blob: ab33026501e28adb88bd0ca964d11ab50d32b124 [file] [log] [blame]
# Dev version definition.
# This file is read by gradle build scripts, but also packaged with builder and
# builder-model as a resource, for Version classes to read.
# These must be kept in sync with the bazel BUILD file.
baseVersion = 26.2.0-dev
buildVersion = 3.2.0-dev
# This counter should be incremented every time the api is changed in not backward-compatible way,
# i.e. it should be incremented from N to N+1 only when the api is changed in a way that existing
# plugin v.N clients will be unable to work with v.N+1
# Plugin Versions apiVersion nativeApiVersion
# 1.0.x 0
# 1.1.x 0
# 1.2.x 2
# 1.3.x 3
# 1.4.x 3 0
apiVersion = 3
nativeApiVersion = 0