blob: bb6692d29e0959e1ef906f851f716ad653e2b1b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package resolver
import (
func block(ctx *context, in *ast.Block, owner semantic.Node) *semantic.Block {
out := &semantic.Block{AST: in}
if in == nil {
return out
ctx.with(semantic.VoidType, func() {
ctx.scope.block = &out.Statements
r := body(ctx, in.Statements, owner)
if r != nil {
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
// body is a resolve function that processes a list of statements and injects them
// into the context's current block.
// the final return statement, if present, is not injected, but returned from the
// function, as it often needs special handling depending on the owner of the
// statements
func body(ctx *context, in []ast.Node, owner semantic.Node) *semantic.Return {
f, isFunction := owner.(*semantic.Function)
var returnStatement *ast.Return
// we need to check and strip the "return" if the function is supposed to have one
if isFunction && !isVoid(f.Return.Type) {
if len(in) == 0 {
ctx.errorf(f.AST, "Missing return statement")
} else if r, ok := in[len(in)-1].(*ast.Return); !ok {
ctx.errorf(f.AST, "Last statement must be a return")
} else {
in = in[0 : len(in)-1]
returnStatement = r
// now process the non return statements
for _, s := range in {
ctx.addStatement(statement(ctx, s))
// and special case the return statement allowing access to the return parameter
if returnStatement != nil {
return return_(ctx, returnStatement, f)
return nil
func statement(ctx *context, in ast.Node) semantic.Node {
switch in := in.(type) {
case *ast.Assign:
return assign(ctx, in)
case *ast.DeclareLocal:
return declareLocal(ctx, in)
case *ast.Branch:
return branch(ctx, in)
case *ast.Switch:
return switch_(ctx, in)
case *ast.Iteration:
return iteration(ctx, in)
case *ast.Call:
e := call(ctx, in)
if !isVoid(e.ExpressionType()) {
ctx.errorf(in, "function with return type as statement not allowed")
return invalid{}
return e
case *ast.Return:
ctx.errorf(in, "unexpected return")
return invalid{}
case *ast.Generic:
ctx.errorf(in.Name, "unexpected identifier %s", in.Name.Value)
return invalid{}
ctx.errorf(in, "not a statement (%T)", in)
return invalid{}
func assign(ctx *context, in *ast.Assign) semantic.Node {
lhs := expression(ctx, in.LHS)
var rhs semantic.Expression
ctx.with(lhs.ExpressionType(), func() {
rhs = expression(ctx, in.RHS)
var out semantic.Node
inferUnknown(ctx, lhs, rhs)
lt := lhs.ExpressionType()
rt := rhs.ExpressionType()
if !assignable(lt, rt) {
ctx.errorf(in, "cannot assign %s to %s", typename(rt), typename(lt))
switch lhs := lhs.(type) {
case *semantic.MapIndex:
out = &semantic.MapAssign{AST: in, To: lhs, Value: rhs, Operator: in.Operator}
case *semantic.SliceIndex:
out = &semantic.SliceAssign{AST: in, To: lhs, Value: rhs, Operator: in.Operator}
out = &semantic.Assign{AST: in, LHS: lhs, Operator: in.Operator, RHS: rhs}
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
func addLocal(ctx *context, in *ast.DeclareLocal, name string, value semantic.Expression) *semantic.DeclareLocal {
out := &semantic.DeclareLocal{AST: in}
out.Local = &semantic.Local{
Declaration: out,
Name: name,
Value: value,
Type: value.ExpressionType(),
if isVoid(out.Local.Type) {
ctx.errorf(in, "void in local declaration")
ctx.add(out.Local.Name, out.Local)
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
func declareLocal(ctx *context, in *ast.DeclareLocal) *semantic.DeclareLocal {
out := addLocal(ctx, in, in.Name.Value, expression(ctx, in.RHS))
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
func branch(ctx *context, in *ast.Branch) *semantic.Branch {
out := &semantic.Branch{AST: in}
out.Condition = expression(ctx, in.Condition)
ct := out.Condition.ExpressionType()
if ct == nil {
ctx.errorf(in, "condition was not valid")
return out
if !equal(ct, semantic.BoolType) {
ctx.errorf(in, "if condition must be boolean (got %s)", typename(ct))
out.True = block(ctx, in.True, out)
out.False = block(ctx, in.False, out)
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
func switch_(ctx *context, in *ast.Switch) *semantic.Switch {
out := &semantic.Switch{AST: in}
out.Value = expression(ctx, in.Value)
vt := out.Value.ExpressionType()
for _, c := range in.Cases {
out.Cases = append(out.Cases, case_(ctx, c, vt))
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
// case_ translates Case in to a switch Case.
// vt is the resolved type of the switch value being compared against, and can
// be used to infer the case condition type.
func case_(ctx *context, in *ast.Case, vt semantic.Type) *semantic.Case {
out := &semantic.Case{AST: in}
ctx.with(vt, func() {
for _, cond := range in.Conditions {
exp := expression(ctx, cond)
out.Conditions = append(out.Conditions, exp)
ct := exp.ExpressionType()
if !comparable(vt, ct) {
ctx.errorf(cond, "switch value %s is not comparable with case condition %s", typename(vt), typename(ct))
out.Block = block(ctx, in.Block, out)
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
func iteration(ctx *context, in *ast.Iteration) *semantic.Iteration {
v := &semantic.Local{Name: in.Variable.Value}
ctx.mappings[in.Variable] = v
out := &semantic.Iteration{AST: in, Iterator: v}
out.Iterable = expression(ctx, in.Iterable)
if b, ok := out.Iterable.(*semantic.BinaryOp); !ok {
ctx.errorf(in, "iterable can only be range operator, got %T", b)
} else if b.Operator != ast.OpRange {
ctx.errorf(in, "iterable can only be range operator, got %s\n", b.Operator)
v.Type = out.Iterable.ExpressionType()
ctx.with(semantic.VoidType, func() {
ctx.add(v.Name, v)
out.Block = block(ctx, in.Block, out)
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out
func return_(ctx *context, in *ast.Return, f *semantic.Function) *semantic.Return {
out := &semantic.Return{AST: in}
out.Function = f
ctx.with(f.Return.Type, func() {
out.Value = expression(ctx, in.Value)
inferUnknown(ctx, f.Return, out.Value)
rt := out.Value.ExpressionType()
if !assignable(f.Return.Type, rt) {
ctx.errorf(in, "cannot assign %s to %s", typename(rt), typename(f.Return.Type))
ctx.mappings[in] = out
return out