blob: 39147a777d17de94b91641cb94eb3fe4492b85ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting
/** Provides information about libraries from the Google Play SDK Index. */
abstract class GooglePlaySdkIndex(cacheDir: Path? = null) :
cacheExpiryHours = TimeUnit.DAYS.toHours(GOOGLE_PLAY_SDK_CACHE_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_DAYS).toInt(),
) {
companion object {
const val GOOGLE_PLAY_SDK_INDEX_SNAPSHOT_FILE = "snapshot.gz"
const val GOOGLE_PLAY_SDK_INDEX_SNAPSHOT_RESOURCE = "sdk-index-offline-snapshot.proto.gz"
const val GOOGLE_PLAY_SDK_INDEX_KEY = "sdk_index"
const val VIEW_DETAILS_MESSAGE = "View details in Google Play SDK Index"
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_UNKNOWN to "unknown",
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_ADS to "Ads",
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_DEVICE_AND_NETWORK_ABUSE to
"Device and Network Abuse",
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_DECEPTIVE_BEHAVIOR to
"Deceptive Behavior",
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_USER_DATA to "User Data",
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_PERMISSIONS to "Permissions",
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_MOBILE_UNWANTED_SOFTWARE to
"Mobile Unwanted Software",
LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy.SDK_POLICY_MALWARE to "Malware",
private lateinit var lastReadResult: ReadDataResult
private var initialized: Boolean = false
private var status: GooglePlaySdkIndexStatus = GooglePlaySdkIndexStatus.NOT_READY
private val libraryToSdk = HashMap<String, LibraryToSdk>()
* Read Index snapshot (locally if it is not old and remotely if old and network is available) and
* store results in maps for later consumption.
fun initialize() {
private fun readIndexData(readFunction: () -> InputStream?): ReadDataResult {
var readDataErrorType = ReadDataErrorType.DATA_FUNCTION_EXCEPTION
try {
val rawData = readFunction.invoke()
if (rawData != null) {
readDataErrorType = ReadDataErrorType.GZIP_EXCEPTION
val gzipData = GZIPInputStream(rawData)
readDataErrorType = ReadDataErrorType.INDEX_PARSE_EXCEPTION
val index = Index.parseFrom(gzipData)
readDataErrorType =
if (index != null) ReadDataErrorType.NO_ERROR
return ReadDataResult(index, readDataErrorType, exception = null)
} catch (exception: Exception) {
return ReadDataResult(index = null, readDataErrorType, exception)
return ReadDataResult(
index = null,
readDataErrorType = ReadDataErrorType.DATA_FUNCTION_NULL_ERROR,
exception = null,
fun initialize(overriddenData: InputStream? = null) {
synchronized(this) {
if (initialized) {
initialized = true
status = GooglePlaySdkIndexStatus.NOT_READY
var index: Index? = null
val indexDataSource: DataSourceType
// Read from cache/network
if (overriddenData != null) {
// Do not check for exceptions, calling from a test
lastReadSourceType = DataSourceType.TEST_DATA
indexDataSource = lastReadSourceType
index = Index.parseFrom(overriddenData)
} else {
lastReadResult = readIndexData { findData(GOOGLE_PLAY_SDK_INDEX_SNAPSHOT_FILE) }
if (lastReadResult.index != null) {
// Using data from cache
indexDataSource = lastReadSourceType
index = lastReadResult.index
} else {
if (lastReadSourceType != DataSourceType.DEFAULT_DATA) {
lastReadSourceType = DataSourceType.UNKNOWN_SOURCE
val offlineResult = readIndexData {
if (offlineResult.index != null) {
indexDataSource = DataSourceType.DEFAULT_DATA
index = offlineResult.index
} else {
indexDataSource = DataSourceType.UNKNOWN_SOURCE
} else {
indexDataSource = DataSourceType.UNKNOWN_SOURCE
if (index != null) {
status = GooglePlaySdkIndexStatus.READY
/** Tells if the Index is ready to be used (loaded and maps generated) */
fun isReady() = status == GooglePlaySdkIndexStatus.READY
* Does this library have policy issues?
* @param groupId: group id for library coordinates
* @param artifactId: artifact id for library coordinates
* @param versionString: version to check
* @param buildFile: build file in which this dependency is declared, for logging purposes
* @return true if the index has information about this particular version, and it has compliant
* issues.
fun isLibraryNonCompliant(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
buildFile: File?,
): Boolean {
val isNonCompliant =
getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString)?.hasPolicyIssuesInfo() ?: false
if (isNonCompliant) {
logNonCompliant(groupId, artifactId, versionString, buildFile)
return showPolicyIssues && isNonCompliant
* Is this library marked as outdated?
* @param groupId: group id for library coordinates
* @param artifactId: artifact id for library coordinates
* @param versionString: version to check
* @param buildFile: build file in which this dependency is declared, for logging purposes
* @return true if the index has information about this particular version, and it has been marked
* as outdated.
fun isLibraryOutdated(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
buildFile: File?,
): Boolean {
val isOutdated = getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString)?.hasOutdatedIssueInfo() ?: false
if (isOutdated) {
logOutdated(groupId, artifactId, versionString, buildFile)
return isOutdated
* Does this library have critical issues?
* @param groupId: group id for library coordinates
* @param artifactId: artifact id for library coordinates
* @param versionString: version to check
* @param buildFile: build file in which this dependency is declared, for logging purposes
* @return true if the index has information about this particular version, and it has critical
* issues reported by its authors.
fun hasLibraryCriticalIssues(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
buildFile: File?,
): Boolean {
val hasCriticalIssues =
getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString)?.hasCriticalIssueInfo() ?: false
if (hasCriticalIssues) {
logHasCriticalIssues(groupId, artifactId, versionString, buildFile)
return hasCriticalIssues
* Does this library have blocking issues?
* @param groupId: group id for library coordinates
* @param artifactId: artifact id for library coordinates
* @param versionString: version to check
* @return true if the index has information about this particular version, and it has been
* labeled with blocking severity.
fun hasLibraryBlockingIssues(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): Boolean {
val labels = getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString) ?: return false
val severity = labels.severity
return severity == LibraryVersionLabels.Severity.BLOCKING_SEVERITY
* Does this library have any issues that would result in an error or warning?
* @param groupId: group id for library coordinates
* @param artifactId: artifact id for library coordinates
* @param versionString: version to check
* @return true if the index has information about this particular version, and it has issues that
* will cause an error or warning. (Any blocking issue is an error, non blocking outdated or
* policy issues are warnings)
fun hasLibraryErrorOrWarning(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): Boolean {
val labels = getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString) ?: return false
return labels.severity == LibraryVersionLabels.Severity.BLOCKING_SEVERITY ||
labels.hasOutdatedIssueInfo() ||
* Get URL for the SDK associated to this library
* @param groupId: group id for library coordinates
* @param artifactId: artifact id for library coordinates
* @return the associated URL or null if there is none or flag for links to SDK is not enabled
fun getSdkUrl(groupId: String, artifactId: String): String? {
if (!isReady()) {
return null
val sdk = getSdk(groupId, artifactId) ?: return null
return sdk.sdk.indexUrl
private fun getLabels(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): LibraryVersionLabels? {
if (!isReady()) {
return null
val libraryVersion = getLibraryVersion(groupId, artifactId, versionString) ?: return null
return libraryVersion.versionLabels
private fun getLibraryVersion(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): LibraryVersion? {
val coordinate = createCoordinateString(groupId, artifactId)
val sdk = libraryToSdk[coordinate] ?: return null
return sdk.getVersion(versionString)
private fun getSdk(groupId: String, artifactId: String): LibraryToSdk? {
val coordinate = createCoordinateString(groupId, artifactId)
return libraryToSdk[coordinate]
private fun setMaps(index: Index) {
val sdkList = index.sdksList
for (sdk in sdkList) {
for (library in sdk.librariesList) {
val coordinate =
val currentLibrary = LibraryToSdk(coordinate, sdk)
for (version in library.versionsList) {
currentLibrary.addLibraryVersion(version.versionString, version)
libraryToSdk[currentLibrary.libraryId] = currentLibrary
private fun createCoordinateString(groupId: String, artifactId: String) = "$groupId:$artifactId"
private enum class GooglePlaySdkIndexStatus {
private class LibraryToSdk(val libraryId: String, val sdk: Sdk) {
private val versionToLibraryVersion = HashMap<String, LibraryVersion>()
private var latestVersion: String? = null
fun addLibraryVersion(versionString: String, libraryVersion: LibraryVersion) {
versionToLibraryVersion[versionString] = libraryVersion
if (libraryVersion.isLatestVersion) {
latestVersion = versionString
fun getVersion(versionString: String): LibraryVersion? {
return versionToLibraryVersion[versionString]
override fun readDefaultData(relative: String): InputStream? {
// This function is called only if there were errors while reading the cached data, log that
// error if the previous source was known
if (lastReadSourceType != DataSourceType.UNKNOWN_SOURCE) {
// Log reason for not being able to use cached file
logCachingError(lastReadResult, lastReadSourceType)
// We only have a single file, return it no matter what relative string is used
return GooglePlaySdkIndex::class
* Generates a LintFix that opens a browser to the given library.
* @param groupId: group id for library coordinates
* @param artifactId: artifact id for library coordinates
* @param versionString: version of the library (only used for logging)
* @param buildFile: build file where this library is being used
* @return a link to the SDK url this library belongs to if the index has information about it
open fun generateSdkLinkLintFix(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
buildFile: File?,
): LintFix? {
val url = getSdkUrl(groupId, artifactId)
return if (url.isNullOrBlank()) null else LintFix.ShowUrl(VIEW_DETAILS_MESSAGE, null, url)
/** Generate a message for a library that has blocking policy issues */
fun generateBlockingPolicyMessages(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): List<String> {
val recommendedVersions = getPolicyRecommendedVersions(groupId, artifactId, versionString)
return getPolicyLabels(getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString)).map { label ->
"[Prevents app release in Google Play Console] $groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has $label issues that will block publishing of your app to Play Console$recommendedVersions"
/** Generate a message for a library that has policy issues */
fun generatePolicyMessages(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): List<String> {
val recommendedVersions = getPolicyRecommendedVersions(groupId, artifactId, versionString)
return getPolicyLabels(getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString)).map { label ->
"$groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has $label issues that will block publishing of your app to Play Console in the future$recommendedVersions"
/** Generate a message for a library that has blocking critical issues */
fun generateBlockingCriticalMessage(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): String {
val note = getNoteFromDeveloper(groupId, artifactId, versionString)
return "[Prevents app release in Google Play Console] $groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has been reported as problematic by its author and will block publishing of your app to Play Console$note"
/** Generate a message for a library that has non-blocking critical issues */
fun generateCriticalMessage(groupId: String, artifactId: String, versionString: String): String {
val note = getNoteFromDeveloper(groupId, artifactId, versionString)
return "$groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has an associated message from its author$note"
/** Generate a message for a library that has blocking outdated issues */
fun generateBlockingOutdatedMessage(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): String {
val recommendedVersions = getOutdatedRecommendedVersions(groupId, artifactId, versionString)
return "[Prevents app release in Google Play Console] $groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has been reported as outdated by its author and will block publishing of your app to Play Console$recommendedVersions"
/** Generate a message for a library that has non-blocking outdated issues */
fun generateOutdatedMessage(groupId: String, artifactId: String, versionString: String): String {
val recommendedVersions = getOutdatedRecommendedVersions(groupId, artifactId, versionString)
return "$groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has been reported as outdated by its author$recommendedVersions"
/** Generate a message for a library that has blocking issues */
fun generateBlockingGenericIssueMessage(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
) =
"$groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has one or more issues that will block publishing of your app to Play Console"
/** Generate a message for a library that has non-blocking issues */
fun generateGenericIssueMessage(groupId: String, artifactId: String, versionString: String) =
"$groupId:$artifactId version $versionString has one or more issues that could block publishing of your app to Play Console in the future"
protected open fun logHasCriticalIssues(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
file: File?,
) {}
protected open fun logNonCompliant(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
file: File?,
) {}
protected open fun logOutdated(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
file: File?,
) {}
protected open fun logCachingError(readResult: ReadDataResult, dataSourceType: DataSourceType) {}
protected open fun logErrorInDefaultData(readResult: ReadDataResult) {}
protected open fun logIndexLoadedCorrectly(dataSourceType: DataSourceType) {}
protected enum class ReadDataErrorType {
// Function used to get the data caused an exception
// Function used to get the data returned null
// There was an exception while decompressing the raw data
// Exception while parsing decompressed data
// Resulted Index was null after parsing
protected class ReadDataResult(
val index: Index?,
val readDataErrorType: ReadDataErrorType,
val exception: Exception?,
@VisibleForTesting fun getLastReadSource() = lastReadSourceType
private fun getPolicyLabels(labels: LibraryVersionLabels?): List<String> {
val defaultLabel = "policy"
val policyViolations = extractPolicyViolations(labels)
val result = mutableListOf<String>()
var hasUnknown = false
for (violation in policyViolations) {
if (POLICY_TYPE_TO_TEXT.containsKey(violation)) {
result.add("${POLICY_TYPE_TO_TEXT[violation]} policy")
} else {
hasUnknown = true
if (hasUnknown || result.isEmpty()) {
return result
private fun extractPolicyViolations(
labels: LibraryVersionLabels?
): Set<LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy> {
val result = mutableSetOf<LibraryVersionLabels.PolicyIssuesInfo.SdkPolicy>()
if (labels == null || !labels.hasPolicyIssuesInfo()) {
return result
val types = labels.policyIssuesInfo.violatedSdkPoliciesList
if (types != null) {
return result
private fun getNoteFromDeveloper(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): String {
val labels = getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString) ?: return ""
val criticalIssue = labels.criticalIssueInfo ?: return ""
val message = criticalIssue.description
if (message.isNullOrBlank()) return ""
return ". Note: $message"
private fun getOutdatedRecommendedVersions(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): String {
val labels = getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString) ?: return ""
val outdatedIssue = labels.outdatedIssueInfo ?: return ""
return generateRecommendedList(outdatedIssue.recommendedVersionsList)
private fun getPolicyRecommendedVersions(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
versionString: String,
): String {
val labels = getLabels(groupId, artifactId, versionString) ?: return ""
val policyIssue = labels.policyIssuesInfo ?: return ""
return generateRecommendedList(policyIssue.recommendedVersionsList)
private fun generateRecommendedList(listOfVersions: List<LibraryVersionRange?>?): String {
val ranges =
(listOfVersions ?: return "").filterNotNull().joinToString("\n") { range ->
if (range.upperBound.isNullOrBlank()) {
" - ${range.lowerBound} or higher"
} else if (range.upperBound != range.lowerBound) {
" - From ${range.lowerBound} to ${range.upperBound}"
} else {
" - ${range.lowerBound}"
if (ranges.isEmpty()) return ""
return ".\nThe library author recommends using versions:\n$ranges\n" +
"These versions have not been reviewed by Google Play. They could contain vulnerabilities or policy violations. " +
"Carefully evaluate any third-party SDKs before integrating them into your app."