blob: ac3f1c5a55d7714c21ca113ef062f6e3e4a78727 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//tools/adt/idea/studio:studio.bzl", "studio_data")
load("//tools/base/bazel:android.bzl", "dex_library")
load("//tools/base/bazel:kotlin.bzl", "kotlin_library")
load("//tools/base/bazel:maven.bzl", "maven_import")
load("//tools/base/bazel:merge_archives.bzl", "merge_jars")
load("//tools/base/bazel:proto.bzl", "ProtoPackageInfo", "android_java_proto_library", "java_proto_library")
load("//tools/base/bazel:utils.bzl", "java_jarjar")
def _impl(ctx):
args = [ctx.file.jar.path] + [ctx.attr.proto_file_name + ":" + ctx.outputs.out.path]
# Action to call the script.
inputs = [ctx.file.jar],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
arguments = args,
progress_message = "unzipping into %s" % ctx.outputs.out.short_path,
executable = ctx.executable._unzip_tool,
return ProtoPackageInfo(
proto_src = [ctx.outputs.out],
proto_path = ctx.outputs.out.dirname,
_unpack_app_inspection_proto = rule(
implementation = _impl,
attrs = {
"jar": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"proto_file_name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
"_unzip_tool": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
allow_files = True,
default = Label("//tools/base/bazel:unzipper"),
# rule that unpack and compile proto from a prebuilt artifact provided by androidx
def app_inspection_proto(name, jar, proto_file_name, visibility = None):
unpack_name = name + "-proto"
name = unpack_name,
proto_file_name = proto_file_name,
jar = jar,
out = proto_file_name,
visibility = visibility,
name = name + "-nojarjar",
srcs = [":" + unpack_name],
grpc_support = True,
visibility = visibility,
name = name,
srcs = [":" + unpack_name],
grpc_support = True,
visibility = visibility,
# Rule that re-exports an aar file as a jar, as a way to
# allow connecting .aar outputs with rules that require
# .jar inputs.
# In the process of re-exporting, Android specific concepts
# are discarded (e.g. resources, manifests).
# because these artifacts are not required by app inspection.
def app_inspection_aar_import(name, aar, **kwargs):
unpacked_jar = name + "_unpacked_classes.jar"
name = name + "_unpack",
srcs = [aar],
outs = [unpacked_jar],
tools = ["//tools/base/bazel:unzipper"],
cmd = "$(location //tools/base/bazel:unzipper) $< classes.jar:$@",
name = name,
jars = [unpacked_jar],
# Rule that encapsulates all of the intermediate steps in the building
# of an inspector jar.
# This macro expands into several rules named after the *name* of this rule:
# name-sources_undexed[.jar]
# name-bundled[.jar]
# name-bundled_dexed[.jar]
# name (the final rule that puts everything together)
# The resulting jar is named out.jar if out is provided. Otherwise name.jar.
# bundle_srcs represents dependencies that need to be bundled with the
# inspector (via jarjar) because they are needed during runtime.
# nojarjar_deps contains dependencies that will be included without jarjaring.
# These deps will be able to interact directly with the classes in the app or
# library code (e.g. kotlin.*, kotlinx.coroutines.*) that are renamed in the
# inspector by jarjar.
def app_inspection_jar(
bundle_srcs = [],
out = "",
d8_flags = [],
nojarjar_deps = [],
name = name + "-sources_undexed",
bundle_srcs.append(":" + name + "-sources_undexed")
name = name + "-bundled",
srcs = bundle_srcs,
rules = "//tools/base/app-inspection:jarjar_rules.txt",
name = name + "-bundled_dexed",
dexer = "D8",
flags = d8_flags,
jars = [
":" + name + "-bundled",
] + nojarjar_deps,
name = name + "_inspection_resources",
resource_strip_prefix = inspection_resource_strip_prefix,
resources = inspection_resources,
output_name = out
if (out == ""):
output_name = name
name = name,
out = output_name,
jars = [
":" + name + "-bundled_dexed",
":" + name + "_inspection_resources",