blob: 947e54d8140277a666ee4dbcf01e3b62c7998e0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "arrayview.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "dex_format.h"
#include "dex_leb128.h"
#include "hash_table.h"
#include "index_map.h"
#include "memview.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// A simple, lightweight IR to abstract the key .dex structures
// 1. All the cross-IR references are modeled as plain pointers.
// 2. Newly allocated nodes are mem-zeroed first
// This IR can mirror any .dex file, although for JVMTI BCI
// it's expected to construct the IR for the single modified class only
// (and include only the nodes referenced from that class)
#define SLICER_IR_TYPE \
using Node::Node; \
friend struct DexFile;
using IndexedNode::IndexedNode; \
friend struct DexFile;
namespace ir {
// convenience notation
template <class T>
using own = std::unique_ptr<T>;
struct Node;
struct IndexedNode;
struct EncodedValue;
struct EncodedArray;
struct String;
struct Type;
struct TypeList;
struct Proto;
struct FieldDecl;
struct EncodedField;
struct DebugInfo;
struct Code;
struct MethodDecl;
struct EncodedMethod;
struct AnnotationElement;
struct Annotation;
struct AnnotationSet;
struct AnnotationSetRefList;
struct FieldAnnotation;
struct MethodAnnotation;
struct ParamAnnotation;
struct AnnotationsDirectory;
struct Class;
struct DexFile;
// The base class for all the .dex IR types:
// This is not a polymorphic interface, but
// a way to constrain the allocation and ownership
// of .dex IR nodes.
struct Node {
void* operator new(size_t size) {
return ::calloc(1, size);
void* operator new[](size_t size) {
return ::calloc(1, size);
void operator delete(void* ptr) {
void operator delete[](void* ptr) {
Node(const Node&) = delete;
Node& operator=(const Node&) = delete;
Node() = default;
~Node() = default;
// a concession for the convenience of the .dex writer
// TODO: consider moving the indexing to the writer.
struct IndexedNode : public Node {
// this is the index in the generated image
// (not the original index)
dex::u4 index;
// original indexe
// (from the source .dex image or allocated post reader)
dex::u4 orig_index;
struct EncodedValue : public Node {
dex::u1 type;
union {
int8_t byte_value;
int16_t short_value;
uint16_t char_value;
int32_t int_value;
int64_t long_value;
float float_value;
double double_value;
String* string_value;
Type* type_value;
FieldDecl* field_value;
MethodDecl* method_value;
FieldDecl* enum_value;
EncodedArray* array_value;
Annotation* annotation_value;
bool bool_value;
} u;
SLICER_EXTRA(slicer::MemView original);
struct EncodedArray : public Node {
std::vector<EncodedValue*> values;
struct String : public IndexedNode {
// opaque DEX "string_data_item"
slicer::MemView data;
const char* c_str() const {
const dex::u1* strData = data.ptr<dex::u1>();
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(strData);
struct Type : public IndexedNode {
enum class Category { Void, Scalar, WideScalar, Reference };
String* descriptor;
Class* class_def;
std::string Decl() const;
Category GetCategory() const;
struct TypeList : public Node {
std::vector<Type*> types;
struct Proto : public IndexedNode {
String* shorty;
Type* return_type;
TypeList* param_types;
std::string Signature() const;
struct FieldDecl : public IndexedNode {
String* name;
Type* type;
Type* parent;
struct EncodedField : public Node {
FieldDecl* decl;
dex::u4 access_flags;
struct DebugInfo : public Node {
dex::u4 line_start;
std::vector<String*> param_names;
// original debug info opcodes stream
// (must be "relocated" when creating a new .dex image)
slicer::MemView data;
struct Code : public Node {
dex::u2 registers;
dex::u2 ins_count;
dex::u2 outs_count;
slicer::ArrayView<const dex::u2> instructions;
slicer::ArrayView<const dex::TryBlock> try_blocks;
slicer::MemView catch_handlers;
DebugInfo* debug_info;
struct MethodDecl : public IndexedNode {
String* name;
Proto* prototype;
Type* parent;
struct EncodedMethod : public Node {
MethodDecl* decl;
Code* code;
dex::u4 access_flags;
struct AnnotationElement : public Node {
String* name;
EncodedValue* value;
struct Annotation : public Node {
Type* type;
std::vector<AnnotationElement*> elements;
dex::u1 visibility;
struct AnnotationSet : public Node {
std::vector<Annotation*> annotations;
struct AnnotationSetRefList : public Node {
std::vector<AnnotationSet*> annotations;
struct FieldAnnotation : public Node {
FieldDecl* field_decl;
AnnotationSet* annotations;
struct MethodAnnotation : public Node {
MethodDecl* method_decl;
AnnotationSet* annotations;
struct ParamAnnotation : public Node {
MethodDecl* method_decl;
AnnotationSetRefList* annotations;
struct AnnotationsDirectory : public Node {
AnnotationSet* class_annotation;
std::vector<FieldAnnotation*> field_annotations;
std::vector<MethodAnnotation*> method_annotations;
std::vector<ParamAnnotation*> param_annotations;
struct Class : public IndexedNode {
Type* type;
dex::u4 access_flags;
Type* super_class;
TypeList* interfaces;
String* source_file;
AnnotationsDirectory* annotations;
EncodedArray* static_init;
std::vector<EncodedField*> static_fields;
std::vector<EncodedField*> instance_fields;
std::vector<EncodedMethod*> direct_methods;
std::vector<EncodedMethod*> virtual_methods;
// ir::String hashing
struct StringsHasher {
const char* GetKey(const String* string) const { return string->c_str(); }
uint32_t Hash(const char* string_key) const;
bool Compare(const char* string_key, const String* string) const;
// ir::Proto hashing
struct ProtosHasher {
std::string GetKey(const Proto* proto) const { return proto->Signature(); }
uint32_t Hash(const std::string& proto_key) const;
bool Compare(const std::string& proto_key, const Proto* proto) const;
// ir::EncodedMethod hashing
struct MethodKey {
String* class_descriptor = nullptr;
String* method_name = nullptr;
Proto* prototype = nullptr;
struct MethodsHasher {
MethodKey GetKey(const EncodedMethod* method) const;
uint32_t Hash(const MethodKey& method_key) const;
bool Compare(const MethodKey& method_key, const EncodedMethod* method) const;
using StringsLookup = slicer::HashTable<const char*, String, StringsHasher>;
using PrototypesLookup = slicer::HashTable<const std::string&, Proto, ProtosHasher>;
using MethodsLookup = slicer::HashTable<const MethodKey&, EncodedMethod, MethodsHasher>;
// The main container/root for a .dex IR
struct DexFile {
// indexed structures
std::vector<own<String>> strings;
std::vector<own<Type>> types;
std::vector<own<Proto>> protos;
std::vector<own<FieldDecl>> fields;
std::vector<own<MethodDecl>> methods;
std::vector<own<Class>> classes;
// data segment structures
std::vector<own<EncodedField>> encoded_fields;
std::vector<own<EncodedMethod>> encoded_methods;
std::vector<own<TypeList>> type_lists;
std::vector<own<Code>> code;
std::vector<own<DebugInfo>> debug_info;
std::vector<own<EncodedValue>> encoded_values;
std::vector<own<EncodedArray>> encoded_arrays;
std::vector<own<Annotation>> annotations;
std::vector<own<AnnotationElement>> annotation_elements;
std::vector<own<AnnotationSet>> annotation_sets;
std::vector<own<AnnotationSetRefList>> annotation_set_ref_lists;
std::vector<own<AnnotationsDirectory>> annotations_directories;
std::vector<own<FieldAnnotation>> field_annotations;
std::vector<own<MethodAnnotation>> method_annotations;
std::vector<own<ParamAnnotation>> param_annotations;
// original index to IR node mappings
// CONSIDER: we only need to carry around
// the relocation for the referenced items
std::map<dex::u4, Type*> types_map;
std::map<dex::u4, String*> strings_map;
std::map<dex::u4, Proto*> protos_map;
std::map<dex::u4, FieldDecl*> fields_map;
std::map<dex::u4, MethodDecl*> methods_map;
std::map<dex::u4, Class*> classes_map;
// original .dex header "magic" signature
slicer::MemView magic;
// keep track of the used index values
// (so we can easily allocate new ones)
IndexMap strings_indexes;
IndexMap types_indexes;
IndexMap protos_indexes;
IndexMap fields_indexes;
IndexMap methods_indexes;
IndexMap classes_indexes;
// lookup hash tables
StringsLookup strings_lookup;
MethodsLookup methods_lookup;
PrototypesLookup prototypes_lookup;
DexFile() = default;
// No copy/move semantics
DexFile(const DexFile&) = delete;
DexFile& operator=(const DexFile&) = delete;
template <class T>
T* Alloc() {
T* p = new T();
return p;
void AttachBuffer(slicer::Buffer&& buffer) {
void Normalize();
void TopSortClassIndex(Class* irClass, dex::u4* nextIndex);
void SortClassIndexes();
template <class T>
void PushOwn(std::vector<own<T>>& v, T* p) {
void Track(String* p) { PushOwn(strings, p); }
void Track(Type* p) { PushOwn(types, p); }
void Track(Proto* p) { PushOwn(protos, p); }
void Track(FieldDecl* p) { PushOwn(fields, p); }
void Track(MethodDecl* p) { PushOwn(methods, p); }
void Track(Class* p) { PushOwn(classes, p); }
void Track(EncodedField* p) { PushOwn(encoded_fields, p); }
void Track(EncodedMethod* p) { PushOwn(encoded_methods, p); }
void Track(TypeList* p) { PushOwn(type_lists, p); }
void Track(Code* p) { PushOwn(code, p); }
void Track(DebugInfo* p) { PushOwn(debug_info, p); }
void Track(EncodedValue* p) { PushOwn(encoded_values, p); }
void Track(EncodedArray* p) { PushOwn(encoded_arrays, p); }
void Track(Annotation* p) { PushOwn(annotations, p); }
void Track(AnnotationElement* p) { PushOwn(annotation_elements, p); }
void Track(AnnotationSet* p) { PushOwn(annotation_sets, p); }
void Track(AnnotationSetRefList* p) { PushOwn(annotation_set_ref_lists, p); }
void Track(AnnotationsDirectory* p) { PushOwn(annotations_directories, p); }
void Track(FieldAnnotation* p) { PushOwn(field_annotations, p); }
void Track(MethodAnnotation* p) { PushOwn(method_annotations, p); }
void Track(ParamAnnotation* p) { PushOwn(param_annotations, p); }
// additional memory buffers owned by this .dex IR
std::vector<slicer::Buffer> buffers_;
} // namespace ir