blob: 57115c0cff1aa81b5aec7430166dd6d7f1463e90 [file] [log] [blame]
[Hook Scripts]
control-file-changes = python ${REPO_ROOT}/tools/repohooks/tools/ --changed-files ${PREUPLOAD_FILES} --allowed-files Android.bp BUILD.bazel NOTICE android.sdktools.apkzlib.iml build.gradle PREUPLOAD.cfg --reason="source of truth of apkzlib is in google3. All changes to apkzlib should be done to google3 and they will be automatically merged to gerrit apkzlib. In case of emergency you can use --no-verify flag to skip presubmit and make changes directly to gerrit apkzlib. Please, keep in mind to revert you changes and pass them through the google3 workflow after the end of emergency. For more information about how to submit your change to google3 go to go/apkzlib-readme"