blob: 8b02d19ca1a99c8a146fd02f75f041491643915d [file] [log] [blame]
def _fileset_impl(ctx):
srcs = depset(order = "postorder", transitive = [src.files for src in ctx.attr.srcs])
remap = {}
for a, b in ctx.attr.maps.items():
remap[ctx.label.relative(a)] = b
cmd = ""
for f in ctx.files.srcs:
# Use the label of file, which is more reliable than fiddling with paths.
# If f is not a source file, then the rule that generates f may have
# a different name.
label = f.owner if f.is_source else f.owner.relative(f.basename)
if label in remap:
dest = remap[label]
fd = ctx.actions.declare_file(dest)
cmd += "mkdir -p " + fd.dirname + "\n"
cmd += "cp -f '" + f.path + "' '" + fd.path + "'\n"
script = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "")
ctx.actions.write(output = script, content = cmd)
# Execute the command
inputs = (
ctx.files.srcs +
outputs = ctx.outputs.outs,
mnemonic = "fileset",
command = "set -e; sh " + script.path,
use_default_shell_env = True,
_fileset = rule(
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"maps": attr.string_dict(
mandatory = True,
allow_empty = False,
"outs": attr.output_list(
mandatory = True,
allow_empty = False,
executable = False,
implementation = _fileset_impl,
def fileset(name, srcs = [], mappings = {}, tags = [], **kwargs):
outs = []
maps = {}
rem = []
for src in srcs:
done = False
for prefix, destination in mappings.items():
if src.startswith(prefix):
f = destination + src[len(prefix):]
maps[src] = f
outs += [f]
done = True
if not done:
rem += [src]
if outs:
name = name + ".map",
srcs = srcs,
maps = maps,
outs = outs,
tags = tags,
name = name,
srcs = outs + rem,
tags = tags,
# Usage:
# java_jarjar(
# name = <the name of the rule. The output of the rule will be ${name}.jar.
# srcs = <a list of all the jars to jarjar and include into the output jar>
# rules = <the rule file to apply>
# )
# TODO: This rule is using anarres jarjar which doesn't produce stable zips (timestamps)
# jarjar is available in bazel but the current version is old and uses ASM4, so no Java8
# will migrate to it when it's fixed.
def java_jarjar(name, rules, srcs = [], visibility = None):
name = "java_jarjar_" + name,
srcs = srcs + [rules],
outs = [name + ".jar"],
tools = ["//tools/base/bazel:jarjar"],
cmd = ("$(location //tools/base/bazel:jarjar) --rules " +
"$(location " + rules + ") " +
" ".join(["$(location " + src + ")" for src in srcs]) + " " +
"--output '$@'"),
visibility = visibility,
name = name,
jars = [name + ".jar"],
visibility = visibility,
def merged_properties(name, srcs, mappings, visibility = None):
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
outs = [name + ".properties"],
tools = ["//tools/base/bazel:properties_merger"],
visibility = visibility,
cmd = ("$(location //tools/base/bazel:properties_merger) " +
" ".join(["--mapping " + m for m in mappings]) + " " +
" ".join(["--input $(location " + src + ") " for src in srcs]) + " " +
"--output '$@'"),
def srcjar(name, java_library, visibility = None):
implicit_jar = ":lib" + java_library[1:] + "-src.jar"
name = name,
srcs = [implicit_jar],
outs = [java_library[1:] + ".srcjar"],
visibility = visibility,
cmd = "cp $(location " + implicit_jar + ") $@",
def _flat_archive_impl(ctx):
inputs = []
zipper_args = ["c", ctx.outputs.out.path]
for dep, target in ctx.attr.deps.items():
file = dep.files.to_list()[0]
name = "%s/%s=%s" % (target, file.basename, file.path)
inputs += [file]
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
arguments = zipper_args,
progress_message = "Creating archive...",
mnemonic = "archiver",
flat_archive = rule(
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
allow_empty = False,
allow_files = True,
"ext": attr.string(default = "jar"),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
outputs = {"out": "%{name}.%{ext}"},
implementation = _flat_archive_impl,
def _dir_archive_impl(ctx):
zipper_args = ["c", ctx.outputs.out.path]
prefix = ctx.attr.dir
for file in ctx.files.files:
if not file.short_path.startswith(prefix):
fail(file.short_path + "is not in " + prefix)
zipper_args.append("{}={}".format(file.short_path[len(prefix) + 1:], file.path))
inputs = ctx.files.files,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
executable = ctx.executable._zipper,
arguments = zipper_args,
progress_message = "Creating archive...",
mnemonic = "archiver",
dir_archive = rule(
attrs = {
"files": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"dir": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"ext": attr.string(default = "zip"),
"_zipper": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
outputs = {"out": "%{name}.%{ext}"},
implementation = _dir_archive_impl,
def _replace_manifest_iml(ctx):
java_runtime = ctx.attr._jdk[java_common.JavaRuntimeInfo]
jar_path = "%s/bin/jar" % java_runtime.java_home
inputs = [ctx.file.original_jar, ctx.file.manifest] + ctx.files._jdk,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.output_jar],
command = "cp {input} {output}; {jar} ufm {output} {manifest}".format(
input = ctx.file.original_jar.path,
output = ctx.outputs.output_jar.path,
jar = jar_path,
manifest = ctx.file.manifest.path,
replace_manifest = rule(
attrs = {
"_jdk": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime"),
providers = [java_common.JavaRuntimeInfo],
"original_jar": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"manifest": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
outputs = {"output_jar": "%{name}.jar"},
fragments = ["java"],
implementation = _replace_manifest_iml,