blob: 655af000f1566ba05247cf94bb2f2fcd02afbbb9 [file] [log] [blame]
* System requirements:
- Gradle 1.3+ (tested on 1.3/1.4)
- Android Platform Tools 16.0.2+
* New Features:
- Renderscript support.
- Support for multi resource folders. See 'multires' sample.
* PNG crunch is now done incrementally and in parallel.
- Support for multi asset folders.
- Support for asset folders in Library Projects.
- API to manipulate Build Variants.
- Support for versionName suffix provided by the BuildType.
- Testing
* Tests now runs on all connected devices in parallel.
* Running tests on device now breaks the build if any test fails.
* Generate an HTML report for each flavor/project, but also aggregated.
* New plugin 'android-reporting' to aggregate android test results across projects. See 'flavorlib' sample.
- Improved DSL:
* replaced with android.compileSdkVersion to make it less confusing vs min/targetSdkVersion
* signing information now a SigningConfig object reusable across BuildType and ProductFlavor
* ability to relocated a full sourceSet. See 'migrated' sample.
* Fixes:
- Default Java compile target set to 1.6.
- Fix generation of R classes in case libraries share same package name as the app project.
* Fixed support for windows.
* Added support for customized sourceset. (
* Added support for dependency per configuration.
* Fixed support for dependency on local jar files.
* New samples "migrated" and "flavorlib"
0.1: initial release