blob: 4ed4ab1ceea150cbf8c876bc8b279348b90fd499 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Properties;
* Wraps some common {@link File} operations on files and folders.
* <p/>
* This makes it possible to override/mock/stub some file operations in unit tests.
public interface IFileOp {
* Helper to delete a file or a directory.
* For a directory, recursively deletes all of its content.
* Files that cannot be deleted right away are marked for deletion on exit.
* It's ok for the file or folder to not exist at all.
* The argument can be null.
void deleteFileOrFolder(@NonNull File fileOrFolder);
* Sets the executable Unix permission (+x) on a file or folder.
* <p/>
* This attempts to use File#setExecutable through reflection if
* it's available.
* If this is not available, this invokes a chmod exec instead,
* so there is no guarantee of it being fast.
* <p/>
* Caller must make sure to not invoke this under Windows.
* @param file The file to set permissions on.
* @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
void setExecutablePermission(@NonNull File file) throws IOException;
* Sets the file or directory as read-only.
* @param file The file or directory to set permissions on.
void setReadOnly(@NonNull File file);
* Copies a binary file.
* @param source the source file to copy.
* @param dest the destination file to write.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the source file doesn't exist.
* @throws IOException if there's a problem reading or writing the file.
void copyFile(@NonNull File source, @NonNull File dest) throws IOException;
* Checks whether 2 binary files are the same.
* @param file1 the source file to copy
* @param file2 the destination file to write
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the source files don't exist.
* @throws IOException if there's a problem reading the files.
boolean isSameFile(@NonNull File file1, @NonNull File file2)
throws IOException;
/** Invokes {@link File#exists()} on the given {@code file}. */
boolean exists(@NonNull File file);
/** Invokes {@link File#isFile()} on the given {@code file}. */
boolean isFile(@NonNull File file);
/** Invokes {@link File#isDirectory()} on the given {@code file}. */
boolean isDirectory(@NonNull File file);
/** Invokes {@link File#length()} on the given {@code file}. */
long length(@NonNull File file);
* Invokes {@link File#delete()} on the given {@code file}.
* Note: for a recursive folder version, consider {@link #deleteFileOrFolder(File)}.
boolean delete(@NonNull File file);
/** Invokes {@link File#mkdirs()} on the given {@code file}. */
boolean mkdirs(@NonNull File file);
* Invokes {@link File#listFiles()} on the given {@code file}.
* Contrary to the Java API, this returns an empty array instead of null when the
* directory does not exist.
File[] listFiles(@NonNull File file);
/** Invokes {@link File#renameTo(File)} on the given files. */
boolean renameTo(@NonNull File oldDir, @NonNull File newDir);
/** Creates a new {@link OutputStream} for the given {@code file}. */
OutputStream newFileOutputStream(@NonNull File file)
throws FileNotFoundException;
/** Creates a new {@link InputStream} for the given {@code file}. */
InputStream newFileInputStream(@NonNull File file)
throws FileNotFoundException;
* Load {@link Properties} from a file. Returns an empty property set on error.
* @param file A non-null file to load from. File may not exist.
* @return A new {@link Properties} with the properties loaded from the file,
* or an empty property set in case of error.
Properties loadProperties(@NonNull File file);
* Saves (write, store) the given {@link Properties} into the given {@link File}.
* @param file A non-null file to write to.
* @param props The properties to write.
* @param comments A non-null description of the properly list, written in the file.
* @throws IOException if the write operation failed.
void saveProperties(
@NonNull File file,
@NonNull Properties props,
@NonNull String comments) throws IOException;
* Returns the lastModified attribute of the file.
* @see File#lastModified()
* @param file The non-null file of which to retrieve the lastModified attribute.
* @return The last-modified attribute of the file, in milliseconds since The Epoch.
long lastModified(@NonNull File file);