268575580: Allow suppressing SpUsage on the dimension element instead

Using a dp dimension for text-size related attributes is usually wrong,
and lint issues a warning, pointing primarily to the text attribute,
but also showing the relevant dimension attribute. Some users have
tried suppressing these attributes on the dimension declaration. This
isn't the ideal place to suppress it, since this will then allow *all*
text attribute usages for that dimension, but we'll allow it.

Test: Unit test included
Fixes: 268575580
Change-Id: Icd7dd2e2b614b12826c43ea2019531ab5301c15a
2 files changed
tree: afb8a13e03f2e4ea41e9e0f75da150a3322fb9fc
  1. .idea/
  2. adb-proxy/
  3. adblib/
  4. adblib-ddmlibcompatibility/
  5. adblib-tools/
  6. annotations/
  7. apkparser/
  8. app-inspection/
  9. apps/
  10. aspects_agent/
  11. bazel/
  12. build-analyzer/
  13. build-system/
  14. chunkio/
  15. chunkio-processor/
  16. common/
  17. ddmlib/
  18. debugger-tests/
  19. debuggers/
  20. deploy/
  21. device-provisioner/
  22. device_validator/
  23. draw9patch/
  24. dynamic-layout-inspector/
  25. echo-sample/
  26. emulator/
  27. environment-services/
  28. external-annotations/
  29. fakeadbserver/
  30. fakeandroid/
  31. firebase/
  32. flags/
  33. game-tools/
  34. gmaven/
  35. intellij-bazel/
  36. intellij-native/
  37. jaxb-inheritance-plugin/
  38. jdwp-packet/
  39. jdwp-scache/
  40. jdwp-tracer/
  41. jobb/
  42. kotlin-multiplatform-models/
  43. layoutlib-api/
  44. layoutlib-extensions/
  45. legacy/
  46. lint/
  47. manifest-parser/
  48. misc/
  49. mlkit-common/
  50. multipreview-asm/
  51. ninepatch/
  52. owners/
  53. perf-logger/
  54. perflib/
  55. pixelprobe/
  56. preview/
  57. process-monitor/
  58. profgen/
  59. profiler/
  60. repository/
  61. resource-repository/
  62. sdk-common/
  63. sdklib/
  64. signflinger/
  65. standalone-render/
  66. studio-grpc-testutils/
  67. testing-infrastructure/
  68. testutils/
  69. third_party/
  70. threading-agent/
  71. threading-agent-callback/
  72. tracer/
  73. transport/
  74. usb-devices/
  75. utp/
  76. vector-drawable-tool/
  77. wizard/
  78. yourkit-controller/
  79. zipflinger/
  80. .editorconfig
  81. .gitignore
  82. adt.iml
  83. BUILD.bazel
  84. contributing.md
  85. navbar.md
  86. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  87. README.md
  88. source.md
  89. studio.md


This project contains:

  • Common libraries that are shared between any of the IDE (Android Studio), the build system (The Android Gradle Plugin) and SDK components that will be released from studio-main (e.g. the standalone SDK manager). This includes:
    • Instant-run-libraries
    • SDK management libraries
    • The manifest merger
    • Common libraries
    • Common test utilites
  • The build system
  • The new profiler