blob: 3896b91fdd8e60eeb23cd3adb6b7c08d8d5e9cd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
// { import | macro | extern | enum | alias | pseudonym | class | command | field }
func requireAPI(p *parse.Parser, cst *parse.Branch) *ast.API {
api := &ast.API{}
api.CST = cst
annotations := &ast.Annotations{}
for !p.IsEOF() {
parseAnnotations(annotations, p, cst)
if i := import_(p, cst, annotations); i != nil {
api.Imports = append(api.Imports, i)
} else if m := macro(p, cst, annotations); m != nil {
api.Macros = append(api.Macros, m)
} else if e := extern(p, cst, annotations); e != nil {
api.Externs = append(api.Externs, e)
} else if e := enum(p, cst, annotations); e != nil {
api.Enums = append(api.Enums, e)
} else if a := alias(p, cst, annotations); a != nil {
api.Aliases = append(api.Aliases, a)
} else if pn := pseudonym(p, cst, annotations); pn != nil {
api.Pseudonyms = append(api.Pseudonyms, pn)
} else if c := class(p, cst, annotations); c != nil {
api.Classes = append(api.Classes, c)
} else if c := command(p, cst, annotations); c != nil {
api.Commands = append(api.Commands, c)
} else if c := definition(p, cst, annotations); c != nil {
api.Definitions = append(api.Definitions, c)
} else {
api.Fields = append(api.Fields, requireField(p, cst, annotations))
if len(*annotations) != 0 {
p.ErrorAt((*annotations)[0].CST, "Annotation not consumed")
return api
// { '@' name [ '(' { expression ',' } ')' ] }
func parseAnnotations(annotations *ast.Annotations, p *parse.Parser, cst *parse.Branch) {
for peekOperator(ast.OpAnnotation, p) {
a := &ast.Annotation{}
*annotations = append(*annotations, a)
p.ParseBranch(cst, func(p *parse.Parser, cst *parse.Branch) {
requireOperator(ast.OpAnnotation, p, cst)
a.CST = cst
a.Name = requireIdentifier(p, cst)
if operator(ast.OpListStart, p, cst) {
for !operator(ast.OpListEnd, p, cst) {
if len(a.Arguments) > 0 {
requireOperator(ast.OpListSeparator, p, cst)
e := requireExpression(p, cst)
a.Arguments = append(a.Arguments, e)
func consumeAnnotations(dst *ast.Annotations, src *ast.Annotations) {
if src == nil || len(*src) == 0 {
l := append(*dst, (*src)...)
*src = (*src)[0:0]
*dst = l
// { annotation } 'import' [ identifier ] '"' path '""'
func import_(p *parse.Parser, cst *parse.Branch, a *ast.Annotations) *ast.Import {
if !peekKeyword(ast.KeywordImport, p) {
return nil
i := &ast.Import{}
consumeAnnotations(&i.Annotations, a)
p.ParseBranch(cst, func(p *parse.Parser, cst *parse.Branch) {
i.CST = cst
requireKeyword(ast.KeywordImport, p, cst)
i.Name = identifier(p, cst)
i.Path = requireString(p, cst)
return i