blob: 0e4758ff68db4f0e07d6c3a0ffa8a77dc734861d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package app_inspection;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "AppInspection";
// A command originates from the host and should *always* get a response.
// (If no response comes, it means the device likely crashed or ANR'd)
// A command may additionally generate zero or more events.
message AppInspectionCommand {
// Uniquely identifies the inspector that sent this event.
// Used by studio to route to appropriate event handler.
// This id is defined by inspector's owner. (e.g “androidx.workmanager")
string inspector_id = 1;
// A unique id associated with this command. To be set by inspection service
// when sending command to inspector.
uint32 command_id = 2;
oneof union {
CreateInspectorCommand create_inspector_command = 3;
DisposeInspectorCommand dispose_inspector_command = 4;
RawCommand raw_inspector_command = 5;
CancellationCommand cancellation_command = 6;
GetLibraryCompatibilityInfoCommand get_library_compatibility_info_command = 7;
// A command to create an inspector and register it as a listener
// for incoming commands.
message CreateInspectorCommand {
// On device path to the jar that has a dexed code of the given inspector.
string dex_path = 1;
// Metadata about the launch of an inspector.
LaunchMetadata launch_metadata = 2;
// Represents the maven coordinate of an artifact.
message ArtifactCoordinate {
string group_id = 1;
string artifact_id = 2;
// This adheres to the gradle version format.
string version = 3;
// Metadata about the launch of an inspector.
message LaunchMetadata {
// Name of the entity that sent this launch command. Ex: Name of the Android
// Studio project.
string launched_by_name = 1;
// If true, force launching the inspector, even if one is already running.
bool force = 2;
// Represents the coordinates of minimum supported library.
ArtifactCoordinate min_library = 3;
// A command to dispose the inspector.
// Service layer won't keep reference to an inspector anymore.
// All events from and commands to it will be ignored
// This command will be propagated to inspector instance as well, so it should react accordingly.
// For example, if an inspector was listening for db changes, it should unregister
// itself.
message DisposeInspectorCommand {}
// A payload is a large binary blob, which we break up into chunks to improve streaming behavior.
// Chunks must be associated with a payload ID and sent serially, and they will be reconstructed on
// the client side.
// Note: This payload ID will be unique across all inspectors attached to a process, so there's
// no need to additionally filter by inspector ID.
// Note: This chunk will be wrapped by a parent |Event| (see common.proto) and will use its
// |group_id| field to store the payload ID and the |is_ended| field to indicate it is the final
// message in the series.
message AppInspectionPayload {
// The subset of bytes in this chunk
bytes chunk = 1;
// Opaque command to an inspector.
message RawCommand {
bytes content = 1;
// a command to cancel long-running operation
message CancellationCommand {
uint32 cancelled_command_id = 1;
message GetLibraryCompatibilityInfoCommand {
// A list of target libraries to verify version information.
// These represent the minimum version of the libraries their
// inspectors are compatible with.
repeated ArtifactCoordinate target_libraries = 1;
// A response is sent from the device to answer a command.
message AppInspectionResponse {
uint32 command_id = 1;
// SUCCESS if originating command succeeded.
enum Status {
ERROR = 1;
Status status = 2;
// Additional info if command failed.
string error_message = 3;
oneof union {
CreateInspectorResponse create_inspector_response = 4;
DisposeInspectorResponse dispose_inspector_response = 5;
RawResponse raw_response = 6;
GetLibraryCompatibilityInfoResponse get_library_compatibility_response = 7;
// An event is initiated from device, informing the UI it should probably update.
message AppInspectionEvent {
// Uniquely identifies the inspector that sent this event.
// Used by studio to route to appropriate event handler.
string inspector_id = 1;
oneof union {
RawEvent raw_event = 2;
DisposedEvent disposed_event = 3;
// Response to CreateInspectorCommand.
message CreateInspectorResponse {
// This specifies the cause of the error when response status is |ERROR|.
enum Status {
// Generic error encountered in AppInspectionService. Encapsulates failures
// that do not necessitate a separate type in this enum.
// The targeted library does not meet the version requirements of this
// inspector.
// The targeted library is not found in the app.
// The target app is proguarded, library inspectors can't safely run.
Status status = 1;
// Response to DisposeInspectorCommand.
message DisposeInspectorResponse {
message LibraryCompatibilityInfo {
enum Status {
Status status = 1;
ArtifactCoordinate target_library = 2;
string version = 3;
string error_message = 4;
message GetLibraryCompatibilityInfoResponse {
repeated LibraryCompatibilityInfo responses = 1;
// Opaque response from an inspector.
message RawResponse {
oneof data {
// An opaque serialized response, inspectors themselves define serialization format
bytes content = 1;
// If specified, bytes will be fetched from a payload cache by ID
int64 payload_id = 2;
// Opaque event from an inspector.
message RawEvent {
oneof data {
// An opaque serialized event, inspectors themselves define serialization format
bytes content = 1;
// If specified, bytes will be fetched from a payload cache by ID
int64 payload_id = 2;
// Sent when an inspector is disposed due to any reason
message DisposedEvent {
// option message about the cause of the disposal (ie: cause of a crash)
string error_message = 1;