blob: 2426c17753a47d24f369f670ad85883f5ed7cad5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Sets of classes and functions to provide a little DSL facilitating
// dumping a model into a String.
interface FileNormalizer {
* Converts the given file path to a normalized string form. If the path is absolute and its
* prefix matches a known directory, for example, project root, Android SDK, etc, the prefix is
* replaced by a descriptive placeholder. Hence test assertion does not need to worry about
* changes introduced by the platform or test session.
* In addition, the normalized string contains a suffix indicating the presence of the file:
* - `{!}`: the path does not exist
* - `{F}`: the path refers to a file
* - `{D}`: the path refers to a directory
fun normalize(file: File): String
* Normalizes any strings that match the build environment in the given [JsonElement] so that
* the returned result is invariant across build.
* Note that this method replace all matched strings and it could return non-sense result if
* some well-known paths are too common.
fun normalize(value: JsonElement): JsonElement
* Main entry point of the dump functions.
* @param name of the main block
* @param action the action configuring a [DumpBuilder]
* @return the strings with the dumped model
internal fun <T> dump(
theClass: Class<T>,
normalizer: FileNormalizer,
includedBuilds: List<String>? = null,
action: DumpBuilder.() -> Unit
): String {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
if (includedBuilds != null) {
var index = 1
for (includedBuild in includedBuilds) {
map[includedBuild] = "BUILD_${index++}"
val rootBuilder = DumpBuilder(map)
val name = theClass.simpleName
val actionBuilder = rootBuilder.builder()
// check the properties have all been written.
val sb = StringBuilder()
rootBuilder.write(sb, normalizer)
return sb.toString()
typealias BuildIdMap = Map<String, String>
* an object that can be written
abstract class Writeable(protected val indent: Int) {
abstract fun write(
sb: StringBuilder,
normalizer: FileNormalizer,
spacing: Int = 0,
prefix: Char = '-'
interface PropertyEntry {
val name: String
* A writeable Key/Value pair.
* This is written as
* (prefix)key(separator)value
* The value is formatted depending on the type (null, string, other)
class KeyValuePair(
indent: Int,
override val name: String,
private val value: Any?,
private val separator: String = "="
): Writeable(indent), PropertyEntry {
val keyLen: Int
get() = name.length
override fun write(sb: StringBuilder, normalizer: FileNormalizer, spacing: Int, prefix: Char) {
if (indent > 0) for (i in 0..indent) sb.append(' ')
sb.append(prefix).append(' ').append(name)
if (spacing > 0) {
val spaceLen = spacing - name.length
for (i in 0..spaceLen) sb.append(' ')
} else {
sb.append(' ')
sb.append(separator).append(' ').append(value.toValueString(normalizer)).append("\n")
* Converts a value into a String depending on its type (null, File, String, Any)
private fun Any?.toValueString(normalizer: FileNormalizer): String = when (this) {
null -> "(null)"
is File -> normalizer.normalize(this)
is Collection<*> -> this.toValueStringList(normalizer)
is String -> "\"$this\""
is Enum<*> ->
else -> toString()
private fun Collection<*>.toValueStringList(normalizer: FileNormalizer): String {
return { it.toValueString(normalizer) }.toString()
* A Writeable Header
class StartObjectHeader(
indent: Int,
override val name: String
): Writeable(indent), PropertyEntry {
override fun write(sb: StringBuilder, normalizer: FileNormalizer, spacing: Int, prefix: Char) {
if (indent > 0) for (i in 0..indent) sb.append(' ')
sb.append("> ").append(name).append(":\n")
* A Writeable Header
class EndObjectHeader(
indent: Int,
private val name: String
): Writeable(indent) {
override fun write(sb: StringBuilder, normalizer: FileNormalizer, spacing: Int, prefix: Char) {
if (indent > 0) for (i in 0..indent) sb.append(' ')
sb.append("< ").append(name).append("\n")
* A writeable key only.
class KeyOnly(
indent: Int,
override val name: String
): Writeable(indent), PropertyEntry {
override fun write(sb: StringBuilder, normalizer: FileNormalizer, spacing: Int, prefix: Char) {
if (indent > 0) for (i in 0..indent) sb.append(' ')
sb.append(prefix).append(' ').append(name).append(":\n")
* A writeable Value only.
class ValueOnly(
indent: Int,
private val value: Any?
): Writeable(indent) {
override fun write(sb: StringBuilder, normalizer: FileNormalizer, spacing: Int, prefix: Char) {
if (indent > 0) for (i in 0..indent) sb.append(' ')
sb.append(prefix).append(' ').append(value.toValueString(normalizer)).append("\n")
const val INDENT_STEP = 3
* A dump builder.
* this can accumulate [Writeable] items (which includes sub-dump builders)
class DumpBuilder(
private val buildIdMap: BuildIdMap,
indent: Int = 0,
private val prefix: Char = '-'): Writeable(indent) {
private val items = mutableListOf<Writeable>()
* Adds a property and its value
fun item(key: String, value: Any?) {
items.add(KeyValuePair(indent, key, value))
* Represents a list value
fun value(value: Any?) {
items.add(ValueOnly(indent, value))
* Adds a map entry (key + value)
fun entry(key: String, value: Any?) {
items.add(KeyValuePair(indent, key, value, separator = "->"))
internal fun startObject(name: String) {
items.add(StartObjectHeader(indent, name))
internal fun endObject(name: String) {
items.add(EndObjectHeader(indent, name))
internal fun builder() = DumpBuilder(
buildIdMap = buildIdMap,
indent = indent + INDENT_STEP
).also {
* Handles an Artifact address.
* Addresses for subprojects are made up of <build-ID>@@<projectpath>::<variant> and build IDs
* are the location of the root project of the build.
fun artifactAddress(key: String, value: String) {
if (value.contains("@@")) {
val buildId = value.substringBefore("@@")
val projectPathAndVariant = value.substringAfter("@@")
val newID = buildIdMap[buildId] ?: buildId
item(key, "{${newID}}@@${projectPathAndVariant}")
} else {
item(key, value)
* Handles an Build ID
* build IDs are the location of the root project of the build.
fun buildId(key: String, value: String?) {
item(key, value?.let { buildIdMap[it]?.let { "{$it}" } } ?: value)
* Adds a list of complex items, each displayed on a new lie
* @param name the name of the list
* @param list the list. Should be sorted already
* @param action a callback to add the items to the builder.
fun <T> multiLineList(
name: String,
list: Collection<T>?,
action: DumpBuilder.(T) -> Unit
) {
if (list.isNullOrEmpty()) {
items.add(KeyValuePair(indent, name, list))
} else {
val newBuilder = DumpBuilder(
buildIdMap = buildIdMap,
indent = indent + INDENT_STEP,
prefix = '*')
newBuilder.apply {
for (item in list) {
action(newBuilder, item)
// validate that items were added to the new builder.
// since empty list go through a different code paths, this can detect
// the action not doing the right thing
if (newBuilder.items.isEmpty()) {
throw RuntimeException("Builder for list items (list: $name) is empty but list isn't. Do filtering before calling multiLineList, and remember to call item/value/entry in the lambda")
* Adds a list of simple items.
* The items are written in line with the name. It the content is complex
* (nested objects for instance), consider using [multiLineList]
* @param name the name of the list
* @param list the list. Should be sorted already
fun <T> list(
name: String,
list: Collection<T?>?
) {
items.add(KeyValuePair(indent, name, list))
* Adds the content of a struct/small object. Should be used for small objects with only a few
* properties, and not containing other objects
* For larger one, use [largeObject]
* @param name the name of the list
* @param obj the object
* @param action a callback to add the items to the builder
fun <T: AndroidModel> struct(name: String, obj: T?, action: DumpBuilder.(T) -> Unit) {
if (obj == null) {
items.add(KeyValuePair(indent, name, obj))
} else {
items.add(KeyOnly(indent, name))
val newBuilder = DumpBuilder(
buildIdMap = buildIdMap,
indent = indent + INDENT_STEP,
prefix = '*')
action(newBuilder, obj)
// check the properties have all been written.
* Adds the content of a large object, with many properties or with nested objects.
* This adds a footer after the properties to help visualize the end of the object
* @param name the name of the list
* @param obj the object
* @param action a callback to add the items to the builder
fun <T: AndroidModel> largeObject(name: String, obj: T?, action: DumpBuilder.(T) -> Unit) {
if (obj == null) {
items.add(KeyValuePair(indent, name, obj))
} else {
val newBuilder = DumpBuilder(
buildIdMap = buildIdMap,
indent = indent + INDENT_STEP
action(newBuilder, obj)
// check the properties have all been written.
override fun write(sb: StringBuilder, normalizer: FileNormalizer, spacing: Int, prefix: Char) {
val keySpacing = items.filterIsInstance<KeyValuePair>().map { it.keyLen }.max() ?: 0
for (item in items) {
item.write(sb, normalizer, keySpacing, this.prefix)
internal fun checkBuilderItemAgainst(clazz: Class<*>) {
// find the super interface that implements AndroidModel
val modelInterface = clazz.interfaces.firstOrNull { extendsAndroidModel(it) }
?: clazz
Truth.assertWithMessage("Properties for $modelInterface")
.that(items.filterIsInstance<PropertyEntry>().map { })
private fun extendsAndroidModel(clazz: Class<*>): Boolean = if (clazz == {
} else {
clazz.interfaces.any { extendsAndroidModel(it) }
internal fun Class<*>.gatherProperties(): Set<String> {
return this.methods
.map { }
.filter {
(it.startsWith("get") || it.startsWith("is"))
&& it != "getProxyClass"
&& it != "isProxyClass"
&& it != "getInvocationHandler"
&& it!= "getClass" }
.map {
if (it.startsWith("get")) {
// strip "get" prefix and reduce fist char to lower case
it[3].toLowerCase() + it.substring(4)
} else {