tree: 225ed706761f18b9f054e289d345a768c1917acb [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. all_sdks_manifest.xml
  3. BUILD
  4. dev-sdk-packages
  7. qa-sdk-packages
  9. remote-sdk-packages
  10. sdk_utils.bzl

Development Android SDK

Note: This document provides some high level information first, but you may wish to skip directly to the “Updating the development SDK” section below if you don't care about any of that.

This documentation does not currently support AOSP yet. Further instructions will be added later.

Files of interest:

dev-sdk-packagesA list of all SDK components needed by the Studio codebase rules for breaking the SDK up into its parts
src/...Source for a utility that updates the SDK for all hosts
all_sdks_manifest.xmlAn manifest extender which pulls down all SDKs into your local repo


This directory contains utilities and other support files which allow us to depend on the Android SDK in our code and tests in a way that is hermetic and deterministic.

Code is hermetic if it declares its dependencies explicitly. That is, if you have a test that needs to run against a specific version of some subcomponent of an SDK, it should say so and, if that subcomponent is missing, the test should fail before it even starts. This is in contrast to a test that just points at a generic SDK directory and fails at runtime if a file it wants is missing.

Code is deterministic if running it repeatedly always produces the same result. For example, if you sync to a git project at any time in its past, code should still build and tests should still pass. However, if you depend on an external resource, like having a process which, after syncing, hits a server for the latest version of its resources, you might find that your old code starts failing due to changed assumptions over time.

Development SDK location

For unit tests and some compile-time dependencies, we provide a read-only SDK in our codebase. After you do a repo sync, and depending on your OS host, you will have one of three paths pulled down into your project.


There is also a ‘remote’ sdk, which contains a subset of the SDK packages from the Android repository. This is used to integration test the SDK download in a deterministic way.


If you find yourself developing an Android app inside Android Studio, you should not use this SDK for that. Instead, you should download a separate, mutable SDK (e.g. in ~/Android/sdk) which you can update and prune to your hearts content.


This directory includes a bazel BUILD file which simply contains a bunch of filegroup rules for exposing various SDK components, for example targets such as //prebuilts/studio/sdk:platform-tools and //prebuilts/studio/sdk:build-tools/23.0.1.

This file ultimately belongs in //prebuilts/studio/sdk, but, as that‘s really the only file the folder would contain, it’s not worth creating a git project just for that.

Instead, the BUILD file lives here, as, and is automatically copied by repo when anyone does a sync on this project. Here's the relevant snippet from our repo manifest:

# $root/.repo/manifests/default.xml
<project path="tools/base" name="platform/tools/base">
      dest="prebuilts/studio/sdk" />

For the remote SDK, the BUILD file is simply checked in to //prebuilts/studio/sdk/remote/BUILD.

dev-sdk-packages and remote-sdk-packages

This directory includes a dev-sdk-packages file which contains a list of SDK components needed to compile all code and pass all tests.

Here's a snippet from the top of the file:


This file will be used to update and download SDK components. For future maintainers, please keep it up to date if you need to add any new SDK packages.

The remote-sdk-packages file works similarly, but for the remote SDK packages.

Filtering SDKs

As of the time of writing this document, the development SDK, raw, is 2.5G (per each host, or 7.5G total). This is bound to grow larger over time. However, we may only need a fraction of the actual SDK. For example, ddmlib tests only need the adb binary and nothing else from platform-tools.

Therefore, the dev-sdk-updater binary supports adding an optional filter-by-glob for each package. To accomplish this, append a filter after a colon to the desired package, e.g. platform-tools:adb*. Use curly braces if you need to list multiple globs, e.g. {pattern1,pattern2}, which will match if any of the patterns match.

See the official docs on globs and dev-sdk-updater --help for more details.

The remote sdk does not support filtering, but the binaries are compressed zip files.

Updating the development SDK

This section provides steps needed to update the development SDK. To approach this with a concrete example, imagine we need to add build-tools/19.0.3 (which is actually an obsolete package, so please don't do this!).

Pull down all three SDK repositories

By default, the repo manifest will only pull down the one SDK repository that matches your host machine. To work around this, this folder provides an all_sdks_manifest.xml you can copy into your local_manifests directory. Afterwards, you can repo sync into the studio-master-dev folder you work out of normally, and it will start pulling down all SDKS, not just the one that matches your host OS.

$ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/

$ mkdir .repo/local_manifests/
$ cp tools/base/bazel/sdk/all_sdks_manifest.xml .repo/local_manifests/

$ repo sync

You only have to do this step once.

Start a new branch

$ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/

# This branch name will become the topic name for your CLs so choose a unique name.
# Of course, your branch name will be different... 
$ repo start devsdk+build-tools+19_0_3 \
    prebuilts/studio/sdk/darwin \
    prebuilts/studio/sdk/linux \
    prebuilts/studio/sdk/windows \

Add a new package

If you need to add a new package, then, using your favorite editor, open tools/base/bazel/sdk/dev-sdk-packages and modify it. Here, we add build-tools;19.0.3.


Next, we'll need to run SDK tools to fetch the new data.

$ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/

$ bazel run //tools/base/bazel/sdk:dev-sdk-updater

If this fails with a message like this: ... Continue installing the remaining packages? (y/N): ERROR: Non-zero return code ‘1’ from command: Process exited with status 1.

you can use the following hack to get the SDK installer to skip license acceptance for this operation:

$ diff --git a/sdklib/src/main/java/com/android/sdklib/tool/sdkmanager/ b/sdklib/src/main/java/com/android/sdklib/tool/sdkmanager/ index 135593aa56..349cd3f03a 100644 --- a/sdklib/src/main/java/com/android/sdklib/tool/sdkmanager/ +++ b/sdklib/src/main/java/com/android/sdklib/tool/sdkmanager/ @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class InstallAction extends SdkPackagesAction { l.setAccepted(getRepoManager().getLocalPath(), getSdkHandler().getFileOp()); } }

  •    if (!unacceptedLicenses.isEmpty()) {
  •    if (false && !unacceptedLicenses.isEmpty()) {
           List<RemotePackage> acceptedPackages = new ArrayList<>(remotes);
           Set<RemotePackage> problemPackages = new HashSet<>(unacceptedLicenses.values());

Add a new filegroup rule

Open Once checked in, this will automatically get copied to //prebuilts/studio/sdk/BUILD by repo at sync time.

Add a new filegroup somewhere in the file:

  name = "build-tools/19.0.3",
  srcs = glob(
    include = ["*/build-tools/19.0.3/**"],
  visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Here, */build-tools/19.0.3 will match with darwin/build-tools/19.0.3 on mac, linux/build-tools/19.0.3 on linux, etc.

To test that you set the rule correctly, manually copy the BUILD file yourself and do a query:

$ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/

$ cp tools/base/bazel/sdk/ \
$ bazel query "deps(//prebuilts/studio/sdk:build-tools/19.0.3)"

See also: bazel filegroup rule

Make sure tests still pass

$ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/tools/base/bazel

$ ./bazel test $(<test_targets)

Upload code review

$ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/

$ repo forall \
    prebuilts/studio/sdk/darwin \
    prebuilts/studio/sdk/linux \
    prebuilts/studio/sdk/windows \
    tools/base \
    -c git add -A; git commit -a -m "Updated SDK with build-tools;19.0.3"

# When uploading, include -t to ensure all code reviews have the
# same topic (the topic will be set to your current branch name).
# Be careful that someone else isn't using the same topic as you
# at the same time!
$ repo upload --no-verify --cbr -t

# This opens an editor. Uncomment all SDK branches and save.


(Optional) Once your CLs are submitted, you can delete local data if you don't plan to update the SDK again any time soon.

$ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/
$ rm .repo/local_manifests/all_sdks_manifest.xml

# Delete two of the three SDKs
$ rm -rf prebuilts/studio/sdk/darwin # unless you're darwin
$ rm -rf prebuilts/studio/sdk/linux # unless you're linux
$ rm -rf prebuilts/studio/sdk/windows # unless you're windows

Updating the remote SDK

  1. Create a branch on the two git repos

    repo start remote_sdk_build_tools_99.0.0 \
        tools/base \
  2. Update the list of packages needed in the remote-sdk-packages file

  3. Run the remote SDK updater bazel run //tools/base/bazel/sdk:remote-sdk-updater

  4. If you are removing a component that is used, update build files and tests. Simply adding a new component should not affect the build or tests. When you need a new component for a test, have separate commits that add the component to the ones that switch to using them, as this makes reverting easier if something goes wrong.

  5. Commit and upload your change

    $ cd /path/to/studio-master-dev/
    $ repo forall \
        tools/base \
        prebuilts/studio/sdk/remote \
        -c git add -A; git commit -a -m "Updated SDK with build-tools;99:0.0"
    # When uploading, include -t to ensure both code reviews have the
    # same topic (the topic will be set to your current branch name).
    # Be careful that someone else isn't using the same topic as you
    # at the same time!
    $ repo upload --cbr -t
    # This opens an editor. Uncomment all SDK branches and save.