.Local
func select_(ctx *context, in *ast.Switch) *semantic.Select {
out := &semantic.Select{AST: in}
out.Type = nil
out.Value = expression(ctx, in.Value)
vt := out.Value.ExpressionType()
for _, c := range in.Cases {
e := choice(ctx, c, vt)
out.Choices = append(out.Choices, e)
if out.Type == nil {
out.Type = e.Expression.ExpressionType()
} else if !equal(out.Type, e.Expression.ExpressionType()) {
// TODO: This could be a common ancestor type instead?
out.Type = semantic.VoidType
if out.Type == nil {
ctx.errorf(in, "could not determine type of switch")
out.Type = semantic.VoidType
return out
// choice translates Case in to a select Choice.
// vt is the resolved type of the select value being compared against, and can
// be used to infer the choice condition type.
func choice(ctx *context, in *ast.Case, vt semantic.Type) *semantic.Choice {
out := &semantic.Choice{AST: in}
ctx.with(vt, func() {
for _, cond := range in.Conditions {
exp := expression(ctx, cond)
out.Conditions = append(out.Conditions, exp)
ct := exp.ExpressionType()
if !comparable(vt, ct) {
ctx.errorf(cond, "select value %s is not comparable with choice condition %s", typename(vt), typename(ct))
if len(in.Block.Statements) != 1 {
ctx.errorf(in, "switch case is not a single expression")
out.Expression = invalid{}
return out
out.Expression = expression(ctx, in.Block.Statements[0])
return out
func member(ctx *context, in *ast.Member) semantic.Expression {
obj := expression(ctx, in.Object)
ot := obj.ExpressionType()
entry := ot.Member(in.Name.Value)
if entry == nil {
ctx.errorf(in, "%s is not a member of %s", in.Name.Value, typename(ot))
return invalid{}
switch entry := entry.(type) {
case *semantic.Field:
return &semantic.Member{AST: in, Object: obj, Field: entry}
case *semantic.Function:
return &semantic.Callable{Object: obj, Function: entry}
ctx.errorf(in, "Invalid member lookup type %T found", entry)
return invalid{}
func index(ctx *context, in *ast.Index) semantic.Expression {
object := expression(ctx, in.Object)
at := object.ExpressionType()
switch at := at.(type) {
case *semantic.Array:
out := &semantic.ArrayIndex{AST: in, Array: object}
ctx.with(semantic.Int32Type, func() {
out.Index = expression(ctx, in.Index)
it := out.Index.ExpressionType()
if !equal(it, semantic.Int32Type) && !equal(it, semantic.Uint32Type) {
ctx.errorf(in, "type %s not valid indexing array", typename(it))
out.ValueType = at.ValueType
return out
case *semantic.Map:
out := &semantic.MapIndex{AST: in, Map: object}
ctx.with(at.KeyType, func() {
out.Index = expression(ctx, in.Index)
it := out.Index.ExpressionType()
if !comparable(it, at.KeyType) {
ctx.errorf(in, "type %s not valid indexing map", typename(it))
out.ValueType = at.ValueType
return out
ctx.errorf(in, "index operation on non indexable type %s", typename(at))
return invalid{}
func identifier(ctx *context, in *ast.Identifier) semantic.Expression {
out := ctx.get(in, in.Value)
switch out := out.(type) {
case *semantic.Function:
return &semantic.Callable{Function: out}
case semantic.Expression:
return out
ctx.errorf(in, "Symbol %s was non expression %T", in.Value, out)
return invalid{}
func classInitializer(ctx *context, in *ast.ClassInitializer) *semantic.ClassInitializer {
out := &semantic.ClassInitializer{AST: in}
t := type_(ctx, in.Class)
class, ok := t.(*semantic.Class)
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(in.Class, "non class entry %s in extension list", typename(t))
return out
out.Class = class
for _, f := range in.Fields {
out.Fields = append(out.Fields, fieldInitializer(ctx, out.Class, f))
return out
func fieldInitializer(ctx *context, class *semantic.Class, in *ast.FieldInitializer) *semantic.FieldInitializer {
out := &semantic.FieldInitializer{AST: in}
m := class.Member(in.Name.Value)
if m == nil {
ctx.errorf(in.Name, "class %s has no field %s", class.Name, in.Name.Value)
return out
field, ok := m.(*semantic.Field)
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(in.Name, "member %s of class %s is not a field [%T]", in.Name.Value, class.Name, m)
return out
out.Field = field
ctx.with(field.Type, func() {
out.Value = expression(ctx, in.Value)
ft := out.Field.Type
vt := out.Value.ExpressionType()
if !assignable(ft, vt) {
ctx.errorf(in, "field %s cannot assign %s to %s", out.Field.Name, typename(vt), typename(ft))
return out
func new(ctx *context, in *ast.New) *semantic.New {
out := &semantic.New{AST: in}
out.Initializer = classInitializer(ctx, in.ClassInitializer)
out.Type = getPointerType(ctx, in, out.Initializer.Class)
return out
func cast(ctx *context, in *ast.Cast) semantic.Expression {
t := type_(ctx, in.Type)
var obj semantic.Expression
ctx.with(t, func() {
obj = expression(ctx, in.Object)
if equal(t, obj.ExpressionType()) {
return obj
out := &semantic.Cast{AST: in, Object: obj, Type: t}
if !castable(obj.ExpressionType(), out.Type) {
ctx.errorf(in, "cannot cast from %s to %s", typename(obj.ExpressionType()), typename(out.Type))
return out
func length(ctx *context, in *ast.Length) *semantic.Length {
out := &semantic.Length{AST: in}
out.Object = expression(ctx, in.Object)
at := out.Object.ExpressionType()
if at == nil {
ctx.errorf(in, "condition was not valid")
return out
ok := false
switch at.(type) {
case *semantic.Array:
ok = true
case *semantic.Map:
ok = true
case *semantic.Builtin:
if at == semantic.StringType || at == semantic.PointerType {
ok = true
if !ok {
ctx.errorf(in, "len cannot work out length of type %s", typename(at))
return out
infer := baseType(ctx.scope.inferType)
switch infer {
case semantic.Int32Type, semantic.Uint32Type, semantic.Int64Type, semantic.Uint64Type:
out.Type = infer
out.Type = semantic.Int32Type
return out
func number(ctx *context, in *ast.Number) semantic.Expression {
infer := baseType(ctx.scope.inferType)
out := inferNumber(ctx, in, infer)
if out != nil {
if infer == ctx.scope.inferType {
return out
return &semantic.Cast{Type: ctx.scope.inferType, Object: out}
if v, err := strconv.ParseInt(in.Value, 0, 32); err == nil {
return semantic.Int32Value(v)
if v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(in.Value, 64); err == nil {
return semantic.Float64Value(v)
ctx.errorf(in, "could not parse %s as a number (%s)", in.Value, typename(infer))
return invalid{}