blob: 5ab2e450f50c0ebc7133974329d8acf1939bbb72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Type of component.
* Each plugin will produce a main component (variant) with multiple nested components within the
* variant.
* For example, the library plugin produces a main variant of type [ComponentTypeImpl.LIBRARY] and
* might have attached components of type [ComponentTypeImpl.UNIT_TEST],
* [ComponentTypeImpl.ANDROID_TEST] and [ComponentTypeImpl.TEST_FIXTURES].
interface ComponentType {
* Returns true is the variant outputs an AAR.
val isAar: Boolean
* Returns true is the variant outputs an APK.
val isApk: Boolean
* Returns true if the variant is a base module. This is only true if it can have features.
* If the variant can never have feature (TEST modules for instance), then this is false.
val isBaseModule: Boolean
* Returns true if the variant is a dynamic feature i.e. an optional apk.
val isDynamicFeature: Boolean
* Returns true if the variant publishes artifacts to meta-data.
val publishToMetadata: Boolean
* Returns true if the variant publishes artifacts to external repositories.
val publishToRepository: Boolean
* Returns true if the variant publishes artifacts to other modules
val publishToOtherModules: Boolean
* Returns true if this is a nested component in the module (either a test component or
* a testFixtures component).
val isNestedComponent: Boolean
* Returns true if this is the test component of the module.
val isTestComponent: Boolean
* Returns true if this is a test fixtures component of the module.
val isTestFixturesComponent: Boolean
* Returns true if this is a separate test module.
val isSeparateTestProject: Boolean
* Returns true if the variant is a test variant, whether this is the test component of a module
* (testing the prod component of the same module) or a separate test-only module.
val isForTesting: Boolean
* Returns true if the component is a ScreenshotTest component of the module.
val isForScreenshotPreview: Boolean
* Returns true if the variant has test components
val hasTestComponents: Boolean
* Returns prefix used for naming source directories. This is an empty string in
* case of non-testing variants and a camel case string otherwise, e.g. "androidTest".
val prefix: String
* Returns suffix used for naming Gradle tasks. This is an empty string in
* case of non-testing variants and a camel case string otherwise, e.g. "AndroidTest".
val suffix: String
* Whether the artifact type supports only a single build type.
val isSingleBuildType: Boolean
* Returns the name used in the builder model for artifacts that correspond to this variant
* type.
val artifactName: String
* Returns the artifact type used in the builder model.
val artifactType: Int
* Whether the artifact type should export the data binding class list.
val isExportDataBindingClassList: Boolean
* Returns the corresponding variant type used by the analytics system.
val analyticsVariantType: GradleBuildVariant.VariantType
* Whether the manifest file is required to exist.
val requiresManifest: Boolean
val name: String
companion object {
const val ANDROID_TEST_PREFIX = "androidTest"
const val ANDROID_TEST_SUFFIX = "AndroidTest"
const val UNIT_TEST_PREFIX = "test"
const val UNIT_TEST_SUFFIX = "UnitTest"
const val TEST_FIXTURES_PREFIX = "testFixtures"
const val TEST_FIXTURES_SUFFIX = "TestFixtures"
const val SCREENSHOT_TEST_PREFIX = "screenshotTest"
const val SCREENSHOT_TEST_SUFFIX = "ScreenshotTest"
val testComponents: ImmutableList<ComponentType>
get() {
val result = ImmutableList.builder<ComponentType>()
for (componentType in ComponentTypeImpl.values()) {
if (componentType.isTestComponent) {
enum class ComponentTypeImpl(
override val isAar: Boolean = false,
override val isApk: Boolean = false,
override val isBaseModule: Boolean = false,
override val isDynamicFeature: Boolean = false,
override val publishToMetadata: Boolean = false,
override val publishToRepository: Boolean = false,
override val publishToOtherModules: Boolean = false,
override val isTestFixturesComponent: Boolean = false,
override val isForTesting: Boolean = false,
override val isForScreenshotPreview: Boolean = false,
override val isSeparateTestProject: Boolean = false,
override val prefix: String,
override val suffix: String,
override val isSingleBuildType: Boolean = false,
override val artifactName: String,
override val artifactType: Int,
override val isExportDataBindingClassList: Boolean = false,
override val analyticsVariantType: GradleBuildVariant.VariantType,
): ComponentType {
isApk = true,
isBaseModule = true,
publishToRepository = true,
publishToOtherModules = true,
prefix = "",
suffix = "",
artifactName = AndroidProject.ARTIFACT_MAIN,
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_ANDROID,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.APPLICATION,
isApk = true,
isDynamicFeature = true,
publishToMetadata = true,
publishToOtherModules = true,
prefix = "",
suffix = "",
artifactName = AndroidProject.ARTIFACT_MAIN,
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_ANDROID,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.OPTIONAL_APK
isAar = true,
publishToRepository = true,
publishToOtherModules = true,
prefix = "",
suffix = "",
artifactName = AndroidProject.ARTIFACT_MAIN,
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_ANDROID,
isExportDataBindingClassList = true,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.LIBRARY
isApk = true,
isForTesting = true,
isSeparateTestProject = true,
prefix = "",
suffix = "",
artifactName = AndroidProject.ARTIFACT_MAIN,
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_ANDROID,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.TEST_APK),
prefix = "",
suffix = "",
artifactName = AndroidProject.ARTIFACT_MAIN,
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_JAVA,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.JAVA_LIBRARY),
isApk = true,
isForTesting = true,
prefix = ComponentType.ANDROID_TEST_PREFIX,
suffix = ComponentType.ANDROID_TEST_SUFFIX,
isSingleBuildType = true,
artifactName = "_android_test_",
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_ANDROID,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.ANDROID_TEST),
isForTesting = true,
prefix = ComponentType.UNIT_TEST_PREFIX,
suffix = ComponentType.UNIT_TEST_SUFFIX,
isSingleBuildType = true,
artifactName = "_unit_test_",
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_JAVA,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.UNIT_TEST),
isForTesting = true,
isForScreenshotPreview = true,
prefix = ComponentType.SCREENSHOT_TEST_PREFIX,
suffix = ComponentType.SCREENSHOT_TEST_SUFFIX,
isSingleBuildType = true,
artifactName = "_screenshot_test_",
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_JAVA,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.SCREENSHOT_TEST),
isAar = true,
prefix = ComponentType.TEST_FIXTURES_PREFIX,
suffix = ComponentType.TEST_FIXTURES_SUFFIX,
isTestFixturesComponent = true,
publishToOtherModules = true,
publishToRepository = true,
artifactName = AndroidProject.ARTIFACT_TEST_FIXTURES,
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_ANDROID,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.TEST_FIXTURES
isAar = true,
publishToRepository = true,
publishToOtherModules = true,
prefix = "",
suffix = "",
artifactName = AndroidProject.ARTIFACT_MAIN,
artifactType = ArtifactMetaData.TYPE_ANDROID,
analyticsVariantType = GradleBuildVariant.VariantType.KOTLIN_MULTIPLATFORM_ANDROID_LIBRARY,
override val isTestComponent: Boolean
get() = isForTesting && this != TEST_APK
override val hasTestComponents: Boolean
get() = !isForTesting && !isTestFixturesComponent
override val requiresManifest: Boolean
get() = !isForTesting && !isTestFixturesComponent
override val isNestedComponent: Boolean
get() = isTestComponent || isTestFixturesComponent