blob: a343174933f3d01e360241576750cb6d823e030d [file] [log] [blame]
# Options applied to all Bazel invocations in the workspace.
# This file is imported by the os-specific rc files.
# Those are included by the bazel wrapper scripts (bazel and bazel.cmd)
# Platform specific config automatically applies --config=(linux|macos|windows)
common --enable_platform_specific_config
common:linux --repo_env=ANDROID_NDK_HOME=prebuilts/studio/sdk/linux/ndk/20.1.5948944
common:macos --repo_env=ANDROID_NDK_HOME=prebuilts/studio/sdk/darwin/ndk/20.1.5948944
common:windows --repo_env=ANDROID_NDK_HOME=prebuilts/studio/sdk/windows/ndk/20.1.5948944
# Remote Build Execution requires a strong hash function, such as SHA256.
startup --host_jvm_args=-Dbazel.DigestFunction=SHA256
# Enforces UTF-8 encoding in bazel tests.
test --test_env='LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8'
test --jvmopt='-Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8'
test --jvmopt='-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8'
test --jvmopt='-Xmx4G'
test --jvmopt='-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC'
test --verbose_failures
# Local runs require longer timeouts.
test:local --test_timeout=120,600,1800,7200
# Don't use JUnit from Bazel.
test --explicit_java_test_deps
# Tests depend on not having a real user name, but bazel now returns the
# real one. This flag keeps the old behavior of not having a home directory.
test --sandbox_fake_username
test --sandbox_tmpfs_path=/tmp
test:ignored --jvmopt=-Dignored.tests.only=true
# Attach aspects for validation of targets
test --aspects=tools/base/bazel/validations/timeout.bzl%no_eternal_tests
test --aspects=tools/base/bazel/validations/flaky.bzl%limit_flaky_tests
test --aspects=tools/base/bazel/validations/py2.bzl%no_py2_targets
# Generates a ${TARGET}.datasize.txt output which shows the size of data
# dependencies for each target. See the aspect definition for more.
build:datasize_aspect --aspects=tools/base/bazel/validations/size.bzl%data_size
build:datasize_aspect --output_groups=+data_size
build --incompatible_strict_action_env # Ensures actions don't pick up env changes
build --sandbox_tmpfs_path=/tmp
build --javacopt="-g:source,lines,vars" # Keep debug info
# TODO (b/141269926): this generates a warning on windows when building for host,
# but is required when building for android.
build --copt=-fvisibility=hidden
build --define=grpc_no_ares=true
# Forwards the system $SHELL environment variable so remote execution of bazel
# finds make in the ndk-build script (see b/72179674).
build --test_env=SHELL
# Use prebuilt JDK when doing local bazel build/test
build --host_javabase=//prebuilts/studio/jdk:jdk11_runtime
build --javabase=//prebuilts/studio/jdk:jdk11_runtime
build --host_java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:legacy_toolchain
build --java_toolchain=@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:legacy_toolchain
# Use prebuilt native toolchain
build --crosstool_top=@native_toolchain//:toolchain
# cpp sandbox is very slow on mac and linux
build --strategy=CppCompile=local
build --strategy=CppLink=local
build --strategy=CcStrip=local
build --stripopt=--strip-unneeded
# lnzipper expects workspace filesystem state (i.e. symlinks) which may not
# be the same when run inside a sandbox or remotely.
build --strategy=lnzipper=local
# Do not register auto-generated cpp toolchains
# default android native abis
build --fat_apk_cpu=x86,x86_64,armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8a
## Options to make bazel less memory/cpu intensive.
## Recommended to use with rcache config to avoid building outputs already
## present in the remote cache.
build:nice --worker_max_instances=1
build:nice --jobs=HOST_CPUS*.5
build:release -c opt
build:release --strip=always
build:release --define release=true
## Base RBE configuration
build:_remote_base --bes_timeout=60s
build:_remote_base --auth_scope=
build:_remote_base --project_id=908081808034
build:_remote_base --google_default_credentials
build:_remote_base --remote_instance_name=projects/
# Building runfile trees is unnecessary, unless executing binaries in bazel-bin/ manually (use 'bazel run' instead)
# See:
build:_remote_base --nobuild_runfile_links
# Input file attribute affects the output of zipper. It should always run
# locally (b/198297058#comment42)
build:_remote_base --strategy=zipper=local
## Base config to upload build results to ResultStore.
build:_resultstore --bes_results_url=
## Enables ResultStore, but does not use the remote cache.
## This is useful for sharing bazel invocations using the ResultStore link.
build:resultstore --config=_remote_base
build:resultstore --config=_resultstore
build:resultstore --noremote_upload_local_results
build:resultstore --noremote_accept_cached
## Base config for using the remote cache.
## This avoids building things which were already built by CI.
build:_rcache --config=_remote_base
build:_rcache --config=release
build:_rcache --noremote_upload_local_results
# remote_local_fallback allows bazel to continue if there are
# network connectivity failures (e.g., offline)
build:_rcache --remote_local_fallback
# NOWAIT_FOR_UPLOAD_COMPLETE speeds up bazel slightly by returning when the
# build is complete, not when BES upload finishes.
# This improves offline use cases as well, otherwise bazel does not complete
# until the BES upload times out (10 seconds).
build:_rcache --bes_upload_mode=NOWAIT_FOR_UPLOAD_COMPLETE
## Enables the remote cache, and uploading results to ResultStore.
## This config should be commonly used to avoid building outputs that
## already exist in the cache. Uploading to ResultStore is important
## because it lets build results be easily shared in case of failure.
build:rcache --config=_rcache
build:rcache --config=_resultstore
## Enables the remote cache, but without ResultStore.
build:rcache_no_resultstore --config=_rcache
## Enables remote execution so actions are performed on the remote systems.
build:remote --config=_remote_base
build:remote --config=_resultstore
# Mimics the release config to report accurate performance numbers in tests.
build:remote --config=release
build:remote --remote_timeout=3600
build:remote --strategy=CppCompile=remote
build:remote --strategy=CppLink=remote
build:remote --show_timestamps
## Enables dynamic scheduling. This will run some actions locally
## as well as remotely, choosing whichever finishes first.
build:dynamic --config=remote
build:dynamic --internal_spawn_scheduler
build:dynamic --strategy=Javac=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=kotlinc=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=formc=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=singlejar=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=MergedZip=dynamic
# Configure auxiliary java mnemonics to run dynamically
build:dynamic --strategy=JavaIjar=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=JavaDeployJar=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=JavaSourceJar=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=Turbine=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=JavacTurbine=dynamic
# Studio build actions, see b/171900265 for details
build:dynamic --strategy=zipmerger=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=chkplugin=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=stamper=dynamic
build:dynamic --strategy=PythonZipper=dynamic
# We want to use persistent workers, if supported (Javac, kotlinc, formc)
build:dynamic --dynamic_local_strategy=worker,sandboxed,local
# Increase worker visibility in case there are issues.
build:dynamic --worker_verbose
# Prevents b/156952249. Android Build (buildbot) kills bazel between builds,
# so there is no need to keep workers alive after the build.
build:dynamic --worker_quit_after_build
# Disables verbose failures to avoid triggering --materialize_param_files, see
# b/160150358#comment30
build:dynamic --noverbose_failures
# Multiplex workers are not sandboxed, and are not ready to be used with
# dynamic scheduling.
build:dynamic --noexperimental_worker_multiplex