blob: 0fbd123aca015eeb866bc3ad7cbaccc5cd3b998d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Emits the fully qualified name (prefixed with the package) of the specified
type or variable.
Single argument:
The name to fully qualify
{{define "Go.RPC.QualifiedName"}}
{{AssertType $ "string"}}
{{Global "module"}}{{$}}
Verifies that the field is not a direct reference to an interface type.
{{define "VerifyInterfaceFieldIsRef"}}
{{AssertType $.Field "Field"}}
{{AssertType $.Class "Class"}}
{{$c := TypeOf $.Field}}
{{if IsClass $c}}
{{if (GetAnnotation $c "Interface")}}
{{Error $.Name "." $.Field.Name " is a non-reference to interface type " $c.Name ". This must be stored as ref<" $c.Name ">."}}
Verifies that the parameter is not a direct reference to an interface type.
{{define "VerifyInterfaceParameterIsRef"}}
{{AssertType $.Parameter "Parameter"}}
{{AssertType $.Command "Function"}}
{{$c := TypeOf $.Parameter}}
{{if IsClass $c}}
{{if (GetAnnotation $c "Interface")}}
{{Error $.Command.Name " parameter " $.Parameter.Name " is a non-reference to interface type " $c.Name ". This must be passed as ref<" $c.Name ">."}}
Verifies that the return type of a command is not a direct reference to an
interface type.
{{define "VerifyInterfaceReturnTypeIsRef"}}
{{AssertType $ "Function"}}
{{if IsClass $.Return.Type}}
{{if (GetAnnotation $.Return.Type "Interface")}}
{{Error $.Name " return value is a non-reference to interface type " $.Return.Type.Name ". This must be passed as ref<" $.Return.Type.Name ">."}}
Emits the go type for the provided AST type.
{{define "Type"}}
{{AssertType $ "Type"}}
{{ if IsSlice $}}{{Macro "ArrayType" $.To}}
{{else if GetAnnotation $ "handle"}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" $.Name}}
{{else if IsAny $}}interface{}
{{else if IsMap $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" $.Name}}
{{else if IsClass $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" $.Name}}
{{else if IsPointer $}}{{if not (GetAnnotation $.To "Interface")}}*{{end}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" $.To.Typename}}
{{else if IsEnum $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" $.Name}}
{{else if IsBool $}}bool
{{else if IsS8 $}}int8
{{else if IsU8 $}}uint8
{{else if IsS16 $}}int16
{{else if IsU16 $}}uint16
{{else if IsS32 $}}int32
{{else if IsU32 $}}uint32
{{else if IsF32 $}}float32
{{else if IsS64 $}}int64
{{else if IsU64 $}}uint64
{{else if IsF64 $}}float64
{{else if IsString $}}string
{{else}}{{Error "macro Type called with unsupported type: %v (%T)" $.Name $.Detail}}
Emits the go type for the provided AST type.
{{define "ArrayType"}}
{{ if IsBool $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "BoolArray"}}
{{else if IsS8 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "S8Array"}}
{{else if IsU8 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "U8Array"}}
{{else if IsS16 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "S16Array"}}
{{else if IsU16 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "U16Array"}}
{{else if IsS32 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "I32Array"}}
{{else if IsU32 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "U32Array"}}
{{else if IsF32 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "F32Array"}}
{{else if IsS64 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "S64Array"}}
{{else if IsU64 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "U64Array"}}
{{else if IsF64 $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "F64Array"}}
{{else if IsString $}}{{Macro "Go.RPC.QualifiedName" "StringArray"}}
{{else if IsPointer $}}{{Macro "Type" $.To}}PtrArray
{{else }}{{Macro "Type" $}}Array
Emits a comment stating that the file is automatically generated.
{{define "GeneratedHeader"}}{{Copyright "generated_by" "rpcapi"}}ΒΆ{{end}}
Emits a comment block containing the specified text.
{{define "CommentHeader"}}
// {{.}}