blob: da2621796b9df95cbaf9e40facc6eb2b3ea592f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.lang.Language
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.StandardFileSystems
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore
import com.intellij.psi.PsiCompiledElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiJavaFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager
import com.intellij.psi.PsiNameIdentifierOwner
import com.intellij.psi.PsiPlainTextFile
import com.intellij.psi.impl.light.LightElement
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.TreeElement
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.log10
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.pow
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.elements.KtLightIdentifier
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtAnnotationEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtLiteralStringTemplateEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtPropertyAccessor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.endOffset
import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnnotation
import org.jetbrains.uast.UCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UDeclarationsExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement
import org.jetbrains.uast.UFile
import org.jetbrains.uast.UastFacade
import org.jetbrains.uast.getContainingUFile
import org.jetbrains.uast.getIoFile
import org.jetbrains.uast.psi.UElementWithLocation
// Fully qualified names here:
// class traffics in Project from both lint and openapi so be explicit
open class DefaultUastParser(
val ideaProject: com.intellij.openapi.project.Project,
) : UastParser() {
private val javaEvaluator: JavaEvaluator
init {
javaEvaluator = createEvaluator(project, ideaProject)
protected open fun createEvaluator(
project: Project?,
p: com.intellij.openapi.project.Project,
): DefaultJavaEvaluator = DefaultJavaEvaluator(p, project!!)
* Returns an evaluator which can perform various resolution tasks, evaluate inheritance lookup
* etc.
* @return an evaluator
override val evaluator = javaEvaluator
* Parse the file pointed to by the given context.
* @param context the context pointing to the file to be parsed, typically via
* [Context.getContents] but the file handle ([Context.file]) can also be used to map to an
* existing editor buffer in the surrounding tool, etc)
* @return the compilation unit node for the file
override fun parse(context: JavaContext): UFile? {
if (context.uastFile != null) {
return context.uastFile
if (ideaProject.isDisposed) {
return null
val file = context.file
val absPath = file.absolutePath.replace(File.separatorChar, '/')
val virtualFile = StandardFileSystems.local().findFileByPath(absPath) ?: return null
val psiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(ideaProject).findFile(virtualFile) ?: return null
if (psiFile.language == Language.ANY && file.path.endsWith(DOT_KT)) {
// Expected to get Kotlin language back here!
"Could not process " +
context.project.getRelativePath(file) +
": Kotlin not configured correctly",
return null
if (psiFile is PsiPlainTextFile) { // plain text: file too large to process with PSI
if (!warnedAboutLargeFiles) {
warnedAboutLargeFiles = true
// default user file size limit = 2500 KiB
// default user content load limit = 20000 KiB
val max =
max(FileUtilRt.getUserFileSizeLimit(), FileUtilRt.getUserContentLoadLimit()) / 1024
val size = file.length() / 1024
val sizeRoundedUp = 2.0.pow(ceil(log10(size.toDouble()) / log10(2.0) + 0.2)).toInt()
issue = IssueRegistry.LINT_ERROR,
location = Location.create(file),
message =
"Source file too large for lint to process (${size}KB); the " +
"current max size is ${max}KB. You can increase the limit by " +
"setting this system property: " +
"`idea.max.intellisense.filesize=$sizeRoundedUp` (or even higher)",
return null
val skipAnnotations = context.driver.skipAnnotations
if (skipAnnotations != null && isAnnotatedWithSkipAnnotation(psiFile, skipAnnotations)) {
return null
return UastFacade.convertElementWithParent(psiFile, as? UFile
* Checks whether this [psiFile] is annotated with any of the skip annotations. We do this at the
* PSI level instead of via UAST because these annotations are typically used to avoid processing
* large and costly generated classes, so it's worthwhile skipping the UAST conversion.
protected fun isAnnotatedWithSkipAnnotation(
psiFile: PsiFile,
skipAnnotations: List<String>,
): Boolean {
if (psiFile is PsiJavaFile) {
val topLevel = psiFile.classes.firstOrNull() ?: return false
//noinspection ExternalAnnotations
return topLevel.annotations.any { skipAnnotations.contains(it.qualifiedName) }
} else if (psiFile is KtFile) {
return containsAnnotation(skipAnnotations, psiFile.annotationEntries) ||
psiFile.declarations.firstOrNull()?.annotationEntries ?: emptyList(),
return false
* Returns true if any of the given Kotlin [annotations] are any of the fully qualified [names]
protected fun containsAnnotation(
names: List<String>,
annotations: List<KtAnnotationEntry>,
): Boolean {
for (annotation in annotations) {
if (names.any { it.endsWith(annotation.shortName?.identifier ?: "?") }) {
val uAnnotation =
UastFacade.convertElement(annotation, null, as? UAnnotation
?: continue
if (names.contains(uAnnotation.qualifiedName)) {
return true
return false
* Returns a [Location] for the given element
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param element the element to create a location for
* @return a location for the given node
override fun getLocation(context: JavaContext, element: PsiElement): Location {
var range: TextRange? = null
if (!element.hasValidSourceLocation) {
if (element is LightElement) {
range = (element as PsiElement).textRange
if (range == null || TextRange.EMPTY_RANGE == range) {
val containingFile = element.containingFile
if (containingFile != null) {
val virtualFile = containingFile.virtualFile
if (virtualFile != null) {
return Location.create(VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(virtualFile))
return Location.create(context.file)
} else {
range = element.textRange
val containingFile = UastLintUtils.getContainingFile(context, element)
var file = context.file
var contents: CharSequence = context.getContents() ?: ""
if (
containingFile != null &&
!containingFile.isEquivalentTo(context.psiFile) && == context.psiFile?.name &&
// createJavaFileStub$fakeFile$1
) {
// Consider these equal
} else if (containingFile != null && containingFile != context.psiFile) {
// Reporting an error in a different file.
if (context.driver.scope.size == 1) {
// Don't bother with this error if it's in a different file during single-file analysis
return Location.NONE
val ioFile = getFile(containingFile) ?: return Location.NONE
file = ioFile
contents = getFileContents(containingFile)
if (range == null) { // e.g. light elements
if (element is LightElement) {
val parent = element.getParent()
if (parent != null) {
return getLocation(context, parent)
return Location.create(file)
return Location.create(file, contents, range.startOffset, range.endOffset).setSource(element)
private val PsiElement.hasValidSourceLocation: Boolean
get() {
if (this is PsiCompiledElement) return false
// [KtLightIdentifier] is no longer a subtype of [PsiCompiledElement] after fixing KTIJ-21412
// An identifier that can't tell its origin does not have a valid source location.
if (this is KtLightIdentifier && this.origin == null) return false
return textOffset >= 0
override fun getLocation(context: JavaContext, element: UElement): Location {
if (element is UElementWithLocation) {
val file = element.getContainingUFile() ?: return Location.NONE
val ioFile = file.getIoFile() ?: return Location.NONE
val text = file.sourcePsi.text ?: file.javaPsi?.text ?: ""
val location = Location.create(ioFile, text, element.startOffset, element.endOffset)
return location
} else {
val psiElement = element.sourcePsi
if (psiElement != null) {
return getLocation(context, psiElement).withSource(element)
// UDeclarationsExpression has a null sourcePsi.
// Handle it explicitly here, as returning the parent can produce strange results
// if that parent is, for example, a UBlockExpression.
if (element is UDeclarationsExpression) {
element.declarations.firstOrNull()?.sourcePsi?.let { firstDeclarationPsi ->
return getLocation(context, firstDeclarationPsi).withSource(element)
val parent = element.uastParent
if (parent != null) {
return getLocation(context, parent)
return Location.NONE
override fun getCallLocation(
context: JavaContext,
call: UCallExpression,
includeReceiver: Boolean,
includeArguments: Boolean,
): Location {
if (includeArguments) {
call.valueArguments.lastOrNull()?.let { lastArgument ->
val argumentsEnd = lastArgument.sourcePsi?.endOffset
val callEnds = call.sourcePsi?.endOffset
if (argumentsEnd != null && callEnds != null && argumentsEnd > callEnds) {
// The call element has arguments that are outside of its own range.
// This typically means users are making a function call using
// assignment syntax, e.g. key = value instead of setKey(value);
// here the call range is just "key" and the arguments range is "value".
// Create a range which merges these two.
val startElement = if (includeReceiver) call.receiver ?: call else call
// Work around UAST bug where the value argument list points directly to the
// string content node instead of a node containing the opening and closing
// tokens as well. We need to include the closing tags in the range as well!
val next =
(lastArgument.sourcePsi as? KtLiteralStringTemplateEntry)?.nextSibling as? TreeElement
val delta =
if (next != null && next.elementType == KtTokens.CLOSING_QUOTE) {
} else {
return getRangeLocation(context, startElement, 0, lastArgument, delta)
val receiver = call.receiver
if (!includeReceiver || receiver == null) {
if (includeArguments) {
// Method with arguments but no receiver is the default range for UCallExpressions
// modulo the scenario with arguments outside the call, handled at the beginning
// of this method
return getLocation(context, call)
// Just the method name
val methodIdentifier = call.methodIdentifier
if (methodIdentifier != null) {
return getLocation(context, methodIdentifier)
} else {
if (!includeArguments) {
val methodIdentifier = call.methodIdentifier
if (methodIdentifier != null) {
return getRangeLocation(context, receiver, 0, methodIdentifier, 0)
return getRangeLocation(context, receiver, 0, call, 0)
return getLocation(context, call)
override fun getFile(file: PsiFile): File? {
val virtualFile = file.virtualFile
return if (virtualFile != null) VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(virtualFile) else null
override fun getFileContents(file: PsiFile): CharSequence = file.text
override fun createLocation(element: PsiElement): Location {
val range = element.textRange
val containingFile = element.containingFile
val file = getFile(containingFile) ?: return Location.NONE
val contents = getFileContents(containingFile)
return Location.create(file, contents, range.startOffset, range.endOffset).setSource(element)
override fun createLocation(element: UElement): Location {
if (element is UElementWithLocation) {
val file = element.getContainingUFile() ?: return Location.NONE
val ioFile = file.getIoFile() ?: return Location.NONE
val text = file.sourcePsi.text
val location = Location.create(ioFile, text, element.startOffset, element.endOffset)
return location
} else {
val psiElement = element.sourcePsi
if (psiElement != null) {
return createLocation(psiElement).withSource(element)
val parent = element.uastParent
if (parent != null) {
return createLocation(parent)
return Location.NONE
* Returns a [Location] for the given node range (from the starting offset of the first node to
* the ending offset of the second node).
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param from the AST node to get a starting location from
* @param fromDelta Offset delta to apply to the starting offset
* @param to the AST node to get a ending location from
* @param toDelta Offset delta to apply to the ending offset
* @return a location for the given node
override fun getRangeLocation(
context: JavaContext,
from: PsiElement,
fromDelta: Int,
to: PsiElement,
toDelta: Int,
): Location {
val contents = context.getContents()
val fromRange = from.textRange
val start = max(0, fromRange.startOffset + fromDelta)
val end = min(contents?.length ?: Integer.MAX_VALUE, to.textRange.endOffset + toDelta)
if (end <= start) {
// Some AST nodes don't have proper bounds, such as empty parameter lists
return Location.create(context.file, contents, start, fromRange.endOffset).setSource(from)
return Location.create(context.file, contents, start, end).setSource(from)
private fun getTextRange(element: UElement): TextRange? {
if (element is UElementWithLocation) {
return TextRange(element.startOffset, element.endOffset)
} else {
val psiElement = element.sourcePsi
if (psiElement != null) {
return psiElement.textRange
return null
override fun getRangeLocation(
context: JavaContext,
from: UElement,
fromDelta: Int,
to: UElement,
toDelta: Int,
): Location {
var contents = context.getContents()
val fromRange = getTextRange(from)
val toRange = getTextRange(to)
if (fromRange != null && toRange != null && fromRange.startOffset > toRange.startOffset) {
// Not common, but for example for the "contains" operator whe receiver and
// argument are reversed
return getRangeLocation(context, to, toDelta, from, fromDelta)
// Make sure this element is reported in the correct file
var file = context.file
val psi = findPsi(from)
if (psi != null) {
val containingFile = psi.containingFile
contents = context.getContents()
if (containingFile != context.psiFile) {
// Reporting an error in a different file.
if (context.driver.scope.size == 1) {
// Don't bother with this error if it's in a different file during single-file analysis
return Location.NONE
val ioFile = getFile(containingFile) ?: return Location.NONE
file = ioFile
contents = getFileContents(containingFile)
if (fromRange != null && toRange != null) {
val start = max(0, fromRange.startOffset + fromDelta)
val end = min(contents?.length ?: Integer.MAX_VALUE, toRange.endOffset + toDelta)
if (end <= start) {
// Some AST nodes don't have proper bounds, such as empty parameter lists
return Location.create(file, contents, start, fromRange.endOffset).setSource(from)
return Location.create(file, contents, start, end).setSource(from)
return Location.create(file).setSource(from)
private fun findPsi(element: UElement?): PsiElement? {
var currentElement = element
while (currentElement != null) {
val psi = currentElement.sourcePsi
if (psi != null) {
return psi
currentElement = currentElement.uastParent
return null
* Like [getRangeLocation] but both offsets are relative to the starting offset of the given node.
* This is sometimes more convenient than operating relative to the ending offset when you have a
* fixed range in mind.
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param from the AST node to get a starting location from
* @param fromDelta Offset delta to apply to the starting offset
* @param toDelta Offset delta to apply to the starting offset
* @return a location for the given node
override fun getRangeLocation(
context: JavaContext,
from: PsiElement,
fromDelta: Int,
toDelta: Int,
): Location = getRangeLocation(context, from, fromDelta, from, -(from.textRange.length - toDelta))
override fun getRangeLocation(
context: JavaContext,
from: UElement,
fromDelta: Int,
toDelta: Int,
): Location {
val fromRange = getTextRange(from)
if (fromRange != null) {
return getRangeLocation(context, from, fromDelta, from, -(fromRange.length - toDelta))
return Location.create(context.file).setSource(from)
* Returns a [Location] for the given node. This attempts to pick a shorter location range than
* the entire node; for a class or method for example, it picks the name node (if found). For
* statement constructs such as a `switch` statement it will highlight the keyword, etc.
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param element the node to create a location for
* @return a location for the given node
override fun getNameLocation(context: JavaContext, element: PsiElement): Location {
var namedElement = element
val nameNode = JavaContext.findNameElement(namedElement)
if (nameNode != null) {
namedElement = nameNode
return getLocation(context, namedElement)
override fun getNameLocation(context: JavaContext, element: UElement): Location {
val sourcePsi = element.sourcePsi
if (sourcePsi is KtPropertyAccessor) {
// For properties make sure we use the property
// declaration instead of the accessor
return context.getNameLocation(
var namedElement = element
val nameNode = JavaContext.findNameElement(namedElement)
if (nameNode != null) {
namedElement = nameNode
} else if (namedElement is PsiNameIdentifierOwner) {
val nameIdentifier = namedElement.nameIdentifier
if (nameIdentifier != null) {
return getLocation(context, nameIdentifier)
return getLocation(context, namedElement)
companion object {
var warnedAboutLargeFiles = false