blob: 0a55b1aad71594de0becf451a6dc139425916866 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
* ZIP Local File record.
* <p>The record consists of the Local File Header, file data, and (if present) Data Descriptor.
public class LocalFileRecord {
private static final int RECORD_SIGNATURE = 0x04034b50;
private static final int HEADER_SIZE_BYTES = 30;
private static final int GP_FLAGS_OFFSET = 6;
private static final int CRC32_OFFSET = 14;
private static final int COMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET = 18;
private static final int UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET = 22;
private static final int NAME_LENGTH_OFFSET = 26;
private static final int EXTRA_LENGTH_OFFSET = 28;
private static final int NAME_OFFSET = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES;
private static final int DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE = 0x08074b50;
private final String mName;
private final int mNameSizeBytes;
private final ByteBuffer mExtra;
private final long mStartOffsetInArchive;
private final long mSize;
private final int mDataStartOffset;
private final long mDataSize;
private final boolean mDataCompressed;
private final long mUncompressedDataSize;
private LocalFileRecord(
String name,
int nameSizeBytes,
ByteBuffer extra,
long startOffsetInArchive,
long size,
int dataStartOffset,
long dataSize,
boolean dataCompressed,
long uncompressedDataSize) {
mName = name;
mNameSizeBytes = nameSizeBytes;
mExtra = extra;
mStartOffsetInArchive = startOffsetInArchive;
mSize = size;
mDataStartOffset = dataStartOffset;
mDataSize = dataSize;
mDataCompressed = dataCompressed;
mUncompressedDataSize = uncompressedDataSize;
public String getName() {
return mName;
public ByteBuffer getExtra() {
return (mExtra.capacity() > 0) ? mExtra.slice() : mExtra;
public int getExtraFieldStartOffsetInsideRecord() {
return HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + mNameSizeBytes;
public long getStartOffsetInArchive() {
return mStartOffsetInArchive;
public int getDataStartOffsetInRecord() {
return mDataStartOffset;
* Returns the size (in bytes) of this record.
public long getSize() {
return mSize;
* Returns {@code true} if this record's file data is stored in compressed form.
public boolean isDataCompressed() {
return mDataCompressed;
* Returns the Local File record starting at the current position of the provided buffer
* and advances the buffer's position immediately past the end of the record. The record
* consists of the Local File Header, data, and (if present) Data Descriptor.
public static LocalFileRecord getRecord(
DataSource apk,
CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord,
long cdStartOffset) throws ZipFormatException, IOException {
return getRecord(
true, // obtain extra field contents
true // include Data Descriptor (if present)
* Returns the Local File record starting at the current position of the provided buffer
* and advances the buffer's position immediately past the end of the record. The record
* consists of the Local File Header, data, and (if present) Data Descriptor.
private static LocalFileRecord getRecord(
DataSource apk,
CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord,
long cdStartOffset,
boolean extraFieldContentsNeeded,
boolean dataDescriptorIncluded) throws ZipFormatException, IOException {
// IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This method attempts to mimic the behavior of Android platform
// exhibited when reading an APK for the purposes of verifying its signatures.
String entryName = cdRecord.getName();
int cdRecordEntryNameSizeBytes = cdRecord.getNameSizeBytes();
int headerSizeWithName = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + cdRecordEntryNameSizeBytes;
long headerStartOffset = cdRecord.getLocalFileHeaderOffset();
long headerEndOffset = headerStartOffset + headerSizeWithName;
if (headerEndOffset > cdStartOffset) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Local File Header of " + entryName + " extends beyond start of Central"
+ " Directory. LFH end: " + headerEndOffset
+ ", CD start: " + cdStartOffset);
ByteBuffer header;
try {
header = apk.getByteBuffer(headerStartOffset, headerSizeWithName);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to read Local File Header of " + entryName, e);
int recordSignature = header.getInt();
if (recordSignature != RECORD_SIGNATURE) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Not a Local File Header record for entry " + entryName + ". Signature: 0x"
+ Long.toHexString(recordSignature & 0xffffffffL));
short gpFlags = header.getShort(GP_FLAGS_OFFSET);
boolean dataDescriptorUsed = (gpFlags & ZipUtils.GP_FLAG_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_USED) != 0;
boolean cdDataDescriptorUsed =
(cdRecord.getGpFlags() & ZipUtils.GP_FLAG_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_USED) != 0;
if (dataDescriptorUsed != cdDataDescriptorUsed) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Data Descriptor presence mismatch between Local File Header and Central"
+ " Directory for entry " + entryName
+ ". LFH: " + dataDescriptorUsed + ", CD: " + cdDataDescriptorUsed);
long uncompressedDataCrc32FromCdRecord = cdRecord.getCrc32();
long compressedDataSizeFromCdRecord = cdRecord.getCompressedSize();
long uncompressedDataSizeFromCdRecord = cdRecord.getUncompressedSize();
if (!dataDescriptorUsed) {
long crc32 = ZipUtils.getUnsignedInt32(header, CRC32_OFFSET);
if (crc32 != uncompressedDataCrc32FromCdRecord) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"CRC-32 mismatch between Local File Header and Central Directory for entry "
+ entryName + ". LFH: " + crc32
+ ", CD: " + uncompressedDataCrc32FromCdRecord);
long compressedSize = ZipUtils.getUnsignedInt32(header, COMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET);
if (compressedSize != compressedDataSizeFromCdRecord) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Compressed size mismatch between Local File Header and Central Directory"
+ " for entry " + entryName + ". LFH: " + compressedSize
+ ", CD: " + compressedDataSizeFromCdRecord);
long uncompressedSize = ZipUtils.getUnsignedInt32(header, UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET);
if (uncompressedSize != uncompressedDataSizeFromCdRecord) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Uncompressed size mismatch between Local File Header and Central Directory"
+ " for entry " + entryName + ". LFH: " + uncompressedSize
+ ", CD: " + uncompressedDataSizeFromCdRecord);
int nameLength = ZipUtils.getUnsignedInt16(header, NAME_LENGTH_OFFSET);
if (nameLength > cdRecordEntryNameSizeBytes) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Name mismatch between Local File Header and Central Directory for entry"
+ entryName + ". LFH: " + nameLength
+ " bytes, CD: " + cdRecordEntryNameSizeBytes + " bytes");
String name = CentralDirectoryRecord.getName(header, NAME_OFFSET, nameLength);
if (!entryName.equals(name)) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Name mismatch between Local File Header and Central Directory. LFH: \""
+ name + "\", CD: \"" + entryName + "\"");
int extraLength = ZipUtils.getUnsignedInt16(header, EXTRA_LENGTH_OFFSET);
long dataStartOffset = headerStartOffset + HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + nameLength + extraLength;
long dataSize;
boolean compressed =
(cdRecord.getCompressionMethod() != ZipUtils.COMPRESSION_METHOD_STORED);
if (compressed) {
dataSize = compressedDataSizeFromCdRecord;
} else {
dataSize = uncompressedDataSizeFromCdRecord;
long dataEndOffset = dataStartOffset + dataSize;
if (dataEndOffset > cdStartOffset) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Local File Header data of " + entryName + " overlaps with Central Directory"
+ ". LFH data start: " + dataStartOffset
+ ", LFH data end: " + dataEndOffset + ", CD start: " + cdStartOffset);
ByteBuffer extra = EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
if ((extraFieldContentsNeeded) && (extraLength > 0)) {
extra = apk.getByteBuffer(
headerStartOffset + HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + nameLength, extraLength);
long recordEndOffset = dataEndOffset;
// Include the Data Descriptor (if requested and present) into the record.
if ((dataDescriptorIncluded) && ((gpFlags & ZipUtils.GP_FLAG_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_USED) != 0)) {
// The record's data is supposed to be followed by the Data Descriptor. Unfortunately,
// the descriptor's size is not known in advance because the spec lets the signature
// field (the first four bytes) be omitted. Thus, there's no 100% reliable way to tell
// how long the Data Descriptor record is. Most parsers (including Android) check
// whether the first four bytes look like Data Descriptor record signature and, if so,
// assume that it is indeed the record's signature. However, this is the wrong
// conclusion if the record's CRC-32 (next field after the signature) has the same value
// as the signature. In any case, we're doing what Android is doing.
long dataDescriptorEndOffset =
if (dataDescriptorEndOffset > cdStartOffset) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Data Descriptor of " + entryName + " overlaps with Central Directory"
+ ". Data Descriptor end: " + dataEndOffset
+ ", CD start: " + cdStartOffset);
ByteBuffer dataDescriptorPotentialSig = apk.getByteBuffer(dataEndOffset, 4);
if (dataDescriptorPotentialSig.getInt() == DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE) {
dataDescriptorEndOffset += 4;
if (dataDescriptorEndOffset > cdStartOffset) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Data Descriptor of " + entryName + " overlaps with Central Directory"
+ ". Data Descriptor end: " + dataEndOffset
+ ", CD start: " + cdStartOffset);
recordEndOffset = dataDescriptorEndOffset;
long recordSize = recordEndOffset - headerStartOffset;
int dataStartOffsetInRecord = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + nameLength + extraLength;
return new LocalFileRecord(
* Outputs this record and returns returns the number of bytes output.
public long outputRecord(DataSource sourceApk, DataSink output) throws IOException {
long size = getSize();
sourceApk.feed(getStartOffsetInArchive(), size, output);
return size;
* Outputs this record, replacing its extra field with the provided one, and returns returns the
* number of bytes output.
public long outputRecordWithModifiedExtra(
DataSource sourceApk,
ByteBuffer extra,
DataSink output) throws IOException {
long recordStartOffsetInSource = getStartOffsetInArchive();
int extraStartOffsetInRecord = getExtraFieldStartOffsetInsideRecord();
int extraSizeBytes = extra.remaining();
int headerSize = extraStartOffsetInRecord + extraSizeBytes;
ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerSize);
sourceApk.copyTo(recordStartOffsetInSource, extraStartOffsetInRecord, header);
ZipUtils.setUnsignedInt16(header, EXTRA_LENGTH_OFFSET, extraSizeBytes);
long outputByteCount = header.remaining();
long remainingRecordSize = getSize() - mDataStartOffset;
sourceApk.feed(recordStartOffsetInSource + mDataStartOffset, remainingRecordSize, output);
outputByteCount += remainingRecordSize;
return outputByteCount;
* Outputs the specified Local File Header record with its data and returns the number of bytes
* output.
public static long outputRecordWithDeflateCompressedData(
String name,
int lastModifiedTime,
int lastModifiedDate,
byte[] compressedData,
long crc32,
long uncompressedSize,
DataSink output) throws IOException {
byte[] nameBytes = name.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
int recordSize = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + nameBytes.length;
ByteBuffer result = ByteBuffer.allocate(recordSize);
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt16(result, 0x14); // Minimum version needed to extract
result.putShort(ZipUtils.GP_FLAG_EFS); // General purpose flag: UTF-8 encoded name
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt16(result, lastModifiedTime);
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt16(result, lastModifiedDate);
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt32(result, crc32);
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt32(result, compressedData.length);
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt32(result, uncompressedSize);
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt16(result, nameBytes.length);
ZipUtils.putUnsignedInt16(result, 0); // Extra field length
if (result.hasRemaining()) {
throw new RuntimeException("pos: " + result.position() + ", limit: " + result.limit());
long outputByteCount = result.remaining();
outputByteCount += compressedData.length;
output.consume(compressedData, 0, compressedData.length);
return outputByteCount;
private static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
* Sends uncompressed data of this record into the the provided data sink.
public void outputUncompressedData(
DataSource lfhSection,
DataSink sink) throws IOException, ZipFormatException {
long dataStartOffsetInArchive = mStartOffsetInArchive + mDataStartOffset;
try {
if (mDataCompressed) {
try (InflateSinkAdapter inflateAdapter = new InflateSinkAdapter(sink)) {
lfhSection.feed(dataStartOffsetInArchive, mDataSize, inflateAdapter);
long actualUncompressedSize = inflateAdapter.getOutputByteCount();
if (actualUncompressedSize != mUncompressedDataSize) {
throw new ZipFormatException(
"Unexpected size of uncompressed data of " + mName
+ ". Expected: " + mUncompressedDataSize + " bytes"
+ ", actual: " + actualUncompressedSize + " bytes");
} catch (IOException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof DataFormatException) {
throw new ZipFormatException("Data of entry " + mName + " malformed", e);
throw e;
} else {
lfhSection.feed(dataStartOffsetInArchive, mDataSize, sink);
// No need to check whether output size is as expected because DataSource.feed is
// guaranteed to output exactly the number of bytes requested.
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException(
"Failed to read data of " + ((mDataCompressed) ? "compressed" : "uncompressed")
+ " entry " + mName,
// Interestingly, Android doesn't check that uncompressed data's CRC-32 is as expected. We
// thus don't check either.
* Sends uncompressed data pointed to by the provided ZIP Central Directory (CD) record into the
* provided data sink.
public static void outputUncompressedData(
DataSource source,
CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord,
long cdStartOffsetInArchive,
DataSink sink) throws ZipFormatException, IOException {
// IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This method attempts to mimic the behavior of Android platform
// exhibited when reading an APK for the purposes of verifying its signatures.
// When verifying an APK, Android doesn't care reading the extra field or the Data
// Descriptor.
LocalFileRecord lfhRecord =
false, // don't care about the extra field
false // don't read the Data Descriptor
lfhRecord.outputUncompressedData(source, sink);
* Returns the uncompressed data pointed to by the provided ZIP Central Directory (CD) record.
public static byte[] getUncompressedData(
DataSource source,
CentralDirectoryRecord cdRecord,
long cdStartOffsetInArchive) throws ZipFormatException, IOException {
if (cdRecord.getUncompressedSize() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IOException(
cdRecord.getName() + " too large: " + cdRecord.getUncompressedSize());
byte[] result = new byte[(int) cdRecord.getUncompressedSize()];
ByteBuffer resultBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(result);
ByteBufferSink resultSink = new ByteBufferSink(resultBuf);
return result;
* {@link DataSink} which inflates received data and outputs the deflated data into the provided
* delegate sink.
private static class InflateSinkAdapter implements DataSink, Closeable {
private final DataSink mDelegate;
private Inflater mInflater = new Inflater(true);
private byte[] mOutputBuffer;
private byte[] mInputBuffer;
private long mOutputByteCount;
private boolean mClosed;
private InflateSinkAdapter(DataSink delegate) {
mDelegate = delegate;
public void consume(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
mInflater.setInput(buf, offset, length);
if (mOutputBuffer == null) {
mOutputBuffer = new byte[65536];
while (!mInflater.finished()) {
int outputChunkSize;
try {
outputChunkSize = mInflater.inflate(mOutputBuffer);
} catch (DataFormatException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to inflate data", e);
if (outputChunkSize == 0) {
mDelegate.consume(mOutputBuffer, 0, outputChunkSize);
mOutputByteCount += outputChunkSize;
public void consume(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
if (buf.hasArray()) {
consume(buf.array(), buf.arrayOffset() + buf.position(), buf.remaining());
} else {
if (mInputBuffer == null) {
mInputBuffer = new byte[65536];
while (buf.hasRemaining()) {
int chunkSize = Math.min(buf.remaining(), mInputBuffer.length);
buf.get(mInputBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
consume(mInputBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
public long getOutputByteCount() {
return mOutputByteCount;
public void close() throws IOException {
mClosed = true;
mInputBuffer = null;
mOutputBuffer = null;
if (mInflater != null) {
mInflater = null;
private void checkNotClosed() {
if (mClosed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Closed");