blob: cad4bb113cd6acc27f6043100f79035e97ec67d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
{{Include "common.tmpl"}}
Emits the fully qualified name (prefixed with the package) of the specified
type or variable.
{{define "Go.QualifiedName"}}{{Global "module"}}{{$.Name}}{{end}}
Emits the go type for the provided AST type or expression.
{{define "Go.Type"}}
{{if not (IsType $)}}{{Template "Go.Type" (TypeOf $)}}
{{else if IsAny $}}interface{}
{{else if IsPseudonym $}}{{Template "Go.QualifiedName" $}}
{{else if IsStaticArray $}}{{Template "Go.QualifiedName" $}}
{{else if IsMap $}}{{Template "Go.QualifiedName" $}}
{{else if IsClass $}}{{Template "Go.QualifiedName" $}}
{{else if IsEnum $}}{{Template "Go.QualifiedName" $}}
{{else if IsPointer $}}{{Template "Go.QualifiedName" $}}
{{else if IsSlice $}}{{Template "Go.QualifiedName" $}}
{{else if IsReference $}}(*{{Template "Go.Type" $.To}})
{{else if IsBool $}}bool
{{else if IsInt $}}int64
{{else if IsUint $}}uint64
{{else if IsSize $}}uint64
{{else if IsChar $}}gfxapi.Char
{{else if IsU8 $}}uint8
{{else if IsS8 $}}int8
{{else if IsU16 $}}uint16
{{else if IsS16 $}}int16
{{else if IsF32 $}}float32
{{else if IsU32 $}}uint32
{{else if IsS32 $}}int32
{{else if IsF64 $}}float64
{{else if IsU64 $}}uint64
{{else if IsS64 $}}int64
{{else if IsString $}}string
{{else if IsVoid $}}void
{{else}}{{Error "macro Type called with unsupported type: %s" $.Name}}
Emits the appropriate Schema method type for the provided POD type.
{{define "Go.SchemaMethod"}}
{{if IsBool $}}schema.Bool
{{else if IsInt $}}schema.Int64
{{else if IsUint $}}schema.Uint64
{{else if IsSize $}}schema.Uint64
{{else if IsChar $}}schema.Char
{{else if IsU8 $}}schema.Uint8
{{else if IsS8 $}}schema.Int8
{{else if IsU16 $}}schema.Uint16
{{else if IsS16 $}}schema.Int16
{{else if IsF32 $}}schema.Float32
{{else if IsU32 $}}schema.Uint32
{{else if IsS32 $}}schema.Int32
{{else if IsF64 $}}schema.Float64
{{else if IsU64 $}}schema.Uint64
{{else if IsS64 $}}schema.Int64
{{else if IsString $}}schema.String
{{else}}{{Error "macro SchemaMethod called with unsupported type: %s" $.Name}}
Emits the go default value for the provided AST type.
{{define "Go.Null"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{ if IsPointer $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $}}{}
{{else if IsSlice $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $}}{}
{{else if IsReference $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $}}(nil)
{{else if IsMap $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $}}{}
{{else if IsBool $}}false
{{else if IsInt $}}int(0)
{{else if IsUint $}}uint(0)
{{else if IsSize $}}uint64(0)
{{else if IsS8 $}}int8(0)
{{else if IsU8 $}}uint8(0)
{{else if IsS16 $}}int16(0)
{{else if IsU16 $}}uint16(0)
{{else if IsS32 $}}int32(0)
{{else if IsU32 $}}uint32(0)
{{else if IsF32 $}}float32(0)
{{else if IsS64 $}}int64(0)
{{else if IsU64 $}}uint64(0)
{{else if IsF64 $}}float64(0)
{{else if IsEnum $}}{{$.Name}}(0)
{{else if IsString $}}""
{{else if IsPseudonym $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $}}({{Template "Go.Null" $.To}})
{{else}}{{Error "macro Go.Null called with unsupported type: %s" $.Name}}
Emits the logic to decode the specified type and variable name.
ErrHandler can control what should happen if there's a decode error. By
default ErrHandler is set to "return err".
{{define "Go.Decode"}}
{{AssertType $.Type "Type" }}
{{AssertType $.Name "string" }}
{{AssertType $.ErrHandler "string" "nil"}}
{{ if not $.ErrHandler}}{{Template "Go.Decode" "Type" $.Type "Name" $.Name "ErrHandler" "return err"}}
{{else if IsStaticArray $.Type}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsMap $.Type}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsPointer $.Type}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsClass $.Type}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsPseudonym $.Type}}
{{$ty := $.Type.To | Unpack}}
{{ if IsStaticArray $ty}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsMap $ty}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsPointer $ty}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsClass $ty}}if d.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); d.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsPseudonym $ty}}{{Template "Go.DecodePOD" "Type" $ty.To "Name" $.Name "ErrHandler" $.ErrHandler "Cast" $.Type}}
{{else}}{{Template "Go.DecodePOD" "Type" $ty "Name" $.Name "ErrHandler" $.ErrHandler "Cast" $.Type}}
{{else}}{{Template "Go.DecodePOD" "Type" $.Type "Name" $.Name "ErrHandler" $.ErrHandler}}
Emits the logic to decode the specified Plain-Old-Data type and variable name.
ErrHandler can control what should happen if there's a decode error. By
default ErrHandler is set to "return err".
Cast can be used to cast the value type before assignment to Name.
{{define "Go.DecodePOD_cast"}}{{if $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $}}(ϟv){{else}}ϟv{{end}}{{end}}
{{define "Go.DecodePOD"}}
{{AssertType $.Type "Type" }}
{{AssertType $.Name "string" }}
{{AssertType $.ErrHandler "string" "nil"}}
{{AssertType $.Cast "Type" "nil"}}
{{$v := Macro "Go.DecodePOD_cast" $.Cast}}
{{$int_size := "ϟs.MemoryLayout.IntegerSize*8"}}
{{$size_size := "ϟs.MemoryLayout.SizeSize*8"}}
{{ if IsEnum $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Uint32(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$.Type.Name}}(ϟv) } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsBool $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Bool(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsChar $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Uint8(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{if not $.Cast}}gfxapi.Char{{end}}({{$v}}) } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU8 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Uint8(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS8 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Int8(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU16 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Uint16(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS16 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Int16(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsF32 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Float32(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU32 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Uint32(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS32 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Int32(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsF64 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Float64(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU64 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Uint64(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS64 $.Type}}if ϟv := d.Int64(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsString $.Type}}if ϟv := d.String(); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsInt $.Type}}if ϟv := binary.ReadInt(d, {{$int_size}}); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsUint $.Type}}if ϟv := binary.ReadUint(d, {{$int_size}}); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsSize $.Type}}if ϟv := binary.ReadUint(d, {{$size_size}}); d.Error() == nil { {{$.Name}} = {{$v}} } else { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsVoid $.Type}}
{{else}}{{Error "macro Go.DecodePOD '%v' called with unsupported type: %v" $.Name $.Type.Name}}
Emits the logic to encode the specified type and variable name.
ErrHandler can control what should happen if there's a encode error. By
default ErrHandler is set to "return err".
{{define "Go.Encode"}}
{{AssertType $.Type "Type" }}
{{AssertType $.Name "string" }}
{{AssertType $.ErrHandler "string" "nil"}}
{{$ty := $.Type | Underlying}}
{{$int_size := "ϟs.MemoryLayout.IntegerSize*8"}}
{{$size_size := "ϟs.MemoryLayout.SizeSize*8"}}
{{ if not $.ErrHandler}}{{Template "Go.Decode" "Type" $.Type "Name" $.Name "ErrHandler" "return err"}}
{{else if IsStaticArray $ty}}if e.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsMap $ty}}if e.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsClass $ty}}if e.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsPointer $ty}}if e.Simple(&{{$.Name}}); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsEnum $ty}}if e.Uint32(uint32({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsBool $ty}}if e.Bool(bool({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsChar $ty}}if e.Uint8(uint8({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU8 $ty}}if e.Uint8(uint8({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS8 $ty}}if e.Int8(int8({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU16 $ty}}if e.Uint16(uint16({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS16 $ty}}if e.Int16(int16({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsF32 $ty}}if e.Float32(float32({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU32 $ty}}if e.Uint32(uint32({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS32 $ty}}if e.Int32(int32({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsF64 $ty}}if e.Float64(float64({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsU64 $ty}}if e.Uint64(uint64({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsS64 $ty}}if e.Int64(int64({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsString $ty}}if e.String(string({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsInt $ty}}if binary.WriteInt(e, {{$int_size}}, int64({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsUint $ty}}if binary.WriteUint(e, {{$int_size}}, uint64({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsSize $ty}}if binary.WriteUint(e, {{$size_size}}, uint64({{$.Name}})); e.Error() != nil { {{$.ErrHandler}} }
{{else if IsVoid $ty}}
{{else}}{{Error "macro Go.Encode '%v' called with unsupported type: %v" $.Name $.Type.Name}}
Transforms the given string or identifier into a format used for a public Go
type or field. Example:
this_is_go_public -> ThisIsGoPublic
{{define "Go.Public"}}
{{AssertType $ "string"}}
{{$ | SplitOn "_" | Title}}
Transforms the given string or identifier into a format used for a private Go
type or field. Example:
this_is_go_private -> thisIsGoPrivate
{{define "Go.Private"}}
{{AssertType $ "string"}}
{{if eq $ "type"}}ty
{{else }}{{$ | SplitOn "_" | Title | Join | Untitle}}
Emits the name of the specified command's structure.
{{define "Go.CmdName"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{Macro "CmdName" $ | Title}}
Emits the size in bytes of the specified type as a uint64
{{define "Go.SizeOf"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{ if IsPseudonym $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $.To}}
{{else if IsVoid $}}uint64(1)
{{else if IsBool $}}uint64(1)
{{else if IsChar $}}uint64(1)
{{else if IsU8 $}}uint64(1)
{{else if IsS8 $}}uint64(1)
{{else if IsU16 $}}uint64(2)
{{else if IsS16 $}}uint64(2)
{{else if IsF32 $}}uint64(4)
{{else if IsU32 $}}uint64(4)
{{else if IsS32 $}}uint64(4)
{{else if IsF64 $}}uint64(8)
{{else if IsU64 $}}uint64(8)
{{else if IsS64 $}}uint64(8)
{{else if IsEnum $}}uint64(4)
{{else if IsString $}}uint64s.MemoryLayout.PointerSize)
{{else if IsPointer $}}uint64s.MemoryLayout.PointerSize)
{{else if IsInt $}}uint64s.MemoryLayout.IntegerSize)
{{else if IsUint $}}uint64s.MemoryLayout.IntegerSize)
{{else if IsSize $}}uint64s.MemoryLayout.SizeSize)
{{else if IsStaticArray $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $.ValueType}}*{{$.Size}}
{{else if IsClass $}}func() uint64 { panic("Sizeof class is not yet implemented") }()
{{else }}{{Error "macro Go.SizeOf called with unsupported type: %v" $}}
Returns the replay builder Value holding the specified variable.
{{define "Go.Replay.Value"}}
{{AssertType $.Type "Type"}}
{{AssertType $.Name "string"}}
{{if (GetAnnotation $.Type "replay_custom_value")}}{{$.Name}}.valueb, ϟa, ϟs)
{{else if IsBool $.Type}}value.Bool({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsS8 $.Type}}value.S8({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsU8 $.Type}}value.U8({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsChar $.Type}}value.U8(uint8({{$.Name}}))
{{else if IsS16 $.Type}}value.S16({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsU16 $.Type}}value.U16({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsF32 $.Type}}value.F32({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsU32 $.Type}}value.U32({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsS32 $.Type}}value.S32({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsF64 $.Type}}value.F64({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsU64 $.Type}}value.U64({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsS64 $.Type}}value.S64({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsInt $.Type}}value.S64({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsUint $.Type}}value.U64({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsSize $.Type}}value.U64({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsString $.Type}}ϟb.String({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsPointer $.Type}}{{$.Name}}.valueb, ϟa, ϟs)
{{else if IsEnum $.Type}}value.U32({{$.Name}})
{{else if IsStaticArray $.Type}}{{$.Name}}.valueb, ϟa, ϟs)
{{else if IsPseudonym $.Type}}{{$.Name}}.valueb, ϟa, ϟs)
{{else if IsClass $.Type}}{{$.Name}}.valueb, ϟa, ϟs)
{{else }}{{Error "macro Go.Replay.Value '%v' called with unsupported type: %s" $.Name $.Type.Name}}
Emits the replay builder type for the given command non-return type.
{{define "Go.Replay.Type"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{ if IsPseudonym $}}{{Template "Go.Replay.Type" $.To}}
{{else if IsEnum $}}protocol.Type_Uint32
{{else if IsBool $}}protocol.Type_Bool
{{else if IsInt $}}protocol.Type_Int64
{{else if IsUint $}}protocol.Type_Uint64
{{else if IsSize $}}protocol.Type_Uint64
{{else if IsS8 $}}protocol.Type_Int8
{{else if IsU8 $}}protocol.Type_Uint8
{{else if IsS16 $}}protocol.Type_Int16
{{else if IsU16 $}}protocol.Type_Uint16
{{else if IsS32 $}}protocol.Type_Int32
{{else if IsU32 $}}protocol.Type_Uint32
{{else if IsF32 $}}protocol.Type_Float
{{else if IsS64 $}}protocol.Type_Int64
{{else if IsU64 $}}protocol.Type_Uint64
{{else if IsF64 $}}protocol.Type_Double
{{else if IsVoid $}}protocol.Type_Void
{{else if IsStaticArray $}}protocol.Type_VolatilePointer
{{else if IsString $}}protocol.Type_VolatilePointer
{{else if IsPointer $}}protocol.Type_AbsolutePointer {{/* TODO: Might be volatile... */}}
{{else}}{{Error "macro Go.Replay.Type called with unsupported type: %s" $.Name}}
Emits the size in bytes of the specified type if it is fixed size
Otherwise emits the empty string.
{{define "Go.FixedSizeOf"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{ if IsPseudonym $}}{{Template "Go.FixedSizeOf" $.To}}
{{else if IsEnum $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsBool $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsChar $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsS8 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsU8 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsS16 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsU16 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsS32 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsU32 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsF32 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsS64 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsU64 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsF64 $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsVoid $}}{{Template "Go.SizeOf" $}}
{{else if IsStaticArray $}}
{{$to :=(Macro "Go.FixedSizeOf" $.To)}}
{{if $to}}{{$to}} * {{$.Size}}{{end}}
Emit Integer, Address, Float, Void or Char. For the type.
{{define "Go.MemoryKind"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{ if IsPseudonym $}}{{Template "Go.MemoryKind" $.To}}
{{else if IsEnum $}}Integer
{{else if IsBool $}}Integer
{{else if IsChar $}}Char
{{else if IsInt $}}Integer
{{else if IsUint $}}Integer
{{else if IsSize $}}Integer
{{else if IsS8 $}}Integer
{{else if IsU8 $}}Integer
{{else if IsS16 $}}Integer
{{else if IsU16 $}}Integer
{{else if IsS32 $}}Integer
{{else if IsU32 $}}Integer
{{else if IsF32 $}}Float
{{else if IsS64 $}}Integer
{{else if IsU64 $}}Integer
{{else if IsF64 $}}Float
{{else if IsVoid $}}Void
{{else if IsPointer $}}Address
{{else if IsString $}}Address
Emits the replay builder type for the given command return type.
{{define "Go.Replay.ReturnType"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{ if IsPseudonym $}}{{Template "Go.Replay.ReturnType" $.To}}
{{else if IsPointer $}}protocol.Type_AbsolutePointer
{{else}}{{Template "Go.Replay.Type" $}}
Emits a comment stating that the file is automatically generated.
{{define "Go.GeneratedHeader"}}
{{Copyright "generated" "apic"}}¶
package {{$}};
Emits a comment block containing the specified text.
{{define "Go.CommentHeader"}}
{{AssertType $ "string"}} {{/* The comment block body text */}}
// {{.}}
Emits the go name of the parameter.
{{define "Go.Parameter"}}
{{AssertType $ "Parameter"}}
{{if $.Function.Subroutine}}
{{Template "Go.Private" $.Name}}
ϟa.{{Template "Go.Public" $.Name}}
Emits the go name of the subroutine.
{{define "Go.Subroutine"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
sub{{Title $.Name}}
Emits the default initialization code for the fields of the specified class.
{{define "Go.DefaultClassFields"}}
{{AssertType $ "Class"}}
{{range $f := $.Fields}}
{{if IsNil $f.Default}}
{{if $init := Macro "Go.DefaultInitialValue" $f.Type}}
{{$f.Name}}: {{$init}}, §
{{$f.Name}}: {{Macro "Go.Read" $f.Default}}, §
Emits the default initialization code for the specified type, or nothing if
the type has go-default initialization.
{{define "Go.DefaultInitialValue"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{if IsMap $}}
{{Template "Go.Type" $}}{}
{{else if IsClass $}}
{{if $fields := Macro "Go.DefaultClassFields" $}}
{{Template "Go.Type" $}}{ {{$fields}} }
Emits the Go logic to execute the given statement.
{{define "Go.Read"}}
{{ if IsBoolValue $}}{{$}}
{{else if IsNumericValue $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $}}({{$}})
{{else if IsUnaryOp $}}{{$.Operator}}({{Template "Go.Read" $.Expression}})
{{else if IsStringValue $}}{{printf "%q" $}}
{{else if IsEnumEntry $}}{{$.Owner.Name}}_{{$.Name}}
{{else if IsLabel $}}{{$.Owner.Name}}_{{$.Name}}
{{else if IsLocal $}}{{$.Name}}
{{else if IsBitTest $}}(({{Template "Go.Read" $.Bits}}) & ({{Template "Go.Read" $.Bitfield}}) != 0)
{{else if IsBinaryOp $}}({{Template "Go.Read" $.LHS}}) {{$.Operator}} ({{Template "Go.Read" $.RHS}})
{{else if IsCast $}}{{Template "Go.Cast" $}}
{{else if IsCall $}}{{Template "Go.Call" $}}
{{else if IsUnknown $}}{{Global "Go.InferredExpression" "1"}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Inferred}}{{Global "Go.InferredExpression" ""}}
{{else if IsObserved $}}{{Template "Go.Parameter" $.Parameter}}
{{else if IsMember $}}{{Template "Go.Member" $}}
{{else if IsGlobal $}}ϟc.{{Title $.Name}}
{{else if IsParameter $}}{{Template "Go.Parameter" $}}
{{else if IsArrayIndex $}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Array}}.Elements[{{Template "Go.Read" $.Index}}]
{{else if IsMapIndex $}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Map}}.Get({{Template "Go.Read" $.Index}})
{{else if IsMapContains $}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Map}}.Contains({{Template "Go.Read" $.Key}})
{{else if IsLength $}}{{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}({{Template "Go.ReadLength" "Type" (TypeOf $.Object) "Value" $.Object}})
{{else if IsNull $}}{{Template "Go.Null" $.Type}}
{{else if IsNew $}}new {{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}
{{else if IsSliceIndex $}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Slice }}.Index({{Template "Go.Read" $.Index}}, ϟs).{{Macro "Go.MemoryRead"}}
{{else if IsSliceRange $}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Slice }}.Slice({{Template "Go.Read" $.Range.LHS}}, {{Template "Go.Read" $.Range.RHS}}, ϟs)
{{else if IsPointerRange $}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Pointer}}.Slice({{Template "Go.Read" $.Range.LHS}}, {{Template "Go.Read" $.Range.RHS}}, ϟs)
{{else if IsClone $}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Slice }}.Clonectx, ϟa, ϟs, ϟd, ϟb)
{{else if IsMake $}}Make{{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}({{Template "Go.Read" $.Size}}, ϟs)
{{else if IsSelect $}}{{Template "Go.Select" $}}
{{else if IsArrayInitializer $}}{{Template "Go.ArrayInitializer" $}}
{{else if IsClassInitializer $}}{{Template "Go.ClassInitializer" $}}
{{else if IsCreate $}}{{Template "Go.Create" $}}
{{else}}{{Error "macro Go.Read called with unsupported type: %T" $}}
Emits the Go logic to read a slice or pointer, with special handling for
inferred expressions.
{{define "Go.MemoryRead"}}
{{if Global "Go.InferredExpression"}}
If the expression is inferred, then it is the output of a command.
When building a replay, Read with ϟb would replace the output memory with
observed memory which is undesirable, so instead just perform regular
(non-replay-builder) read logic.
Readctx, ϟa, ϟs, ϟd, nil)
Readctx, ϟa, ϟs, ϟd, ϟb)
Emits the logic to execute a call statement / expression.
{{define "Go.Call"}}
{{AssertType $ "Call"}}
{{$args := ForEach $.Arguments "Go.Read" | JoinWith ", "}}
{{if $.Target.Object}}
{{Template "Go.Read" $.Target.Object}}.{{$.Target.Function.Name}}(ϟctx, {{$args}})
{{else if $.Target.Function.Extern}}
externsctx, ϟa, ϟs, ϟd, ϟb}.{{$.Target.Function.Name}}({{$args}})
{{else if $.Target.Function.Subroutine}}
if ϟerr := {{Template "Go.Subroutine" $.Target.Function}}(ϟctx, ϟa, ϟo, ϟs, ϟc, ϟd, ϟb, {{$args}}); ϟerr != nil {
{{Template "Go.ReturnErr" "ϟerr"}}
Emits the logic to cast a value to another type.
{{define "Go.Cast"}}
{{AssertType $ "Cast"}}
{{$src_ty := $.Object | TypeOf | Underlying | Unpack}}
{{$dst_ty := $.Type | Underlying}}
{{$src := Macro "Go.Read" $.Object}}
{{/* T* -> number */}}{{if and (IsPointer $src_ty) (IsNumericType $dst_ty)}}
{{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}({{$src}}.Address)
{{/* A[] -> B[] */}}{{else if and (IsSlice $src_ty) (IsSlice $dst_ty)}}
As{{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}({{$src}}, ϟs)
{{/* T[] -> T* */}}{{else if and (IsSlice $src_ty) (IsPointer $dst_ty)}}
{{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}({{$src}}.Index(0, ϟs))
{{/* char* -> string */}}{{else if and (IsPointer $src_ty) (IsString $dst_ty)}}
strings.TrimRight(string(gfxapi.CharToBytes({{$src}}.StringSlicectx, ϟs, ϟd).{{Macro "Go.MemoryRead"}})), "\x00")
{{/* char[] -> string */}}{{else if and (IsSlice $src_ty) (IsString $dst_ty)}}
string(gfxapi.CharToBytes({{$src}}.{{Macro "Go.MemoryRead"}}))
{{/* string[] -> char[] */}}{{else if and (IsString $src_ty) (IsSlice $dst_ty)}}
Make{{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}FromString({{$src}}, ϟs)
{{/* bool -> number */}}{{else if and (IsBool $src_ty) (IsNumericType $dst_ty)}}
func() {{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}} {
if {{$src}} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
{{/* number -> bool */}}{{else if and (IsNumericType $src_ty) (IsBool $dst_ty)}}
(({{$src}}) != 0)
{{Template "Go.Type" $.Type}}({{$src}})
Emits the logic to initialize a new instance of an array.
{{define "Go.ArrayInitializer"}}
{{AssertType $ "ArrayInitializer"}}
{{$a := $.Array | Underlying | Unpack}}
{{Template "Go.Type" $}}{ Elements: [{{$a.Size}}]{{Template "Go.Type" $a.ValueType}}{ {{ForEach $.Values "Go.Read" | JoinWith ", "}} } }
Emits the logic to initialize a new instance of a class.
{{define "Go.ClassInitializer"}}
{{AssertType $ "ClassInitializer"}}
{{Template "Go.Type" $}}{ §
{{range $i, $v := $.InitialValues}}
{{$f := index $.Class.Fields $i}}
{{if IsNil $v}}
{{if $init := Macro "Go.DefaultInitialValue" $f.Type}}
{{$f.Name}}: {{$init}}, §
{{$f.Name}}: {{Template "Go.Read" $v}}, §
Emits the logic to return a pointer to a new instance of a class.
{{define "Go.Create"}}
{{AssertType $ "Create"}}
{{if GetAnnotation $.Initializer.Class "resource"}}
(&{{Template "Go.ClassInitializer" $.Initializer}}).OnCreates)
&{{Template "Go.ClassInitializer" $.Initializer}}
Emits the logic to access a member on a class instance.
{{define "Go.Member"}}
{{AssertType $ "Member"}}
{{$ty := $.Object | TypeOf | Unpack}}
{{Template "Go.Read" $.Object}}§
{{if IsReference $ty}}{{if GetAnnotation $ty.To "resource"}}.OnAccesss)§{{end}}{{end}}
.{{Template "Go.Public" $.Field.Name}}
Emits the logic to read the length of the specified expression by
Value and Type.
{{define "Go.ReadLength"}}
{{AssertType $.Type "Type"}}
{{$ty := Unpack $.Type}}
{{ if IsPseudonym $ty}}{{Template "Go.ReadLength" "Type" $ty.To "Value" $.Value}}
{{else if IsSlice $ty}}{{Template "Go.Read" $.Value}}.Count
{{else if IsString $ty}}len({{Template "Go.Read" $.Value}})
{{else if IsMap $ty}}len({{Template "Go.Read" $.Value}})
{{else }}{{Error "macro Go.ReadLength called with unsupported type: %v" $.Type}}
Emits the logic to perform a select expression.
{{define "Go.Select"}}
{{AssertType $ "Select"}}
func() (result {{Template "Go.Type" $}}) {
switch {{Template "Go.Read" $.Value}} {
{{range $c := $.Choices}}
case {{range $i, $cond := $c.Conditions}}§
{{if $i}}, {{end}}{{Template "Go.Read" $cond}}§
return {{Template "Go.Read" $c.Expression}}
{{if $.Default}}
return {{Template "Go.Read" $.Default}}
// TODO: better unmatched handling
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unmatched switch(%v) in atom %T", {{Template "Go.Read" $.Value}}, ϟa))
return result
Emits the logic to return the error value in ϟerr and a possible null value.
{{define "Go.ReturnErr"}}
{{AssertType $ "string"}}
{{$err := $}}
{{$f := Global "CurrentFunction"}}
{{if and (IsFunction $f) ($f.Subroutine) (not (IsVoid $f.Return.Type))}}
return {{Template "Go.Null" $f.Return.Type}}, {{$err}}
return {{$err}}