blob: 3e26892ea7c996ed1ef8205954d167efeadd8592 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package profiler.proto;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "Transport";
import "commands.proto";
import "common.proto";
service TransportService {
// Gets current timestamp that used in the device's data.
// A client may use this API to relate data' timestamps to other
// clocks such as the desktop's calendar time.
rpc GetCurrentTime(TimeRequest) returns (TimeResponse) {}
// Gets version.
rpc GetVersion(VersionRequest) returns (VersionResponse) {}
// Query for cached byte data associated with some ID. Other services may
// return an ID which can be used to fetch data using this central cache.
rpc GetBytes(BytesRequest) returns (BytesResponse) {}
// Studio-side only: gets the currently connected devices.
// TODO: replace with command in the new pipeline.
// TODO: expand with timing information for historical requests.
rpc GetDevices(GetDevicesRequest) returns (GetDevicesResponse) {}
// Studio-side only: get the running processes of a given device
// TODO: replace with command in the new pipeline.
rpc GetProcesses(GetProcessesRequest) returns (GetProcessesResponse) {}
// Query for whether the agent is alive.
// TODO: replace with command in the new pipeline.
rpc GetAgentStatus(AgentStatusRequest) returns (AgentData) {}
// Executes a |Command| on the daemon.
rpc Execute(ExecuteRequest) returns (ExecuteResponse) {}
// Streams events as they are being generated by the app or the perfd daemon.
// This API is most useful for getting all profiling data regardless of any
// filtering, for example, from a device.
rpc GetEvents(GetEventsRequest) returns (stream Event) {}
// Gets all the event groups (events that share the same group_id) that
// intersect the range [|from_timestamp|, |to_timestamp|]. If the paramter
// |end| is used, an event_group will be considered "open" until such an event
// shows up. For example if we have a "SESSION_STARTED" at time 1, and the
// range requested is [2,3], and the |end| field is set to SESSEND_SESSION",
// then the event group will be considered opened, and this intersecting the
// range.
rpc GetEventGroups(GetEventGroupsRequest) returns (GetEventGroupsResponse) {}
// Studio-side only - delete events in the database that match the request's
// parameters.
rpc DeleteEvents(DeleteEventsRequest) returns (DeleteEventsResponse) {}
message TimeRequest {
int64 stream_id = 1;
message TimeResponse {
// What's used as timestamps in all profiler data (unless otherwise
// specified). (a.k.a: Timestamp from clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ...), ns
// precision.)
int64 timestamp_ns = 1;
// The number of microseconds since the Epoch.
// (a.k.a: Timestamp from gettimeofday, us precision.)
int64 epoch_timestamp_us = 2;
message VersionRequest {
int64 stream_id = 1;
message VersionResponse {
string version = 1;
message BytesRequest {
int64 stream_id = 1;
// ID for fetching contents from a cache. The value will always be safe to use
// as a filename, if you want to cache the contents locally to disk for
// example.
string id = 2;
message BytesResponse {
// Byte contents from a cache, or "" if no data was found associated with the
// cache key used to fetch it, or if the data was removed after some timeout.
bytes contents = 1;
message GetDevicesRequest {}
message GetDevicesResponse {
repeated Device device = 1;
message GetProcessesRequest {
int64 device_id = 1;
message GetProcessesResponse {
repeated Process process = 2;
message AgentStatusRequest {
int64 device_id = 1;
int32 pid = 2;
message ExecuteRequest {
Command command = 1;
message ExecuteResponse {
// Command id as generated by the pipeline when Execute(...) is called.
int32 command_id = 1;
message GetEventsRequest {}
// Every field in this message serves the purpose of filtering if it is set.
// When multiple fields are set, all filtering conditions must be met so an
// event group can be returned.
// The default value of a proto type (e.g., 0 for int64) is not considered
// valid. For instance, 0 is not a valid session ID.
message GetEventGroupsRequest {
// An event is returned if |stream_id| matches.
int64 stream_id = 1;
// An event is returned if |pid| matches.
int32 pid = 2;
// An event is returned if |kind| matches.
Event.Kind kind = 3;
// An event is returned if |group_id| matches.
int64 group_id = 4;
// An event is returned if |command_id| matches.
int32 command_id = 5;
// When |from_timestamp| and/or |to_timestamp| are set, an event group is
// returned including the events during with the range, also including the
// last event before |from_timestamp| and the first one after |to_timestamp|
// in each group.
int64 from_timestamp = 6; // inclusive
int64 to_timestamp = 7; // inclusive
message GetEventGroupsResponse {
repeated EventGroup groups = 1;
message DeleteEventsRequest {
int64 stream_id = 1;
int32 pid = 2;
int64 group_id = 3;
Event.Kind kind = 4;
// Include events from timestamp (inclusive)
int64 from_timestamp = 5;
// Include events to timestamp (inclusive)
int64 to_timestamp = 6;
message DeleteEventsResponse {
// An event group is a collection of events that share the same group_id.
// The events in a group should have the same |session_id| and |kind|.
message EventGroup {
int64 group_id = 1;
repeated Event events = 2;
// Proto used for configuring the daemon.
// The message itself is created and pushed to device from Studio
// and can be access via profiler::Config::Instance().
message DaemonConfig {
message CpuConfig {
// Waiting time in Seconds for ART when stopping the ongoing ART profiling.
int32 art_stop_timeout_sec = 1;
// equivalent to StudioFlags.PROFILER_USE_PERFETTO
bool use_perfetto = 2 [deprecated = true];
message LayoutInspectorConfig {
bool autoconnect_enabled = 1;
CommonConfig common = 1;
CpuConfig cpu = 2;
LayoutInspectorConfig layout_inspector_config = 3;