blob: 16066f05008da7bd2d9ee63a5ec7a9e60858c729 [file] [log] [blame]
import re
import os
import glob
import sys
import subprocess
import argparse
# test command line arguments
argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'dexter end-to-end test driver')
argParser.add_argument('-cmd', default = 'dexter')
argParser.add_argument('-root', help = 'Root location of the test data files')
argParser.add_argument('-update', action = 'store_true', help = 'Update the expected files')
args = argParser.parse_args()
# the bazel sandbox test data root
data_root = args.root or 'tools/dexter/testdata'
# update expected (golden) output?
if args.update:
if args.root is None:
print('ERROR: -update requires -root value')
print('\nUpdating expected output (test data root: %s)' % data_root)
# list of test cases
# ( <test_name> : { <test_case_config> } )
test_cases = {
'map' : { 'args' : '-m', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'stats' : { 'args' : '-s', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'asm' : { 'args' : '-d', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'hello_stats' : { 'args' : '-s -e Hello', 'input' : ['hello.dex'] },
'am_stats' : { 'args' : '-s -e', 'input' : ['large.dex'] },
'rewrite' : { 'args' : '-d -x full_rewrite', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'entry_hook' : { 'args' : '-d -x stress_entry_hook', 'input' : [
'entry_hooks.dex', 'hello.dex', 'medium.dex', 'min.dex' ] },
'exit_hook' : { 'args' : '-d -x stress_exit_hook', 'input' : [
'exit_hooks.dex', 'medium.dex', 'try_catch.dex' ] },
'wrap_invoke' : { 'args' : '-d -x stress_wrap_invoke', 'input' : [
'hello.dex', 'hello_nodebug.dex', 'medium.dex' ] },
'mi' : { 'args' : '-d -x test_method_instrumenter', 'input' : ['entry_hooks.dex'] },
'find_method' : { 'args' : '-x stress_find_method', 'input' : [
'hello.dex', 'entry_hooks.dex', 'medium.dex', 'large.dex', 'try_catch.dex' ] },
'verbose_cfg' : { 'args' : '-d --cfg=verbose', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'compact_cfg' : { 'args' : '-d --cfg=compact', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'scratch_regs' : { 'args' : '-d -x stress_scratch_regs', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'regs_usage' : { 'args' : '-x regs_histogram', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
'code_coverage' : { 'args' : '-d -x code_coverage', 'input' : ['*.dex'] },
# run a shell command and returns the stdout content
def Run(cmd, stdin_content=None):
return subprocess.Popen(
args = cmd,
shell = True,
stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT).communicate(input = stdin_content)[0]
tests = 0
failures = 0
# for each test_case, run dexter over the specified input (ex. *.dex)
# the expected ('golden') output has the same base name as the input .dex,
# for example (test_name = 'map') :
# 'hello.dex' -> 'expected/'
for test_name, test_config in sorted(test_cases.iteritems()):
for input_pattern in test_config['input']:
input_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_root, input_pattern))
for input in input_files:
tests = tests + 1
# run dexter with the test arguments
cmd = '%s %s %s' % (args.cmd, test_config['args'], input)
actual_output = Run(cmd)
# build the expected filename
expected_filename = re.sub(r'\.dex', ('.%s' % test_name), os.path.basename(input))
expected_filename = os.path.join(data_root, 'expected', expected_filename)
if args.update:
# update expected output file
with open(expected_filename, "w") as f:
# compare the actual output with the expected output
cmp_output = Run('diff "%s" -' % expected_filename, actual_output)
if cmp_output:
print('\nFAILED: expected output mismatch (%s)' % os.path.basename(expected_filename))
failures = failures + 1
print('ok: output matching (%s)' % os.path.basename(expected_filename))
if args.update:
print('\nSUMMARY: updated expected output for %d tests\n' % tests)
print('\nSUMMARY: %d failure(s), %d test cases\n' % (failures, tests))
if failures != 0: