blob: 9bcb2b19ca91f961c331e508130a56bf642422b6 [file] [log] [blame]
- Fix issue with artifact depending on android.jar artifact on MavenCentral.
- Fix issue with missing custom namespace declaration in generated manifest.
- Fix issue with validation of permission group in manifest merger.
- Updated IDE model, requires Studio 0.6
- New Manifest merger is now the default merger.
- lots of fixes
- added ability to add custom placeholders for merger.
- Replaced the various DSL properties used to define the "package
name" with an "application ID", to decouple the persistent ID of the
application from the implementation package used to contain for
example the R and BuildConfig classes.
packageName => applicationId
packageNameSuffix => applicationIdSuffix
testPackageName => testApplicationId
testedPackageName => testedApplicationId
- min/targetSdkVersion on ProductFlavor is now a ApiVersion which contains both an integer and a string.
- DSL impact: cannot use setter: flavor {minSdkVersion = 9}, must use method: flavor { minSdkVersion 9}, due to a groovy limitation preventing overloaded setters.
- Moved files and folders around in the buildDir for better IDE integration.
- Generated APK can now be published. Same configuration as libraries with defaultPublishConfig and publishNonDefault flags.
- More fixes on the Manifest merger, including better handling of minSdkVersion.
- More lint fixes.
- Fixed incremental dex support (still needs to be enabled)
- fixed some issues with the new manifest merger. Please keep sending us feedback.
- fixed issue with uninstall task.
- lots of lint fixes and new checks. For instance you can use lint to enforce resource prefix in your library.
- New manifest merger
- test code coverage support with Jacoco
- Pre-dex cache (in rootProject/build). Shared across modules and variants
- Exploded aar are extracted in a single location (under rootProject/build) to share across all modules using it.
- Upgraded to Proguard 4.11. Fixed incremental issues.
- Fixed incremental issues with aidl files.
- Aapt-based PNG processor is now default again while we investigate some issues with the old one.
- flavorGroups have been renamed flavorDimensions and the DSL has been updated. The old DSL is still available until 1.0 at which time it'll be removed.
- It's now possible to include a file when there's a conflict during packaging:
android.packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'META-INF/foo.txt'
- New PNG processor.
* Should be much faster when processing many files
* Fix issue where crunched png are bigger than original file
* To revert to the old cruncher: android.aaptOptions.useAaptPngCruncher = true
- The plugin now enforces that all library dependencies have a unique package name.
To disable this you can use android.enforceUniquePackageName = false
WARNING: The ability to disable enforcement will disappear in 1.0
- Fixes:
* Generated POM files now have the proper dependencies even if the pom object is manipulated in build.gradle
* libraryVariant API now gives access to the list of flavors.
* fixed issue where changes to the manifests of libraries didn't trigger a new manifest merge.
* BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME is always generated even if the value is not set in the current variant.
* BuildConfig is now package in the library. This requires that all your libraries have a unique package name.
If you are disabling enforcement of package name, then you should disable packaging of BuildConfig with:
android.packageBuildConfig = false
WARNING: the ability to disable packaging will disappear in 1.0
- Compatible with Gradle 1.10 and 1.11
* DSL for Library Projects is now the same as for app projects, meaning you can create more Build Types, as well as ProductFlavors.
* instrumentTest (both default folders and DSL objects) renamed androidTest
- In preparation for a final variant publishing mechanism, flavors in Libraries can be published alongside the default configuration.
The default publishing configuration is configured with
Default Value is "release", but can be changed to be the name of any variant.
To enable publication all the variants, use:
android.publishNonDefault = true
To use from another project:
compile project(path: ':project', configuration: 'flavor1Debug')
See 'FlavoredLib' sample.
Note that this does not really solve the issue with library being published with 'release' mode always. This is because you would have to manually
specify which variant you want to reference in each of the configuration of the app project. A better mechanism will come later.
- Ability to skip some variants. Create a closure to control which variants should be created.
android.variantFilter { variant ->
The object passed to the closure implements the following methods:
public void setIgnore(boolean ignore);
public ProductFlavor getDefaultConfig();
public BuildType getBuildType();
public List<ProductFlavor> getFlavors();
To skip a variant, call setIgnore(false)
- Library dependency scopes are now 'provided', 'compile', 'publish'.
The 'publish' and 'apk' configurations don't extend 'compile' anymore but the composite configurations are still properly setup.
- Fix issue where variant specific source folders where not used for java compilation.
- Fix for some Renderscript support mode compatibility issues. Requires Build Tools 19.0.3
- Lots of misc fixes.
- Fix Studio integration regression.
- Fix incremental issue with build config fields and generated res values.
- Added the ability to create resource values through the DSL.
You can now use 'resValue <type>,<name>,<value>' on build types and product flavors
the same way you can use buildConfigField.
- Fixed package renaming in activity-alias:targetActivity
- Variant API improvements:
* packageName returns the variant's package name
* versionCode returns the (app/test) variant's versionCode
* versionName returns the (app/test/) variant's versionName. Can return null.
- Support for Gradle 1.10
- Requires Build-Tools 19.0.0+
- Fixed issue 64302: Add renderscript support mode jar to the dependencies in the IDE model.
- Fixed issue 64094: buildConfigField can now replace previous values inside the same type/flavors.
- Add support for NDK prebuilts in library projects.
- Parallelize pre-dexing to speed up clean builds.
- Incremental dexing re-enabled (though it'll be automatically disabled in some builds for some cases that dx doesn't support yet.)
- Added 'provided' dependency scope for compile only (not packaged) dependencies.
Additional scope per buildtype and flavors are also available (debugProvided, myFlavorProvided,etc...)
- Fix NDK on windows.
- Variant API improvements:
* getPreBuild() returns the prebuild task for the variant
* getSourceSets() returns the sorted sourcesets for the task, from lower to higher priority
* createZipAlignTask(String taskName, File inputFile, File outputFile)
This creates and return a new zipalign task. Useful if you have a custom plugin providing custom signing of APKs.
This also makes the assemble task depend on the new zipalign task, and wires variant.getOutputFile() to return the result of the zipalign task.
* now receives a Configuration object to pass the dependencies to the IDE. See artifactApi sample.
- New "lintVital" task, run automatically as part of assembling release variants, which checks only fatal-severity issues
- Replace Java parser in lint with ECJ; much faster and fixes bug where lint could hang on certain source constructs
- Lint HTML report now writes links to source files and images as URLs relative to the report location
- Rebuild 0.7.2 to work with Java6
- Fix issue with Proguard.
- Add packagingOptions support in Library projects.
- Solve issue with local jar when testing library projects.
- Fix bug with variant.addJavaSourceFoldersToModel
- Add jniLibs folder to source sets for prebuilt .so files.
- Lint fixes:
* fix RTL detector
* fix HTML report to have valid HTML
- DSL to exclude some files coming from jar dependencies
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
- Requires Gradle 1.9
- You can now have a variant specific source folder if you have flavors.
Only for app (not library or test). Name is src/flavorDebug/... or src/flavor1Flavor2Debug/
(note the camelcase naming, with lower case for first letter).
Its components (res, manifest, etc...) have higher priority than components from build type
or flavors.
There is also a "flavor combination" source folder available when more than one
flavor dimension is used.
For instance src/flavor1Flavor2/
Note that this is for all combinations of *all* dimensions.
- Build config improvements and DSL changes.
The previous DSL proprety:
buildConfigLine "<value>"
has changed to
buildConfigField "<type>", "<name>", "<value>"
You can only add a single field at a time.
This allows override a field (see 'basic' sample)
Also, BuildConfig now automatically contains constants for
PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION_CODE, VERSION_NAME, BUILD_TYPE, FLAVOR as well as FLAVOR_<group> if there are several flavor dimensions.
- Switch to ProGuard 4.10
- Added ability to test proguarded (obfuscated) apps.
- New option on product Flavor (and defaultConfig) allow filtering of resources through the -c option of aapt
You can pass single or multiple values through the DSL. All values from the default config and flavors get combined and passed to aapt.
The DSL is
resConfig "en"
resConfigs "nodpi","hdpi"
- Jar files are now pre-dexed for faster dexing.
Incremental dexing is disabled by default as it can lead to increased dex file size.
- First pass at NDK integration. See the samples.
- API to add new generated source folders:
variant.addJavaSourceFoldersToModel(sourceFolder1, sourceFolders2,...)
This adds the source folder to the model (for IDE support).
Another API:
variant.registerJavaGeneratingTask(task, sourceFolder1, sourceFolders2,...)
This automatically adds the dependency on the task, sets up the JavaCompile task inputs and propagates
the folders to the model for IDE integration.
See sample 'genFolderApi'
- API to add extra artifacts on variants. This will allow to register Java or Android artifacts, for instance
for alternative test artifacts.
See sample 'artifactApi' for the API (sample is not meant to be used, it's for testing).
- Revamped lint integration. Lint is now run as part of the check task, and will analyze all variants and then
merge the results and create a report which lists which variants each error applies to (unless an error
applies to all variants). You can also run lint on a specific variant, e.g. lintDebug or lintFreeRelease.
Lint will no longer report errors in AAR libraries. This version of the plugin also picks up some new lint
A new DSL allows configuration of lint from build.gradle. This is read and used in Studio
- Fixed issue with parentActivityName when handling different package name in the manifest merger.
- Allow files inside META-INF/ from jars to be packaged in the APK.
- Disabled incremental dx mode as it can lead to broken dex files.
- Fixed ClassNotFoundException:MergingException introduced in 0.6.2
- Lint now picks up the SDK home from sdk.dir in
- Error message shown when using an unsupported version of Gradle now explains how to update the Gradle wrapper
- Merged resource files no longer place their source markers into the R file as comments
- Project path can contain '--' (two dashes)
- Internal changes to improve integration with Android Studio
- Fixed issues with lint task found in 0.6.0
- Enabled support for Gradle 1.8
- Gradle 1.8 is now the minimum supported version
- Default encoding for compiling Java code is UTF-8
- Users can now specify the encoding to use to compile Java code
- Fixed Gradle 1.8-specific bugs
- Importing projects with missing dependencies was broken
- Compiling projects with AIDL files was broken
- Proguard support for libraries.
Note the current DSL property 'proguardFiles' for library now sets the proguard rule file used when proguarding the library code.
The new property 'consumerProguardFiles' is used to package a rule file inside an aar.
- Improved IDE support, including loading project with broken dependencies and anchor task to generate Java code
- New hook tasks: preBuild and prebuild<VariantName>
- First lint integration. This is a work in progress and therefore the lint task is not added to the check task.
- Enable compatibility with 1.8
- Enabled support for 1.7
- Fix issue preventing to use Build Tools 18.0.1
- access to the variants container don't force creating the task.
This means android.[application|Library|Test]Variants will be empty
during the evaluation phase. To use it, use .all instead of .each
- Only package a library's own resources in its aar.
- Fix incremental issues in the resource merger.
- Misc bug fixes.
- Fixed incremental compilation issue with declare-styleable
- Fixed a crashing bug in PrepareDependenciesTask
- Better error reporting for cmd line tools, especially
if run in parallel in spawned threads
- Fixed an issue due to windows path in merged resource files.
- Fixed issue in the dependency checker.
- IDE Model is changed and is not compatible with earlier version! A new IDE
will required.
- Fixed IDE model to contain the output file even if it's customized
through the DSL. Also fixed the DSL to get/set the output file on the
variant object so that it's not necessary to use variant.packageApplication
or variant.zipAlign
- Fixed dependency resolution so that we resolved the combination of (default config,
build types, flavor(s)) together instead of separately.
- Fixed dependency for tests of library project to properly include all the dependencies
of the library itself.
- Fixed case where two dependencies have the same leaf name.
- Fixed issue where proguard rules file cannot be applied on flavors.
- Enabled crunching for all png files, not just .9.png
- Fixed dealing with non resource files in res/ and assets/
- Fixed crash when doing incremental aidl compilation due to broken method name (ah the joy of Groovy...)
- Cleaned older R classes when the app package name has changed.
* Fixed incremental support for resource merging.
* Fixed issue where all pngs would be processed in parallel with no limit
on the number of thread used, leading to failure to run aapt.
* Fixed ignoreAsset support in aaptOptions
* Added more logging on failure to merge manifests.
* Added flavor names to the TestServer API.
* Renamed 'package' scope to 'apk'
- variants are 'debugApk', 'releaseApk', 'flavor1Apk', etc...
- Now properly supported at build to allow package-only dependencies.
* Only Jar dependencies can be package-only. Library projects must be added to the compile scope.
* Fixed [application|library|test]Variants API (always returned empty on 0.4)
* Fixed issue in Proguard where it would complain about duplicate Manifests.
* System requirements:
- Gradle 1.6+
- Android Build Tools 16.0.2+
* Rename deviceCheck into connectedDevice
* API for 3rd party Device Providers and Test Servers to run and deploy tests. API is @Beta
* Support for ProGuard 4.9
- enable with BuildType.runProguard
- add proguard config files with BuiltType.proguardFile or ProductFlavor.proguardFile
- default proguard files accessible through android.getDefaultProguardFile(name) with name
being 'proguard-android.txt' or 'proguard-android-optimize.txt'
* Implements Gradle 1.6 custom model for IDE Tooling support
* Fixes:
- Fix support for subfolders in assets/
- Fix cases where Android Libraries have local Jars dependencies
- Fix renaming of package through DSL to ensure resources are compiled in the new namespace
- Fix DSL to add getSourceSets on the "android" extension.
- DSL to query variants has changed to applicationVariants and libraryVariants (depending on the plugin)
Also both plugin have testVariants (tests are not included in the default collection).
* System requirements:
- Gradle 1.3+ (tested on 1.3/1.4)
- Android Platform Tools 16.0.2+
* New Features:
- Renderscript support.
- Support for multi resource folders. See 'multires' sample.
* PNG crunch is now done incrementally and in parallel.
- Support for multi asset folders.
- Support for asset folders in Library Projects.
- Support for versionName suffix provided by the BuildType.
- Testing
* Default sourceset for tests now src/instrumentTest (instrumentTest<Name> for flavors)
* Instrumentation tests now:
- started from "deviceCheck" instead of "check"
- run on all connected devices in parallel.
- break the build if any test fails.
- generate an HTML report for each flavor/project, but also aggregated.
* New plugin 'android-reporting' to aggregate android test results across projects. See 'flavorlib' sample.
- Improved DSL:
* replaced with android.compileSdkVersion to make it less confusing with targetSdkVersion
* signing information now a SigningConfig object reusable across BuildType and ProductFlavor
* ability to relocate a full sourceSet. See 'migrated' sample.
* API to manipulate Build Variants.
* Fixes:
- Default Java compile target set to 1.6.
- Fix generation of R classes in case libraries share same package name as the app project.
* Fixed support for windows.
* Added support for customized sourceset. (
* Added support for dependency per configuration.
* Fixed support for dependency on local jar files.
* New samples "migrated" and "flavorlib"
0.1: initial release