Add java and kotlin gen sources to anchor task.

GenFolderApiTest will now tests functionalities using both the
old and the new variant APIs. There is now 2 build files in the project for testing with the old APIs and for testing with the new variant APIs.

The test uncovered an issue with the new Variant API where we were
not registering the java and kotlin generated sources providers as
dependents of the genSource anchor task.

Test: integration tests.
Bug: N/A
Change-Id: I0bc33555a411ef42f82b4580f3e1e9d70708c924
12 files changed
tree: 4d9c0b771e59368d89ea91b25fd7d27e630df81e
  1. .idea/
  2. adb-proxy/
  3. adblib/
  4. adblib-ddmlibcompatibility/
  5. adblib-tools/
  6. annotations/
  7. apkparser/
  8. app-inspection/
  9. apps/
  10. aspects_agent/
  11. bazel/
  12. build-analyzer/
  13. build-system/
  14. chunkio/
  15. chunkio-processor/
  16. common/
  17. ddmlib/
  18. debugger-tests/
  19. debuggers/
  20. deploy/
  21. device-provisioner/
  22. device_validator/
  23. draw9patch/
  24. dynamic-layout-inspector/
  25. echo-sample/
  26. emulator/
  27. environment-services/
  28. external-annotations/
  29. fakeadbserver/
  30. fakeandroid/
  31. firebase/
  32. flags/
  33. game-tools/
  34. gmaven/
  35. intellij-bazel/
  36. intellij-native/
  37. jaxb-inheritance-plugin/
  38. jdwp-packet/
  39. jdwp-scache/
  40. jdwp-tracer/
  41. jobb/
  42. kotlin-multiplatform-models/
  43. layoutlib-api/
  44. layoutlib-extensions/
  45. legacy/
  46. lint/
  47. manifest-parser/
  48. misc/
  49. mlkit-common/
  50. multipreview-asm/
  51. ninepatch/
  52. owners/
  53. perf-logger/
  54. perflib/
  55. pixelprobe/
  56. preview/
  57. process-monitor/
  58. profgen/
  59. profiler/
  60. repository/
  61. resource-repository/
  62. sdk-common/
  63. sdklib/
  64. signflinger/
  65. standalone-render/
  66. studio-grpc-testutils/
  67. testing-infrastructure/
  68. testutils/
  69. third_party/
  70. threading-agent/
  71. threading-agent-callback/
  72. tracer/
  73. transport/
  74. usb-devices/
  75. utp/
  76. vector-drawable-tool/
  77. wizard/
  78. yourkit-controller/
  79. zipflinger/
  80. .editorconfig
  81. .gitignore
  82. adt.iml
  83. BUILD.bazel
  86. PREUPLOAD.cfg


This project contains:

  • Common libraries that are shared between any of the IDE (Android Studio), the build system (The Android Gradle Plugin) and SDK components that will be released from studio-main (e.g. the standalone SDK manager). This includes:
    • Instant-run-libraries
    • SDK management libraries
    • The manifest merger
    • Common libraries
    • Common test utilites
  • The build system
  • The new profiler