blob: ee143b8d994c42835b2882a77df1a0bba129f7e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
const indent = " "
// Generate the "gles.api" file from combined online and hand written data.
func GenerateApi(reg *Registry, api KhronosAPI) {
files := map[string]*os.File{}
printEnums(createFile(files, "glenum"), reg, api, false)
printEnums(createFile(files, "glbitfield"), reg, api, true)
for _, cmd := range reg.Command {
versions := reg.GetVersions(api, cmd.Name())
extensions := reg.GetExtensions(api, cmd.Name())
if versions != nil {
printCommand(createFile(files, getCategory(cmd.Name())), reg, &cmd, api)
if extensions != nil {
if isInAndroidExtensionPack(extensions) {
printCommand(createFile(files, "android_extension_pack"), reg, &cmd, api)
} else {
printCommand(createFile(files, "extensions"), reg, &cmd, api)
for _, file := range files {
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
func createFile(files map[string]*os.File, basename string) *os.File {
filename := *apiDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + basename + ".api"
if file, ok := files[filename]; ok {
return file
file, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
files[filename] = file
fmt.Fprint(file, `// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
return file
func getCategory(cmdName string) string {
var table = []struct {
category string
cmdName string // Regexp
{"asynchronous_queries", ".*(Query|Queries).*"},
{"synchronization", ".*Sync.*"},
{"programs_and_shaders", ".*(Program|Shader|Compute|Uniform|MemoryBarrier|GetFragDataLocation|glValidateProgram|AttribLocation|GetActiveAttrib).*"},
{"framebuffer", ".*(Framebuffer|Renderbuffer).*|glReadBuffer|glReadPixels|gl(Color|Depth|Stencil)Mask|glClear.*|glInvalidate.*"},
{"textures_and_samplers", ".*(Tex|Image|Sampler|PixelStorei|GenerateMipmap).*"},
{"transform_feedback", "gl(.*TransformFeedback.*)"},
{"vertex_arrays", ".*Vertex(Attrib|Buffer|Binding|Array).*"},
{"draw_commands", "glDraw.*"},
{"rasterization", "gl(GetMultisamplefv|LineWidth|FrontFace|CullFace|PolygonOffset|DepthRangef|Viewport)"},
{"fragment_operations", "glScissor|glSample.*|glStencil.*|glDepthFunc|glBlend.*"},
{"state_queries", "gl(GetBoolean|GetInteger|GetFloat|IsEnabled|GetString|GetInternalformativ).*"},
{"other", "glEnable|glDisable|glIsEnabled|glHint|glGetError|glFlush|glFinish"},
{"buffer_objects", ".*Buffer.*"},
for _, row := range table {
if CompileRegexp("^(?:" + row.cmdName + ")").MatchString(cmdName) {
return row.category
panic(fmt.Errorf("Can not find category of %v", cmdName))
func isInAndroidExtensionPack(extensions []string) (result bool) {
aep := map[string]bool{
"GL_KHR_debug": true,
"GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr": true,
"GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced": true,
"GL_OES_sample_shading": true,
"GL_OES_sample_variables": true,
"GL_OES_shader_image_atomic": true,
"GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation": true,
"GL_OES_texture_stencil8": true,
"GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array": true,
"GL_EXT_copy_image": true,
"GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed": true,
"GL_EXT_geometry_shader": true,
"GL_EXT_gpu_shader5": true,
"GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box": true,
"GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks": true,
"GL_EXT_tessellation_shader": true,
"GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp": true,
"GL_EXT_texture_buffer": true,
"GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array": true,
"GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode": true,
for _, extension := range extensions {
if aep[extension] {
return true
return false
func wrap(text string, width int, linePrefix string) string {
if len(text) > width {
if idx := strings.LastIndex(text[0:width], " "); idx != -1 {
return text[0:idx] + "\n" + wrap(linePrefix+text[idx+1:], width, linePrefix)
return text
func printEnums(out io.Writer, r *Registry, api KhronosAPI, bitfields bool) {
if bitfields {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "bitfield GLbitfield {\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "enum GLenum {\n")
for _, enums := range r.Enums {
if (enums.Type == "bitmask") == bitfields && enums.Namespace == "GL" && len(enums.Enum) > 0 {
for _, enum := range enums.Enum {
// The following 64bit values are not proper GLenum values.
if enum.Name == "GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED" || enum.Name == "GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED_APPLE" {
if enum.API == "" || enum.API == api {
var value uint32
if v, err := strconv.ParseUint(enum.Value, 0, 32); err == nil {
value = uint32(v)
} else if v, err := strconv.ParseInt(enum.Value, 0, 32); err == nil {
value = uint32(v)
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse enum value %v", enum.Value))
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"%-64s = 0x%08X,\n", enum.Name, value)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "}\n\n")
func renameType(cmdName string, paramIndex int, paramType, paramName string) string {
if paramType == "const void *" {
if oldType, ok := oldParamType(cmdName, paramIndex); ok {
if strings.Contains(oldType, "Pointer") {
return oldType
if paramType == "const GLchar *" {
if oldType, ok := oldParamType(cmdName, paramIndex); ok {
if oldType == "string" {
return oldType
// Find the root GL type, ignoring any prefix or sufix
loc := CompileRegexp(`\bGL\w+\b`).FindStringIndex(paramType)
if loc == nil {
return paramType
glType := paramType[loc[0]:loc[1]]
// Type substitution table
table := []struct {
oldType string
cmdName string // regexp
paramName string // regexp
newType string
{"GLboolean", "glIs.*", "result", "bool"},
{"GLint", ".*Uniform.*", "location|result", "UniformLocation"},
{"GLuint", ".*", "program(|s)", "ProgramId"},
{"GLuint", ".*", "texture(|s)", "TextureId"},
{"GLuint", ".*", "uniformBlockIndex", "UniformBlockId"},
{"GLuint", ".*(Query|Queries).*", "id(|s)", "QueryId"},
{"GLuint", ".*Buffer.*", "buffer(|s)", "BufferId"},
{"GLuint", ".*Framebuffer.*", "framebuffer(|s)", "FramebufferId"},
{"GLuint", ".*Program.*", "pipeline(|s)", "PipelineId"},
{"GLuint", ".*Renderbuffer.*", "renderbuffer(|s)", "RenderbufferId"},
{"GLuint", ".*Sampler.*", "sampler(|s)", "SamplerId"},
{"GLuint", ".*Shader.*", "shader(|s)", "ShaderId"},
{"GLuint", ".*TransformFeedback.*", "id(|s)", "TransformFeedbackId"},
{"GLuint", ".*VertexArray.*", "array(|s)", "VertexArrayId"},
{"GLuint", "glCreateProgram", "result", "ProgramId"},
{"GLuint", "glCreateShader", "result", "ShaderId"},
{"GLuint", "glCreateShaderProgramv", "result", "ProgramId"},
{"GLuint", "glGetUniformBlockIndex", "result", "UniformBlockId"},
{"GLuint", ".*Attrib.*", "result|index", "AttributeLocation"},
for _, row := range table {
if row.oldType == glType &&
CompileRegexp("^(?:"+row.paramName+")$").MatchString(paramName) &&
CompileRegexp("^(?:"+row.cmdName+")$").MatchString(cmdName) {
// Replacte the GL type, but keep the original prefix and sufix
return paramType[:loc[0]] + row.newType + paramType[loc[1]:]
return paramType
func printChecks(out io.Writer, cmd *Command, versions []Version) {
if versions == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"minRequiredVersion(%v)\n", strings.Replace(string(versions[0]), ".", ", ", -1))
for paramIndex, param := range cmd.Param {
paramName := oldParamName(cmd.Name(), paramIndex, param.Name)
if param.Type() == "GLenum" {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"switch (%s) {\n", paramName)
seen := map[string]Version{}
for _, version := range versions {
doc := DownloadDoc(version, cmd.Name())
var newCases []string
for _, value := range doc.Params[paramIndex].Accepts {
if _, ok := seen[value]; !ok {
newCases = append(newCases, value)
seen[value] = version
// Check that the set of accepted values is increasing from verions to version.
for k, v := range seen {
if v != version {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+indent+"// TODO: %s seems to be removed in %v\n", k, version)
if newCases != nil {
line := fmt.Sprintf(indent+indent+"case %s: {\n", strings.Join(newCases, ", "))
fmt.Fprint(out, wrap(line, 100, indent+indent+indent+indent))
if version != versions[0] {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+indent+indent+"minRequiredVersion(%v)\n", strings.Replace(string(version), ".", ", ", -1))
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+indent+indent+"// version %v\n", version)
fmt.Fprint(out, indent+indent+"}\n")
fmt.Fprint(out, indent+indent+"default: {\n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+indent+indent+"glErrorInvalidEnum(%s)\n", paramName)
fmt.Fprint(out, indent+indent+"}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"}\n")
if param.Type() == "GLbitfield" {
bits := []string{}
seen := map[string]Version{} // name -> min_version
for _, version := range versions {
doc := DownloadDoc(version, cmd.Name())
for _, value := range doc.Params[paramIndex].Accepts {
if _, ok := seen[value]; !ok {
bits = append(bits, value)
seen[value] = version
if len(bits) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"supportsBits(%s, %s)\n", paramName, strings.Join(bits, "|"))
for _, bit := range bits {
version := seen[bit]
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"if (%s in %s) {\n", bit, paramName)
if version != versions[0] {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+indent+"minRequiredVersion(%v)\n", strings.Replace(string(version), ".", ", ", -1))
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"}\n")
func printCommand(out io.Writer, reg *Registry, cmd *Command, api KhronosAPI) {
versions := reg.GetVersions(api, cmd.Name())
extensions := reg.GetExtensions(api, cmd.Name())
if versions != nil && extensions != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s is both core feature and extension", cmd.Name()))
// Print comments
for _, version := range versions {
url, _, _, _ := GetDocUrl(version, cmd.Name())
fmt.Fprintf(out, `@Doc("%s","OpenGL ES %v")`+"\n", url, version)
for _, extension := range extensions {
url := GetExtensionUrl(extension)
fmt.Fprintf(out, `@Doc("%s","%v")`+"\n", url, extension)
// Print function signature
sig := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintf(sig, "cmd %s %s(", renameType(cmd.Name(), -1, cmd.Proto.Type(), "result"), cmd.Name())
leadWidth := sig.Len()
maxTypeWidth := 0
paramTypes := []string{}
for paramIndex, param := range cmd.Param {
paramType := renameType(cmd.Name(), paramIndex, param.Type(), param.Name)
paramTypes = append(paramTypes, paramType)
if typeWidth := len(paramType); typeWidth > maxTypeWidth {
maxTypeWidth = typeWidth
for i, param := range cmd.Param {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(sig, ",\n%s", strings.Repeat(" ", leadWidth))
format := fmt.Sprintf("%%-%vs %%s", maxTypeWidth)
fmt.Fprintf(sig, format, paramTypes[i], oldParamName(cmd.Name(), i, param.Name))
if oldType, ok := oldParamType(cmd.Name(), i); ok {
newType := strings.Replace(paramTypes[i], " *", "*", -1)
if newType != oldType {
// fmt.Printf("Changed type of %s:%s from %s to %s\n", cmd.Name(), param.Name, oldType, newType)
fmt.Fprintf(sig, ")")
longSig := string(sig.Bytes())
shortSig := CompileRegexp(`\s+`).ReplaceAllString(longSig, " ")
if len(shortSig)+2 <= 100 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s ", shortSig)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s ", longSig)
// Print function body
fmt.Fprintf(out, "{\n")
for _, extension := range extensions {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"requiresExtension(%s)\n", extension)
if len(extensions) > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"// TODO: Multiple extensions\n")
printChecks(out, cmd, versions)
foundOldCode := false
if oldApi != nil {
// Try to add the old code
for _, apiCmd := range oldApi.Commands {
if apiCmd.Name.Value == cmd.Name() {
childs := apiCmd.Block.CST.Children
if len(childs) > 0 {
start := apiCmd.Block.CST.Children[0].Token()
end := apiCmd.Block.CST.Children[len(childs)-1].Token()
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s", string(start.Runes[start.End:end.Start]))
foundOldCode = true
if !foundOldCode {
fmt.Fprintf(out, indent+"// TODO\n")
if cmd.Proto.Type() != "void" {
fmt.Fprint(out, indent+"return ?\n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
// Rename parameters so that they match our old api file
func oldParamName(cmdName string, paramIndex int, paramName string) string {
if oldApi != nil {
for _, cmd := range oldApi.Commands {
if cmd.Name.Value == cmdName {
return cmd.Parameters[paramIndex].Name.Value
return paramName
func oldParamType(cmdName string, paramIndex int) (string, bool) {
if oldApi != nil {
for _, cmd := range oldApi.Commands {
if cmd.Name.Value == cmdName {
token := cmd.Parameters[paramIndex].Type.Node().Token()
return string(token.Runes[token.Start:token.End]), true
return "", false